American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 072 You are such a jack of all trades!

(There are some changes in the plot of the previous chapter. If you find that it does not match up, you can read the previous chapter first. The reason is explained at the end of the previous chapter. The relationship between Wanda and Quicksilver adopts the shadow version, and Quicksilver is the older brother.)

Although Wanda wanted to have a peaceful life in her heart, for her now, Stark's side was the first thing she had to solve.

Being able to meet Stark proves that she more or less has a chance for revenge.

So Wanda didn’t hesitate and agreed immediately.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Wanda agreed immediately.

Quicksilver on the side seemed a little hesitant and immediately asked: "Can we really believe him?"

"He said he could take us to meet Stark. We can try to believe him." Wanda said.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, a portal opened in front of them.

On the other side of the portal is the top floor of the Stark Industries Building. At this time, Stark is studying something in his office.

Sensing the movement, Stark frowned and tentatively called out: "Luo Bai?"

The next second, Luo Bai walked over from the other side of the portal.

"Tony." Luo Bai greeted.

Seeing him, Stark breathed a sigh of relief and responded with a bit of excitement in his tone: "Hey, my friend. It's so nice to see you."

Luo Bai smiled and asked, "How are you doing lately?"

"I'm fine, but SHIELD is in chaos." Stark shrugged.

Luo Bai can understand this.

After all, Nick Fury was teleported away by him, and SHIELD will probably be in chaos for a while.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wanda and Quicksilver also walked over from the other side of the portal.

"What did you just do? What is this yellow circle?" Wanda asked.

She obviously doesn't know much about magic at the moment, so it's normal to be curious about all this.

Luo Bai smiled and explained calmly: "This is a portal, a kind of magic."

Wanda nodded and whispered: "ok."

Only then did Stark notice that in addition to Luo Bai, a strange man and woman came into the portal.

And the girl seemed to be quite familiar with Luo Bai.

This made Stark couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He whispered in Luo Bai's ear and asked: "Did you hire a 'housekeeper' again?"

"She is not a housekeeper." Luo Bai replied seriously.

Stark nodded, wondering if he had misunderstood and immediately asked: "Does Polaris know about this?"


Luo Bai couldn't understand what he heard and asked: "Why does she want to know about this?"

Stark showed an unclear smile and replied: "Are you having a good time?"


Now Luo Bai finally understood.

"Stark, you misunderstood. She is here to find you." Luo Bai said helplessly.

Looking for me? ?

Stark was stunned.

He looked at Wanda carefully, and then spoke firmly: "OK, I admit, I was a little too careless before. I also interacted with many girls, such as reporters and news anchors. Popular female stars, but I I swear I don’t know her. She is so good-looking, I will be very impressed if I meet her.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Wanda spoke angrily: "You don't need me to know me to destroy my life and my family."

Stark was stunned by what she said.

Destroy her life?

Her family?

"I'm not sure whether I know him now. Wait. Madam, your name is Wanda, right? When did I destroy your family?" Stark asked.

The next second, I heard Wanda say every word in a hateful tone: "Your missile destroyed my home."


Stark was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that she didn't explain clearly, Luo Bai quickly explained: "Tony. Do you remember why you closed Stark's weapons manufacturing warehouse before?"

Stark nodded and responded seriously: "I know."

"She was the victim of that incident," Luo Bai said.

Only then did Stark finally come to his senses.

He originally thought that Wanda might be a girlfriend or playmate he had abandoned before, coming to ask for an explanation, but it turned out that he had oversimplified the problem.

Before he could speak, Wanda spoke again: "We were ten years old at the time, and a family of four was eating dinner. A bomb hit our home. I clearly saw one word printed on the bomb, Stark."

After hearing her words, Tony, who was still thinking of joking, fell silent for a moment.

The expression on his face became serious and a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, but that wasn't my intention." Stark apologized very sincerely.

But Wanda couldn't listen at all at this moment: "Your bomb killed my parents and took away my childhood. Can you make all this disappear with just an apology?"

Stark said nothing, but the expression on his face was frustrated.

Seeing that Wanda's mood was starting to become a little unstable, Luo Bai spoke up: "I have to interrupt. Although the bomb you saw was indeed manufactured by Stark Industries, I don't think the person you should take revenge on is Stark Industries." Tucker.”

Wanda frowned, looked at Luo Bai angrily and asked: "His missiles destroyed my home, shouldn't I hate him?! You are his friend, so you are speaking for him?!"

Luo Bai shook his head and retorted: "It has nothing to do with this. Let me give you a very simple example. You tell me now that you want to protect the world, and then I taught you magic. But your blackening led to the destruction of the earth. Although I have a certain "But the culprit is you, isn't it? It's your choices that lead to the destruction of the earth, and it's you who people will hate."

After being explained in this way, Wanda suddenly seemed to understand.

But she doesn't seem to have turned the corner yet.

"But if he hadn't made the missile, how could my home be attacked by the missile?" Wanda said angrily.

Luo Bai continued to persuade: "Stark did make missiles and sold missiles. But it was war that destroyed your homeland."

Wanda didn't say anything. She seemed to be brainwashed by Luo Bai's words.

But she had hated Stark for so many years, and she was still a little unwilling to do so.

Seeing that she was shaken, Luo Bai said: "I found you at Hydra's experimental base before. You joined Hydra, right?"

"Yes." The innocent Wanda nodded and spoke righteously: "They said they would protect us and the world."

Luo Bai smiled and asked: "Then do you know what Hydra's plan is? Do you really think they want to protect you and protect the world?"

Wanda was stunned and asked puzzledly: "Isn't it?"

Luo Bai didn't say anything, but responded lightly: "If you are willing to wait, time will tell you. You have also seen that no one has any ill intentions towards you. You can use some time to prove right and wrong."

Wanda seemed moved.

Her sensitive and kind heart makes her willing to wait.

"I can wait. You promised me before that you would give me a stable and peaceful life, right?" Wanda asked.

Luo Bai nodded and said: "Yes. I originally planned to take you back to Karma Taj to learn magic. But I know that the confusion in your heart has not been completely resolved, so you should stay in my villa for now. Polaris should take care of you."

With that said, Luo Bai planned to take Wanda away.

Quicksilver on the side seemed to be planning to leave with him.

Luo Bai stopped her: "Although you are related to Wanda by blood, there is another lady in the villa, so I have no intention of taking you with me."

Quicksilver: "????"

What the hell? ?

Do you mean you want me to go wandering alone?

Before Quicksilver could speak, Wanda stood in front of him and said seriously: "He is my only relative!"

Stark on the side obviously saw Luo Bai's distress, and immediately said: "Actually, the apartment next to you is also mine. If they don't mind, let him live there."

Sure enough, some people are just willful.

"Thank you Tony, you solved a big problem for me." Luo Bai said.

Stark shook his head and said very guiltily: "This is a consequence of my own doing. Although you are right, I also have a certain responsibility. I should settle them both."

Wanda obviously agreed to letting Quicksilver live next to him as a neighbor.

Although she could understand Luo Bai's words, she couldn't say thank you to Stark yet, so she chose to remain silent.

Luo Bai didn't hesitate anymore and opened the portal to go to the villa.

In the villa, when Polar Star saw Luo Bai, he immediately stood up and shouted: "Master Luo Bai, are you back?"

"Yes Lorna, this is Wanda. You can live with her for a while in the future." Luo Bai said.

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