Stark might not believe it if others said this, but he believed Luo Bai's words 100%.

SHIELD is now full of Hydra people, and even the ministers of the Security Council are Hydra people.

Hydra is a villain organization.

Their purpose is to reshape the world according to their own wishes, so that Hydra has absolute power and control, and the people are just their slaves.

They destroy the order of the world, provoke international wars, and even control the entire human race on earth.

Such an organization not only broke into the United Nations, but also broke into S.H.I.E.L.D.? !

Thinking of this, Stark immediately said: "The Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter must not be handed over. If Hydra is allowed to possess these two artifacts, they will probably be even crazier than what Nick Fury did."

"Indeed, that's why I didn't plan to give it to them." Luo Bai said.

Stark thought for a while and then said: "But the United Nations has given you a warning. If you don't hand it over, they may take measures. Of course I know you won't care about this. But it is the United Nations after all. If If you use force, you will only cause dissatisfaction among people around the world."

Stark was worried.

If he considered it from the perspective of strength, he wouldn't worry about Luo Bai at all.

But from the perspective of international impact, he is still very worried.

Luo Bai is the Supreme Mage after all, and he has been silently protecting the earth.

He would not want to see it at all if he was designated as an international war criminal.

Thinking of this, Stark couldn't help but say: "I'm worried that the Security Council will do many excessive things."

Luo Bai also knew his worries, and he comforted Stark: "Don't worry about this, I have no intention of using violence to solve this problem."

"Then what are you going to do? Do you need my help?" Stark asked.

Luo Bai shook his head and said: "This is not needed for the time being, and I don't plan to do anything now. We can just wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Stark asked confused.

"I'll wait until Hydra can't sit still." Luo Bai said.

Now that the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Cube are in Luo Bai's hands, Hydra's human experiments cannot proceed without these two things.

They will definitely take action if they are anxious.

Once they take action, their plot is exposed.

No matter how you look at it, Luo Bai is now in an invincible position, so he is not in a hurry now.

What he was more worried about was Stark.

Judging from the current direction of the plot, Stark should encounter some trouble later.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai persuaded seriously: "You don't have to worry too much about Hydra for the time being. I think you should worry about your own affairs first."

"Me?" Stark asked with some confusion: "Are you talking about Wanda? I know, of course I know that I have done many things wrong in the past. I will do my best to protect the earth in the future."

Luo Bai shook his head and said seriously: "I'm not talking about Wanda, but Killian."

"Killian? What is this?" Stark asked with some confusion.

Luo Bai replied seriously: "Your future enemy."

Stark was visibly stunned for a moment.

He knew that Luo Bai had the ability to predict the future. The two were friends, so Luo Bai gave him advice.

But since he is his enemy, he has to deal with it himself.

"OK. I know, I know I may face many enemies in the future, but it doesn't matter, I will become stronger. You don't have to worry about me, I can solve it myself." Stark said.

Luo Bai guessed that given his character, he would definitely choose to solve his own problems, so Luo Bai didn't say anything more.

"Okay, I have to leave. I have to go back and make the suit now." Stark said.

He took two steps forward and then stepped back.

"Is there anything else, Tony?" Lobai asked.

Stark hesitated, and after thinking for a moment, he finally spoke: "I actually don't want to trouble you, but Loki's appearance made me realize that the earth may face greater dangers in the future. If in the future, I mean if One day I'm gone, can you help me take care of Boz?"


Little pepper?

Luo Bai smiled and responded: "There will never be that time when you forget that you promised to learn magic from me."

A smile appeared on Stark's face: "Okay, Mage Supreme."

After saying that, Stark left.

After he left, Wanda, who heard the conversation between the two, said, "You seem to have a good relationship with Stark."

"It's true. He is one of my few friends. And he has indeed helped me a lot." Luo Bai responded frankly.

"What do you think of others?" Wanda asked after thinking about it.

Luo Bai thought for a while and responded: "He is very good, but no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes."

Wanda said nothing, but changed the subject and asked: "What is this book?"

"Basic theory of magic. It explains the origin and types of magic. For you now, it is necessary to understand these first." Luo Bai gave a rough explanation.

Wanda nodded, and then continued to ask: "Where do I live?"

"Ask Polaris about this. She should be more familiar with it than me." Luo Bai said.

Polaris immediately returned to the room and put down the book, and then said to Wanda: "I will take you to get to know this place first, and you can choose a room you like."

"Yeah." Wanda nodded and left with Polaris.

Now Wanda seems a little silent, as if she hasn't fully integrated into the life here.

But with Polaris around, she is not worried. After all, the two of them should have a lot of common topics.

With this thought, Luo Bai returned to the New York Temple and began to study the Infinity Stones.

After studying in the dark dimension for a while, he realized one thing.

That is, Xithorn has been giving him power. Xithorn seems to want to drag Luo Bai into the darkness with the powerful dark power.

Even if Luo Bai wants to stop, Xithorn seems to have determined that he is forcing power on him.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing.

Xithorn seems to regard Luo Bai as a medium for him to return to Earth, and he really wants Luo Bai's soul.

So Luo Bai needs to continue to strengthen his mental power and soul.

After studying the stones for a while, Luo Bai started his multiverse journey again.

Since he decided to absorb more energy from the depths of the multiverse this time, he chose to take his body with him.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct.

By constantly traveling between universes, he absorbed a lot of energy and unlocked a lot of knowledge.

As far as Luo Bai knows, the universe he is in is roughly Earthh-1h-1h-688B.

And there are many universes that he doesn't know.

Of course, Luo Bai can't land on the earth in each universe to take a look.

After all, the risk of doing so is too great.

I don't know how long he has been traveling like this. Luo Bai feels that his spirit and energy are almost reaching the limit, so he plans to return.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly heard a sound that resounded through the universe.

Then a huge dark unknown object rushed towards him.

Luo Bai subconsciously wanted to block it, but the speed of the unknown object was too fast.

Before he could react, it rushed directly into Luo Bai's body.

When Luo Bai reacted, the unknown object had already merged with Luo Bai.

Then a huge sense of hunger instantly enveloped Luo Bai's whole body, accompanied by huge energy and unprecedented knowledge.

Luo Bai was stunned instantly.


The thing that just went in is... the power of the fairy!!!

Wasn't this thing sealed? It came out again? !

And chose me as its host? ?

So I have arrived at the Earth-1298 universe now? ?

No... I am just here for a trip.

Why are you forcing me here?

I am so... hungry... ! !

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