American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 081 Can you lift my hammer?

Thor never thought that the person he had been looking for for three days to steal his hammer was actually Luo Bai!!

He originally had some good feelings for Luo Bai.

After all, there are not many people who can make Loki lose face, but his brother has never had a good time with Luo Bai.

Thinking that his brother now frowns when he hears the name "Luo Bai" and keeps muttering that he is "weird", Thor is so happy in his heart, and his impression of Luo Bai has improved a lot.

As a result... As a result... Luo Bai is the guy who stole his hammer before! ?

In an instant, the expression on Thor's face changed, becoming serious and serious.

To be honest, Thor was very angry at this time.

But at the same time he was more surprised.

He was silent for a full 2 ​​minutes, and then asked in disbelief: "Can you lift my hammer?"

You know, not everyone can lift Thor's hammer.

Before this, no one except Thor and Odin could lift his hammer.

When Thor was exiled, Odin cast a spell on his hammer.

This also means that only those who meet the requirements of the spell are qualified to lift Thor's hammer.

But when Luo Bai took the hammer, Odin hadn't cast the spell yet.

So at that time, it stands to reason that no one except Thor could lift Thor's hammer.

But it can't be said that it is 100% impossible to lift it, after all, Odin lifted it.

As long as it is a magic weapon, there is a way to lift it.

What's more, Luo Bai is also shrouded in the aura of luck. Who knows what BUFF the god of luck gave him to let him lift Thor's hammer.

But Thor didn't know that Luo Bai had a "lucky aura", so he asked in surprise.

The next second, he heard Luo Bai's answer: "I think... I can indeed lift your hammer."

Thor: "???"

His eyes were full of disbelief.

"Impossible!! Only I can lift this hammer!!" Thor said firmly.

But on second thought, his hammer was indeed taken away for a while.

This made Thor suddenly a little unconfident again.

"Give me another one!" Thor said, handing Thor's hammer to Luo Bai.

Luo Bai didn't say anything, just took Thor's hammer.

Well, he took it very easily.

So easily that Thor's eyes changed.

That expression... was exactly the same as Odin's expression when he found out that the Spear of Eternity recognized Luo Bai as its master.

Shocked with... disbelief.

The next second, Thor muttered: "No!!! Impossible!! How is this possible!!!"

Seeing him like this, it always felt like the sky was falling.

Luo Bai was a little embarrassed, handed Thor's hammer to Thor and then explained: "Actually, I didn't mean to take your hammer at the beginning. At that time, I had just learned magic, and my understanding of the magic of fetching objects was not very good, so there was a deviation. This was really an accident."

He tried to comfort Thor's injured young heart, but Thor didn't seem to be comforted at all.

He just kept muttering: "It's impossible, I should be the only one who can lift it."

He glanced at the God of Thunder, then threw it out and summoned it back.

It seems that he even doubted whether his hammer would be replaced.

Seeing that Thor was now depressed about the hammer and had no time to care about him, Luo Bai immediately prepared to leave: "Thor, I'm leaving first. Your father is still waiting for me."

But Thor ignored him, just frowned and continued to mutter: "How could Luo Bai lift this hammer? Logically, no one can lift it, what's going on."

Seeing that he ignored him, Luo Bai turned around and ran away.

When Thor came to his senses, Luo Bai was gone.

"Luo Bai! Come back! Lift it again for me! It shouldn't be! Why!!!" Thor shouted.

But at this time, Luo Bai had already arrived at the main hall of Asgard.

In the familiar main hall, Odin still sat on the throne.

He was wearing golden God King armor and looked older than the last time they met.

"God King." Luo Bai was very polite and took the lead in greeting.

Odin nodded, and his expression was a bit kind: "You are here."

"Is there something you asked Thor to find me for?" Luo Bai asked.

Odin did not answer, but just asked: "Gungnir, are you used to it?"

"I haven't used it much yet. Such a divine weapon is usually hard to use on Earth." Luo Bai replied with a smile.

Odin nodded.

At this time, there was no ripple on his face, and it seemed that he had accepted the fact that Gungnir had left.

"That is a very powerful weapon. It has accompanied me for a long time. Wherever it goes, gods and demons are in awe. I believe that with your ability, you will make the most of Gungnir." Odin sighed.

Luo Bai nodded, smiled and agreed: "That is indeed a great weapon."

After talking about Gungnir, Odin finally returned to the topic.

"I didn't want to disturb you. Kamar-Taj and Asgard had no contact for a long time. The Supreme Sorcerer, Ancient One and I each performed our duties and jointly protected the areas we protected. It's just that things have been a little different since you took office." Odin said.

Luo Bai asked curiously: "What's the difference?"

Odin frowned, and his expression looked very confused.

It seemed that he didn't know how to bring up this matter.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "Supreme Sorcerer, have you heard of Ragnarok?"


Luo Bai thought for a moment and nodded in response: "I have heard of it."

When mentioning Ragnarok, Odin looked very tired.

He sighed and slowly said: "I once drank the water of the Fountain of Wisdom and exchanged one of my eyes for infinite wisdom and the ability to predict the future. I predicted Ragnarok and also predicted that Thor would end Ragnarok. But recently, I have added you to my predictions."

I was added to the predictions? ?

Luo Bai was a little confused. He obviously didn't understand what Odin meant.

"I don't understand what you said very well." Luo Bai said.

"I don't understand it either. But wisdom tells me that you will be the key to Ragnarok." Odin said.

Luo Bai frowned.

Before he could speak, Odin continued: "Gungnir was made of the World Tree. It will choose you, perhaps because of this."

After that, Odin raised his hand and pointed to the Agamotto on Luo Bai's neck and asked: "If you use it, can the Time Stone see your own future?"

"No." Luo Bai answered truthfully.

It's strange to say.

Luo Bai tried it when he got the Time Stone. He planned to use the Time Stone to look at the future timeline.

But then he found that there was almost no record of him in the future timeline.

No wonder Ancient One said before that he couldn't see his future.

Because there was no record in the Time Stone at all!

"That's right." Just thinking about it, Odin suddenly realized and said: "My guess is right. You are not from this world, so you are not recorded in the timeline. But you stayed in this world, and Ancient One also chose you to become the Supreme Sorcerer. This proves that your appearance has become the center of the universe."

"The center of the universe? What do you mean?" Luo Bai asked.

Odin thought for a moment and gave his answer: "The fate of everyone in the entire universe is arranged, so the Time Stone can see almost everyone's future, except you."

"You should be able to travel to the multiverse. When you go, you will find that there may be another Stark or other people on Earth in the multiverse. But you are the only one, and there will be no second you in the multiverse. So you are the only human who can choose and change your own destiny."

"You will be the key to Ragnarok, because you may end Ragnarok, but you may also create Ragnarok. All this comes from your own choice."

Now Luo Bai understood.

Yes, he traveled through time.

This proves that he did not exist in this universe, so of course there could be no record of him in the timeline of this universe.

All his records in this universe must be created by himself.

Hearing this, Luo Bai almost understood.

No wonder Odin called him here today.

In short.

Now you suddenly find that someone has appeared who can determine the future of Asgard and even the universe.

A ruler of Odin's level must have some concerns.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai couldn't help but ask: "God King, you called me here today, are you trying to remind me?"

Odin shook his head and said directly: "No. You should know that Ragnarok is about to begin, and I don't have much time. Thor will soon be the new God King."

"If Ragnarok really destroys Asgard, it will not be a good thing for the earth. You should also know that there are countless powerful beings in the entire multiverse. Kamar-Taj and Asgard may not be unable to cooperate."

Luo Bai understood and asked: "So you hope I can cooperate with Thor?"

"I know that Thor's current strength is not enough to be your partner. But he will grow."

"Even I can predict your uniqueness, which proves that the real gods in the multiverse will sooner or later discover it. Asgard and Kamar-Taj have common interests. We have to deal with powerful forces outside the earth. We are not enemies but allies."

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