American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 086 What are you doing to me?

At this time, Malekith led the army of the dark world to attack Asgard.

They first created chaos in the dungeon of Asgard, and when the Asgard soldiers went to the dungeon for support, most of them took advantage of the chaos to enter from the Rainbow Bridge.

All of this was sensed by Luo Bai.

After understanding the current situation, Luo Bai told the truth: "The puppets of the dark world appeared in the dungeon, and they are currently destroying the dungeon to release the prisoners. The large army has launched an attack on the front of the Rainbow Bridge."

Thor frowned and asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

Luo Bai replied calmly: "I saw it."

Of course.

Even if he didn't see it, Luo Bai understood the plot.

It's just that Thor didn't know, so he is very confused now.

How did he see it?

Before Thor could figure it out, an Asgard soldier rushed over.

As soon as he appeared, the soldier hurriedly said: "God of Thunder, there is something unusual in the dungeon! Please go to support quickly!"

Before he could come to his senses, another soldier rushed over to report: "God of Thunder, there is an enemy attacking from the front of the Rainbow Bridge, please go to support quickly!"


Originally, Thor still doubted the authenticity of Luo Bai's words.

After all, they were staying in the Asgard Palace at this time, a long distance away from the dungeon and the Rainbow Bridge.

If you are not there in person, it is probably difficult to tell the specific situation.

Unexpectedly, Luo Bai not only said it, but also said it correctly.

This surprised Thor a little, and he couldn't help asking: "Do you have eyes that perceive everything like Heimdall?"

"In principle, it is similar, but I don't use my eyes, but my ability." Luo Bai explained.

Thor was a little surprised, and he felt that Luo Bai was not simple.

But he didn't have time to ask now, after all, the situation was urgent now.

Thinking of this, Thor raised his hammer and said immediately: "Forget it, this matter is not important. Asgard is very dangerous now, I have to go to help. You have something that Malekith wants. It is not safe for you to stay here alone, come with me."

During this period, Odin talked to Thor about the ether particles.

Odin explained to him the power of the ether particles. In a word... the ether particles must not be taken away by the dark world, otherwise the nine realms will be in crisis.

After understanding this situation, he was not very confident that Luo Bai would stay in the house alone.

Although Luo Bai's strength is indeed good, almost all members of the dark world have been dispatched.

Just in case, Thor wanted to take Luo Bai away with him.

But Luo Bai did not intend to leave, but replied calmly: "I think the current situation is not very bad."

Thor asked in confusion: "The dark world has sent troops to attack, isn't the situation bad enough?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright yellow circle appeared in the air.

Before he could react, a very strange-looking thing fell from the circle.

With a "pop".

The ghost thing fell face down on the ground.


Thor was stunned, pointing at the "ghost thing" lying on the ground and asked: "What is this thing?"

The next second, the "ghost thing" stood up and said to Thor angrily: "What the hell! How dare you call me like that!! I am Malekith!! The leader of the dark world!!! Rude Asgardian gods!!!"


The leader of the dark world? !

Good guy!

"Luo Bai, have you caught the leader of the dark world?" Thor asked in surprise.

Luo Bai nodded and smiled and responded: "Catch the thief first."


You are awesome! !

Thor was silent.

He was silent because he never expected that Luo Bai would catch the leader of the dark world directly.

So he was a little confused when he was silent.

He was not the only one who was confused at this time, Malekith was also confused.

He looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, his head was buzzing.

No, what was he doing now? ?

He remembered that he was clearly on the spaceship before, why did he suddenly come here?

This seems to be the palace of Asgard, right? !

Thinking of this, Malekith's expression became serious.

"Did you summon me here?" Malekith asked in a deep voice.

Luo Bai shook his head and answered seriously: "It's not a summon, it's an arrest. Malekith, you are arrested."

Malekith: "????"

He was stunned for a moment, and then sneered.

He seemed to be mocking, mocking what Luo Bai said.

"Just you two kids? Arrest me?" Malekith said disdainfully.

After saying that, he felt something was wrong.

"There is a familiar power in you, it's the ether particles!" Malekith muttered.

In fact, from the moment he woke up, he sensed the ether particles.

He was sure that the Aether was currently in Asgard, and because he hated Asgard so much, he immediately summoned a large army to attack.

He had originally thought of going to Asgard to determine the location of the Aether, but he didn't expect Luo Bai to actually deliver the Aether to his door.

Feeling the power of the Aether, Malekith excitedly said: "It's the Aether! I didn't expect you to deliver the Aether to my door yourself! I..."

Before he finished speaking, Thor picked up the hammer and hit him in the face.

Malekith: "...???"

He looked at Thor with a confused look on his face, his eyes full of anger.

Before he could speak, Thor complained impatiently: "You talk so much nonsense!"

Malekith: "..."

Lao Tzu! !

TM! !

You boy! !

A sneak attack, right? !

"You..." Malekith wanted to say something else.

Thor hammered again.

This hammer was mixed with the power of thunder and lightning, causing Malekith to fall to the ground.

Without the ether particles, Malekith is so weak that he can't even bear the two hammers of Thor.

Seeing that Malekith was defeated continuously, Thor couldn't help complaining: "The leader of the dark world? Not so good!"


Malekith seemed to want to say something, but the next second Thor began to complain: "Forget it about being weak, he is so tall...can this thing be called a dark elf family??"

Luo Bai agreed very much: "I can understand your doubts. Because I am also quite doubtful. In my impression, elves should all look good, but this thing is indeed too ugly!"

The two of them were talking about Malekith's appearance.

Malekith was furious.

He was caught out of nowhere and even gave him a hammer in a sneak attack.

Now they are talking about his appearance in front of him! !

In extreme anger, Malekith said angrily: "The army of the dark world will crush Asgard! I will take the ether particles back from your body!! You will all be swallowed by darkness!"

After speaking he seemed to want to attack.

The next second, Luo Bai raised his hand and took out the Eternal Spear out of thin air.

The eternal spear shining with golden light appeared in front of Malekith's eyes.

Visibly, Malekith was sluggish.

Eighty percent of the time, the CPU is dry-burned.

"Isn't this Odin's weapon?!" Malekith couldn't help but say.

"Now, it is my weapon. To be honest, I have never used it. You are lucky, because I plan to use you to practice." Luo Bai said, and then threw the Eternal Spear out.

How could Malekith not know the power of the Eternal Spear, but he subconsciously wanted to escape.

Before he could take two steps, the Eternal Spear pierced his chest.

Malekith was hung on the Spear of Eternity, lifeless.

Once Malekith is solved, the Dark World will be without a leader.

The rest is easy to solve.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai withdrew the Eternal Spear and said: "Okay, the leader of the dark world has been solved."

At this time, Thor seemed to be unresponsive.

After all, it took him some time and energy to deal with these world wars in the past.

But this time it was obviously different.

From the time Luo Bai caught Malekith to the time he was dealt with, it seemed to only take a few minutes... The speed was frighteningly fast.

So much so that Thor still feels a little unreal.

Thinking of this, Thor couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect this trouble to be solved so quickly!? I like your...magic more and more now. It's very practical!"

"It's indeed quite practical. The remaining Dark World soldiers probably don't need my help." Luo Bai asked.

"Asgard is not a vegetarian. It only takes a matter of minutes to solve their problems!" Thor said, picked up the hammer and went out.

While beating Thor, he was still thinking: "Magic is really useful. But why can't Loki, the same mage, not know this trick? He can only transform into a snake, and then play with a knife or something, tsk tsk..."

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