American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1046 Iron Horses and Ice Rivers Come into Dreams: Chagatai Khan (I)

The flagship of the Scourge, the Queen of Glory-class battleship ‘Iron Fist’.

Inside the private hall of the Primarch.

Under the bright light.

Lion King with a gentle expression and Omegan with a tense face drove the power armor respectively and sat on the side of a metal round table.


At this moment, Rorschach suddenly turned a vibranium palm and slid two Golden Throne coins from the smooth and reflective table to the two Primarch brothers.

He had accidentally told Lion King and Omegan about the existence of Golden Throne coins and simulated experience in the past, so neither of them was surprised at all.

After Rorschach once again explained the simulated experience and even many taboos in great detail.

Both Lion King and Omegan subconsciously pinched a Golden Throne coin and put it in front of their eyes to look at it carefully.

Then, the three people who had made all preparations almost threw the Golden Throne coin into the air together!

Ding Ding Ding——

[Simulation starting——]

[Current identity: Rorschach Space Wolf Captain of the Thirteenth Company (local universe Vormir) Rorschach Lord Cypher (local universe Wakanda)]

[Current companions: Lion (normal) Hydra Lord Omegan (normal)]

[Please choose your identity and companions first]

[If you refuse, you will descend randomly]

[Identity selection has been refused, companions have been selected]

[Simulation restarting——]

[You are already in the Warhammer universe, and the time and place of your descent will be randomly selected]

[Time: ? ? ? ]

[Location: ? ? ? ]

[You have successfully descended to the depths of a cold void. ]

[You don't even need to open your tightly closed eyes at the first time. The cold and suffocation make you clearly feel that your entire huge body is in the harsh vacuum of the universe! ]

[You quickly made the right response, and quickly covered the entire head with a skull helmet with countless living metals flowing back and forth. ]

[You subconsciously took a deep breath from your mouth and nose. ]

[You then had the mind to look at the unfamiliar environment around you. ]

[You did not see the familiar figures of Lion King or Omegan. ]

[You suddenly found yourself above two huge fleets that were in confrontation. ]

[You immediately recognized one of them as the main fleet of the Alpha Legion through the legion emblems on the outside of the ship's armor, and the other side looked like a huge fleet of the White Scars Legion. ]

[At this moment, there was no conflict or exchange of fire between the two fleets. Instead, the Alpha Fleet was copying all the movements of the White Scars Fleet like a mirror image! ]

[You activated the injection system inside the Vibranium Power Armor without any hesitation. ]

[You also quickly covered a large number of dark shadows between the huge body. ]

[You don't want to be heavily locked by the fierce artillery fire from countless friendly fleets. ]

[Although this may not cause much damage to you, the additional losses caused by this are not what you want to see. ]


[Just a few minutes later, you approached the flagship of the White Scars, the Queen of Glory-class battleship ‘Blade Storm’, in a stealthy manner. ]

[Your magnetic boots quickly activated, and your entire huge body was firmly attached to the extremely thick ship armor. ]

[You turned the eyepiece of the skull helmet and looked around for a maintenance passage or landing deck that could enter the interior of the ship. ]

[You successfully drove the vibranium power armor and arrived at the entrance of a maintenance passage. ]

[You took out a vibranium power sword from the storage space and temporarily destroyed a closed hatch at the entrance. ]

[You cannot forcibly access the communication channel of the White Scars, and there is no data code that can prove the identity of the original body. ]

[You want to enter the interior of the ship, so you can only choose this last resort. ]


[Your huge body quickly floated into the maintenance passage, and your two magnetic boots were heavily attached to the metal floor. ]

[After you pass through a sealed hatch again. ]

[The familiar cold smell coming from the interior of the huge ship makes you breathe out subconsciously. ]

["Stand still! Who are you?!" ]

[At this moment, a deep roar that echoed all around suddenly sounded from behind you. ]

[You quickly turned around in your Vibranium Power Armor and saw five Astartes wearing white Power Armor, each holding a bolter and a power Guandao, pointing them at you! ]

["Fighting brothers, please don't misunderstand, this is a last resort... I am the Primarch of the Human Empire, Rorschach, and also the brother of the Eagle of Chogoris!" ]

[You slowly raised a Vibranium hand towards the extremely vigilant Astartes and said in a low voice. 】

【"I request to see your legion commander or fleet master! It would be even better if the Khan is here too!"】

【"This strange Primarch, we can trust your words for now, but please put down your weapon, otherwise..." A white scar captain holding a power Guandao said to you in a deep voice. 】

[You lowered your head slightly to check the power sword tightly held in the other vibranium palm. ]

[You casually inserted the vibranium power sword into the metal floor. ]

["This battle brother, it's yours now!" You said to the other party indifferently while slowly taking off the skull helmet. ]

[At this moment, perhaps some of your facial features proved something, or your choice to put down your weapon won the most basic trust of everyone. ]

[The power swords tightly held in the palms of each white scar are no longer aimed at you, and only the muzzle of the grenade gun occasionally passes over your exposed bronze face. ]

[Then, you were escorted by five white scar Astartes to the bridge hall in a hidden manner. ]

[During this period, the white scar battle teams that passed by you from time to time also looked at your overall appearance repeatedly as if they saw an unexpected scene. 】

【"Why do they look at me like that? Am I ugly?" You asked the White Scar Captain holding the Power Guandao without turning your head. 】

【However, at this time, the answer that the White Scar Captain gave you immediately surprised you even more. 】

【"My Lord Primarch, they are very curious about this because your appearance now is somewhat similar to that of Lord Khan when he was young." The other party said without any emotion. 】

【"Oh? There is such a thing? How similar can Khan and I be?" You replied subconsciously. 】

【"Uh... At first glance, it looks like we are biological children!" 】

【The White Scar Captain hesitated for a moment, but still said to you very honestly. 】

Thank you for your support!

Khan's story should have been written earlier, but just like his role in the story, I forgot it

As for the appearance of the protagonist, it is purely an ethical joke and for a title later.

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