The last rays of the bloody sunset slowly set and were about to sink.

The bloody battle on Staten Island has just begun.

On the chaotic streets where gunshots were heard one after another.

Elite gang members wearing black combat uniforms relied on the broken walls of the building as basic bunkers.

They were fighting extremely difficult counterattacks against the black-armored ninjas who used their shadows to appear and disappear.

Ordinary bullet shooting can only delay the attack of these ubiquitous undead ninjas, and even the leather armor on their bodies is difficult to penetrate.

Only powerful rifle grenades and high-explosive grenades can truly cause damage and completely dissipate the opponent's body.

But as time goes by slowly.

The situation on the battlefield became increasingly unfavorable for the gang elites.

The gradually darkening sky provided better natural protection for the black-armored ninjas.

Every shadow that exists increases the risk of casualties for the gang's elite.

The most important thing is that the rifle grenades and high-explosive grenades they have stored are almost exhausted.


At this moment, there was a violent roar as the ground continued to collapse.

Located between the battlefields of both sides, the center of a main street suddenly collapsed!

Click, click, click!

At the same time, automatic servo robots with metal carapace like turtle shells carrying heavy logging guns suddenly jumped out of the huge pothole that had not yet cleared away the dust!

They quickly launched a vigilance operation around the huge crater that was constantly collapsing on the edge!

Boom boom boom——

The heavy logging gun roared like the engine of a logging machine and instantly fired large-caliber bullets with great accuracy!

Almost every bullet will completely tear a black-armored ninja hiding in the shadow of the building into dissipating wisps of black smoke!

Immediately afterwards, tall figures covered with unpainted gray carapace jumped out of the dark underground pit at the entrance of the cave.

In just a few breaths.

Countless gang dogs with vigorous movements and powerful steps, as if they contained infinite power, quickly formed a fighting team that cooperated with each other tacitly!

Then, they all raised the Hydra energy gun and Terra I laser gun that they held tightly in their palms.

With uniform movements, he pulled the trigger hard against any enemy within sight!

Whoosh whoosh——

In an instant, scorching lasers of blue beams mixed with red beams were ejected from the muzzles of a large number of laser weapons!

The terrifyingly powerful laser even penetrated the fragile walls of buildings.

Forcibly burn those black-armored ninjas who tried to hide to ashes!

Only wisps of strange black smoke are left that are slowly dissipating in the air!

"The first team established a defensive line around the current position and occupied the surrounding commanding heights! The second team assisted the gang in cleaning up the wounded in the team, and combined with the third team to search for civilians still alive on the battlefield and try to ensure their safety! The fourth team led the automatic servo Robots enter the streets for street fighting! Shrink the enemy’s range of activities!”

At this moment, the robotic arm was carrying a Terra I laser gun.

Bucky, who was carrying a chainsword on his back, listened carefully to the battle instructions coming from the communication channel.

Then, with a cold expression, he immediately opened his mouth and issued a series of orders to everyone:

"Remember! Don't show mercy to any heretic! Kill them without mercy and leave no one alive!"

Bucky just finished speaking.

A fighting team composed of gang dogs wearing gray carapace quickly took action.

They quickly followed the orders and launched a series of combat plans.

A part of the gang dog team easily jumped onto the platforms of buildings with the help of countless ruined walls.

They all held a Hydra energy gun in their palms, and everyone was half-kneeling on it.

The man wearing a metal helmet kept scanning the streets below the building.

Occasionally, continue to pull the trigger of the laser weapon in the shadow of nearby buildings to kill the enemy!

At the same time, fully armed automatic servo robots are used as mobile armor.

A part of the gang dog team followed the automatic servo robot that constantly scanned the surrounding environment into the dilapidated streets.

They carefully explored and cleaned every corner of the battlefield.

When necessary, they will even conduct a round of laser sweeps at any suspicious location before exploring!

As a result, this also forced countless black-armored ninjas who were hiding and waiting for opportunities to launch a sneak attack to launch an attack first.

However, even the sharp samurai swords and special dart guns are difficult to penetrate the composite armor made of plastic steel and ceramic steel on the gang dog squad!

However, the bulletproof leather armor or bulletproof ability that the black-armored ninjas are proud of cannot withstand the terrifying power of laser weapons!

Even a few black-armored ninjas with extremely strong combat power were lucky enough to break through the barrage of searing lasers.

However, the gang dogs, whose strength and reaction speed were obviously beyond those of well-trained ordinary humans, grabbed their fate by the throat!

Then he was hammered to death on the street by a metal fist covered with composite armor, and quickly dissipated into wisps of strange black smoke!

Whoosh whoosh——

As time passed, and the scorching lasers continued to fire.

The situation on the entire battlefield gradually reversed in a very short time!

The gang elites who were originally at an absolute disadvantage also followed the invincible gang dog squad to launch a fierce battle to compress the enemy's scope of activity.

Accompanied by the explosion of countless rifle grenades and high-explosive grenades.

The silent black-armored ninjas were quickly eliminated, turning into wisps of strange black smoke dissipating in the air.

However, just when the Gang Dog Squad and the gang's elite are about to gain the upper hand on the battlefield.

The number of black-armored ninjas had obviously been reduced a lot, but they once again jumped out from a large number of shadows!

It seems that what has just been eliminated is just their shadow, and the shadow is endless!

At this moment, these taciturn immortal ninjas were brandishing long and narrow dart guns and samurai swords.

In the other palm, there are high-explosive grenades that will explode if you let go!

Obviously, the commanders of the black-armored ninjas also knew about the disadvantages encountered by the ninja team.

He began to rely on the immortality of the black-armored ninja to carry out suicide terrorist attacks one after another!

Boom boom boom——

Fire mapping accompanied by massive explosions.

The gang dog squad, located on the high ground of the building, immediately made the necessary response.

They rely on their neural reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people and the extremely high rate of fire of laser weapons.

They began to destroy the black-armored ninjas carrying high-explosive grenades in the counterattack team one by one!

At the same time, Bucky, who received a report on the changes in the battlefield situation, also quickly made adjustments.

He ordered the gang dog teams that were still treating the wounded and searching for civilians to immediately abandon their current mission.

Join the frontline battlefield for support.

And with the addition of more gang dog squads.

The increasingly intensive scorching lasers gave no black-armored ninja any room to react!

After the dilapidated buildings on the nearby streets were completely swallowed up by the terrifying laser barrage and the storm of metal bullets from the automatic servo robots, and were gradually bulldozed.

The black-armored ninjas, who no longer had any hiding place, had to decisively stop their counterattack.

The remaining enemies actually beheaded themselves with swords.

Then, the dissipating body turned into wisps of strange black smoke.

They quickly gathered into a building on a secluded street!

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