American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

033. The Blood Army of Khorne? !

Rorschach returned home as if he had just completed a simple task. Google search reading

It's really simple in a sense.

It's just 'sawing' a person open.

Unfortunately, Eugene's unexpected encounter and coma.

This also brought Rorschach's resource replenishment plan to a standstill again.

Rorschach decided to try the number he had obtained from a private gun dealer.

See if you can establish a basic connection with the other person.

However, before Rorschach could take action.

Early the next morning.

Rorschach planned to go to the restaurant with his aunt to clean up the housework.

But unexpectedly received a strange phone call.

Rorschach answered with a frown.

Only then did they realize that Eugene, who was in a deep coma, actually woke up.

And he was contacted through the nurse's cell phone.

Rorschach hesitated for a moment.

Still decided to take a wad of money and go to the hospital to visit Eugene.

After all, the other party is also a friend who helps him get information.

Brooklyn Hospital.

Rorschach came to the emergency reception desk.

After a brief inquiry.

A black nurse on duty informed Eugene of the location of his ward.

At the same time, it means that the other party is waiting for a visit.

However, the patient needs to rest, not for too long.

After Rorschach expressed his thanks, he was about to turn around.

But I overheard another white nurse whispering gossip.

Last night, a man who was sent for treatment woke up from a coma.

I had a nervous breakdown and cried for hours.

The whole person is like a child who has been greatly wronged and stimulated.

Rorschach couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It seems that Eugene's torture in the past few days has been very difficult.

However, wait until Rorschach finds Eugene's hospital room.

After he pushed the door open and entered, he saw a completely different Eugene than he had imagined.

I saw Eugene sitting on the hospital bed wearing a neck brace, his back straight.

His eyes were staring straight ahead, although his overall mental state was sluggish.

The eyes that occasionally show up are different from before, brighter.

"Hi, Rorschach."

Eugene, who was in a daze, saw Rorschach entering the door at a glance.

He suddenly showed a bright smile and waved hello excitedly.

"Uh... do you need to call the doctor?"

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, stared at Eugene, who had undergone tremendous changes in temperament and behavior, and couldn't help but say:

"Eugene, I feel something is not right with you..."

"It's okay, Rorschach, this is not your problem. I have indeed changed a lot from the inside out, but I think this is a good thing."

Eugene maintained a bright smile on his face.

He blinked a few times and said clearly:

"Although I don't quite remember what happened to me these days, I know it was probably you who saved me."

"I still remember what you asked me for help before... So, in order to repay your life-saving grace, I have found a suitable candidate for you through my friends' connections... Aaron Davis from Queens, he can provide you with more help.”

Before he finished speaking, the smiling Eugene took out a note from under the pillow and handed it to Rorschach.

"This is his contact information. I have already informed him in advance for you. You need to negotiate the specific quantity and price yourself."

Rorschach looked at Eugene repeatedly.

He took the note anyway and put it in his pocket.

Then he took out a wad of cash.

Plan to put it in front of Eugene.

However, Rorschach's actions attracted Eugene's rejection.

Eugene tried to lift his chin, and a faint glow seemed to appear on his still pale and swollen face.

He said to Rorschach with a sincere expression:

"I'm contacting you because you saved my life... I used to be a school bully who bullied others. I'm not a real bad guy, but I'm not a good guy either... Rorschach, I want to be a truly good guy in the future. , the origin of every penny must be clean, so please fulfill my wish.”

Hearing Eugene's words, Rorschach frowned.

After a moment, he shook his head and took back the money.

At the same time, he smiled lightly and said:

"Eugene, I hope you can succeed and become a good person..."

After saying that, Rorschach turned and left.

Just when he was about to step out of the ward door.

Suddenly he turned around and said:

"By the way, Eugene, don't work in Manhattan for at least a year. Brooklyn and Queens are fine too. If you believe me, then believe me. If you don't, forget it... Goodbye."

Rorschach said goodbye and left the ward.

Only a confused Eugene was left sitting on the hospital bed in a daze.

Later, Rorschach left the ward.

The first thing he did was to advance the bill for Eugene's ward.

And reserved his phone number.

When Rorschach stepped out of the hospital, he couldn't help but sigh.

Eugene was probably in extreme fear and pain.

There are quite a few personality problems.

Even if Rorschach is not a psychiatrist.

You can also detect some clues.

But this is for the former Eugene.

Whether it is good or bad cannot be evaluated.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, sat on the little sheep.

He took out the note, took a look at it, and dialed the phone without hesitation.

After a short waiting tone, the call was connected.

A male voice with an obvious black accent reached Rorschach's ears.


"Aaron Davis? I'm Eugene's friend. Has he told you?"

Rorschach had a brief conversation with the other party.

And agreed to make the first transaction in three days.

If everything goes well, the two sides will maintain long-term cooperation.

And faced with the wholesale price of 250 yuan for a brand new gun.

Rorschach still chose the old gun that the other party said was 100 yuan.

Old guns are all "murder weapons" with criminal records.

In any case, the simulator will not let go of any firearm that can be fired.

Long guns and short guns are recovered in one hour.

So Rorschach naturally hopes that the source of goods is as cheap as possible.

Finally, the resource issue is settled.

Rorschach is obviously much more excited.

He took a last glance at the hospital and started the motorcycle.

After nightfall, Rorschach, who had packed up everything, lay down on the bed with peace of mind.

Impatiently opened the simulator that had been waiting for many days.

[Simulation starting——]

[Current identity: Catachan recruit, Krieg grenadier. ]

[Please choose your identity first]

[If you refuse, you will be randomly assigned.]

[Identity selection has been refused]

[Simulation starting——]

[You have descended into the Warhammer universe]

[Time: 41]

[Location: Galaxy·Unknown Star Region·Roon V]

[You have descended onto the surface of the planet.]

[You find yourself in a land of ice and snow, surrounded by countless snowflakes.]

[You don't have time to feel the biting cold.]

[You hear the familiar roar of the Infernal Gun and the whine of the laser gun firing desperately.]

[You look in the direction of the sound and see a Chaos Space Marine with a body of two meters and three meters tall, with horns and skulls hanging all over his blood-red power armor, who has just torn a mortal soldier alive and is bathing in hot blood in the hail of bullets.]

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