American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

035. Saving the ‘Emperor’ (Part 2)

[The elite Kashezin team reacts faster than you.

[As soon as your warning came out, the sergeant major’s hell gun roared fiercely. 】

[Scorching lasers spurted out and penetrated the surrounding forest. 】

[The other team members dispersed into position, and the melt and lasers were shot out one after another, reflecting on the snow. 】

[In the forest facing the sergeant major, a slender white figure two meters tall jumped out of the shadows, dodging the hail of bullets. 】

[You tried to aim and shoot with the laser gun, but found that your sight could not lock on the opponent's flexible and agile figure. 】

[You took out a few frag grenades and planned to use large-scale damage to force the opponent to stop. 】

[You pulled out the safety device and haven't thrown it yet. 】

[A few lines of obscure imperial language suddenly popped out of the mouth of the slender figure. At the same time, it raised a palm and shook it back and forth, signaling a ceasefire between the two sides. 】

[The sergeant major did not choose to cease fire, but also signaled the rest of the team members to be more vigilant to prevent more heretics from appearing. 】

[The slender figure wearing a long and narrow helmet had no choice but to keep jumping and moving to avoid the laser rays, while stumbling to speak the language of the empire. 】

[The other party stated that the destruction of materials was just a personal misjudgment. 】

[It comes from the Eldar, ordered by the Prophet Taldir to alert the Empire's allies. 】

[The green-skinned warlord Gorguz and the Chaos Lord Kroll have formed a terrifying alliance, which is about to pose a huge threat to the imperial power.

[A large number of green-skinned orcs and Khorne berserkers attacked the location of the Emperor-class Titan ‘Dominatus’. 】

[Your team needs assistance from the Eldar. 】

[The sergeant major dismissed this, and the hell gun roared more frequently. 】

[You took the opportunity to throw a few fragmentation grenades, but the slender figure wearing white armor jumped behind the tall trees with the impact of the explosion and lost track. 】

[The sergeant major stopped shooting. Instead of blaming you for taking action rashly, he praised you for your talent in becoming a senior grenadier. 】

[In the third week, your team finally arrived at the location of the Emperor-class Titan ‘Dominatus’. 】

[You look up and keep exclaiming in admiration. 】

[The towering Emperor-class Titan is simply a majestic building comparable to a large mountain range, and it is also a battle fortress with extremely terrifying firepower. 】

[Your team joined other teams that came to the rescue and received more supplies. 】

[The sergeant major learned through communication that the other teams also encountered warnings from the Eldar tribe. 】

[The team that mistakenly thought the opponent was an ally suffered a lot of losses. 】

[In addition to supplies and equipment, there are even lives of imperial soldiers.

[After a short period of repair, you received a gift from the sergeant major. 】

[A set of carapace armor from other Kashezin squads, which will greatly improve your survivability on the battlefield. 】

[You didn’t have time to express your gratitude to the other party. The roar of fierce laser guns and hell guns rang out all around. 】

[Countless traces of green skins gradually appeared on the edge of the forest, and the Khorne Berserkers, who were even more terrifying than the green skins, also revealed their tall figures. 】

[The battle to defend ‘Dominatus’ has begun. 】

[In the fourth week, due to the lack of maintenance and comfort from the mechanical monks, the ‘machine soul displeased’ emperor-class titan was unable to activate the void shield. 】

[Only the Hell Cannon and Laser Explosion Cannon installed on the building platform can be used. After a more powerful plasma annihilation cannon vaporized a small group of Khorne Berserkers, it completely fell into a standby state and could not be fired. 】

[In order to prevent irreparable damage to the Emperor-class Titan ‘Dominatus’. 】

[All the teams that came to support had to collide head-on with the surging green-skinned orcs, maintaining a front line. 】

[Your team is also an important line of defense. 】

[The large number of Khorne berserkers who appear among the greenskins seem to have identified you as their ultimate target. 】

[Every Khorne berserker who spots you will let out a vague roar, as if they have momentarily forgotten the eye-catching Emperor Titan in the distance, charging towards you while shaking their 'rabbit ears'. 】

[After experiencing an extremely terrifying scare, you survived by chance. 】

[You gradually regain your composure and formulate a plan with the sergeant major. 】

[Your squad will take advantage of your extraordinary 'attractiveness' to the Berserkers of Khorne. 】

[Guide them to destroy the greenskin's formation, and at the same time stay away from the empire's front lines, waiting for opportunities to annihilate them. 】

[From this point on, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield between the empire and the green-skinned orcs defending the Titans. 】

[As soon as the Khorne Berserker appears, you will bravely jump out of the battle line, throw grenades or shoot to attract the opponent's attention. 】

[Each Khorne Berserker will roar and kill countless greenskins, and then charge towards you. 】

[Wait until the entire team's melt and laser fire accurately hit the opponent's head or power backpack, triggering a violent explosion and blowing up countless greenskins. 】

[Cold in a cold sweat, you frantically but calmly returned to the rear of the empire's defense line, replenishing ammunition and waiting for the next opportunity. 】

[In the sixth week, your team gradually entered a state of numbness and exhaustion, which led to some flaws in the plan. 】

[A severely injured but not dead Berserker of Khorne breaks through the Imperial defense lines. 】

[While the enemy caused a large number of casualties, they also came to you for the first time. ]

[This time, you finally heard the vague roars from their mouths. ]

['Traitor...' The enemy called you this with his helmet bursting and his brains flowing. ]

[You raised the Hell Gun and pierced the enemy's head. ]

[You were confused by this. ]

[Before you had time to think deeply, countless greenskins who broke through the front line had already come to you. ]

[In the seventh week, the Empire's rescue team suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat to the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus', relying on the remaining firepower weapons on the platform to resist.

[There are only three people left in your team, including you. ]

[The sergeant had half of his arm chopped off by the greenskin orcs, and he stubbornly resisted the enemy's offensive with only willpower. ]

[You subconsciously counted the remaining supplies of all the teams. ]

[You found that the entire rescue team was about to run out of ammunition and food. ]

[You tried to contact the Empire station to request more support. ]

[You received General Storn's extremely sad reply. ]

[The Eldar heretics once again tore up the short-lived alliance and launched a frenzied attack on the Imperial base. The Cadian Blitzkrieg has no more teams to send out... He prays that the Emperor will bless you. ]

[You hung up the communication and fell silent. ]

[You picked up the Hell Gun again, intending to detonate the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus'. ]

["If 'Dominatus' cannot belong to the Lord of Mankind, then no force can get it." You muttered to yourself with cold eyes. ]

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