American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$540, Concealment and think tank!

Imperial State Religion.

In fact, it was something Rorschach had never wanted to get involved with, because it was full of unreasonable ignorance and uncontrollability.

Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the Emperor chose to eliminate religion.

But sometimes, even Rorschach, as a primarch, had to admit it.

The only spiritual weapon that the Imperium of Mankind has that can fight against Chaos is its loyalty to the Emperor.

The Emperor's reappearance also gave Rorschach a chance to try.

If he could foster a new state religion that was controllable and extremely loyal.

Then we will get more powerful countermeasures in the future wars against chaos.

Of course, Rorschach must prevent the fanatical beliefs of the state religion from causing too much interference and impact on other troops in the team.

Therefore, the 'living saint' Pietro became a bachelor pope who needed to independently develop devout believers.

This is not only a test, but also a bit of evil in Rorschach's heart.

A human with superpowers who is a speedster has become the pope of the empire's state religion. I'm afraid not many people can escape the other party's preaching and sermons, right?

However, Rorschach, who was obviously more utilitarian, learned Pietro's true identity.

He immediately asked Iron Man David to retrieve more information about the National Defense Force Guards.

As a result, he unexpectedly learned that a wild Alpha-level psyker had existed under his nose for a long time.

If there are no special circumstances now.

Pietro's biological sister Wanda is on the transport plane heading to the Twin Islands base.

Doom will become each other's teacher and help Wanda truly grow into the backbone of the team.


As time goes by.

More troops are gradually leaving Uttar Pradesh.

After the special agent team of the Divine Spear Bureau left first.

Tony, who has been with Raditus for a long time, wants to return to Stark Tower as soon as possible to study his new suit.

At the same time, he also plans to expand the number of subordinates in the Tribunal.

Otherwise, if we face a large-scale disaster with multiple blooms, just a few heroes will not be able to handle it.

Thor wants to go back to Asgard.

One is to see the God King Odin and his mother, and the other is that he wants to bring some of his friends to the atrium.

If God King Odin allows it, an Asgardian army stationed on Earth may also be a way to greatly increase the power of the Inquisition.

Rorschach didn't have any objections to this.

After all, facing a boss-level ancient existence like God King Odin.

If the Emperor doesn't show up.

The best option for him, a little shrimp, is to quietly accumulate his own strength or the strength of the team.

Wait until Tony and Sol leave one after another.

Professor Hulk also transformed into Dr. Banner in human form for the first time.

The other party originally wanted to leave alone.

But with the Terra Astral Legion suddenly changing from black to white.

and Rorschach’s constant seduction and persuasion.

After thinking about it for a long time, Dr. Banner decided to officially join Rorschach's team.

At least he can get unlimited resources to support his experiments on gamma rays or Hulk serum.

This was simply an irresistible reason for Banner, who was impoverished and often evaded pursuit.

After he was completely free, Rorschach sat on the Thunderhawk transport plane returning to the Twin Islands base.

Only then did he really have time to check the latest status of the simulator.

With the end of this war.

The sacred number on the Chaos Evil God sacrifice page once again started a slowly passing countdown.

"Tsk, tsk, the continuous chaos invasion will completely disrupt many development plans of the local world. Maybe I need to find a solution that can hide the truth."

At this moment, Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes slightly, subconsciously murmured from his mouth.

There was a vague idea in his mind that was worth trying.

More than ten hours later.

Thunderhawk transport planes loaded with Stormtroopers and Intelligent Control Corps slowly landed.

Everyone had just stepped out of the cabin.

Doom, with his dark green cloak fluttering slightly, drove his power armor and looked for where his student Wanda was.

In fact, Doom really doesn't have much time to stay in the base right now. He must find the very important Cosmic Cube as soon as possible.

After Rorschach, who was driving the vibranium power armor, greeted Iron Man David.

He also turned around and walked towards the circular square deep in the base.

Wait until he quickly reaches his destination.

Rorschach opened the simulator page again and sent more supplies and a secret letter to the Man-Eating Shark Chapter.

In fact, Rorschach's method of delaying the Holy Number of Chaos is very simple.

That is to minimize the time he spends in his native world.

Instead, he focused part of his attention on the Warhammer Universe. As long as he was in the territory of the Human Empire, the countdown of the Chaos Sacred Numbers would stop.

Next, he also plans to test whether the simulator can play an important role in simulation and prayer support in the Warhammer universe.

At this moment, Rorschach, who frowned slightly, stood there and waited for a while.

He found that there was no movement in the circular square for the time being, and immediately turned around and walked towards the top of the base.

Since the next period of time will not be completed, we can return to pray for support.

Iron David had to stay in the native world to arrange subsequent development and many plans, and could not continue to fight side by side with him.

And with the current atmosphere and autonomy of the entire team.

Even without Rorschach as the final issuer of the order, it would continue to develop according to the target task.

A few minutes later, Rorschach found Iron David in the base hall.

He told him part of his plan.

Finally, he also gained the understanding and support of Iron David.

So, Rorschach arrived at the circular plaza almost every day for a period of time afterwards to wait for the response from the Carcharodon Regiment.

Buzz buzz buzz——

Soon after, accompanied by vibrations and buzzing from the air.

A familiar space crack slowly appeared out of thin air within Rorschach's sight.

Then, a Carcharodon Astartes wearing iron-gray power armor slowly stepped into the circular plaza.

"Carcharodon Regiment, Think Tank Ukari greets the Primarch!"

The other party quickly knelt on one knee and took off the metal helmet on his head without hesitation.

A pair of dark eyeballs and shark teeth like blades also constantly reveal an irrepressible joy.

"How is your chapter leader? How is the situation of the Carcharodon Chapter?"

Rorschach drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward.

He stared at the slowly rising Carcharodon think tank Wukari and asked.

"Dear Primarch, the Carcharodon Chapter is very good, and has never been so prosperous. The chapter leader is also very good. We just killed a hive overlord recently and repelled several tentacle fleets of the Tyranid Zerg..."

"Did Tiberus tell you the specific situation on my side?"

"Primarch, it is my supreme honor as an Astartes to be a resident think tank in the Primarch Guard! I will do my best to maintain the information transmission between us and will not let you delay anything!"

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