American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

055. A man’s romance is… boarding the ship (Part 1)

It has been a week since Kingpin's death.

Whether it is official news or tabloids.

No news media dared to report the brutal murder in Fisk Building.

Even if there were related gossips on the Internet.

They would be deleted instantly and the account would be blocked.

There were only some rumors from Queens.

They became popular through word of mouth.

That was Wilson Fisk, a philanthropist who died in an accident according to official reports.

He might be the boss behind the New York gangs...

And the instigator Rorschach seemed to have no impulse.

During this period, he lived a stable daily life again.

He studied the knowledge points for the exam and occasionally went to the restaurant to help his aunt.

A few days ago, his aunt's restaurant started trial operation.

But this time, his aunt no longer took care of any customers.

Lunch and dinner were limited and sold out.

As a result, the restaurant's business was better than before.

With Lin Yu's help.

His aunt could finish her work easily.

And Rorschach, who was free, went to Queens.

Received the second batch of guns from Davis.

At the same time, Rorschach also received bad news.

Even though Mrs. Gao tried her best to gather the gangs in New York.

The temporarily leaderless underground world was still in chaos.

Coupled with the crazy attacks from the federal government and the mysterious department.

It made the gang members feel insecure.

Everyone needs guns to ensure their own safety.

Under a series of chain reactions, Davis's acquisition and resale also encountered some difficulties.

Rorschach just comforted Davis to try his best to acquire.

After returning home, he notified Mrs. Gao.

Let her prepare the guns in the future.

After everything was completed.

Rorschach, whose cooling time expanded to 497 hours.

Prayed to the Emperor and started the simulation again.

[Simulation starting——]

[Current identity: Catachan recruit, Krieg grenadier, Kashejin sergeant major. ]

[Please choose the identity to descend first]

[If you refuse, you will descend randomly. ]

[Identity selection has been rejected]

[Simulation is starting——]

[You have landed in the Warhammer universe]

[Time: Unknown]

[Location: Galaxy·Unknown Star Region]

[You have landed in a giant shark assault boat...]

[You find yourself wearing a set of solar-style void combat armor and holding an explosive assault gun.

[You carefully observe that there are tall figures wearing combat armor all around you, including you, a total of ten people. ]

[Before you have time to think too much, the red boarding indicator light above your head begins to flash silently. ]

[You take a deep breath, hold the explosive assault gun tightly, and enter combat mode. ]

[Accompanied by the hum of hot molten twisted metal and the tremor of the assault boat's collision. ]

[In front of the fully armed attacking team, the closed landing hatch opens with a bang. ]

[You glanced at a mortal soldier dressed as a commander and waved his arm at you. ]

[You immediately rushed into the dimly lit enemy cabin without hesitation. ]

[You encountered an alien life with tentacles on its limbs. ]

[It let out a strange roar from its wriggling mouthparts, as if begging for mercy or questioning. ]

[It had no weapons in its hands. ]

[You hesitated for a moment, but still pulled the trigger of the explosive assault gun. ]

[The powerful explosive weapon played its role. ]

[The scorching red light hit the tentacle alien, and it began to burn from the inside out. ]

[Then, even the metal ground next to it had a brief explosion. ]

[More completely invisible tentacle aliens were exposed one by one under the terrifying burning, and they roared and pounced on you. ]

[At the same time, several explosive assault guns from behind you also roared, destroying the dying tentacle aliens. ]

["Heresy can never be trusted..." The commander of the ten-man team walked to your side, patted your combat armor, and joined the battle. ]

[You took a deep breath and followed the commander to start the operation of exterminating the tentacle aliens. ]

[On the first day, you successfully destroyed a refugee ship of aliens trying to escape. ]

[This heretic race that is good at stealth and sneak attacks is just the natives of a primitive life planet...]

[After completing the first boarding battle, you carefully figured out the current situation. ]

[You belong to a Letalis Storm Team of the Solar Auxiliary Army. ]

[Now under the general command of Warmaster Horus, you are carrying out the great expedition of the Emperor of Mankind. ]

[Boarding battles like today to eliminate the alien forces are just a small daily routine in your boring sailing life. ]

[On the second day, the commander of the storm team found you who were strengthening training. ]

[He expressed dissatisfaction with your hesitation when you took action yesterday. ]

[You readily admitted your mistake and attributed the problem to your unfamiliarity with the heretic forces. ]

[The commander reluctantly accepted your explanation. 】

【At the same time, he also punished you by making you recite the Imperial Truth repeatedly in addition to training and eating time. 】

【On the third day, you will train in the morning, eat at noon, and start reciting the Imperial Truth in the afternoon. 】

[Nothing happened today, the voyage continues. ]

[On the fourth day, you conducted shooting training in the morning, ate at noon, and began to recite the Imperial Truth in the afternoon. ]

[Nothing happened today either. The sound of meteorite fragments hitting the metal cabin was heard outside, and the nearby servitors reminded everyone to pay attention to safety. ]

[On the fifth day, you did not participate in any training, and did not even recite the Imperial Truth. ]

[In the first week, your team received an order from Warmaster Horus, and a strange alien force appeared in a star field. ]

[You will join the Warmaster, accept Horus' direct command, and carry out an unprecedented grand expedition...]

[In the second week, after a long voyage, you joined the expedition fleet of Warmaster Horus. ]

[Soon after, a team of Astartes from the Luna Wolves took over the command of your team. ]

[You are forbidden to communicate, touch any weapons, and leave the cabin. ]

[Not only you, but also other members of the team noticed something was wrong. ]

[Unfortunately, you were unarmed and had to obey orders from the Astartes wearing power armor. ]

[In the third week, with the help of a servitor, you roughly figured out the overall structure of the cabin. ]

[You sneaked into the ventilation duct and touched the cabin where the commander was. ]

[The commander did not show any surprise at this, but asked if you had any way to get to the ship's armory. ]

[You said you could try it, but at the same time you also needed the commander to express some of his views on the current situation. ]

["There is no doubt... This may be an impending rebellion, but I don't know where the order came from..." The commander stared at you and said carefully. ]

[From beginning to end, he did not say that name...]

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