Soon after, one after another Devourer-class transport ships and Titan transport ships continued to penetrate the dark clouds covering the entire Forge World.

And under the siege of a large number of Tyranid void units.

Successfully entered the sailing formation of the fleeing fleet.

And when everything was ready.

As the commander of the fleet, Severosha gave the order to accelerate the evacuation without hesitation.

In an instant, only more than 30 huge Mechanicus ships were left. Under the continuous sacrifice of countless fighter formations and frigates.

Forced to break through the blockade of the main tentacle fleet of the Tyranid Zerg, and after a distance away from the Forge World.

A large number of ships quickly activated the Geller force field and then plunged into the subspace!

Dong Dong Dong——

Accompanied by the heavy sound of magnetic boots stepping on the metal floor.

Driving the power armor, Severosha passed through the dimly lit corridor.

Arrived in an observation room covered by countless heavy decks.

It was within his sight.

Rorschach, the wolf who was wiping his melee weapon alone, and the original Rorschach who was holding his shoulders with his hands both fell into silence. Even if someone entered this place, they did not look up.

"Our destination is the more remote planet of Laisa, which is the main planet of the Knight Family Cadmus. At the same time, the surviving astropaths have informed the entire star field and even Terra of the destruction of the Griffin IV Forge World. The subsequent combat power is enough to intercept or repel the main tentacle of the Tyranid Zerg."

Sever Rorschach glanced at everyone left and right, and then said to them indifferently.

"Brothers, this battle made me understand a truth, that is, one person may win a battle, but may lose the entire battle... Although I enjoy the rare freedom, I am only one person after all..."

At this moment, Rorschach, the wolf who was wiping his melee weapon, slowly raised his head.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Sefrosa and said in a deep voice:

"I may need some helpers. Do you have any suggestions for this?"

"Hehe, I said, your battle is not here, and someone is waiting for you... Maybe after meeting the other party, your wish can be realized immediately, but you must also be prepared to die in battle at any time, because once you make a choice, you can never look back."

Sefrosa shook his head slightly.

He said to the wild wolf Rorschach in a mysterious and vague way.

"Riddler, get out! I don't bother to pay attention to you! If you learn the Eldar prophet's tricks in front of me again, I will smash you with one sword!"

The wild wolf Rorschach grinned and threw down the melee weapon in his palm.

He turned his head and shouted at Rorschach who was holding his shoulders:

"Hey, Primarch! Are you stupid? What are you thinking about?"

"People who don't need to use their brains live comfortably... I am considering the gains and losses of this battle. Griffin IV was destroyed, but the most important data blueprints and STCs were preserved, and because the mechanical sages had basically no casualties, it means that more unshared scientific and technological knowledge has also been saved."

"As long as they are given a planet with a suitable geographical location, a brand new forging world will rise from the ground..."

"But this is from the perspective of the human empire. What can we get?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was driving the vibranium power armor and slowly turned around, set his sights on Sever Rorschach.

He took a deep breath and continued to ask:

"How much did you get?"

"Leman Russ Victor, Leman Russ Exterminator, Medusa Siege Cannon, and Chimera Armored Personnel Carrier... I even copied the blueprints of the Volcano Cannon. If those STCs were not really too big, and the technical priests stayed there like guarding treasures every day, I could even get you a few STCs to play with."

Hearing Rorschach's inquiry.

Sever Rorschach immediately took out a metal module the size of a human head from the time and space crystal in front of the chest armor.

He raised his hand and threw it to the other party, and then said indifferently.


Rorschach, who caught it quickly, also solemnly put the metal module carrying a large amount of blueprints and materials into the supplies page of the simulator.

In order to avoid any unexpected situations.

"Since we have basically got what we need, what should we do next?"

At this moment, Sever Rorschach stared at Rorschach, who was obviously relieved, and asked.

"Don't even think about taking the Griffin Titan Legion away. The old men won't let go easily even if they have a conflict with us, and the return portal may not be able to bring back something as big as a Titan..."

"But the Knight Family, especially the Cadmus Knight Family, has torn its face with the Mechanicus. If we don't take over, they may be excluded and oppressed by the Mechanicus in the future. Even for the reputation and face of the Primarch, they have to go with us."

Rorschach narrowed his eyes and thought for a while.

He suddenly shook his head at the wild wolf Rorschach and said:

"Wolf cub, go and find the people of the Cadmus family. I want to talk to them in detail."

"Why should I go?"

The wild wolf Rorschach complained without looking back.

"Because since you have chosen not to use your brain, don't waste your physical strength."

At this moment, Sef Rorschach did not hesitate to pick up the words Rorschach wanted to say.

With a smile on his face, he nodded towards the other party and said.


The Adeptus Mechanicus' escape fleet arrives before the planet Lysa.

The Primarch, who once again held secret talks with the Knights of Cadmus, successfully gained the other party's true trust and recognition.

The new generation of knights, led by Orlando, the heir to one of the Twelve Barons, and others chose to follow the original body and continue fighting.

The old people represented by Sir William and Baron Roland need to shoulder the ancient responsibility of guarding the home world of Planet Lexa.

In addition, they need to re-establish a good relationship with the oil veterans of Griffin IV in the name of the original body.

And gradually built the very remote planet Laisha into a safe house suitable for everyone to take temporary refuge.

Of course, this was not Rorschach's own suggestion, but an idea occasionally suggested by Sef Rorschach.

But since the other party said it, and the conditions are suitable in all aspects.

After thinking for a while.

Luo Xia agreed to this request smoothly.

It didn't take long before a group of oil veterans came to look for the original body's advice.

When you want to ask how they should rebuild the forge world.

Rorschach had a flash of inspiration and pointed out a clear path for the engine oil veterans.

Judging from the distribution of each star field.

Each forging world occupies the most important and prosperous geographical location in the current star field.

Even if they can use various relationships to enter a new star field.

Then just sharing the transportation routes of minerals will become a huge problem.

But now, no one in the more distant Ghoul Star Territory will seize the territory there.

And the countless untapped mineral planets are enough to support a new forging world from scratch...

Of course, this time Rorschach just gave him a suggestion that was beneficial to him.

Instead of using the identity of the original body to issue orders and enforce them.

After all, even he himself knows that the Ghoul Star Territory has never been a peaceful paradise.

Rather, it is a wild foreign land where ghosts and monsters run around.

It's not just the Tyranids out there.

According to the records and legends passed down orally by the man-eating sharks.

Sometimes, even the Tyranids will accidentally become a meal for some 'things'!

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