
Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps as the magnetic boots stamped wildly on the metal floor.

In an instant, several Chitauri giant apes whose size was extremely close to the Terminator armor had no time to launch any counterattack.

Tiberus, who was launching a terrifying charge, used the lightning-powered claws on his two palms to tear him alive into pieces of flesh and blood flying in the sky!

At the same time, the Shark Terminator, whose offensive style is comparable to that of the Khorne Demon, and the Lamenter Terminator, whose fighting style is more delicate, also repeatedly waved the melee weapons in their palms. Their movements were capable and agile, killing anyone who appeared. Alien creature within the scope of the eyepiece.

On the surrounding metal floor, countless alien limbs, broken arms, and flesh and blood were piled up almost into hills.

Soon after, the last Terminator team came to gather and stepped out of the dimly lit metal passage.

The ongoing attack on the bridge of the Chitauri mothership is about to enter its final moments.


At this moment, there was a harsh buzzing and trembling.

Ten metal rings filled with purple light cut through the air one after another.

Rorschach, who drives the vibranium power armor, also leads Jessica, who has regained her energy.

And Wanda, who she carried hard on her back, joined the final battle.

As the Astartes Terminators gradually lined up, they continued to wave their melee weapons and slowly advanced forward.

Half an hour later, the only remaining Chitauri aliens on the entire mothership finally became souls who fell under the sword one by one under the sharp edge!


Wait until no more living aliens can be seen within the scope of the eyepiece.

Chapter Master Tiberus slowly drove the ancient Terminator armor forward.

The huge man stood at the entrance of the bridge and waved a pair of terrifying lightning-powered claws wildly!

In the blink of an eye, pieces of heavy metal debris continued to fall onto the metal floor.

The bridge hatch in front of him was easily cut into countless metal fragments by the opponent's lightning-powered claws!

However, as the space inside the bridge is exposed to the scope of the eyepiece.

Tiberus quickly observed the internal structure and environment, but did not enter it immediately.

He slowly moved his huge body, turned his metal helmet and looked at Rorschach standing behind him.

Rorschach didn't hesitate much.

He raised a vibranium palm and waved it lightly, leading the Terminator teams one by one, slowly entering the important area of ​​the alien mothership.

Looking around, it was inside the dimly lit bridge space.

Except for the large screens that cover almost all the walls.

There were no more aliens, only a cylindrical mechanical object about ten meters high sitting alone in the center of the bridge.

"Is this the core of this alien mothership? The Chitauri mastermind created by mixing flesh and blood with machinery?"

At this moment, Rorschach observed through the eyepiece the flesh and blood occasionally exposed inside the cylindrical mechanical creation.

He asked the people around him without looking back.

However, just when Tiberus and others were planning to make a reasonable explanation based on past combat experiences.

A mechanical voice that was certain to come from the Chitauri Mastermind quickly echoed throughout the interior of the bridge.

"Ah, you stupid Earth monkeys, do you know what kind of taboo things you have touched?"

"Do you know what our arrival actually means? How dare you resist the attack from the great master..."

At this moment, the other party's words have not yet finished.

Rorschach, who was completely unmoved, quickly pulled out the Heart of the Furnace from the waist of the power armor. And he pulled the trigger of the gun without hesitation!

In an instant, the scorching hot plasma spheres continuously ejected from the muzzle quickly gathered together, and instantly illuminated the entire dimly lit bridge space!

The next second, a large number of plasma spheres quickly expanded into a huge scorching plasma tide.

Then the entire cylindrical mechanical creation was completely enveloped!

"Oh no--"

Accompanied by a short and deafening scream that reached everyone's ears.

The ten-meter-tall Chitauri mastermind was immediately melted by the hot plasma into a large puddle of metal juice flowing freely!

Rorschach, who shook his vibranium helmet slightly, slowly put away the Heart of the Furnace.

Driving the vibranium power armor, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the bridge.

At this moment, with the complete end of the alien mastermind.

It also means that the entire Chitauri invasion event was brought to a perfect end by Rorschach.

But it also represents.

The local humans or Rorschach and others have completely formed an irresolvable conflict with the Mad Titan!


Cobra-class destroyer, bridge interior.

Near the slowly opening porthole deck.

The people who had successfully returned from several other alien ships gradually gathered together.

Soon after, the statistics from Iron Man David were displayed in front of everyone one by one.

In this revenge counterattack launched by humans against the alien fleet.

Except for the dozen Astartes battle brothers carrying landing torpedoes who were unlucky enough to crash into the ammunition depot or power compartment and were accidentally seriously injured.

No one else would suffer the unbearable toll of casualties.

After Tony and his companions who had just participated in the space boarding battle experienced the initial excitement and stimulation.

Reason and thinking gradually returned to their brains.

At this moment, everyone was repeatedly discussing how they should bring these successfully captured alien ships back to Earth.

After all, even if most of the alien technology on them could not be used or even learned.

But many devices that could be reversed and disassembled could also take the technological development level of local humans to a higher level.

A few hours later, after everyone racked their brains for several discussions and finally fell into silence.

It was Rorschach, who acted more decisively, who made an important decision.

That was to bring only the Chitauri mothership back to Earth for research projects.

The other three alien ships could be temporarily docked in the nearby Mars orbit and left for scientific research tasks in the future.

After all, the Cobra-class destroyer they were in now had to be driven back, and there was not enough manpower to allocate.

So, after receiving the order, Iron Man David began to mobilize the automatic servo robots that controlled the ship's firepower system to the Chitauri mothership one by one.

Tony also temporarily contributed his heavy mechanical armor.

It served as a beacon for Iron Man David to conduct transfer control.

Not long after, the Cobra-class destroyer that successfully ended the first space battle.

And the precious loot Chitauri mothership successfully embarked on the long journey back to Earth.

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