American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

619, Sword-class frigate and distress signal!

"Huh? This time the simulation actually met the Hrud people."

After the simulation is completely over.

Rorschach slowly opened his eyes and immediately focused his attention on the simulator page and read it carefully.

Then, squinting his eyes, he couldn't help but shake his head, and murmured to himself:

"Well, it can be considered a novel way to die."

The words just fell.

Rorschach returned his attention to the rewards after the simulation was completed.

Naturally, the first reward was quickly given up by Rorschach.硡

Although the Staff of the Covenant is an advanced necromantic weapon.

But in any case, it is not as good as the Blood Scythe, which he is most proficient in using.

Not to mention that Rorschach also has a Primarch-level weapon, the Dawnbringer Warhammer, which needs to be learned how to use.

As for the second item, the entropic lightsaber is a very rare alien time weapon.

But unfortunately, except for the Hrud who are gifted with entropic energy, humans cannot use it at all. It is not even useful for scientific research and can only be regarded as a rare collection.

Finally, Rorschach repeatedly checked the label text of the Sword-class frigate, and then chose to temporarily close the simulator page.

He intended to keep the frigates on the home world.硡

The Devouring Shark's void fleet never lacks ships, so it might as well add some space defense chips to the home world.

Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, Rorschach, who had been thinking for a moment, seemed to remember something.

He slowly drove Starfire Glory to get up from the metal throne.

The Mind Stone that he was playing with in his palm was also put back into the storage space behind his waist.

Rorschach stepped out of the ancient palace and walked towards the bridge of the flagship.

Soon after, the huge Tiberus was joined by several technical sergeants of the Shark Chapter.硡

In addition, the Weeper Guards who had been staying in the Void Fleet began to follow Rorschach to conduct a large-scale inventory of the lower cabin.

In other words, take the flagship Water Monster as the starting point.

Nearly a hundred ships of all sizes in the entire void fleet have become the scope of the investigation of parasitic aliens.

The reason for this is probably because Rorschach still has fresh memories of the Hrud people's racial habit of taking a ride on imperial ships.

After spending about a void month.

Although Rorschach found no signs of the Hrud's existence.

However, many ship aliens like the Sanofia Borer were killed.硡

It also once again improved the living environment of the mortal servants and mortal crew members in the lower cabin of the ship, allowing them to feel the care from the original body.

After Rorschach thought briefly.

He forged a common understanding with Chapter Master Tiberus.

That's in the gaps between every war.

The man-eating shark will gradually form a good living custom.

They will regularly send out recruits who have just completed intensive surgery and training to clean up possible alien creatures throughout the fleet.

In this way, it can not only improve the perception of the man-eating shark among the mortal crew, but also train the recruits' combat response capabilities.硡

It can be said to be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.


The interior of the dimly lit ancient temple.

Rorschach, who was turning ten metal rings back and forth on a vibranium palm, was sitting in the metal throne.

He carefully checked the prayer support that had just been refreshed on the Golden Throne page of the simulator, trying to select a suitable task from it.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, a sound of heavy footsteps from outside the hall gradually attracted Rorschach's attention.硡

Not long after, the pale face of Kahuranji, the head of the Shark Think Tank, appeared in Rorschach's field of vision.

"Kahuranji? Why do you have time to come to me? Didn't you teach your new apprentices?"

Facing the visitor, Rorschach closed the simulator page in front of him without leaving any trace.

He raised his head slightly, stared at the think tank leader who was walking forward, and asked calmly.

"Lord Primarch, I have something to report to you."

"About one void hour ago, the astropaths on the flagship accidentally received a request for help from deep within the ghoul star field."

"Due to various interference factors, the content of this psychic message is unclear, but we can confirm that it is a request for help from an Astartes expeditionary force. Therefore, I need to ask you for any suggestions and advice on this. command."

"Oh? A signal for help?"

"Isn't it enough to report this kind of thing to Taberus? You know, I never interfere with the independent actions of your man-eating sharks. You just need to tell me who needs to come forward to kill."

At this moment, Rorschach, who was sitting on the golden throne, moved his power armor slightly.

He looked at the think tank leader with slightly doubtful eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Haha, Lord Primarch, Chapter Commander Tiberus has just left the Void Fleet on a frigate. He is conducting a 'grey tax' transaction with the Adeptus Mechanicus as usual, even though we have obtained a large amount of your supplies. Support, but this good custom must also be preserved.”

The head of the think tank, Kahuranji, slightly widened his dark eyes without any emotion.

His sharp teeth that opened and closed like a shark seemed to glow with a cold luster, and he slowly said in the direction of Rorschach: 瑡

"So, as the Primarch, you are currently the supreme leader of the entire Void Fleet, which is why I must come and report to you."

"Tsk, so that's how it is."

At this moment, the words of the Chief Librarian Kahulangi made Rorschach temporarily silent.

He thought about it for a while.

The whole person immediately drove the power armor and quickly stood up from the metal throne.

"Since we have received the distress signal from our own people, let's go and see what the situation is."

"Kahulangi, let a company of Man-eaters prepare for battle, and also notify the Weepers distributed throughout the fleet to return to the flagship for assembly."瑡

"Yes, Primarch."

After hearing Rorschach's order, Chief Librarian Kahulangi stroked his chest armor and bowed slightly.

Then, the other party drove the power armor and turned to leave the ancient hall.

And Rorschach quickly retracted the metal ten rings suspended around him and drove the power armor to walk outside.

Not long after, on the metal deck below the flagship.

A company of Carcharodon Astartes and the Lamenters wearing Terminator armor completed the assembly mission.

When Rorschach quickly appeared with the Blood Scythe and Dawnbringer on his back and the Librarian Kahulangi. 瑡

Everyone began to enter the Thunderhawk transport planes one by one.

They began to transfer to another Tyrant-class cruiser, the White Mouth.

This was just a simple mission to detect a distress signal.

It was not necessary to send out the entire Void Fleet.

Otherwise, when Chapter Master Tiberus completed the "Gray Tax" transaction, he would look back and find that his fleet was gone, which would be a big joke.

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