American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

061. Necrons: Bloody Hundred Days (Part 2) (Two in One)

[In the fourth week, ripe, plump fruits were hanging all over the endless fields.

[However, the cargo ship on the harvest day, which was like a fat bird in Zhuoya's mouth, symbolizing a good harvest, did not arrive as promised. ]

[You kept looking around, passing by the purple-skinned fruits, and tightened your grip on the laser gun. ]

[You sat in the sidecar of the hoverbike driven by Zhuoya, and quickly passed over the crops. ]

[The old man Wade, wearing windproof sunglasses, skillfully drove another hoverbike and followed closely behind you. ]

[The decisive Wade followed your advice. ]

[Now, you are heading to Blessing Town, one of the few inhabited cities on this planet. ]

[Only there is a transportation hub that can leave the agricultural world. ]

[You moved your posture and your eyes passed by Zhuoya's fair face. ]

[You glanced at Wade behind you from the corner of your eye. ]

[You are very sure that the old man is definitely not an ordinary farmer who only knows how to repair machines. ]

[From his vigorous and decisive style of doing things, he is more like an old soldier of the Empire who has experienced many battles. ]

[You look straight ahead, and a smile appears at the corner of your mouth. ]

[You suddenly hear Zoya's voice in your ear. ]

[Due to the supernova explosion of the Karakul twin stars, the surging energy fluctuations seem to have destroyed the communication network on the agricultural world. ]

[This makes it impossible for you to contact Zoya's brother. ]

[As an Imperial Defense Force in Blessing Town, he has the authority to arrange a spaceship for you to leave the planet. ]

[At the same time, Zoya is more worried about the safety of his brother. He may not leave with you because of his responsibilities. ]

[You remain silent and try to listen to Zoya's worries. ]

[You have doubts about whether the three of you can successfully board the spaceship. ]

[However, the old man Vader does not seem to be worried about this. ]

[You think the other party has a backup plan, so you decide to follow the old man's arrangement. ]

[After a day and a night of sleepless galloping, you are about to arrive at the first station on your journey. ]

[The hoverbike that has been running overloaded for a long time not only needs to be refueled, but also the engine needs to replace parts and cool down. ]

[However, when you arrived near the station, you did not see any human figures. ]

[You became alert for a moment, and the laser gun in your hand hummed, ready to go. ]

[The voice of the old man Vader sounded slowly. ]

[According to him, the person stationed here is an old friend with a withdrawn personality. The other party has regarded this place as his home and will not leave easily. ]

[You took a deep breath, turned around and told the nervous Zoya to prepare to escape.

[You waved your hand to reject Vader's move to go in and explore with you. ]

[You jumped out of the sidecar of the hoverbike and sneaked into the station silently. ]

[You successfully entered the interior of the factory. ]

[You saw a human corpse with its skin completely peeled off on the ground. ]

[Around the bloody corpse, there were also several broken bodies of mechanical servants. ]

[You searched the entire factory with great vigilance, but did not find any trace of the enemy. ]

[The enemy was like a ghost that appeared out of thin air. After taking away the flesh and blood of humans, it disappeared again. ]

[You walked out of the factory and informed Vader. ]

[You also told Zoya to replace parts and add fuel as soon as possible. ]

[Inside the factory, Vader stared at the corpse of his old friend with a gloomy face. ]

[Vade was silent for a moment, and suddenly said to you. ]

[The reason why he believed your words was, first, because of the Emperor's appearance, and second, it came from the premonition of an old soldier. ]

[The situation before him also made him understand that the peaceful and tranquil agricultural world of the past had completely disappeared. ]

[Soon after, the hardworking Zoya replaced the parts and completed the work of adding fuel. ]

[She began to pick the ripe fruits around the factory as your supplies. ]

[After thinking about it, Vader, who was worried, told you the follow-up plan. ]

[After entering the town of Blessing, you have to take Zoya to find her brother, and Vader will find other ways alone. ]

[If Zoya's brother can't arrange a spaceship for you. ]

[Then you go to Broken Corner Alley in the town and find a wandering trader named Red Hand. He will help you leave this planet, even if Vader is not there. ]

["If... I mean if I die, you can help me take care of Zoya..." The old man Vader hesitated for a moment and said in a flat tone. ]

[You fell into silence. ]

[You stared at Zoya, who was overjoyed after picking a huge fruit, and nodded slowly. ]

[You once again embarked on the journey of escape. ]

[Next, the settlements you passed by were either completely empty or left with a lot of blood and corpses. 】

【A few days later, you finally arrived at the outskirts of Blessing Town. 】

【However, even Zhuoya, who had no battlefield experience, noticed something was wrong. 】

【On the side of the road, a Chimera troop carrier and a Leman Russ tank were abandoned at random. 】

【You picked up the laser gun and went forward to check. 】

[You found that these heavy weapons of the defense army not only had sufficient fuel and no mechanical failures, but also their machine spirits were very active.

[You accidentally found some equipment that you didn't have time to take away from the troop transport. ]

[A hell gun and some scattered protective equipment. ]

[You called two people forward. ]

[You put an Imperial Defense Army helmet on Zoya's head. ]

[You stared at Zoya's uneasy eyes and exhausted face, and gently helped her fix the chin strap. ]

[You handed the laser gun to Zoya and told her to shoot first and ask questions later when she encountered danger. ]

[You put on the battery backpack and the hell gun expressionlessly. ]

[Old man Vader moved his mechanical prosthesis, bent down and picked up a fallen laser pistol, his eyes seemed full of nostalgia. ]

[Everything was ready, you gave up the hoverbike that was about to be scrapped and chose to walk into the streets of Blessing Town. ]

[Everywhere you look, there is devastation.]

[The ground is full of explosion craters and human remains with their skin peeled off.]

[At the same time, the roar of artillery fire occasionally came from the direction of the Imperial Defense Force's base, as if fierce resistance was still going on.]

[At this time, the always brave Zoya also became scared, and she couldn't help hiding behind you.]

[You subconsciously tightened the Hell Gun in your hand, and your vigilant eyes kept scanning the surroundings.]

[Ved, who was following behind you, glanced at the surrounding environment for a few times, frowned, and lowered his voice to say to you.]

[The situation of the Imperial Defense Force may not be good at the moment, you'd better go directly to Broken Corner Alley and try your luck.]

[Zoya was more worried about her brother's situation, and was full of resistance to Vader's words.]

[But she still followed your footsteps and did not act without authorization.]

[At this moment, at the corner of the street ahead, seven or eight humans with weapons rushed out in panic. ]

[You just wanted to ask, but found that after seeing you, they all fell into a frenzy and raised their weapons. ]

[You pulled the trigger with an indifferent expression. ]

[In just a few seconds, the scorching laser from the Hell Gun completely turned the human on the opposite side into ashes. ]

[Unfortunately, the roar of the Hell Gun also attracted more deadly enemies. ]

[In an instant, a hunched, ghoul-like terrifying figure emerged in the shadows of the street. ]

[It has a bloodstained metal skull head, and its tall body made of living metal constantly reflects cold light. ]

[Narrow and sharp razors completely replaced the metal fingers. ]

[On its limbs and neck, strips of bloody human skin are wrapped around it, like a cloak made of flesh and blood. ]

[What's even more terrifying is that behind the back of this terrifying figure, a bloody human skeleton is shaking in the wind. ]

[Necrons, Skinner. ]

[You subconsciously opened your eyes wide and pulled the trigger of the Hell Gun. ]

["Run--" You had no time to warn, and could only shout at the top of your lungs. ]

[The roar of the Hell Gun resounded all around, and the laser storm continued to hit the living metal. ]

[However, the scorching laser of a Hell Gun had no effect on the Skinner. ]

[On the contrary, because it destroyed the human skin wrapped around it, it completely aroused the other party's bloodthirsty desire. ]

[You gritted your teeth and pulled the trigger tightly. ]

[You must try your best to create time for Zoya and Vader to escape. ]

[At this moment, the old man Vader suddenly took a deep breath. ]

[He suddenly raised his mechanical prosthesis, and with the sound of metal vibration, a gun much larger than the laser pistol emerged from the mechanical prosthesis. ]

[It was a bolt pistol! ]

[The muscular old man Vader, wearing windproof sunglasses, passed by you. ]

["Go! Go to Broken Corner Alley to find Red Hand!" He ordered you without looking back. ]

[Before he finished speaking, Vader held the bolt pistol with both hands and pulled the trigger. ]

[In an instant, the roar of the bolt was deafening. ]

[It also caused the skinner who had rushed to the front to fall to the ground suddenly, barely stopping its action. ]

[You stopped shooting immediately, and the overheated hell gun kept making a rapid buzzing sound. ]

[You turned around, put your arm around Zoya's waist, and carried her on your shoulders. ]

[Zoya didn't try to struggle, but her purple eyes were filled with tears. ]

[Her thin lips were bitten tightly by her teeth, and a trace of scarlet blood oozed out. ]

["Grandpa——" Just as Wade's back was about to disappear, Zoya seemed to be unable to hold back her excitement and cried out for the last time. ]

["Be obedient! Child! Try to live!" Wade shouted without looking back. ]

[At this moment, he was like an old lion, skillfully taking out a bomb from his mechanical prosthesis, and shooting it at the joints of the skinner with great skill, trying his best to stop the opponent's actions. ]

[You carried Zoya into the depths of the nearby streets and ran between the houses. ]

[After a few dozen seconds, the roar of the bombs stopped abruptly. ]

[You blinked your dry eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the waves surging in your heart. ]

[Just on your shoulder, Zoya, with tears streaming down her face, desperately covered her mouth, as if she was afraid that her crying would reveal your location. ]

[You took Zoya and hid between the houses. ]

[Until Zoya gradually calmed down and began to show you the way. ]

[A few minutes later, you were already very close to Broken Corner Alley. ]

[However, a shell from the direction of the defense army's garrison landed in front of you with a terrifying scream. ]

[Even though the distance was still far, the powerful shock wave generated by the explosion still knocked you and Zoya to the ground. ]

[You were dizzy and closed your eyes. ]

[You lost too much blood. ]

[You struggled to open your eyes and tried to struggle to get up. ]

[You found that one of your legs was cut off by the flying shrapnel at some point, and blood flowed on the ground. ]

[You looked around hurriedly, trying to find Zoya's trace. ]

[You see Zoya lying on the ground a few meters away, and the helmet of the defense soldier has been shattered. ]

[She seems to have no obvious external injuries, only a wound on her forehead caused by the splashing gravel, and a lot of blood has flowed out. ]

[You take a deep breath, grit your teeth and crawl towards Zoya. ]

[However, in the rolling dust that has not yet dissipated, a terrifying figure slowly moves out. ]

[You subconsciously look up and can't help but gasp. ]

[I saw that an old face belonging to Vader was covered on the metal skeleton, and fresh human skin was wrapped around the living metal again. ]

[At the same time, vague and low whispers also kept floating out of the opponent's skull. ]

["Zoya--" The terrifying Skinner kept muttering. ]

[You gritted your teeth and took out a fragmentation grenade from your arms and threw it at the opponent, trying to stop the Skinner from advancing. ]

[You crawled to the unconscious Zoya with all your strength. ]

[You tried to wake her up, but found that dark red blood kept flowing out of her mouth and nose. ]

[Your lips trembled slightly, and your vision gradually blurred. ]

[As a veteran of the battlefield, you certainly understood what this meant. ]

[You barely supported your body. ]

[You gently held Zoya's head and let her lie on your legs. ]

["I'm sorry... I can't save you... I'm sorry..." Your eyes were bloodshot and you muttered to yourself]

[For a moment, you seemed to have forgotten the skinner who was so close. ]

[Drops of tears fell silently from your chin and dripped onto Zoya's cheek. ]

[The heavy footsteps of the skinner gradually approached. ]

[You didn't even raise your head, but just took out the last fragmentation grenade from your arms. ]

[You and Zoya were engulfed by the flames of the explosion. 】

【In a trance, you seemed to see the unconscious Zhuo Ya slowly rising into the air, and a pair of white wings seemed to grow from her back...】

【Your consciousness fell into darkness. 】

【You are dead. 】

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