American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

665, The Siege of Terra - Rogdorn (XII)

[Boom boom boom——]

[Instantly, large-caliber shells that penetrated the gray snowflakes continued to explode on your power armor, emitting terrifying explosions and flames.

[A large number of adamantium fragments and broken servo devices splashed out from your tall body to all directions. ]

[Even so, you fell heavily on the ground not far from Perturabo like a metal meteorite. ]

[One of your sturdy arms with broken armor shells suddenly changed, forming an ugly tentacle covered with sharp thorns, and swept across the iron ring robots in front of you that formed a defensive formation! ]


[Two iron ring robots holding melee weapons and heavy shields were directly pulled away by your ugly tentacles, and rolled heavily to the ground in the distance. ]

[But the remaining iron ring robots immediately filled the missing defensive formation, and used a large number of heavy bombs to keep you and Perturabo forever separated by a seemingly insurmountable distance. ]

[At this moment, the nanomachine frenzy controlled by the Iron Man David suddenly passed over your head, and a large group of dark cloud-like figures frantically devoured the iron ring robot in front of them! ]

[In just a dozen seconds, an iron ring robot that was struggling to break free was completely submerged and disappeared, and the rest of the iron ring robots were also covered with pits and corrosion marks! ]

[Swish! ]

[The next moment, you, who had just changed the direction of the charge, were accurately covered by the firepower from Perturabo on your tall body.

[The extremely hot molten bombardment completely melted most of the power armor on your body! ]

[At this moment, you kept retreating backwards and subconsciously let out an angry roar that resounded around you. ]

[As a large number of power armor fragments continued to melt, your entire body expanded rapidly. ]

[Then, a very thick blue bone shell completely wrapped around your body, temporarily isolating you from the damage caused by the molten! ]

[Dong Dong Dong! ]

[Putting on the flesh-and-blood power armor again, you locked your sights firmly on Perturabo, who was more than ten meters away. ]

[You once again launched a terrifying charge at the opponent with astonishing momentum. ]

[Boom! ]

[You forcefully swept forward with your sturdy arms that once again transformed into large sickles and bone warhammers, and smashed the two iron ring robots returning from afar to the ground! ]

[Buzz buzz buzz! ]

[The next moment, the nanomechanical frenzy that had completely digested the three iron ring robots and was turning its attack direction to take the opportunity to pounce on Perturabo was completely blocked by the stasis grenades thrown into the air by the opponent! ]

[Bang bang bang! ]

[Accompanied by the layers of stasis force fields that exploded, the nanomechanical frenzy that was currently the greatest threat to Perturabo and the two iron ring robots that had not yet risen from the ground were heavily wrapped up and could not move at all in a short period of time! ]

[And at the same time as the stasis grenade appeared.

[You had already moved your heavy feet and made the necessary dodge to the side. ]

[Your tall body almost narrowly missed the edge of the stasis field. ]

[You took a deep breath, stared at Perturabo in front of you and continued to charge! ]

[At this moment, the only iron ring robot that could still move immediately handed a "Furnace Breaker" hammer that looked like a large clamp to Perturabo's palm. ]


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