American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

081. The Redeemer: The Prototype of Gang Dog!

Gao's Chamber of Commerce.

The tall Rorschach sat on a mahogany chair.

He held a cup of hot tea in his palm and was sipping it slowly.

Due to the construction of the base.

The time for him to perform the mission was temporarily postponed for a few days.

Iron Man David guaranteed a maximum of three days.

It can expand an underground passage that can support Valkyrie's entry and exit.

So, Rorschach can only choose to wait patiently.

At the same time, he also came to inspect the situation on Mrs. Gao's side.


Accompanied by the sound of a wooden door turning.

The closed door slowly opened.

Mrs. Gao, with white hair, walked in expressionlessly.

She walked quickly to Rorschach, who was sitting in the chair, and knelt down directly.

"My Lord!"

Rorschach calmly put down the teacup in his hand.

He glanced at Mrs. Gao and said helplessly:

"You don't have to kneel down when you meet in the future... Let me report the current situation first."

"Yes, my Lord..."

Mrs. Gao slowly stood up.

She straightened her back and said to Rorschach respectfully:

"Now most of the gangs in New York have surrendered. Through the messenger of our Lord, criminals who have stained the lives of innocent people have been secretly executed. Most criminal channels such as human smuggling and even "drugs" have been abandoned... My Lord, your annual income will lose more than 60%, and the rest is from the revenue brought by legitimate industries."

Hearing Mrs. Gao's simple description.

Rorschach nodded slightly.

Iron Man David seemed to know his preferences very well.

He actually made an arrangement of strong arm and broken wrist.

However, this also fits Rorschach's mind.

If the conquered gangs do not make changes as before.

Then why should he kill Kingpin?

"I remember that some gangs are responsible for the smuggling of luxury goods? The smuggling routes of luxury goods and firearms should not be stopped. Anyway, there are people consuming them, and these incomes should not be wasted. Moreover, the expansion of legitimate industries also needs people who know the business to preside over it... Forget it, let David go to dig talents."

Rorschach lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

He said to Madam Gao:

"In addition, we can use the excuse of annexation to launch a strike against other gangs that smuggle and sell "drugs", and train some people by fighting to support the war..."

The words were not finished.

Madam Gao, with an expressionless face, suddenly bowed slightly to Rorschach and said:

"My Lord, in fact... we are currently fighting with the Hand, but because most of the battles take place in hidden places and are participated by the elite of the gang, it has never attracted official attention."

"The Hand?"

Rorschach raised his chin and frowned slightly.

"Those ninjas? I think I killed a ninja leader..."

Madam Gao, with an expressionless face, stood in place and said in a deep voice:

"My Lord, that is Murakami, the ninja leader of the Hand, one of the five fingers of the Hand. In addition to me, there are still three fingers... Because the war I launched against Kingpin destroyed their plan to dig dragon bones, they launched a revenge action."

"Dragon bones?"

Rorschach keenly caught a word he had never heard before.

He couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

At this moment, Madam Gao raised a slender hand and brushed across her delicate cheek.

She showed herself to Rorschach and said:

"That is the skeleton left behind by a mysterious ancient creature after its death... With some rituals, taking dragon bones can gain the power of immortality... My Lord, I am now over a hundred years old and still young forever."

Rorschach looked at Madam Gao carefully.

In particular, the special contrast between her white hair and her physical condition was impressive.

However, Rorschach's face did not show much excitement.

He took a deep breath and asked lightly:

"What about the side effects?"

"It's like a 'medicine'... Every year or less, you must take dragon bones again, otherwise the time you have lost will all come back... According to past experience, people who do not take dragon bones on time will instantly age and decay."

Madam Gao told Rorschach the biggest secret in her heart without hesitation.


Rorschach, with his eyes narrowed, suddenly sneered.

After thinking for a while, he ordered:

"Then go and rob the Hand... Even if you don't need it in the future, you can't let them get it!"

"Yes, my Lord... What are your plans next?"

"Do you need to review the subordinates who are fighting against the Hand... Or go to the warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce? The guns you requested are already stored inside."

Mrs. Gao bowed slightly, and a strand of white hair fell from her head.

Rorschach took a deep breath.

He slowly got up from the mahogany chair.

His huge body, which was more than a head taller than Mrs. Gao, made him look down at her.

Rorschach, squinting his eyes, raised his thick arms and moved them.

He smiled and said:

"Then go and see how good those subordinates are..."

"Yes, my Lord."


In the training ground inside the Chamber of Commerce.

Rorschach, expressionless, lifted a muscular white man with just one arm.

He threw him casually, and the other flew into the air.

The whole person fell heavily on the rubber floor of the training ground.

There was a loud noise.


The white man's face suddenly turned red.

He lay on the ground for a long time before slowly exhaling.

He tried to support his head.

The look in his eyes when he looked at Rorschach.

There was already a little more fear and admiration.

"I give up!"

The white man took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

Rorschach stopped moving forward with an expressionless face.

He stood where he was.

His eyes slowly scanned the muscular men around him who were looking at each other in bewilderment.

Then, Rorschach asked softly with an expressionless face:

"Who else wants to challenge?"

Before he finished speaking, the people around him fell into a strange silence.

At this moment, a thin man who looked like a Slav hesitated.

He mustered up the courage to walk out of the crowd and said to Rorschach:

"Boss, you have already dealt with everyone present... I don't think they dare to fight you."

Rorschach turned his eyes expressionlessly.

He stared at the thin man and asked:


"Uh... You can call me Franky."

The thin man named Franky answered cautiously.

Rorschach nodded.

He walked up to Franky.

One hand gently placed on Franky's shoulder.

"You have more courage than others... Now, you are the captain of these people, understand?"


Franky's eyes flashed with excitement.

He straightened his back and shouted loudly.

"In addition... From today on, the treatment of all of you will be doubled, provided that you can survive the subsequent battles."

"So, try to survive."

Rorschach smiled slightly.

Announced a message to everyone present.

Then, he walked out of the training ground without even looking back.

He didn't care about the rising morale of his men.

For these gang members with complicated identities and blood on their hands.

The stick and carrot approach always works.

"Let you, the scum of the past... become the cornerstone of the future of mankind."

The voice like a mosquito floated out of Rorschach's mouth.

It slowly dissipated in the cheers behind him.

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