American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$939, Caliban's Past: Legacy of Time and Space (IX)

Just after Rorschach explained some important things to Lion King Ryan in a solemn tone.

Sure enough, as he expected, the painful tearing feeling he had been waiting for for a long time swept over him again.

The only difference is that this time the wild wolf cub also fell into the same situation.

The other party and Rorschach endured extremely unstable time and space travel together.


However, not long after, Rorschach and the Wild Wolf Cub, who were holding back the aftertaste of pain, quickly propped up their vibranium power armor and tried their best to observe the surrounding environment.

They opened their eyes subconsciously but saw it first.

In the dark night sky, a large number of huge fleets were engaged in fierce exchanges of fire outside the icy void, almost lighting up the entire planet's atmosphere with their bright light spears.

At the same time, countless heavy artillery shells and tornado missiles suddenly flew through the air and landed on the smoke-filled ground positions like meteors and fire showers.

Each vehicle was either burning in place with blazing flames, or among the Crusader-type Land Raiders that were struggling to charge.

The Dark Angels, who were wearing black power armor on their tall bodies and with blood-red emblems sprayed on their thick shoulder armor, were fighting each other in extremely cruel close combat!

At this moment, countless comrades who had fought side by side were firing bombs at each other, and blood brothers who had been close in the past were chain sawing each other.

Boom boom boom——

Faced with such a fierce and chaotic battlefield.

Rorschach and the wild wolf cubs, who frowned, did not take action immediately.

Because they are still trying to distinguish which side of the Dark Angels are loyalists and which side of the Dark Angels are traitors.

However, at this time, there was a roar of engines coming from far and near.

A roaring Revenge Land Speeder quickly hovered above the heads of Rorschach and the others.

The next second, Lord Cypher, still carrying the Lion King Sword on his back and wearing dark green power armor on his tall body, fell heavily into the field of vision of the other two people.

"Primarch and Wolf, why are you here now?"

"Follow me quickly! This is not our battlefield, there are places where the situation is more urgent!"

Cypher's words had just fallen.

Luo Xia, who subconsciously twitched his nose, suddenly raised his hand to stop the wild wolf cub who was about to step forward.

He glanced at Seve not far away with cold eyes, and asked in a solemn tone:

"Seph, you seem to have a lot of chaotic psionic stench remaining on your body. Do you want to explain to us what you were in contact with before?"

At this moment, seeing the serious expressions on their faces, Rorschach and the Wild Wolf Cub subconsciously grasped the Blood Scythe and the Forgebreaker Warhammer.

Seve immediately raised his hand to lift his hood, revealing a resolute face that clearly showed anxiety. He said in a deep voice to his brothers:

"I already know most of the truth and secrets involving the remnants of time and space."

"And my specific source of information is a Tzeentch demon. Don't worry, I have used verbal traps to verify the authenticity of the specific content."

"The so-called remnants of time and space are indeed some kind of spillover phenomenon caused by the overactive subspace nature of the original body itself, but it is not the current original body, but a more powerful original body at a certain stage in the future."

"And even the Great Demon of Tzeentch has to admit that the Chaos Evil Gods also played a role in fueling this. However, judging from the current situation, the conspiracy and machinations of the Four Chaos Gods seem to have got out of hand, and are even serious enough for him. We have to find a way to force the Emperor and the rest of us to travel through time and space to make up for the loopholes!”

"Caliban at this moment is an important node with the most fragile space-time structure in the entire history of the galaxy, and deep underground in Caliban's world, a space-time portal forcibly torn open by a mysterious force is constantly raging. , a large amount of time and space remnants are pouring out from inside!"

"At the same time, countless demonic coalitions from the four gods of chaos are trying their best to resist the invasion of the remnants of time and space. Yes, you heard it right, the demonic army of chaos is resisting the remnants of time and space... because according to a series of prophecies made by the plan, if Kali If the time and space portal on the class is not completely closed, then not only the future of the entire galaxy will undergo huge changes that even the four gods of chaos cannot predict, but the past that has become a foregone conclusion will also be completely destroyed by endless time and space remnants, and eventually As a result, the real universe is likely to experience a devastating structural collapse that even the subspace cannot withstand!”

At this moment, Cypher's low words caused Rorschach and the Wolf Cubs to fall into silence.

Countless terrifying artillery fires exploding in the night sky seemed to have replaced the sound of their heartbeats, becoming one scene after another of exciting music.

At this moment, Rorschach, who had an uncertain expression on his bronze face, suddenly spoke in the direction of Seph:

"I once told the Emperor that if I in the future think that everything has become a foregone conclusion, when the human race has completely embarked on a hopeless road, I will do everything possible to drag the entire universe with me!"

"Perhaps this is the only message that I want to convey to us in the future, so why should I help you and even the Chaos Evil Gods prevent the destruction of the entire universe? Isn't this the end that the Chaos forces in the subspace have always wanted? !”

"Since the Chaos Evil Gods like to play with fire so much, then they shouldn't be afraid of fire burning themselves!"

Rorschach's low words echoed in the ears of everyone present.

The wolf cub, squinting his eyes, first stared at the indifferent Primarch, and then glanced at Cypher, who looked serious.

He did not do anything out of line, as if the destruction of the universe had little to do with him.

"Primarch, you and I cannot be sure whether the future human empire has embarked on an irreversible dead end, but I prefer to believe that a Primarch who fights for humanity and the Emperor will not so easily choose a path that destroys everything in the world!"

"Because this is an escapist mentality, a cowardly choice, a crazy move that only the weak will make when they admit defeat! So tell me, Primarch, have you already admitted defeat in your heart? Do you think that even if countless mortals and Astartes are fighting hard for the survival of the human empire, the future human race will still be a civilization that will eventually die?"

At this moment, Cypher's words hit the huge bodies of Rorschach and the wolf cub like an invisible drumstick.

After a long silence, Rorschach took a deep breath and suddenly said:

"I always have faith in the human race, just like the Emperor's unreasonable preference for humans..."

"Come on, brothers, let's put an end to this space-time disaster that threatens the entire galaxy!"

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