As time goes by slowly.

Outside the Ring of Steel starport on the planet Medusa, there are already densely packed metal ships that have completed repairs and overhauls.

In fact, given the number of ships Rorschach has now.

This is already comparable to an imperial joint fleet that can barely be assembled in an imperial star field.

If we calculate the specific number of Astartes.

If we only talk about combat power, then Rorschach can be said to be the most powerful warlord leader in the entire human empire.

Not even Regent Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade fleet could match Rorschach's power.

Because even the original body cannot guarantee 100% that all the forces under his command will obey one person's voice.

But Rorschach can do this easily.

This is not just because everything in the Scourge was saved by him personally, whether it is ships or Astartes.

It is also because he tries to treat everyone within the legion with fairness and justice that is completely different from the human empire.

Perhaps some of the ways of handling things still retain the bureaucratic habits and cold style of the human empire.

But this is also an important basis for Rorschach to continue to survive in this icy galaxy.

Soon after, almost all Astartes from the Great Company of the Iron Hands joined the Scourge, after retaining part of the planetary defense fleet and remaining troops.

They also became another Astartes company to join the Scourge, following the Great Company of the Sharks, the Raven Guard, the Blood Ravens, the Lamenters, the Alpha Company and the Silver Skulls.

As for the Black Templar, White Scars and other companies that are still sparse in number, they are also continuing to grow towards the number of Dalian.

Perhaps they can become one of the main companies of the Scourge Legion in the future.

Also under Rorschach's secret authorization.

The remaining forces on Medusa will completely abandon the restrictions of the Codex Astartes.

Increase the number of Astartes troops and strive to return to the massive scale of the Great Crusade.

Wait until all matters are temporarily over.

The increasingly larger Scourge fleet slowly left the planet Medusa.

He embarked on a long journey to support the Regent Guilliman again.

Rorschach also looked forward to meeting Guilliman again.

He even wanted to know what kind of state the other party would be in after seeing Omegon again.


The flagship of the Scourge.

Inside the upper hall of the 'Steel Fist' Glory Queen-class battleship.

Rorschach, wearing vibranium power armor on his huge body, is sending groups of heavily armed Astartes combat teams into the depths of the subspace portal for support missions.

He accidentally discovered it during a prayer support session not long ago.

Some support prayers that were relatively small in terms of battlefield size and combat difficulty did not require him to personally lead the team.

The Astartes squad, whose individual combat capabilities and weapons and equipment are luxurious, can complete the task independently.

As long as Rorschach opens the return portal according to the set time, it will be fine.

So, Rorschach took the risk and tried it.

He immediately let go and allowed more Astartes to participate.

In this way, although the Astartes from various great companies will still experience combat attrition under various circumstances.

But the number of Rorschach's Golden Throne Coins also reached three digits for the first time, that is, more than one hundred coins.

Buzz buzz——

At this moment, Rorschach, who was trying to select suitable tasks from the prayer support page, suddenly raised his head.

He stared doubtfully at a subspace portal that was gradually opening in front of many Astartes and Dalian Captains!

"This is not our portal! All Astartes must be vigilant immediately to protect the Primarch!"

The head of the Shark Librarian Kahuranji, who was holding the power scepter tightly in his palm, suddenly turned his pale-skinned face.

He issued a warning to the surrounding Grand Company Commanders and Astartes!

Boom, boom, boom!

The next second, hundreds of Man-Eating Sharks and Iron Hands Astartes immediately propped up the vibranium energy shield.

They held storm bolters and firmly surrounded the subspace portal that was rapidly spreading and tearing apart!

Immediately afterwards, the think tank brothers from Blood Crow and Silver Skull quickly drove the Terminator power armor forward.

The power staffs were waved repeatedly.

Layers of extremely thick psychic shields fell on the burly bodies of many Astartes.

A large number of imminent psychic witchcraft were gradually condensed in their palms.

Once traces of chaos demons or subspace creatures are found, they will be thrown over immediately!

Rorschach, who was sitting on the huge throne, also closed the simulator page.

In the palm of a huge palm, dark shadows and sticky blood repeatedly intertwined and rolled endlessly.


In an instant, a golden magnetic boot slowly stepped out of the completely stabilized subspace portal.

Under the silent gaze of Rorschach and many Astartes.

One was wearing a set of golden power armor, holding a long sword and the Holy Grail.

A strange figure with a pair of white wings growing on the back of its broad back slowly came into the upper hall of the 'Steel Fist'!

Rorschach, whose expression became increasingly cold, stared at the other person with his face covered.

The golden mask that was almost identical to the exquisite appearance of Sanguinius.

Strands of dark shadows and sticky blood suddenly burst out from his huge body!

"Who gave you the courage to pretend to be my original brother!!!"

At this moment, the scarlet light like a liquid flame quickly flowed out from the depths of Rorschach's eyes.

His huge body wrapped in countless dark shadows disappeared from the huge throne as if teleporting.

After the dark shadow of the shadow step quickly dissipated.

Rorschach's huge body had already arrived in front of the strange figure.

A heavy dark Dawnbringer warhammer with an extremely piercing scream fell heavily on the other's head!

"Sanguinius, see Lord Rorschach... I am here to ask for your support on the orders of Archangel Sanguinius!"

At this moment, a vague and low voice slowly entered Rorschach's ears.

When Rorschach heard the other party's words,

The Dawnbringer hammer that was about to strike suddenly stopped in mid-air, even just an inch away from the opponent's head!

"If you dare to lie to me in the name of Sanguinius, even if you hide in the depths of the warp, I will find you myself and make you regret all your decisions now!"

Rorschach stared at the other party with a cold expression.

He spoke slowly to the strange existence who called himself Sanguinius.

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