The night sky was as dark as ink, and the flashing neon lights of the nightclub illuminated the most prosperous street in the entire town.

There was an endless stream of vehicles on the street, and the most eye-catching one was a black Chrysler parked in front of the nightclub.

"Sir, please walk slowly, and remember to give a five-star review on Uber."

Logan Howlett watched the guests walk into the nightclub before closing the car door, smoothing his cheap suit, getting back in the car and driving away.

The car passed through the bustling streets, all the way out of the town, and galloped on the wasteland avenue.

As the night deepened, the roads outside the city were sparsely populated and slightly deserted.

The wind blew from time to time, rolling up the yellow soil on the ground, covering the already not-so-clean vehicles with a layer of dust.

Ding Dong!

The mobile phone screen suddenly lit up, and a text message came in.

Caliban: The professor's medicine is running out.

Logan drove with one hand, looked at the text message, and sighed helplessly.

"I'll find a way."

He typed a response with one hand, his face full of exhaustion.

The professor's medicine was running out again. Without the suppression of the medicine, once he got sick, it would be an unimaginable disaster.

Logan put down his phone and touched his pocket.


The shrunken wallet made him sigh helplessly.

How long has it been since he traveled through time?

He couldn't remember it a little, and even his previous memories gradually blurred with the passage of time.

He only remembered that his surname was not Howlett, but Luo, an ordinary person in China.

At that time, "Wolverine 3" was in theaters. As an X-Men fan, he also paid a box office for this movie and witnessed the tragic life of the old Wolverine in the theater.

Unexpectedly, after waking up from a sleep, he traveled to the X-Men universe and became Logan Howlett.

At the beginning of the time travel, Professor X's tragedy in Westchase had not happened, and mutants had not yet gone extinct.

Logan tried hard to prevent the tragedy from happening, but it backfired.

Even though he knew some of the events in advance and tried his best to prevent Professor X from accidentally losing control.

But in the end, he couldn't do it.

Professor X's loss of control in Westchase caused hundreds of deaths.

This incident shocked the whole country, and people's fear of mutants deepened to the extreme.

The government, which was already afraid of mutants, took the opportunity to impose compulsory control on mutants and developed drugs for genetic defects, making mutants unable to reproduce, trying to completely erase the existence of mutants.

Logan, who came through time, was also powerless to save the situation. The tragedy of Uncle Wolf in his old age seemed to be reappearing again...

Logan looked at himself in the rearview mirror.

His gradually vicissitudes of life were full of exhaustion, and the thick beard that had no time to take care of grew wildly like a steel needle, and his messy hair and temples were already a little gray.

The old hands holding the steering wheel looked like a piece of tree bark.

Looking at this, Logan had a complicated expression.

Beep beep...

The dashboard suddenly gave a reminder, and the fuel tank, which was about to run out, reflected a scarlet light.

"Damn it!"

Logan slammed the steering wheel irritably.

Years of escape and the departure of relatives and friends around him made him anxious and irritable, and he often got restless because of some trivial things.

Fortunately, there are many motels in this desert. This kind of motel that integrates hotels, restaurants and gas stations is very common in St. Anthony.

Logan has lived in Texas for many years and has long been a frequent visitor.

He drove the car to the door of a hotel with a sign on, turned off the engine and got out of the car, and pushed the door in with ease.

"James, I haven't seen you for two days."

Uncle Kru at the front desk put down the wiped wine glass, stretched out his hand and greeted Logan with a smile.

James is another name for Logan.

After all, the name of Logan Howlett has been on the wanted list for a long time.

As a desperado who needs to hide his identity, it is obviously inappropriate to make his real name public.

"Haven't seen me for two days, have you been burning with desire?"

Logan threw the car keys to the clerk beside him and asked him to refuel his car. He sat in front of the counter, "Same old, a bottle of wine."

There are too many troubles in life, so he has to use alcohol to numb the messy troubles in his heart.

Alcohol has gradually become an indispensable spiritual pillar in his life.

"Drunk driving is not good."

Kru laughed and teased, but still turned around and took out a bottle of wine from the wine rack and handed it over.

Logan took the wine and was not in a hurry to drink it. The spokesperson of the wine on the bottle caught his attention.

The tight-fitting battle suit with blue, red and white interlaced outlines the muscle lines of the spokesperson perfectly. He dragged the vibranium round shield in one hand and held a bottle of wine in the other hand, with a smile on his face.

"The new spokesperson, Captain America."

Crew followed Logan's gaze and reminded him with a chuckle.

"I thought he would be the ambassador of prohibition."

Logan bit open the bottle and sneered in response, the aroma of the wine filled his nose.

It was also after a long time of crossing that Logan realized that the universe he was in had some subtle changes from the X-Men universe he had seen in the movie before.

This is not just a new timeline of the X-Men, but a timeline that also has the existence of the Avengers.

It is now 2012, which is the time when the Avengers rose.

It is a pity that the Avengers did not exist during the glorious period of the X-Men, so the two sides did not have any intersection.

But the funny thing is that people only know the Avengers. The streets are full of Avengers posters and news programs.

But no one knows that the X-Men have also shed blood for this country and this land, and even for saving the world.

Under the deliberate exaggeration of the government, the mutants in people's impression have gradually become a group of unstable factors that endanger social security.

"It's hard to say. Captain Rogers was a soldier. You know, in their time, alcohol was an indispensable material on the battlefield."

Kru shrugged and explained.

Captain America is a product of World War II. In that era, alcohol became the only choice for soldiers to charge forward without fear.

Logan didn't speak. Look, people only know Captain America, but don't know that Wolverine withstood the bombing of the atomic bomb in World War II.

He shook his head and sighed, raised his head and filled his mouth with a big mouthful of wine.

The hot liquor slid down his throat and went down his stomach, as if the fatigue of the day also disappeared, and the alcohol that surged into his mind slightly awakened this already exhausted body.

Soon, most of the bottle of wine was gone.


A gunshot rang out suddenly, and the harsh sound was particularly loud in this silent wilderness.


Kru was startled, and the wine glass he was wiping fell on the bar, but he had no time to pay attention, and suddenly looked up at the door.

"Damn, what's going on!"

Logan suddenly remembered that his car was still outside, and the gas clerk had not returned yet.

He felt something was wrong and turned around to check.

San Antonio is not a good place.

Every year, countless Mexicans and illegal immigrants run into Texas, and many of them choose San Antonio.

These guys without identity and jobs have made the whole San Antonio a mess, and there are few competent stupid policemen who only take taxpayers' money, which makes criminals more unscrupulous and crimes rampant.

Robbery at night has almost become one of the few means of survival for Mexicans and hungry illegal immigrants.

It is not new that there are a few unclaimed bodies outside the wilderness every day.

"Boy, hand over the keys, quickly!"

Five Mexicans surrounded the black Chrysler, and their black skin almost blended into the wilderness.

One of them held a steaming pistol in his hand and pointed it at the frightened clerk, threatening him to hand over the keys.

"Hey, man, that Chrysler can't seat five people, and it's worthless."

Logan cursed as he walked out of the door and strode forward.

Crew, who was following closely behind him, looked panicked and reminded: "James, be careful!"

He knew that these Mexicans were all desperate criminals who often did these shady things in the wilderness, and even many people had died under their guns. They were a group of murderous villains.

"Old man, is this car yours?"

The Mexicans turned their attention to Logan.

The man with the gun pointed the gun at Logan without hesitation, with contempt in his eyes.

Obviously, they didn't take this old man who looked over fifty and was drunk seriously.

"Of course."

Logan's eyes were a little confused, and the alcohol took over his brain at an inappropriate time, but fortunately he was still conscious.

He reached out from his pocket and took out five hundred dollars and handed them over, "Take them and leave, no one will call the police here, and no one will get hurt."

Years of escape life have washed away a lot of the violence in his heart, and he didn't want to cause trouble at this critical moment.

The old Mexicans saw the money, and their eyes brightened.

But it was obvious that their greed was not limited to this. The old Mexican with a gun laughed and said, "Old man, kill you, the car and money are ours."

They committed many crimes, and at least seven or eight people died in their hands. They didn't mind taking more lives.

Besides, there were many old men with corpses in the wilderness, and the police were too lazy to investigate.

The reaction of the old Mexicans made Kru's heart tighten, "James!"

As soon as his voice fell, a gunshot came instantly.


The harsh sound echoed in the wilderness.

The old Mexican holding the gun had already pulled the trigger wildly, his expression still playful, the life of an old man was obviously insignificant.

"Damn it!"

Logan cursed, and his body almost reacted subconsciously, twisting his head to the left.

The whistling bullet was wrapped in scorching heat, almost brushing his ears, and hit the wall of the hotel behind him fiercely, leaving a steaming black bullet hole.

For a moment, the surroundings were completely silent, and everyone stared at Logan in amazement.

The old Mexicans looked at Logan who turned his head, and then looked at the pistol with steam coming out of the muzzle in his hand, and felt that their heads exploded immediately.

He actually dodged the bullet!

The original fearlessness gradually dissipated, and looking at Logan who was gradually getting angry, inexplicable fear grew in the hearts of the five people.

Kru was also stunned, staring at Logan's back in disbelief.

He always thought that James was just a drunken private car driver.

But now, this guy's identity is obviously not simple!

"Since you don't want to talk properly, let's change the way!"

Logan's eyes were gloomy, and he clenched his fists with gritted teeth. Three small holes gradually tore between his finger bones, as if something was about to come out.

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