American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 109 Strength points are full, Maca returns

Logan looked at the data panel with satisfaction. The harvest this time was beyond his imagination.

And this can be said to be an unexpected surprise. After all, his original intention was just to rescue his companions in the shelter, and he did not deliberately want to gain prestige points.

However, after the joy, Logan calmed down and couldn't help looking at the vast night and thinking deeply.

The exposure of the farm made him realize that the situation was unfavorable. They couldn't hide like rats crossing the street for a lifetime.

The last farm was breached, and it didn't cause any major casualties. It was a blessing in disguise that no tragedy occurred.

But Logan didn't think this blessing would always exist. If they were still like now, still tired of hiding, the result would only be that they would be discovered again and again, and fall into encirclement and suppression again and again.

Nothing happened this time, but Logan didn't guarantee that he could get through it smoothly next time.

It won't be long before those guys from the picket team will come to their door and chase them again.

After SHIELD solves the Ultron issue, it may also encircle and suppress the mutants again.

The only way out is to change the current situation.

But this concerns the future of all mutants. He alone, with his current strength, cannot accomplish this great mission.

Thinking of this, Logan couldn't help but think of Macka.

Perhaps Macka's choice was correct, to open a shelter and accept mutants.

When the number of mutants reaches a certain level, enough to threaten the government, they will have the capital to negotiate with the government.

Those government officials will not let mutants get fairness just because they are pitiful.

The only way to get equal power is to make the government wary or even afraid.

And this requires the attitude of the majority of mutants to gather together.

Thinking of this, Logan couldn't help but lose his mind a little.

He couldn't help but think of Macka.

Not long after they left yesterday, Macka lost contact. Logan can still clearly remember the scene when he was surrounded by the group of baby spiders.

And Macka's behavior also surprised Logan. He didn't expect that Macka, as the leader of the shelter, would use himself as bait to give them a chance to leave.

No matter from which aspect, Macka is a trustworthy leader and a friend worth making close friends with.

At this moment, Logan even doubted his previous defense against Macka.

Perhaps, he really misjudged Macka this time. Macka might just simply want to create a safe home for mutants.

"I hope the goddess of luck will favor him."

Logan looked up, and through the gaps in the leaves, he saw the stars in the night sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

He also had some thoughts in his mind, thinking that if Macka was still out of contact, he would need to organize a few people to look for him tomorrow.

Thinking about it, Logan looked back at the data panel.

Looking at the free points that soared to 40 points, Logan did not hesitate too much and directly added all 30 points to strength.

Now his other abilities cannot be displayed, such as thermal vision, annihilation and other abilities, which can only be hidden for the time being.

When fighting against others, he still uses steel claws more often. In this way, strength becomes his main ability to fight against the enemy. Increased strength means that his attack ability is increased.

As the points were added, Logan suddenly felt his muscles gradually expand under his skin, and every muscle cell seemed to be replenished, and his body seemed to be condensed with unimaginable power.

He clenched his fist slightly, and the veins on his arm bulged. The huge fist seemed to contain extremely terrifying energy.

Logan looked at the wooden house behind him, thought for a while, and slowly stood up. After walking forward a few steps, he suddenly swung a punch in the air.


A dull sound exploded in the air.

This punch directly smashed the air into a sonic boom, and the strong fist wind swept up a breeze. The fallen leaves on the ground were swept up by this strong wind and kept flying in the air. The big tree not far in front of him was hit by the fist wind, and the branches trembled, and bursts of rustling came.

Logan looked at the power of this punch and couldn't help but exhale a breath of fresh air, his eyes full of joy.

The full thirty points of power increase simply raised his strength to a terrifying level.

Feeling this tremendous power, Logan guessed that his strength should be between 25t and 75t. As for the specific amount, it still needs professional equipment to measure.

And such a terrifying power is enough for Logan to easily lift a light tank!

Feeling the power beside him, Logan restrained the joy in his eyes, sat back on the lounge chair, and drank a sip of wine with satisfaction.

There are still ten free points left, but Logan is not in a hurry to use them.

Since the last time he was almost dragged into the illusion by Wanda, Logan has deeply realized the importance of keeping a hand.

If he hadn't kept the extra free points at that time and increased his intelligence in time when he found that he had entered the illusion, he might have been dragged into the illusion by Wanda and completely controlled by her.

And this time, Logan plans to keep all ten points in case of emergency.

After arranging the free points, Logan looked at the enhancement points below.

Although the increase in enhancement points this time is not as great as the free points, the amount obtained is not small either. A full twenty points is enough for him to further improve his abilities.

However, when allocating enhancement points, Logan did not have the same heroic spirit as when allocating free points. Instead, he carefully checked the new abilities and attributes he had just acquired.

He found that the newly awakened special attribute, Absolute Leader, could also be enhanced using enhancement points. After the enhancement, Absolute Leader could expand the range of mutants.

Initially, his ability could only be enhanced if there were mutants within 100 meters. After the enhancement, this range would expand with the increase of points, and the peak level would naturally cover the entire planet.

After thinking about it, Logan temporarily gave up the enhancement of thermal vision and annihilation.

After all, at this stage, thermal vision is enough to deal with most situations, and it can be said that it is enough.

As for annihilation, Logan can be said to basically not use it.

After all, once this ability is used, his own physical strength will be drained, putting himself in an absolutely dangerous situation.

Logan will not let himself be at such a high risk. This ability will probably continue to lie dormant for a long time in the future.

After thinking about it, Logan decisively added ten enhancement points to Absolute Leader and Flight respectively.

The expansion of the absolute leader's range will allow him to absorb more enhancements provided by mutants, so he naturally needs to be enhanced.

And the ability to fly is obviously also crucial. Enhancing the ability to fly is enough for him to deal with many emergency situations, such as timely support, or escaping, where the speed of flight is definitely linked to life and death!

As for the self-healing factor, Logan doesn't need to consider it in the short term.

The ability of the self-healing factor is enough for him to use now. Even if it is enhanced, it can only speed up the repair ability at most.

Now his repair speed is already very fast, so there is no need to waste enhancement points to increase the repair time by a few milliseconds.

Moreover, after these abilities are enhanced to a certain extent, the enhancement speed will not be so obvious.

Therefore, Logan does not need to enhance his self-healing ability for the time being, and should be more concerned about the enhancement of other abilities.

After allocating all the points, Logan put away the data panel, lay on a comfortable lounge chair, and looked at the lush forest above his head.

The cold moonlight shone on his face through the gaps between the leaves. He bathed in the moonlight and drank wine, enjoying this rare and pleasant time.

Suddenly, he noticed that a branch in the woods in the distance suddenly shook.

Then, a figure flashed past the fence of the farm.

Seeing this, Logan quickly put down the bottle and chased after him, following the traces left by the figure, and kept shuttling through the jungle.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, the figure suddenly stopped, stood in a cluster of moonlight, and turned to face Logan.

Logan also stopped and looked at the figure opposite with vigilance.

This person was the blue-skinned weirdo from before, and Logan remembered the name of this weirdo. The other two weirdos called him Hans.

Logan squinted at Hans, with a dangerous cold light flashing in the corners of his eyes, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Before the farm was destroyed, Logan didn't think it was strange that Hans could find them.

But now they have changed their location and come to a brand new farm, but the other party can still find them.

This surprised Logan, after all, they have been here for less than a day.

The news of these weirdos is too well-informed.

Hans remained calm in the face of Logan's questioning, and said in a flat voice: "I know everything about Macka, including the shelter in his so-called Plan B. After the farm was attacked before, I knew you would come here."

As soon as these words came out, Logan's eyes flashed with coldness, and he clenched his fists slightly, and the steel pillar flashed out.

The cold steel claws flashed with a sharp cold light in the cool moonlight, and the murderous intent continued to spread in Logan's eyes.

"Is the sudden attack of the farm by the patrol team related to you?!"

Logan asked in a deep voice.

He didn't think it was an accident that the shelter was targeted by the patrol team.

After all, before they left, the shelter was still normal, and nothing special happened.

But after Macka took away the backbone of the shelter, the shelter was attacked, and the patrol team was obviously well prepared. The siege of hundreds of people was not simple.

Logan still suspects that someone has defected to the patrol team and betrayed the shelter!

Facing Logan's questioning, Hans looked disdainful, "Although I hate Maca, I won't be so unscrupulous as to sell out innocent lives."

After a pause, he added, "But this matter is indeed a little strange. I think you should investigate it carefully."

Even as a bystander, he felt that the shelter was locked down too suddenly, without any signs. Unless there was a prophetic guy in the patrol team, someone must have informed on him.

"Of course I will investigate."

Logan's eyes were deep and threatening, saying, "But if I find out that this matter is related to you guys, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Whatever you say."

Hans shrugged nonchalantly. He was very confident that he would not have anything to do with this matter.

Logan saw that he didn't seem to be lying, so he put away his steel claws and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you looking for me?"

He knew that Hans must have intentionally looked for him, otherwise he wouldn't make such an obvious noise, nor would he stop to talk to him.

Hans pondered for a while, then suddenly looked up at Logan, "What do you think of Macka now?"

"What do you mean?!"

Logan's eyes were focused, fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fists slightly.

"I just want you to be careful, Macka is not a good person."

Hans waved his hand, signaling Logan to stay calm, and then continued: "That guy is best at agitating people, I don't want you to be fooled by him."

"Get lost!"

Logan's eyes were gloomy, no longer polite, and he shouted at Hans.

Macka had just risked his life for them, and now this weirdo came to sow discord. Logan's credibility in the weirdo's words was at the lowest.

He stared at Hans and shouted: "Next time if you dare to show up again, I will definitely chop off your head with my steel claws!"

Now his attitude towards Macka has changed a little, and the weirdo's words at this time made him feel more and more that this weirdo just wanted to cause discord among the people on the farm to retaliate against Macka.

"Don't be so irritable."

Hans shook his head at Logan and sighed, "Believe it or not, my advice has come anyway, you can judge the rest by yourself."

After saying that, he no longer hesitated, turned around and hid in the mountains and forests, his figure flashed and jumped, and disappeared into the vast night.

Logan looked at the back of the weirdo and fell into deep thought for a while.

He thought that the weirdo's words could not be believed completely, but there should be some truth, such as Hans denied that they were the ones who led the patrol team here, Logan thought this should be true.

If it was really them who tipped off the patrol team, based on Logan's understanding of the patrol team, they would probably surround and solve the weirdo first, and then solve the farm.

In the eyes of those guys, except for normal humans, the rest of the mutants should all be locked up in jail!

However, overall, it seems that this sentence is the only one that can be trusted.

As for his warning to be careful of Maca, Logan felt that the time was indeed questionable.

It is very likely that he and Macka had a grudge and did not want him to walk with Macka, so he wanted to destroy the unity of the farm.

However, Logan did not know what the grudge was.

And this matter could only be investigated privately.

Perhaps the answer lies with Macka.

Thinking of this, Logan returned the same way, drank the wine on the lounge chair, and simply left these messy things behind and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Marcos and John organized all the mutants.

"Yesterday, our home, which we depend on for survival, suffered an unfortunate incident. Those damn pickets destroyed our home, but fortunately no one was injured, but we can't go back to that home."

Marcos stood in front of everyone and spoke with a sad face.

When everyone thought of the various evil deeds of the pickets, they couldn't help but grit their teeth, their eyes were cold, but more of it was helplessness and reluctance.

Everyone had long been accustomed to living in the previous farm, and now they came to this unfamiliar environment, which made them miss the previous farm.

Marcos also sighed and spoke again: "But life has to go on. This will be our new home from now on. Let's get moving. We still have a lot of work to do."

After that, he directed everyone: "Lorna, take a few people to find some food, John and a few people to pick up some firewood, and the others will clean up here with me. After cleaning up here, we will distribute the rooms."

After Marcos finished the distribution, everyone also took action.

No one has lived here for a long time, and everything looks very dilapidated. There are many rats and insects in the room, and there are some cracks on the walls and roof.

Everyone found a broom to clean up the garbage, drive away rats and insects, and find new wooden boards to repair all the damaged parts of the house.

The workload is huge, but everyone worked very hard. Even children like Laura actively participated in the activities, and they were sweating profusely.

After all, this is building their own new home, and everyone is particularly attentive.

Logan also participated in the action, sweeping the dust around the farm with a broom.

While cleaning a wooden house, he noticed a photo on a desk in a room. At this time, the photo was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Logan took the photo and wiped it with a wet rag.

A figure was reflected in the photo. Logan stared at the person and felt very familiar. After looking carefully, he found that it was Maca. However, compared with Maca now, he looked much younger and more immature in the photo. It should be taken in his youth.

The background of the photo was this farm. At that time, the farm was not so dilapidated. Maca stood in the middle of the farm and looked very happy.

"It seems that this may be Maca's old home."

Logan looked at the photo and murmured, put the album back to its original position, and continued to clean carefully.

Time passed unknowingly during this busy work. The sun gradually rose from the horizon to the top of the head. It was almost noon.

Logan was cleaning in a wooden house. Suddenly, he heard a mess outside. He went out to check with a frown.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard Lorna's excited shout, "McKa is back!"

Logan was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice, and then he quickly dropped the broom in his hand and went out to check.

"Where is he?"

He asked Lorna.

Behind him, Marcus, John and others also heard Lorna's voice and rushed over one after another.

All of them stared at Lorna with gleaming eyes and asked.


Lorna pointed to the entrance to the farm fence with an excited look on her face.

Several people hurriedly rushed towards the entrance. As they approached the door, everyone saw the guy in rags and dusty face, who looked like a beggar, walking slowly.

Although his face was dirty, Logan could still recognize him at a glance.

"It's really Micah!"

Marcus yelled happily and hurriedly rushed towards Maika.

Looking at Maika's figure, Logan's hanging heart finally sank.

He's finally back!


[I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy reunion under the full moon]

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