American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 112 Killing people is like chopping melons and vegetables


Logan looked at the figure on the telephone pole.

At this time, Spider-Man didn't have any cool suits. He was wearing a suit that was modified from sportswear. It looked like pajamas. There was a black spider embroidered on the chest, and the eyes on the hood were also made of protective clothing. The eyepiece was sewn, and he squatted on tiptoes on the telephone pole, looking at the people facing each other below.

"It turns out to be a PJ Masks superhero."

Victor looked at the sudden intrusion of Spider-Man without any fear. Instead, he teased him about his clothes, "Wearing these clothes, you can go to bed directly when you get home at night. It's really convenient."

Spider-Man obviously heard what Victor said and responded: "Hey, Bearded Man, this is much better looking than the trench coat you are wearing, and this is the uniform that was featured in Time Magazine."

After a pause, he added in a broken voice: "Besides, it's nap time now. You guys are shooting and having a party next to each other. It's not friendly to the neighbors. Go home quickly. This is not the place for you to mess around."

"Spider-Man, you have nothing to do here, go away!"

As soon as Spider-Man finished speaking, Moira spoke directly to expel him.

Obviously, she was very resistant to Spider-Man's penetration. After all, with Logan and the others joining the battle just now, their side had clearly gained the upper hand.

"I know it's none of my business, but I like to be nosy. Many criminals hate my behavior, but fortunately, they can only hate me in prison now."

Spider-Man looked at Moira, her mouth clicking like a machine gun.

After seeing Moira's appearance clearly, he was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "Madam, I seem to have seen you before, by the way, Queens..."


Spider-Man's chatter was interrupted by the sudden sound of gunfire, bullets flying past him.

Spider-Man on the telephone pole suddenly jumped up and jumped away, the bullet almost grazing his hood.

The pistol hanging on the telephone pole also fell to the ground because Spider-Man let go.

Logan and Victor were the first to react and quickly rolled forward to grab the gun.

Jin Bing's people on the other side were stunned for a moment and then rushed forward as well.

At this point in time, whoever gets the gun first will have the advantage.

However, at this time, several cars suddenly rushed out from the side, and after a perfect flick, they parked next to everyone.

The car door opened quickly, and a group of guys with submachine guns jumped out of the car very skillfully and pulled the triggers on everyone without hesitation.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Fierce and harsh gunfire sounded, the muzzle of the submachine gun sprayed flames, and a large barrage of bullets roared crazily.

"Be careful!"

Maika's expression changed, he shouted loudly, and hurriedly hid behind a wooden box.

Logan and Victor also reacted quickly and rolled into the back of the wooden box. The bullets streaked past them. The wooden box in front was directly punched with dozens of bullet holes and sawdust flying.


On the other side, several wails sounded.

Logan carefully poked his head out to check and found that Jin Bin's men had been shot several times and fell in a pool of blood. Several of them who were not dead were wailing and struggling in the pool of blood.

But the new group of guys obviously wouldn't let them go. They pointed their guns at their heads and fired again, directly smashing all the heads that were not dead.

Seeing this scene, Logan's expression condensed, and he quickly took his head back and reminded everyone: "They are another group, not from Kingpin's side!"

Logan suddenly felt that the cause of this conflict was definitely not small, and the organization of this group of people was definitely not small. After all, those who dared to kill Kingpin's men in Hell's Kitchen were definitely not ordinary people!

Maika obviously understood this. Against the fierce gunfire, he loudly asked Moira behind another box: "Moira, you have to tell us the truth. This can't be just a conflict. The new arrival What’s going on with those guys?”

Today's situation also leaves Maika confused.

Jinpin is no longer easy to mess with, and when other forces are involved, Maika is a little worried about whether people like himself can go back safely!

"Get out of here first, I'll explain to you later!"

Moira huddled behind the box, and she had to respond to the harsh gunshots at the throat.

"It's really lively today, so many people came."

Spider-Man hid on a balcony on the second floor, listening to the gunshots outside.

The new guys obviously didn't want to let go of this "good neighbor". They kept shooting at the balcony with their guns. As soon as Spider-Man poked his head out to take a look, countless bullets were shot at him. Fortunately, he had a spider sense and let him He retracted his head in time and avoided the bullets.

He squatted on the balcony and opened his sleeves, looked at the simple spider silk launcher, and murmured: "It seems that the spider silk is not enough."


At this moment, a tall figure with light blue skin stepped out of the car.

Following his order, the gunmen decisively released their triggers, and the roaring gunshots stopped instantly.

Moira poked her head out a little, and when she saw the man's appearance, she frowned instantly, "Tombstone, why is this guy here too?"

As she spoke, she did not forget to explain to Logan and the others: "This guy is from Silverman, a subordinate of Kingpin's sworn enemy. He is a man with super powers. We have to be careful!"

It can be seen that Moira attaches great importance to this person, and her eyes are extremely solemn.

"Damn it!"

Maika hid behind the wooden box and cursed under his breath.

Logan on the other side also looked solemn. Although he was not worried about the guy named Tombstone, he was very resistant to getting involved in such disputes between gangs.

This kind of underground gang is even more troublesome to deal with than a picket team.

"Moira, we have to leave here quickly. The gunfire just now must have alerted the police and the pickets. Maybe they have already rushed here. It would be bad if we were discovered by the pickets."

A man next to Moira reminded Moira in a low voice, looking around uneasily.

There was a lot of movement here, and it was hard not to detect the fierce gunfire without being noticed by the authorities. People from Kingpin and Silverman were also present here, which was bound to attract attention.

Of course, ordinary policemen are not worried, but if people from the picket team also participate in the investigation, it will be a big trouble for them. Once they are targeted by those guys, it will be like being stuck on brown candy and it will be difficult to get rid of them. open.

"Hey, we didn't agree with you leaving."


A figure suddenly fell down. He was wearing a windbreaker, with a ring of stubble on his face. There was no hair on the top of his head. He was completely bald. What was strange was that there was a brand-like mark on his forehead, and his eyes were It's full of banter.


Moira frowned and stared at this person. From her expression, it was obvious that this guy was not easy to deal with.

Seeing the appearance of this person, Logan couldn't help but murmured: "It seems that there is something in this that Kingpin and Silverman are coveting."

He knew that this guy was an extremely ferocious killer. He was an expert at playing darts. As long as his prey was targeted, it would be difficult to escape. His accuracy was even comparable to that of Hawkeye Barton in The Avengers. Like the tombstone just now, he was a dart. A person with special powers who is difficult to deal with.

But unlike Tombstone, he is affiliated with Jin Bin and is Jin Bin's chief assassin.

"Moira, if you don't leave, it will be really hard for us to leave."

His subordinates frowned and reminded him again.

Obviously, Bullseye's arrival made him feel fear. That guy's ability to harvest human lives was not something that ordinary people could deal with.

Moira naturally knows this too. The addition of Bullseye and Tombstone has made the situation extremely tense, not to mention the possibility of police officers and pickets appearing at any time. If they continue to be in a stalemate here, the situation will only become more difficult. .


Moira waved her hand to signal everyone to evacuate quickly. After saying that, she stood up and wanted to leave.

But Tombstone and Bullseye on the other side looked at each other and strode to block their way.

"I didn't say, you can leave."

Bullseye took out a few darts from his belt, played with them in his hands, and looked at Moira and others with a playful expression.

"I don't want to get involved in your conflict."

Moira frowned at them and spoke again: "What you want to fight for has nothing to do with me, and I'm not interested either. As long as we leave, you two can fight as much as you like."

But Tombstone didn't believe what Moira said, he crossed his arms and didn't want to let Moira and others go, "You'd better use your nonsense to fool others, no one in the world will refuse that batch of goods!"

Moira frowned, and there was nothing she could do for a moment.

At this time, Bullseye and Tombstone are determined to join forces to deal with them.

Logan and Victor also noticed this. They tightened their grip on the guns they had just picked up and stared at the tombstone and bullseye opposite. As long as there was anything wrong at all, they would raise their guns and shoot at the same time.

Although Bullseye and Tombstone are also wary of each other, it is obvious that their focus is on Logan and others.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme at this moment, and a battle was about to break out.


At this moment, a figure slipped down from the sky.

Spider-Man stood between the two sides, raising his hands to signal the tense people on both sides to calm down.

"Everyone, please give me some face and take a step back..."


Before Spider-Man could finish speaking, a harsh gunshot suddenly sounded.

Tombstone over there raised his gun and pulled the trigger on Spider-Man without hesitation.

Spider-Man was shocked and quickly retreated to dodge. The bullet almost missed his mask, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air in front of him.

"Spider-Man, we have no interest in playing with you, get out of here!"

Tombstone opened his mouth with cold eyes, staring at Spider-Man, obviously hating his penetration.

When Logan on the other side saw this, he was not polite at all and directly raised his gun to shoot.

Victor followed closely, raising his gun towards the tombstone and pulling the trigger.

Now if these two guys are not dealt with, it will be difficult for them to leave.

Moira also knew this, and while calling her men to fight back, she asked everyone to find cover.

Facing the fire from Logan and the others, Tombstone and Bullseye ducked in unison, hid behind the box to cover themselves, and fired back at the same time.

Tombstone held a gun and kept pulling the trigger, while Bullseye fired darts.

When Spider-Man saw this, he quickly stretched out his wrist, spit out a spider web and hung it on the balcony just now, jumped back to the balcony, and listened to the fierce gun battle below.

"Okay, okay, it seems you are very angry."

He looked at the people below who were shooting each other speechlessly, with a very helpless tone.

From his perspective, Moira and others obviously did not have any advantage. They had too few people, and their guns were just simple pistols.

Tombstone and the others not only had a large number of people, but they also all had submachine guns, firing bullets like they were free of charge.


Suddenly, Macka, who was hiding behind the box, thrust his hands into the ground, and his arms glowed with golden light.

Then, he raised his hands violently.

The next moment, the ground on the other side trembled, and dozens of spikes suddenly rose from the ground. The sharp spikes easily pierced through the bodies of several enemies from bottom to top, and blood splattered everywhere.

And one of the spikes also aimed at Tombstone.

But Tombstone noticed the abnormality of the ground at the first time, his expression changed, and he jumped away with a flash step.

But the sharp spikes still scratched his thigh, and blood kept splattering.


The pain on his leg made Tombstone take a breath, and his eyes became extremely fierce.

"Damn mutants!"

He shouted angrily, turned around and shouted to the people behind him: "Use sonic weapons!"

And those men heard the words, and hurriedly threw away the submachine guns in their hands, ran to the car behind, and took out a few guns that looked like trumpets but full of texture.


Tombstone roared and ordered his men to fire.

Without hesitation, his men pointed the horn of the gun at Logan and the others and pulled the trigger directly!


The horn-shaped muzzle quickly emitted a charging sound, and the next moment the strong sound wave almost turned into substance, blasting towards Logan and the others.


The harsh sound waves could penetrate any defense and hit Macka and the others directly. In an instant, Macka and the others felt a sharp pain in their brains and were forced to drop their weapons and hold their heads with both hands.


The pain in their heads made them feel as if their brains were being sawed back and forth by a saw, and the pain from the depths of their souls made them wail uncontrollably.

The strong sound waves continued, and Moira's men completely lost their ability to move, and the pain from the depths of their brains made them unable to support themselves at all.

Only Macka, Moira, Victor and the others could still hold on.


Macka endured the pain, inserted his hands into the ground with golden light, and gritted his teeth to activate his ability.


The intense pain made it impossible for him to concentrate. The ground shook slightly, and then there was no movement at all. The golden light on his arm dissipated.

Even Spider-Man on the second-floor balcony was affected by this. He knelt on the ground, covered his head, and clenched his teeth.

But compared to others, he was better. At least he could still grit his teeth and move.

He forced his body to stay uncomfortable and looked down from the balcony.

"What is this..."

He clenched his teeth and stared at the sonic weapons of Tombstone's men.

"Kill them!"

When Tombstone saw that Moira and others had been destroyed by sonic weapons, he immediately showed a look of disdain on his face. He stood up from behind the wooden box, stretched out his hand and waved it under his neck, "Kill them!"

The men immediately understood, took out several grenades from their waists, pulled the safety, and threw them at Logan and others.

Looking at the grenade falling freely in the air, Spider-Man got a start and stood up to shoot spider silk to save people.

But the attack of the sonic weapon made his legs weak, and he had no extra movement at all.


The grenade fell between Logan and others, and it was about to explode.

A figure suddenly rushed out, and his sturdy body was like a wolf, pressing several grenades under his body.

Seeing this scene, Spider-Man's eyes under the mask instantly widened.

He didn't expect that someone could have such a spirit of dedication.


The grenade exploded violently, and the powerful explosion made the surrounding walls tremble uncontrollably, and the wall dust kept falling.

In the center of the explosion, the flames instantly covered Logan's body, and his clothes were torn in the first time, and the flesh on his arms was directly blown open, revealing the metallic bones underneath.

Spider-Man couldn't bear to look directly, and subconsciously took a breath of cold air, just about to retract his head.

But he was suddenly surprised to find that Logan's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The arm with flesh and blood blown off seemed to have gone back in time, and the flesh spread out wildly. In a moment, the arm was restored to its original state.

As the explosion dissipated, Logan stood up suddenly, and the flesh and blood where his chest touched the grenade were also visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the bloody chest was restored to its original state. If it weren't for the clothes that were completely shattered and still burning with small flames, no one would know that he had just been bombed by a grenade at close range!

"How is it possible? Will this guy not die?!"

Spider-Man was obviously seeing such a scene for the first time, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and the whole person was stunned.

"Damn, who is this guy?"

Tombstone's expression was condensed, staring at Logan, and the other party's fierce eyes made him feel chilled.

"As expected of Wolverine!"

Moira, who was being tortured by the sonic weapon, looked at Logan. In addition to pain, her face was full of admiration.

Logan stood still. The sonic weapon was still bombarding him continuously, almost turning into a physical sound wave that was constantly destroying his brain.

Feeling the discomfort in his body, Logan's eyes were cold, staring at the enemy in front of him like a wolf.


He rushed out fiercely, carrying the impact of the sonic weapon, and pounced in front of the enemies holding the sonic weapon, and his sharp steel claws chopped down without hesitation.


Instantly, the enemy fell down with a face full of fear, his body was almost cut off, and the sonic weapon fell to the ground. Logan raised his foot without hesitation and crushed it.

Then he dodged again and easily solved those minions in two or three moves.

Blood kept splattering, debris was scattered all over the ground, and the smell of blood filled the air.

In less than three minutes, more than a dozen people fell directly to the ground, and blood mist splashed.

Seeing this, the other minions behind stood there in shock, with horror written on their faces.

Tombstone on the other side was also frightened by the situation in front of him, and he panicked and shot quickly.

Bang bang!

The bullet hit Logan's chest, leaving several blood holes.

Tombstone looked happy, thinking that he could kill Logan.

But soon, his expression froze again.

The bullet was squeezed out by Logan's muscles, and the wound was visibly healed.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this!"

Terror filled Tombstone's face.

The next moment, Logan suddenly dodged and appeared in front of Tombstone.

A cold light flashed, and the steel claws slashed down.

Tombstone subconsciously stretched out his hand to block.


The sharp steel claws easily cut off Tombstone's arm, and blood spurted out instantly.

The severe pain from his arm made Tombstone's expression suddenly change. He covered his broken limb and retreated, howling in pain.

Bullseye on the other side saw this and looked panicked. He took back the dart that he wanted to shoot at Logan, and turned around to escape.

From Tombstone's fate, he already knew that this guy was not someone he could deal with!

Logan heard the movement behind him, glanced sideways, and rushed forward.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Bullseye.

Bullseye's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of fear, "Don't, let's talk..."

But before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed, and the steel claws slashed across his head without hesitation.


Blood gushed out like a fountain, and Bullseye's head rolled down like a ball.

The head without a body quickly dimmed, and the eyes before death looked at Logan in horror...

"Oh my God!"

Spider-Man saw everything on the second-floor balcony.

Watching Logan kill more than ten people in a few minutes, Peter Parker was shocked and completely stunned under the mask.

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