American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 71 Annihilation, instant kill!

"Put your hands up, hold your head and squat down!"

The car door opened, and as soon as Logan got out of the car, the dark muzzles of the guns were all pointed at him.

"Hey, don't be so nervous."

Logan looked at the red dots of the infrared scope on his body and said, "Gentlemen, let's all calm down, sit down and have a cup of tea and talk."

The leader of the SWAT waved the gun in his hand, "Don't play tricks, squat down quickly!"


Suddenly, a SWAT raised a device that looked like a flashlight, and a bright blue light projected an image, which was Reed's face full of scars.

He stared at Logan and said sternly, "Brother, I don't care who you are, and I don't want to know your past, but now, you have to pay the price for your actions!"

Obviously, Logan's act of releasing the prisoners has made the prosecutor angry.

Logan looked at the image and smiled slightly, "Prosecutor Reed, you'd better stay in the infirmary. You can't get involved in what's going on outside."

After that, Logan suddenly raised his gun.


The piercing gunshots rang out, and the whistling bullets instantly smashed the projection equipment. Reed cursed and gradually disappeared.


Logan's gunshots made all the special police panic and quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang! !

The fierce gunshots rang out, and the bullets splashed like rain.

Logan quickly turned sideways and quickly hid behind the armored vehicle.

The bulletproof steel plates on the car were swept by bullets, making a series of ding-dong sounds, but Logan hid behind the car leisurely.

After a while, the gunshots gradually stopped, and the special police shouted: "I warn you one last time, put down your weapons, raise your hands and stand up, otherwise we will have to use heavy firepower equipment!"

The special police next to him had already taken out the individual portable rockets. Such shells only need one shot to blow up Logan's entire armored vehicle.

"Okay, no problem, I'll come out."

Logan threw out the pistol, and it landed accurately at the feet of the special police who was speaking.

The SWAT stared at the pistol suspiciously, picked it up vigilantly, and then continued to stare at the armored vehicle, guarding against any small movements of the other party.

"Jimmy, what are you doing!"

In the armored vehicle, Victor looked at Logan's movements and felt that this guy was more like playing with the group of SWAT!

"Where is your new ability? Use it quickly. If we delay any longer, their support will arrive and we will not be able to escape!"

Victor lowered his voice and urged Logan, looking anxious.


Logan smiled slightly and walked out from behind the armored vehicle with his hands raised, "Gentlemen, don't shoot."

He stared at the group of SWAT with a smile, as if he had surrendered.

His obedience made the SWAT not know what to do for a while. They looked at each other, and they were still a little worried in their hearts.

"Go, put a restraining collar on him!"

The captain took out the collar and handed it to a SWAT next to him.

The SWAT officer looked at the collar, then at Logan, and swallowed nervously. Just as he was about to walk out, he quickly shrank back in fear, "Captain, something is wrong, look at his eyes!"


The captain was stunned and turned his head to look.

At this time, he found that Logan's eyes were flashing with white light, and there seemed to be no pupils in his eye sockets, only the whites of his eyes, and the light gradually became dazzling.

The sudden change made the SWAT officers dare not approach rashly.

But the next second, the white light in Logan's eye sockets suddenly bloomed like a spark, and the bright white light was like the sun in the sky.

The white light instantly spread to Logan's body, and there was no human figure on his body, only a bright and strong light.

The bright light made everyone close their eyes tightly and couldn't open their eyes.

Victor in the car blocked his eyes with his palms, and the dazzling light made him feel uncomfortable.

"What kind of ability is this, a flashlight?"

He couldn't help but complain while covering his eyes, but even though his eyes were closed and he even covered them with his palms, he couldn't seem to block the direct light.

The bright light seemed to be able to penetrate all obstacles and bloom in front of his pupils!


A miserable roar suddenly came, it was the voice of the special police, they seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and their screams were full of trembling.

Victor forced himself to hold on to the light and squinted his eyes to look out.

But just a glance, his face was completely shrouded in fear, and his pupils were full of disbelief.

The dozens of special police covered by the strong light lay on the ground and screamed in pain, as if their bodies were experiencing some kind of torture, rolling on the ground, and the pain made them roar uncontrollably.

"Ah, my eyes, my eyes!"

"I can't see anything, it hurts, it hurts so much!"

"Damn it, my God, where are my hands, why are my hands gone!"

All the SWAT officers struggled on the ground, their eyes completely white, rolling around like headless flies, the stinging pain in their bodies made them feel like dying.

What scared Victor even more was that this group of SWAT officers were melting!

Their bodies, like candles, began to melt drop by drop, and finally revealed the white skeleton underneath!

Blood and flesh flowed on the road, and half of the bodies melted, half of the flesh and half of the bones, struggled to crawl, like evil spirits in hell!

The roar almost resounded through the sky!

"Oh my God!!"

Victor couldn't help but open his eyes wide. Even though the strong light was blinding, he couldn't hide his shock. He stared at Logan, who was shining brightly, and said in disbelief: "What kind of ability is this!"

Those people seemed to have all become candles!

Logan was like the fire that lit the candles, melting everyone completely!

This ability made Victor feel deeply disgusted, and he couldn't help but look down at his hands.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if his body was also subjected to the same skill. His muscles flowed down like water, and he watched himself turn into a pile of bones!

After a while, the screams stopped and the struggle ended.

In front, the skeletons of dozens of special police were wrapped in police uniforms. Their flesh had already flowed all over the ground with blood. The cold skeletons made them look like long-rotten corpses!


A gasp interrupted Victor's shock, and he quickly turned his head to look at Logan.

At this time, Logan's light had dissipated. He stood there gasping for breath, and the sticky blood gradually spread to his feet.

Logan looked down at the miserable state of the special police, and was a little stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that this ability would be so powerful, it was simply a weapon for large-scale killing!

However, the price was also obvious.

At this time, his face was pale, and there was not a trace of strength left in his body, as if his body was drained, extremely weak, and he supported the armored vehicle with one hand to prevent himself from falling down. His legs were like lead, and he couldn't even lift them up.

"Are you okay?"

Victor noticed that something was wrong with Logan, and hurriedly got out of the car to support him.

"It's okay, just rest for a while."

Logan waved weakly, "Go back first."

With Victor's support, Logan got into the car and slumped in the back seat, completely unable to move.

"It seems that this ability cannot be used easily."

He took a deep breath and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Once this ability is used, he will completely lose any combat power. If there are still enemies, the other party can easily capture him.

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