American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 78 Dusk Wolf Returns Home, the Truth of History

In the early morning, there was mist in the forest. There was no noise of cars or people, only the crisp chirping of birds.

Fresh air seeped into the room from the window, and Logan on the bed slept contentedly.

After years of fleeing, he hadn't had such a comfortable sleep for a long time. Even the biological clock that usually woke him up on time was relaxed in this relaxing environment, making him sleep for a long time.

It was a pity that such a leisure time was awakened by Lorna's knock on the door. She told Logan that he had to leave.

Victor also woke up when the knock on the door sounded. Several people went to the cafeteria to eat a sandwich for breakfast, and then they had to leave.

Lola, who was also eating breakfast in the cafeteria, noticed their movements and hurried over to pull Logan's trouser legs, saying that she wanted to go with them.

But her request was rejected by Logan, who hoped that the girl could stay with her friends.

Fortunately, Laura was very sensible and did not force him. She just told Logan to be careful and went back to have breakfast with her friends.

When Logan and his friends arrived at the pickup truck, they found that there was an orange-haired beauty who would act with them.

Sonya Simonson, codenamed Dream, can add or delete other people's memories by exhaling mist from her mouth. Like the professor, she is a rare psychic.

But her ability is obviously inferior to that of the professor.

The purchase list is very simple, just food and medicine, as well as some daily necessities on the farm.

At the same time, they also need to pull the crops from the farm out to sell. At this time, the pickup truck's cargo box is already full of eggs, milk, and handmade products made by everyone.

"Back to square one."

In the driver's seat of the pickup truck, Logan looked at the navigation on the mobile phone map and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I didn't expect that I still had to deliver goods in Canada."

"Stop complaining, drive!"

Victor in the passenger seat seemed very excited. He was obviously looking forward to this city that existed in his memory two hundred years ago. He couldn't help but say: "Alberta, we are back again!"

The conversation between the two aroused the interest of Laura in the back seat. She leaned over and asked curiously: "Uncle Wolf, have you been here before?"

Logan nodded, "To be precise, I came from Edmonton, Alberta, which is my hometown."

"Hey, this is also my hometown."

Victor couldn't help but complain, looking at Lorna unhappily and said, "Kid, you should ask me."

Lorna nodded and asked curiously again, "Do you want to go back and have a look? I can deliver the goods with Sonya later, and you can go back when you have time. I will explain to Maca, and I think he will understand."

As soon as these words came out, Logan and Victor fell silent instantly, and the original laughter seemed to be punctured by these words.

Go back?

They don't even know if the Howlett Farm is still there. Maybe it has been occupied by others, or it may have become a commercial residential area. In any case, it will not be what they remember.

Seeing them silent, Lorna immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly said, "Sorry."

She remembered that Logan and the others were almost two hundred years old, and it was very likely that the home they knew well had disappeared long ago. This topic obviously touched their sore spot.

"It's okay, let's go deliver the goods first."

Logan shook his head, started the pickup truck, and slowly drove out of the farm.

After so many years of operation, Maca has taken care of all aspects of the farm. Whether it is eggs, milk, or handicrafts, there are special consignees.

Logan and his team only need to drive the car there to collect the money. They don't even need to move the goods. There will be special workers to unload them.

After Lorna's explanation, Logan and Victor also understood the importance of the goods on the car.

Eggs and milk, as well as these handicrafts, can be said to be the main source of income for the farm. More than 130 people in the shelter have to rely on these to make a living. Without these things, the shelter has no ability to support so many people.

In order to conceal the truth, the farm of the shelter is specially set up in the mountains and forests far away from the city. It is very remote. After driving for more than two hours, it arrived in the city of Edmonton.

Alberta is a province, and Edmonton is a city in the province.

In the car, Logan looked at the tall buildings in the city and the cars speeding by on the road, and couldn't help but sigh.

"The changes are too big. This is completely different from my impression of Edmonton."

Logan looked at the prosperous city and couldn't help but sigh. When he left, most of the houses here were no more than two floors, and the road was also a muddy dirt road when it rained. The main means of transportation on the road were horse-drawn carriages.

In just two hundred years, this place has completely become a modern city, completely erasing all his memories of the city.

"In two hundred years, the changes here can be said to be earth-shaking."

Victor also sighed. The city no longer has any of the familiar appearances they are familiar with. Even the hills and forests that used to be razed to the ground for the development of the city, and high-rise buildings were built on them.

Lorna and Sonya in the back seat obviously couldn't understand the current mentality of these two old antiques, and could only shake their heads helplessly.

Under Lorna's guidance, Logan found the merchant who was going to receive the goods. After selling the goods in the car, Logan drove to the shopping mall for purchase.

"There are a lot of things to purchase today. If we act together, it may be too late. We have to purchase separately."

Lorna looked at the list made by McCarro and had a headache.

Logan looked at the list and said, "Purchase separately. Just tell us where to find these things."

Anyway, this is Canada, the danger is not that high, and Lorna's combat power is not weak, so it is unlikely to be dangerous to go separately.

Lorna nodded, "Now we have to do this."

After that, she tore off a section of the list and handed it to Logan, "These are the medicines needed for the shelter. You can go to the pharmacy one kilometer ahead to get them. McCarro has said hello to the pharmacy and will prepare them for us according to the list. Sonya and I will buy daily necessities and food. We will gather here in an hour and a half."

"Well, okay."

Logan took the list and looked at it, and nodded in agreement.

Lorna and Sonya turned and entered the mall, and began to purchase the items needed according to the list.

Logan and Victor drove to the pharmacy.

As Lorna said, the process of buying medicine was very simple. After the people in the pharmacy knew that it was Maca's goods, they took the list to prepare.

However, the staff told them that the pharmacy was too busy today, and it might take an hour to prepare these medicines.

"One hour, we can't wait here."

Victor stood at the door of the pharmacy and kicked the stones at his feet out of boredom.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Logan took out a cigarette and lit it, and responded with smoke rings.

"Let's go for a drink. I saw a pub that looks good on the road just now."

Victor pointed to a pub in the distance and suggested excitedly.


Logan knew that the two drunkards would definitely get drunk in the pub, and he didn't want to make trouble because of drinking.

"Just two drinks, nothing will happen."

Victor begged, "Besides, don't you want to reminisce the special dishes and drinks of your hometown?"

Logan wanted to continue to refuse, but the memory of Wolverine in his mind was slightly touched by Victor's words.

Feeling the fluctuation of the memory deep in his mind, Logan hesitated and nodded, "Okay, go and try it to see if it tastes the same as before."

Victor heard this and couldn't wait to get in the car, took the initiative to take the task of driving, and drove Logan to the pub he had just seen.

This is a pub with a very gorgeous sign. The font on the sign is painted with a layer of gold paint, which reflects a rich golden color under the sunlight.

After Victor parked the car, he couldn't wait to push the door and enter the pub.

Because it was the weekend, the pub was very lively. Many people held their glasses and talked loudly in the pub. There were only a few seats left in the huge pub.

The staff in the pub also turned on all the colored lights to provide some drinking atmosphere in the daytime.

The bartender at the bar kept waving the cocktail glass, showing off a very cool cocktail mixing technique, which attracted a group of girls with an obsessed look.

After Logan and the other man found a seat and sat down, the waiter came up enthusiastically and handed out the menu.

Victor took it with excitement, looked at the densely packed names of dishes on it, selected a few dishes that he remembered, and asked for two more bottles of wine.

Soon, the wine and food were served, and Logan and Victor couldn't wait to take a bite.

"Fortunately, there is not much change, it still tastes the same as before."

Victor chewed the food in his mouth with satisfaction, and then couldn't help but pick up the wine glass and took a big sip, and said excitedly: "This wine also tastes the same as before, not bad at all, you try it."

Logan also took a sip helplessly, and said with a bitter face: "When I left with you, I hadn't learned to drink yet."

When Wolverine left here, he was only thirteen years old, and his memory of the taste of the wine in his hometown was blank.

"I did drink it secretly, and the taste was the same as now, but I was discovered at that time and almost had my legs broken."

Victor held the wine glass with a smile, savoring the aroma of the wine in his mouth and savoring the past.

Logan also smiled and shook his head and said, "It's been almost two hundred years, thanks to you for still remembering."

"How can I forget?"

Victor took a sip of wine and sighed, "After all, I walked out of here."

He paused and glanced at Logan, "Did you forget?"

"How is it possible?"

It's only been nearly two hundred years, and when they came back, this place was no longer familiar to them.

Now, there are only these drinks and meals that can allow them to touch the ancient memory fragments in the deepest part of their memory.

After a sigh, the two finished the wine and food, paid and were about to leave.

But the door was suddenly knocked open, and a group of fully armed special police rushed in.

Their posture instantly frightened the group of guests who were drinking in the tavern, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

The waiter also hurriedly turned off the colorful lights and turned on all the headlights, and the whole bar was completely bright.

"The patrol team is investigating the case, don't move!"

The captain of the special police held up his certificate and shouted at the panicked people.

Everyone was so scared that they sat in their seats, looking at the posture of these people, and didn't dare to move at all.

Logan and Victor stood in front of the bar, looking at these patrol teams, their fists hidden behind their backs clenched, and the steel claws between their fingers were ready to move.

I didn't expect these guys to come to my door so soon!

Victor also had a gloomy face. He stood beside Logan, opened his hands, and exerted force on his ten fingers. His normal nails slowly became sharp.

The SWAT officers rushed into the tavern and quickly controlled all the doors and windows of the tavern.

But what surprised Logan was that these guys didn't seem to come for them. Even if they ran past them, they didn't notice that they were the two mutants on the wanted list. Instead, they searched every corner of the tavern, as if looking for something.

Seeing this, Logan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time patted Victor to relax.


At this time, a smaller figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and the speed was so fast that it was like a little cheetah.

"Catch him!"

The captain of the patrol team looked panicked and pointed at the small figure and shouted loudly.

Logan looked carefully and found that it was a girl. She didn't look very old, and her face was full of panic.

The two SWAT officers guarding the back door were ready, and they opened their hands to pounce on the little girl.

But she suddenly tore the space apart, passed through the guards, and ran straight into the alley at the back door.

"Teleportation mutant?"

Victor looked at the girl's ability just now in surprise, and determined the attributes of her mutant ability.

Logan also looked at the space that had been restored to its original state with a look of surprise.

Teleportation is a very rare ability, and I didn't expect to encounter it here.

But it is obvious that this girl has not yet mastered the ability, and the distance of teleportation is not long.

"Hurry up and chase her!"

The captain of the patrol team shouted loudly, and a group of special police rushed out to find the direction in which the girl fled.

The captain of the patrol team and the other two team members continued to guard the tavern, shouting to everyone: "Don't mess around, sign the confidentiality agreement before leaving!"

But the process of the little girl using her mutant ability just now was seen by everyone, and many people were instantly scared. The whole tavern has become a mess.


While the patrol team was managing the chaotic crowd in the tavern, Logan hurriedly pulled Victor out the door and quickly got in the car to escape.

"Go directly?"

In the car, Victor looked at Logan in surprise.

"I don't know."

Logan knew that Victor was talking about the mutant girl, but he was also very conflicted now.

If he rescued the little girl in public, there would definitely be some traces left. His traces and even the traces of the shelter would be discovered.

But if he didn't save her...

He couldn't bear it, because the child was very young.


Just as Logan was thinking deeply, a figure suddenly rushed out of the alley and hit the side of the moving car heavily.

The sudden collision startled Logan, and he quickly looked in the rearview mirror and saw that it was the little girl from before.

And behind her, the group of pickets were chasing quickly.

Seeing this, Logan didn't have time to think too much, and slapped the steering wheel hard, shouting to the girl: "Get in the car!"

The little girl was stunned, but after looking at the pickets behind her, she didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly opened the door and climbed into the back seat of the pickup truck.

Logan stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, and the car sped out.

The patrol team behind him saw this and hurriedly got in the car to chase after him.

"Thank you."

The little girl looked at the patrol team's car with lingering fear and thanked Logan sincerely.

[Prestige +10]

Logan noticed the change in the data on the panel, and after a little surprise, he smiled and said, "It's okay."

While speaking, he kept looking at the girl's face carefully through the rearview mirror.

Only then did he realize that the child was obviously an Asian, with yellow skin but long purple hair, a very delicate face, long ears, and strange purple pupils. She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and looked well-behaved.

"It seems that we can only notify Lorna and the others to take the medicine back first. Those guys are really chasing after them like dogs chasing meat."

Victor looked at the rearview mirror, and the patrol team's police car whistled and sounded the siren, chasing closely behind.

"Let's leave the city first and let John send someone to pick up Lorna and the others."

Logan stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the city.

We must get rid of these guys or get rid of them. In short, we must not let them follow us to find the location of the shelter.

At the same time, in another city in Alberta.

In the laboratory, Hill was looking at the bones, and suddenly the phone rang wildly.

After she answered the call, she heard an anxious report: "Report, Wolverine appeared in Edmonton, and they rescued a little mutant captured by the patrol team!"

Listening to the report on the phone, the woman's face was shocked, and she hurriedly said in a stern voice: "Watch Wolverine, I will take people to support him immediately!"

Hill didn't expect that he was originally mainly investigating the new mutants, that is, the guy who melted the patrol team. The case is currently code-named "Incineration", but he didn't expect to find Wolverine first.

"Let's go."

She waved her hand to let her men call the Quinjet, but she didn't realize that the call was intercepted in New York, far away in the United States.

"Keep an eye on Wolverine. I'll bring people to support him right away." Hill's voice came out clearly from the loudspeaker, and Steve could hear her conversation with the agent clearly.

After Hill hung up the phone, Steve smiled deeply, "Thank you, Jarvis."

"You're welcome, Captain."

Jarvis's mechanical voice came out from the loudspeaker.

"Hey, you should thank me."

Tony, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, pouted in dissatisfaction.

Steve smiled, stood up, took a deep breath and said, "I'll thank you after I finish the things in front of me and find him."

"Who is he that makes you care so much?"

Tony was curious.

"I just want to find out the truth."

Steve sighed for a long time and shook his head a little tiredly.

"What truth?"

"The truth of a period of history. It seems that I have to go to Canada in person after dealing with Hydra." Steve said, turned around and was about to leave Tony's residence.

"Whatever you want."

Tony shrugged, and then seemed to think of something, and reminded Steve from behind: "By the way, remember to turn on the location, so that we can find you when you fall into the Arctic Ocean again."

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