American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 95: First meeting with Tony Stark, and seizing the Mind Scepter

Distark, snatch the soul scepter

Shelter Farm, in Macca's office.

"How about it? I've been away for a few days. There's nothing unusual at the farm."

Maika sat at his desk and looked at everyone in the office.

Basically, all the backbone of the farm are here, including Logan, Victor, Marcus, John, etc., except for Caliban who has to accompany the professor in class, they are all summoned by Macca.

He had been out for several days and finally returned to the farm. He had to understand the situation on the farm these days.

However, after his words fell, no one responded immediately. After looking at each other for a while, Marcus finally said: "Something happened and four sheep were lost."

"Four sheep?"

Maika was stunned and asked with a frown: "What happened? Did you run away?"

Marcus was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Luo He stood up and responded: "No, it was stolen. He successfully stole three sheep. When he stole the fourth sheep, we discovered it, but he killed the sheep before leaving."

"Who is it?"

Maika was stunned. He couldn't figure out who would dare to sneak into a mutant farm and steal sheep, and he actually succeeded three times.

"Not sure."

Logan shook his head, "We couldn't catch him, but they were three weirdos, with blue skin and lion-like manes on their necks. They were very tall, with very strong strength and speed. They looked like savages, but they could After talking, Victor and I chased them into the woods and fought with them, but they still escaped. "

After listening to Logan's words, Maika's eyes changed slightly, but he still frowned, "Is there such a person around here?"

Victor on the side said: "They should know you, at least one of them seems to have a problem with you."


Maika was stunned for a moment, stared at Victor, and asked with a frown: "What did he say?"

After thinking for a while, Victor responded: "I didn't say anything. One of the weirdos was willing to compensate for our losses, but the weirdo who stole the sheep was unwilling. He also said that it was impossible to compensate you for anything, saying that you were a little kid. People and stuff like that.”

After hearing this, Maika frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head, "I don't remember, maybe it was because I had some festivals in the past. After all, in order to establish this farm, I will always provoke some enemies."

Looking at Maika's expression, Logan always felt that something was wrong.

The appearance characteristics of those weirdos are very obvious. If there is a past, it is impossible that they cannot remember it. Moreover, the attitude of one of the weirdos towards Mika clearly indicates that he was hurt by Mika in the past.

Looking at Maika's appearance, Logan always felt that Maika was hiding something, but after thinking about it, Logan did not choose to pierce the window paper.

After Maika thought to no avail, he stopped thinking about it and asked instead: "Apart from the four sheep, there are no other losses. Are any of our people injured?"


Marcos responded, "Except for this incident, everything else is normal."

"That's good."

Maika waved his hand and said with a relaxed expression: "As long as no one is injured, it will be fine. As for the sheep pen, I will arrange more guards to patrol behind it. You should also pay attention to it and be careful not to be attacked by strange people."

The loss of four sheep was indeed significant for the shelter, but not to the point of irreparable loss.

After a pause, Maika looked at everyone, and then said: "I called you here today for one reason, to understand the situation in the shelter. In addition, there is another task that requires you to take action."

"What mission?"

When Victor heard about the mission, he immediately became interested. After all, he was bored out of his mind by spending all day huddled in the farm teaching children fighting skills.

"Go to a place, pick up something and come back. That thing is very important, so be sure to bring it back safely."

After Maika finished speaking, his eyes locked on Logan, "Logan, this matter is more important. You have rich experience in performing tasks outside. I wonder if you can complete this task as the team leader?"

"Hey, my experience is no less than his."

Victor looked unconvinced, "You shouldn't keep focusing on Wolverine. Sabre-toothed Tiger's ability is not inferior to that of Wolverine."

Maika smiled and turned to look at Victor, "Victor, if you can get rid of your bad temper, I can consider letting you be the team leader, otherwise I'm worried that you will take my weapon with you as soon as you encounter the enemy. My friends charged blindly, causing me heavy losses.”

After hearing this, Victor became silent for a moment. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed not as thoughtful as Logan.

Logan thought for a moment and nodded: "I can complete the task."

"Very good."

Maika smiled and added: "As for who you want to take with you, it's up to you. I will prepare fake passports, new ID cards, and air tickets for you. It will be ready tomorrow. You go this time. The place is a bit far, I hope you can be prepared.”

While speaking, Macca opened the drawer, took out a document and handed it to Logan.

Logan opened the document bag. The mission location was a small country in the interior of Eastern Europe, called Sokovia. The content of the mission was to bring back a batch of goods from Sokovia. What kind of goods was it? Didn't say.

Maika also said that he did not know the situation of the goods. This task was an order received from a broker. After all, the shelter required a lot of expenses. As the leader of the shelter, he always had to find some way to find some ways to make money for the shelter. make a living.

Otherwise, the shelter would never be able to be expanded through farm business alone.

His goal is not just to shelter more than a hundred mutants, but to create a huge gathering place for mutants, and this cannot be done without money.

When Logan looked at the location of the mission in Kosovia, he always felt that it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he still had no clue, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

After looking at the mission information and thinking for a moment, Logan looked back at everyone, "If we want to go on the mission together, then Victor, Marcus, and John, plus the four of me are enough."

They have cooperated more than once, and they are both very capable. Logan trusts them very much.

"Hey, Uncle Wolf, don't underestimate me because I'm a woman. I think I should also participate in this mission."

After hearing Logan's roll call, Lorna immediately stood up unconvinced. She was obviously eager to participate in the mission.

Logan gave a helpless smile and said, "Lorna, you have to stay and protect the farm. Now there are several potential threats to the farm. There must be at least one strong person staying behind. You will do your part."

He looked at Lorna and chuckled.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. More importantly, he does not want girls to participate too much in dangerous tasks, especially Lorna.

After all, she is Magneto's daughter, and Logan doesn't want her to follow in Magneto's footsteps. Living a good life on a farm is a better way for her to grow up.

Listening to Logan's words, Lorna could only nod helplessly.

Early the next morning, after Logan asked Caliban to take care of the professor, he took Victor, John and Marcos to Macca's office and received a fake passport and ID card, as well as a ticket to Kosovia.

Kosovia is inland in Eastern Europe. It doesn’t take too long to fly there from Canada. Even with a layover, it only took less than twenty hours to arrive at the airport in Kosovia. .

In addition, the fake ID cards prepared by Maika were very complete, and the journey went very smoothly without any obstacles.

Kosovia is a small country in Eastern Europe. It has beautiful scenery and attracts a large number of tourists to spend money here every year, mainly based on tourism.

When Logan got on the plane, he could clearly feel that there were many people traveling to Sokovia. Most of them came with their families. Before they landed, they were leaning against the plane's porthole and looking at the beautiful scenery below. .

As the plane landed and the cabin door opened, Logan turned to Victor and others who were traveling with him: "Wear your masks, it's safer."

He and Victor are both wanted criminals, and no one is sure whether the United States will send their photos to Sokovia. If they are recognized at the airport, it will be too troublesome.

Moreover, they come with a mission and must act in a low-key manner.

Victor was obviously a little disdainful, but he still put on the mask honestly. As for Marcus and John, they had no objections.

Several people walked out of the station smoothly, but as soon as they stepped out, they were surrounded by taxi drivers.

These drivers treated the passengers like vicious dogs that saw meat steaks, and they rushed to surround Logan and the others.

Logan and the others were obviously a little uncomfortable with such "enthusiasm" and waved their hands to say no, but the drivers would not let go and continued to ask about their destination.

Just when Logan was troubled by these drivers, he felt a tug on his pocket.

If he were an ordinary person, he might just think it was an accidental tug, but after all, Logan had spent more than ten years in a place like Santa Fe, and he had seen many such low-level money-stealing methods. .

He quickly reached for his pocket with his palm, and sure enough, the wallet originally lying in his pocket was gone.

At the same time, he also noticed a young man wearing a peaked cap. He quickly lowered the peaked cap and walked away quickly with his head lowered.

"Hey, stop!"

Logan yelled at the young man.

But instead of stopping, the young man quickened his pace and shuttled among the crowd.

"What's wrong?"

Victor on the side looked at Logan in surprise, not understanding what was happening.

"He stole my wallet!"

Logan roared angrily, then pushed away the crowd and chased the young man, "Fake, get out of my way!"

He was Wolverine, a butcher who killed countless people during World War II. If a little thief stole his wallet here, nearly two hundred years would have been in vain!

When the thief saw Logan chasing after him, he suddenly panicked and quickened his pace again.

The two of them ran wildly outside the airport one after another, but the people around them seemed to have been used to similar things for a long time, and continued to do their own things without being surprised.

The young man shuttled among the crowd, making Logan afraid to speed up.

Although if he ran at full speed, he would be able to catch the young man easily. Given his size, if he did this, he would easily hit a pedestrian.

If an ordinary person is hit by him, he will fly at least a few meters and his internal organs will be injured. If the police are alerted, it will be in trouble.

Therefore, Logan did not dare to run too fast, so he could only run wildly among the pedestrians.

"Boy, if you don't stop, you won't regret it later!"

Logan roared loudly at the thief.

But the thief was obviously very disdainful, and even turned around and said provocatively: "I just stole your wallet, why are you chasing me?"


However, as soon as he finished speaking, a foot suddenly stretched out from the corner in front of him.

The young man didn't pay attention and was caught by the foot and fell heavily to the ground.

Because the speed was too fast, he rolled around on the ground before stopping, lying on the ground curled up and wailing.

And a man walked out of the corner, wearing a crisp suit, a very elegant mustache, and a pair of sunglasses. He walked out cynically, picked up the wallet that the thief had stolen, and handed it to Logan who came over. He said, "Take it, but don't lose it again. There are a lot of thieves in this place. You'd better put it in a safe place."

"Thank you."

After taking the wallet, Logan checked the contents inside and felt relieved after making sure that there was nothing missing.

After all, his ID card is fake. If he loses it, he cannot get a replacement or ask the embassy for help like other travelers.

Stuffing his wallet into his pocket, Logan looked up at the man who helped him. After seeing the man's face clearly, Logan was stunned.

"Are you...Tony Stark?"

Looking at this all-too-familiar face, Logan was completely stunned.

He didn't expect to meet Iron Man here!

After Tony heard what Logan said, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows under his sunglasses, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I have fans in Eastern Europe. However, judging from your accent, it doesn't seem like you are from here. You are from America?"

"Yes, I'm here for a trip."

Logan tried his best to look like a normal fan. After all, he was still on SHIELD's wanted list.

Although his appearance has changed now, he looks much younger, and he even wears a mask, making it difficult for ordinary people to recognize him. However, Logan is still worried that Tony's intelligent butler Jarvis will recognize his true identity.

After all, although Tony doesn't seem to be carrying any smart devices, his sunglasses may have recorded his information.

Just then, Tony's phone rang.

After waving to Logan, he calmly picked up the phone. After listening to what the other party said, Tony nodded and said, "Did you find it? I'll be there right away."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and turned to Logan and shushed, "Sorry sir, I have something else to do and I can't take a photo with you. I hope you don't tell others that you saw me here. It's not convenient for me to be taken here now." Too many people are paying attention.”

After saying that, Tony turned and left.

Looking at Tony's back, Logan couldn't help but frown.

He didn't expect to see Tony here, and judging from the content of his phone call, besides Tony, there seemed to be other Avengers or SHIELD, and they seemed to be performing some mission.

This made Logan couldn't help but think about the tasks arranged by Maika, and he couldn't help but feel worried for a while.

I just hope that their missions don't overlap. Now Logan doesn't want to have any conflicts with the Avengers or SHIELD people.

At this moment, Logan suddenly remembered the place name Sokovia.

"Isn't this the place where the final battle in Age of Ultron takes place!"

Logan completely remembered that the reason why Cosovia seemed familiar to him was because he had seen it in "Avengers 2"!

Having traveled through time for so long, Logan had forgotten many things. Only after seeing Iron Man here did he finally remember it!

Logan tried hard to recall the plot of the movie. After thinking for a long time, he finally figured it out.

If the plot develops according to the plot, the Avengers found the missing psychic scepter here at the beginning, and then Logan took advantage of Thor to conduct special research on the scepter before Thor left with the scepter, and accidentally gave birth to Ultron, which triggered Crisis of Ultron.

But obviously, Ultron has not yet been born at this time, and revenge comes to Kosovia, which is just the search for the scepter at the beginning of the movie.

But Logan clearly remembers the beginning of this movie, where almost all the veteran Avengers participated in the snatching of the Mind Scepter.

In other words, except for Tony, all the other Avengers have gathered in Kosovia now!

This worried Logan for a moment.

If the batch of goods to be obtained in the mission arranged by Macca are also spiritual scepters, it means that they are about to start a war with the Avengers!

He was not sure whether he, the current ones, would be able to fight against the Avengers.

While Logan was thinking, Victor and several people caught up with him.

After seeing the thief lying on the ground wailing, Victor stepped forward with an angry look and kicked him hard.

Qin Nian, who was already in pain from the fall, couldn't bear Vic's kick, and his whole body was kicked until he screamed.

But Victor didn't tolerate him, so he directly picked up his collar and lifted it up, "Boy, if I catch you stealing money again, I will definitely throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

After saying that, he punched him hard in the chest again, causing the young man to almost faint from the pain and begging for mercy again and again.

Seeing this, Victor threw it down and yelled: "Get out of here!"

Naturally, the young man did not dare to stay. He endured the severe pain and climbed up dejectedly, and ran away quickly.

After dealing with the thief, Marcus noticed Logan's expression. After realizing that he looked wrong, he asked worriedly: "Logan, what's wrong with you?"

Logan looked at them and murmured: "I just met Tony Stark."

"Iron Man?"

John was stunned and said in disbelief: "Why is he here?"

"It's not just him."

After a moment of silence, Logan said again: "The other Avengers and SHIELD agents should all be here."

Marcos was completely stunned when he heard this, and asked quickly: "He didn't realize your identity, did he?"

"Probably not."

Logan shook his head, and then hurriedly said: "Let's go to the hotel first, keep a low profile, and don't get discovered."

After that, he hurried to the reserved hotel.

He understood that the revenge was most likely for the Mind Scepter.

As for the Mind Scepter, others didn't know, but Logan knew that it contained an Infinity Stone...

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