"Rich boy, welcome to Gotham!"

"There are only two kinds of people here, crazy people and normal people!"

Bruce Wayne's face under the mask froze after hearing these words, and his eyes revealed complex emotions.

As a native of Gotham, he naturally knew the dangers of this city. It is one of the cities with the highest crime rates in the United States. It can be said that crimes are happening in the city all the time.

Almost all the crazy people gather here, and some even have personalities you can't imagine.

But... what really stunned the young Bruce Wayne was that these words came out of the mouth of a 17 or 18-year-old boy!

It seems that in the ten years since he left Gotham, this dirty city has not improved, and it is still decadent and dirty. Maybe it is the right choice for him to come back!

"When I left, all I thought about was coming back one day and transforming this unchanging city. Obviously, this was the right choice!"

"Then let me start with you."

Bruce Wayne pulled out the rope, his eyes revealed a chill, and his tone was full of danger.

"So, you plan to kill me?"

Chen Tian was not surprised at all when he heard Bruce's words.

After all, no one can commit a crime in front of Batman. Some people even joked that in Gotham, where the grandfather ruled, anyone who had a little criminal idea in the past ten years would be subdued in advance.

Of course, this is not the case with the fledgling Bruce Wayne.

"That's something only criminals would do. I will send you to jail myself."

Bruce Wayne said coldly.

"It seems you don't know much about Gotham. You don't even know what Gotham is........"

Chen Tian sneered.

He knew that before Batman swore to become a vigilante to punish evil, he had set the principle of never killing people, which was the last insurance to prevent himself from falling into darkness.

After all, if you kill someone, you can never turn back, which is no different from a criminal.

It's a pity that his decision led to the disability and paralysis of his companions, and even their deaths, such as Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Sarah, and Esther.......

Similar tragedies are caused by Bruce's soft-heartedness.

To put it nicely, he doesn't want to fall into darkness. To put it bluntly, he is the living American spirit, the son of a big capitalist, the embodiment of justice, and the spokesperson for the kindness of capital........

"Foolish man, you are on the wrong path!"

Bruce Wayne was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and rushed towards Chen Tian with both feet, vowing to catch the shameless boy today.


The moment his strong body started, it was no less than the start of a world-class track and field athlete. The whole person instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed straight to the opponent!

Like a beast that suddenly erupted!

This is also due to the fact that Bruce has been receiving strict physical and intellectual training since he was eleven years old. After rigorous training and long-term eating habits, biofeedback training......

His physical fitness has reached the highest level of human beings!

His strength, speed, endurance, reaction speed, and flexibility all surpassed the Olympic champions of the same period!


However, even so, Chen Tian reacted instantly to the sudden attack and retreated backwards. His fist passed by his body and caused a piercing gale.

The hissing sound was particularly harsh.

Bruce was also a little surprised to see that his punch missed, but he soon took advantage of the victory and rushed towards Chen Tian, launching a more fierce attack

"Fight detected, rewards dropped: top fighting skills (Batman)!"

""Top fighting skills."

After that voice rang in Chen Tian's mind, the memory of fighting skills flooded into his mind, and he mastered more than a hundred kinds of fighting skills in an instant!

To be precise,.....

There are 127 kinds of fighting techniques!

It must be said that Bruce Wayne is one of the most powerful martial arts masters on earth in terms of fighting techniques!

After mastering the top fighting techniques in an instant, he immediately saw through Bruce Wayne's path in front of him, predicted the opponent's next move, and leaned slightly to the side.


Bruce Wayne's fist hit the wall behind him directly, and the bricks of the wall suddenly cracked and formed endless cracks.

"Good job, it seems you are also proficient in fighting."

He could tell at a glance that the boy had also practiced

"Isn't Gotham full of talented people?"

Chen Tian smiled calmly.

He was responded with even more fierce punches. Bruce on the opposite side seemed to see that he also had a foundation, so he didn't care about letting go of his hands and feet, and punched him like a storm!

Bang, bang, bang!!!

Each punch burst out with extremely strong power. In addition, Bruce's training since childhood, almost every punch was aimed at the vital points. Facing such a terrifying attack, even a senior fighting expert would not be able to resist.

Obviously, he wanted to knock Chen Tian down today!


Bruce had completely underestimated Chen Tian. Now every time he attacked, the yellow-skinned boy anticipated it, and he was able to dodge it accurately and with ease!

He punched dozens of times in a row, but he couldn't touch Chen Tian.

Seeing this, his face gradually became solemn. The boy who seemed to be six or seven years younger than him actually had such powerful fighting skills. No matter what kind of moves he used, the opponent could easily resolve it!

"Enough of the fun, it's time to end it!"

Chen Tian could naturally handle it easily. After all, in terms of fighting, he could be said to have completely integrated Bruce's ideas and skills.

So, in the next second.

When Bruce swung his fist again, he immediately seized the opportunity and punched Batman in the abdomen.

Gravity punched down.


The young Batman's face suddenly turned pale, and his body couldn't control his retreat and fell to the ground.

Although he was wearing a protective suit, the opponent's strength was so powerful that his fist was like a bullet, making him dizzy!

"This is Gotham's night watchman, it seems you are not that good."

Chen Tian squatted beside Bruce Wayne, shook his head as if he was looking at a loser, and then said:"If I were a criminal, you would be dead now."

"You don't understand how the city of Gotham survives."

"Cough cough cough......"

Bruce Wayne was in a state of disarray. The pain in his abdomen made him cough continuously and he could not utter a word.

"I don't have time to waste with you, so that's all for today."

After meeting Batman, Chen Tian already had a rough idea of the current development of the universe, which was roughly in its early stages.

Bruce Wayne had just become Batman.

And Clark Kent, he probably hasn't become Superman yet, he's probably still in college.

It's good this way.

If all the heroes have grown up, it won't be easy for him to collect the abilities of these people.

But he didn't plan to go to Metropolis to look for Clark now. The two worlds of Marvel and DC were going on at the same time for him, which meant that it might be almost dawn at Marvel.

And the plot of Wolverine 3 would begin soon.

Chen Tian had to go back and find a chance to pick up Professor X's psychic ability. With that ability, it would be easier to travel between the two worlds.

Moreover, he didn't want Uncle Wolf to die in a mess like in the movie..........

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