American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

22: Sometimes, leaving behind some corpses will make a difference

On the vast and shadowless desert, the sun is extremely dazzling, drying the land into a dry place.

A large pickup truck of wind and dust servants sped down the road, leaving two faint car marks on the ground, and the dust and fog pulled out a long distance behind the car.

Chen Tian sat in the driver's seat, bored holding the steering wheel, and driving long distances made him feel extremely monotonous.

In order to escape the pursuit of the Akali Institute of Genetic Change, they had to rush to Canada as soon as possible.

Laura and Charles in the back seat fell asleep deeply, while Logan looked at the video on Galleraf's phone, his brows furrowed even more.

In the picture, countless young children are dragged into a small room as genetic experiments and forcibly euthanized.

Although he had heard Conard say this before he died, he was extremely angry after witnessing it.


"We headed in the direction of Canada, avoiding the Genetic Research Institute, and by the way to get Laura to her destination."

Logan let out a long sigh of relief, looked at the sleeping Laura through the rearview mirror, and said to Chen Tian on the side.

Chen Tian nodded, he currently had no new ideas.

Time passed, the sun gradually set in the west, the sky closed the last sunset, and the night shrouded the desert.

The moonlight illuminates the sand white, the stars in the sky are emitting their own faint light, and everything around makes people feel peaceful and comfortable.


This is on the way to escape.

At the momentAfter a day of galloping, Chen Tian and his party were far away from the crowds, and they could see a gas station at a long distance.

Even so, Logan refused to let down his vigilance, staring out the car window into the darkness as if trying to see through it.

"Stop ahead, let's take turns."

Logan withdrew his gaze and said to Chen Tian on the side.

He was worried that the people from the genetic research institute would catch up and planned to rush overnight tonight.


Chen Tian was slightly stunned, and simply replied, feeling a little helpless, it seems that there is no way to go to Gotham City in DC tonight.

I originally wanted to use the newly obtained Psychic Ability to find Clark's whereabouts, but now I have to give up.

But now there's Bruce. If Wayne helps over there, it should have results soon.



Gotham City is also shrouded in deep darkness, the city is illuminated under the clouds, and in those places where dirt is hidden, emotions called madness begin to spread.

On top of a tall building large enough to overlook most of the city, two figures meet here.

One of them is Batman, dressed in this black battle suit, and the cloak behind him sways with the cool evening breeze.

And the person standing across from him was Detective Gordon.

The current Gordon is still only a police detective and has not become the future commissioner.

"Batman, who did that thing last night?"

Gordon's face was solemn, frowning and looking at the black shadow in front of him, and his tone also showed a little doubt.

"It's not me, it's someone else."

After sensing the other party's suspicions, Batman answered lightly through the deep voice of the voice changer, but did not confess Chen Tian's existence.

"You know him, I found your flying darts on the scene, with the blood of those gangsters on it."

Gordon talked about his discovery, convinced that the man, if not Batman, must have a great connection to him, and that this was the only clue he had now.

"And then what?"

Hearing this, Batman's expression remained unchanged, but there were more complicated emotions in his eyes when he looked at Gordon.

"You should be glad I disposed of it for you, otherwise today's Gotham headline is Batman bloodbath gang."

That being said, Gordon admired the mysterious man's approach and continued to himself: "Sometimes, if you really want to scare the scum of Gotham, leaving some corpses will help. ”

When Batman heard this, he just kept his own silence, but his firm gaze showed his inner attitude.

He didn't want to kill, he didn't want to fall into the abyss, thinking that this kind of thing was only the first time and countless times.

As you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is also gazing back...

Looking directly into the darkness, Batman understands very well that once people's hands are contaminated with human life, they will have a disregard for life, and this mentality is very terrible.

More importantly, he believes that everyone has a family, and if one member dies, it can cause catastrophic damage to the entire family and indelible harm to the remaining members.

He has experienced this kind of thing, so he doesn't want this kind of tragedy to happen to him.

Although Batman did not stop Chen Tian's radical practices before, and later reached a cooperative relationship with him, it does not mean that he agrees with the other party.

"If you want to check, then go ahead."

Hearing this, Gordon retracted his thoughts and swept his gaze in the direction where the voice came from, but where was Batman's figure in place?

The other party always likes to hide in the night like this.

After this conversation, Batman left the rooftop and wandered through the dirty alleys, looking for tonight's target, while waiting for the mysterious Chen Tian to appear.

At the same time, the police department also began to act, following Batman's actions to maintain the security of the entire Gotham.

Time flew by in a hurry, and within a few hours, countless criminals were brought to justice.

Batman had just finished fighting a criminal's den, and he couldn't wait for Chen Tian to appear until this time, but thinking that the other party was even stranger than himself, he drove the Batmobile to end tonight's operation.


Wayne Manor.

The silence in the hall was shattered by a sound of footsteps.

Back home, Bruce removed the equipment on his body one by one, and finally took off the entire battle suit, and his tense nerves were relieved.

Bruce poured himself a glass of whiskey, took a sip and lay down on the couch, ready for a short break.

"Young master."

It didn't take long for a light call to come from not far away, making Bruce open his eyes.

"This is the person you are looking for, called Clark Kent in the metropolis, there are thousands of them in total..."

The man came by Alfred, the butler, who was holding several thick documents in his hand and handing them to Bruce.

"I see."

After Bruce answered, he reached out and took the file, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Chen Tian was looking for.


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