American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

29: It's like hell! Mountains of maiden corpses!


Laugh at!!!

The blade of the blade carried a huge impact with a cold light, and the gusts of wind surged through the air!

In the blink of an eye, the blade of the cold light directly cut off the head of the birthday boy, and endless blood splashed like a fountain, and the hot blood soaked the dirt on the ground.

The blade containing Yu Wei was fiercely inserted into the ground due to inertia before stopping.

Bruce Wayne looked at the huge figure that suddenly froze, and a line of blood spread across his face.


The birthday boy exposed half of his brain and smashed down to the ground with a muffled echo in the silent street.

The blood sprayed at the break was steaming, and the viscous blood flowed all over his body, leaving a pool of blood on the ground under his feet.


In the next second, huge amounts of body overwhelmed Bruce's body.


Bruce struggled to crawl out from under the corpse and couldn't stop coughing loudly.

Gordon in the building saw such a stunned scene, and then looked back at Chen Tian beside him with shock.

For a long time, he realized with hindsight that the thin boy who came with Batman in front of him was most likely the murderer of the gangster!


Realizing this, Gordon quietly pulled his daughter with a complicated face and took a few steps back.

Barbara, who was already immersed in fear, the fear on her face has not faded, and now seeing such a bloody scene, her weak heart was greatly hit, standing in place and letting her father pull.

Downstairs, Bruce also recovered some form, looking at the miserable birthday boy on the ground, and the whole kitchen knife that had sunk into the ground.

I couldn't help but scold secretly: "This freak!" ”

Chen Tian didn't care about their reaction, but looked at the entrance of the basement and said in a deep voice: "You better go to the basement to have a look, I smell a strange smell in the basement." ”

"You're not supposed to be a werewolf, are you?"

Bruce Wayne was speechless, thinking of his brutal fighting style, which seemed reasonable.

Thinking, he came to the door of the basement and kicked the rusty iron door open.

He did not question Chen Tian, after all, if the other party wanted to do it, there was no need to use tricks at all.


After the iron door was kicked open, a burst of dust was raised.

The Gordon and his daughter also came over, watching the entrance to the basement warily.

"You better be prepared."

Chen Tian followed, and said slowly with a slight anger between his eyebrows.


The three of them immediately realized that there might be something below that made them subvert the three views, in fact, they had already guessed...


Bruce Wayne in front walked down first, and as soon as he got closer, an indescribable stench came to his face.

The Gordon father and daughter were so smoked by this smell that their stomachs turned into the sea.

Chen Tian in the back took protective measures in advance and wore a mask to avoid the stench that hit.


Bruce covered his mouth and nose to endure the stench, walked inside the door, and turned on the basement light.


The lights come on, dispelling the darkness.

The brightness for a while made them squint, but when they saw the scene in front of them, their expressions instantly froze.


Barbara let out a strange cry from her mouth, covered her eyes, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"This damn beast!"

Gordon's body trembled and his eyes were fierce, and he cursed loudly.

In the basement of the abandoned building, under the illumination of the light, the bodies of countless girls were piled up there, because of the number of piles they could not count, some were just a mountain of corpses.........

Rao is Chen Tian's face was suddenly cold when he read the comic and was mentally prepared!

After all.

In comics, it's just pictures.

And only a small part of the painting is made, far less impactful than witnessing the scene.

Chen Tian narrowed his eyes and swept over the pile of corpses in front of him, all of which were covered with scars and rarely intact.

The girl who was crushed under the pile of corpses is estimated to be the first to be killed.

The whole pile of corpses, the more you go below, the higher the degree of corruption of the corpses, and the gray and yellow sap of decay continues to flow out from between the piles.

It's hell on earth!

"I........ I'll let someone from the police department handle this!" ”

Gordon was silent for a long time and said slowly.

His tone was full of self-reproach, and the entire Gotham Police Department was involved in this matter, because no one would ever deal with the birthday boy.

It's just that the behind-the-scenes black gestures standing behind him are huge.

"Now let's go out first."

Chen Tian glanced at Barbara, who was crouched on the ground and close to collapse.

Only then did Gordon react and appease Barbara a few words.

Several people then left the basement of the abandoned building and went outside.

The expressions on everyone's faces facing the night wind looked a little solemn, and the picture they just saw in the basement still lingered.

"Gordon, how much do you know about birthday boys?"

Bruce asked Gordon in a serious tone.

Gordon took a deep breath and his eyes were complicated, "My subordinates took the file of the murder case of the Waynes couple in the archives. ”

"Then, tonight my daughter was abducted here by the birthday boy."

"Well, it seems that there is a reason why the Gotham police rarely care about super criminals."

Chen Tian is indeed not being sarcastic about Gordon.

The reason why this police detective ignored the super criminals in Gotham was that he was worried that his daughter would be implicated, and as a result, the righteous subordinates actually wanted to investigate the matter.

Bruce. After listening to it, Wayne's eyes were gloomy to the extreme.


This matter is inseparable from Copote.

"I know what to do."

He left such a sentence, and then raised his hand and shot a grappling hook at the surrounding tall buildings, and the rope was tightened and lifted off the ground.

Then, it disappeared into the thick night.


Gordon watched Batman leave, looked at Chen Tian, and stopped talking.

He knew that the man in front of him was an extremely dangerous guy.

"I should go too."

Chen Tian said casually.

Now that Batman is gone, there's no need for him to linger any longer.

After leaving Gordon's line of sight.

He uses dimensional teleportation and returns to the world of Marvel.

"Tomorrow it's time to go to the metropolis to find Dachao, but I don't know if the dimensional teleportation can be accurately located."

Chen Tian walked towards the Weir family's single-family villa, and suddenly thought that dimensional teleportation also has the ability to teleport, but he can't accurately teleport to the specified location.

Unless you remember the coordinates, you can transmit accurately.

That's why it's randomly teleported to Gotham.


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