American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

48: The Riddler who doesn't keep his promises! A murderer who committed suicide by jumping off

Dimly lit room.

Riddler Edward. Nigma sat in front of the computer, her feverish eyes reflecting the picture on the screen, and he could see every desperate and distorted face in the exhibition hall.

"You guys have three more seconds, hehe..."

He enjoyed the feeling that the Gotham Big Shots were easily dominated by just a few words of his own, and his tone continued to count down briskly.

In the exhibition hall, everyone felt extremely afraid of this.

"Damn! Damn it!! ”

"I shouldn't die here, I shouldn't die here!!"

Some of them had already begun to pound wildly against the surrounding walls, but to no avail, the heavy walls seemed to be as far away from heaven and hell as they were.

More people had completely given up the struggle at this time, staring blankly at the huge bright red question mark on the wall, their faces shaking and tears.

"Is that the end of it?"

Harvey. Dante felt as if he had become a marionette, controlled by a large invisible hand, holding his sister Jessica and slumped in the corner, his heart like ashes.



"Damn! How the hell did that guy do all this now! ”

Bruce and Gordon began to try to slam the door open as early as the Riddler continued to count down, but the lock was untouched.

The expressions on the faces of the two of them also became more and more ugly.

Looking at the current situation, not only did people not save, but they also had to put their lives in it.

On the side, Catwoman twisted her brows and looked at Chen Tian.

She always felt that the other party was incompatible with the panic and despair atmosphere around her, and she always looked like she was in control.

"It seems that he has maintained this appearance from the beginning, and no matter what happens, he has never been surprised."

Catwoman was really panicked in her heart, but seeing Chen Tian's calm performance, she felt an inexplicable sense of reassurance in her heart.

"You guys have the last two seconds..."

Alien to all ambiences is the voice of the Riddler in the stereo.

The more desperate, helpless and frightened the people in the exhibition hall collapsed, the more excited he became, and the more he said with unconcealable happiness.

"Last second... Good night, Gotham. ”

Until the last countdown is heard in the stereo.

All the previous resistance, unwillingness, angry roars, desperate struggles hoarse, suddenly stopped.

A sense of powerlessness that was enough to swallow everything instantly enveloped everyone else present.

Chen Tian still stood with his eyes slightly lowered, and saw that almost everyone except himself instinctively held their heads and squatted down at the same time, giving up the struggle in the face of this strange fate.

"Whether it's the Marvel world or the DC world, the fate of those without power is always in the control of others."

His gaze slowly turned between everyone.

The people who squatted one by one, in Chen Tian's opinion, did not let them crouch down by some bomb arranged by the Riddler, but their weakness and powerlessness.

"That's why I decided to become stronger, able to completely control my destiny in such a world..."

He thought expressionlessly.

Next second.

The room suddenly fell into a long silence.

The expected explosion did not sound, and the voice of the Riddler in the stereo disappeared.

"We didn't die?! Is that guy doing some tricks again? ”

Those who noticed this stood up with a confused look on their faces, looking around blankly, all their hearts still hanging tightly.

They already knew something about the Riddler hiding behind the stereo.

The other party is completely a moody freak who sees people's lives as a game for fun.

No one dares to guarantee that the other party will make such a big move tonight, just to achieve a low-evil prank.

"Did the Riddler keep his promise?"

Bruce. The doubt under Wayne's eyes was equally thick.

Although he only had a brief confrontation with the other party through the case, the two sides have not even met.

But Bruce, with his years of experience in dealing with crime, was already sure that the Riddler was a complete madman and would not have such good character.

Gordon was also incredulous about everything in the moment, and looked around blankly.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Harvey experienced great joy and sorrow. Dante, who was too exhausted to think too much, softly comforted his sister Jessica in his arms.



There was another electric current sound in the hall.

"Damn!! Who are you?! Get out of my head! Give me the fuck out of my head!! ”

When everyone's hearts stiffened again, they heard a heart-rending cry.

"What's wrong with this guy? What happened? ”

Everyone recognized the owner of this voice as the riddler just now, feeling that the other party was completely without the previous clouds and breeze.

"Looks like that guy has some problems."

Bruce took a deep breath, "It's not sure if the bomb will explode yet, you still have to get out of here as soon as possible." ”

Thoughts fell, and he raised his foot again and slammed into the door in front of him.

Gordon and others reacted in horror and came to his aid.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Countless sounds of banging on the gate sounded one after another, and everyone was doing their best under the instinct of survival.

And the crowd does not know.

Darkened room in the opposite building.

Edward. Nigma was falling to her knees, tugging at her hair, her face twisted and her eyes screaming in pain.

He felt an invisible force creeping into his brain, making it painful.



With a violent sound, the originally locked door of the exhibition hall finally opened.

"The door is open!!"

"Let's go! Get out of this hellish place! ”

Seeing this, everyone in the hall had already abandoned other ideas and rushed towards the open door.

And the screams of the Riddler in the stereo behind him still echoed in his ears.

Catwoman watched more and more people flee the venue, only felt that something was wrong, turned around and saw Chen Tian standing in the dark, two fingers slowly lowered from his temple.

The latter noticed her gaze and smiled at her.

After everyone else left, Chen Tian and his party walked out slowly.

"There is a clue, my people have traced the source of the Riddler's signal."

Bruce. Wayne said, "He's in the building opposite." ”

Words fall.

As soon as he received the news from Alfred, the butler, he was ready to leave and run towards the Riddler's hiding place.

No matter what happens, you must catch the Riddler, you can't let that guy go!

"No need to make an effort, in a moment the Riddler himself will come down."

At this time, he heard Chen Tian speak slowly.


Bruce and Gordon, who had just taken two steps, stopped and looked back when they heard this, and there was confusion in their eyes when they looked at Chen Tian.

Some do not understand the meaning of the latter.

Seeing that the expression on Chen Tian's face was indifferent and confident, the doubts in their hearts were even heavier.

Until now, they hadn't figured out why the Riddler had given up detonating the bomb and hissed in such pain.

And apparently the teenager in front of him seems to have the truth of everything.

Bruce and Gordon's lips moved, both wanting to say something.

Yet the next second.


A figure fell from the sky in the opposite building, landing fiercely and making a muffled sound.

Seeing this, Bruce rushed up and saw that the other party should have hit the ground with the back of the head, the skull behind the head was broken, and the minced flesh, bone stubble, blood, and brain flowers were on the ground, splattering a red and white flower.

He took a deep breath to wipe the corpse's face, saw a question mark printed on it, and turned to look at Chen Tian in surprise.

Shen Shen said, "He should be the Riddler." ”

"Chen, you did this?"


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