American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

53: Get the Man of Steel! Great super terrifying physical fitness!

Thorn one by one!!!

A huge truck carrying heavy cargo, a front wheel suddenly burst out of control and threw it towards the side of the road.

The driver, the black driver, slammed on the brakes in horror, but everything happened too fast, even though all the wheels were already locked by the brakes, under the huge amounts of inertia, the entire body still threw sideways towards the two teenagers on the side of the road.


Clarke. Kent noticed this scene and cursed secretly.

With his ability, he can easily avoid this impact.

But in his opinion, Chen Tian beside him is just an ordinary person.

If he dodged and let the truck crash, then he would not survive!

There is no time to think too much, and there is no room to worry about the problems you have exposed.

Clarke. Almost instinctively, Kent chose to take a step forward and block Chen Tian.


Chen Tian, who was about to dodge away, was also deliberately controlled, and the whole person stopped in place.

There was no panic in his eyes when he looked at this scene, only surprise.

Chen Tian didn't know the verdict of Combat Copy Ability.

But the previous Catwoman Ability theft ability can be copied.

That means

"Perhaps, I can harvest the ability that belongs to Dachao next!"

Chen Tian's eyes lit up, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in his heart.

Boom ——!!!

The thought is not lost.

The truck was already carrying a terrifying impact and slammed into Clark on its side. Kent's body!

But the latter is rock solid!

The huge impact that was enough to easily crush all the flesh and blood was like hitting a huge steel wall, and the cargo compartment of the car was destroyed in an instant.

Carrying a terrifying impact, the wagon compartment made of metal touches Clark. Kent's body was like a shallow piece of paper hitting a stone, instantly shapeshifting and twisting.

And in addition to the dense cracks spreading out of the ground under his feet, Clark. Kent himself has never wavered!

It was as if it was not a runaway van that hit him, but an insignificant breeze!

"Battle detected, drop reward: Superman!"


Chen Tian's mind also sounded the cold prompt he was expecting.

"Ability replication successful!"

He felt that the density of all the skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs of his body was rapidly increasing, and his heart was happy.

"It's a pity that there are only bodies of steel..."

Then Chen Tian thought about those heaven-defying abilities that Dachao had, and he couldn't help but smack his lips.

Aware of his thoughts, Chen Tian shook his head, "How do you feel a little insatiable?"

"Forget it, anyway, if you come to Japan, you will always copy all the abilities of Dachao in the future." 5

Thoughts fall.

Chen Tian came to his senses, looked at the scene in front of him, and raised his eyebrows.

I saw Clark. Kent was still like an unshakable statue, standing in front of him, even the slightest movement was no different from before the car crashed.

However, the ground under his feet was also covered with dense cracks because of the huge impact just now.

As for Clark. The carriage in front of Kent can be described as tragic.

The entire body, after the impact just now, has completely twisted and lost its shape.

Like a churro that had been punched from the middle, it was distorted.

Chen Tian glanced at the cab.

I saw that the black driver was wrapped in an airbag, and his life was not much in danger, but he also passed out because of the huge impact of the car accident.

“ Roar—— Roar——”

"Chen... Are you all right?"

Clarke. Kent blocked such a terrifying impact, and seemed to take two steps back with some difficulty, getting out of the cargo package.

Stand in place and gasp.

The impact just now seemed a little difficult for him in the early stage.

"I'm okay, Clark... Are you all right?"

Chen Tian replied hesitantly: "I'm lucky to have you, otherwise I'm afraid I would have become a pile of slag by now." 35

At the same time, he also felt that Clark of this period. Kent is nowhere near as strong as it was a few years later.

The body of steel that has just been copied gives him a body density that is not as perverted as imagined.

"Forget it, at least it's better than nothing."

This disappointed Chen Tian, who copied to a strong ability entirely on who he was copying.

Since now Clark . When Kent was not at his peak, Chen Tian's own steel body was far less than the peak.

But one more Ability is better than no Ability at all.

"Chen... I hope I didn't scare you.....々"

Wait until everything is quiet.

Clarke. Kent also calmed Roar and walked up to Chen Tian with a worried face.

He had always been worried that the friends he had just made would reject him because of his ability like everyone else.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I was struggling with whether to tell each other, everything happened so quickly.


Clarke. Kent's concerns, if for others, exist.

But Chen Tian standing in front of him was different.

The latter is probably probably the person who knows him best in the world, but Chen Tian is even more because he knows Clark. Kent's Ability just came closer to each other.

"Clark, do you have abilities beyond anyone else and look sad?"

Chen Tian heard Clark. Kent's words laughed, "Don't worry, I never think that the strong are freaks." ”

Clarke. When Kent heard Chen Tian's words, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he felt a little disbelieving.

"But for so many years, many people, except my parents, rejected me as a freak. 35

As he spoke, his expression fell slightly.

When he was a child, he played ball with other people and couldn't control his power very well. Kent, who would accidentally burst the ball, has since become more and more alienated from him.

Still young Clark. Kent even poked his hand with a pen in anger, but the pen was twisted, and his skin was intact, not at all like ordinary people.

Such a discovery made him feel even more like an anomaly on the planet at that time.

He does not belong to this world.

Only his parents would not dislike him and raise him to such an age.

When the thoughts came to this, Clark. Kent raised his head and looked deeply at Chen Tian.

After much entanglement, he decided to talk to his new friend who had already witnessed his special place and told him about the troubles he had been buried deep in his heart.

Talking and talking.

Clarke. Kent recalled his father's teachings.

In a trance, he seemed to return to the farm of his hometown, remembering the creaking old windmills, the smell of freshly cut hay, and the warm spring breeze running through his hair.

At that time, he spent most of his young life with his father in the wheat field.

"My father would often say take your time, scatter a small amount of seed at a time, don't scatter them together, let them be buried evenly in the soil. 99

"Give them enough space, that's the rule."

Clarke. Kent fell into the memories and said emotionally: "Father knows that not all seeds can germinate, but he wants every seed to have a chance to grow."

"He once said that the same goes for people, some people thrive quickly and need extra care.

Clarke. Kent seemed unusually entangled before he planned to tell Chen Tian everything about himself.

But after making a decision and opening his mouth, he poured out many words that he had never spoken.

These are the emotions he has been suppressing in his heart when he is alone and hiding outside the crowd.

"I was able to persevere because of the care of my family."

Finish the last sentence.

Clarke. Only then did Kent come to his senses, and found that he seemed to have said a little too much, and the worry under his eyes came up again, and he took a deep look at Chen Tian.

He didn't know how the other party would react after listening to his story and what he was thinking.

Will you be as scared as everyone else, or will you make mocking remarks?

Not Clark. Kent is unwilling to give trust to others and speculate on them with malice.

In fact, after everyone deeply understands the real him, their reactions are nothing more than these two.

In addition to that, Clark . Kent is also looking forward to, perhaps...

My new friend can be different from others...

The other side.

Chen Tian listened to Clark. After Kent's telling, there was some emotion.

As an old farmer, Clark's adoptive father had more vision than many people had.

No wonder the great super-heart is so kind.

Perhaps innate is a part, but the education of the day after tomorrow is obviously also important.

If a despicable fellow can also have such a father and have a good upbringing, he may also become a righteous Superman.

The mind settled.

Chen Tian put a kind gaze on the other party and stared at Clark seriously. Kent's eyes.

"Clark, I think your idea went astray"

He said word by word sincerely, "You are not a freak, but different, beyond ordinary people, you are smarter and stronger than anyone."

"Thank you.

Clarke. When Kent heard such words from other people for the first time, he felt the sincerity in Chen Tian's eyes, and his heart couldn't help but warm.

The corners of his mouth moved, and he felt that everything around him was starting to change at this moment.

There is a lot to say.

But a thousand words turned into only one thank you.

However, there are too many simple words.

"No thanks, I'm just telling the facts in my heart."

Chen Tian smiled lightly.

If you want to change a person, you must first gain the trust of the other person.

He has clearly gained the initial trust of Dachao.

definitely, what Chen Tian just said is indeed what he thinks.

Those who reject Da Chao are not out of disgust, but simply because fear is powerful, but Da Chao's kindness gives others the opportunity to hurt him.

"That's right! The driver is still in the car!


Clarke. Kent reacted, and in addition to him and Chen Tian, there was also a driver in the cab.

He hurried over and easily pulled open the car door, which appeared a little twisted by the impact, and rescued it.

Fortunately, the front of the car is not the center of the impact, but it is only a little inevitably affected.

The driver just passed out.

The other side.

Chen Tian also called the police and the ambulance's emergency number.

The police soon arrived.

"Oh my God, this... Is it what happened?!

When they saw the terrifying scene at the scene, all the policemen were surprised and felt extremely incredible.

Everyone can't imagine what kind of car accident can make a truck like this.....

"The impermanence of the world is always unpredictable, and we just happened to pass by here and found something so shocking."

Chen Tian said with an innocent face.

In fact, he had already modified the driver's memory when he decided to call the police, and the other party would not remember the detailed process of the car accident.

Clark on the side. Kent also heard Chen Tian's words.

It was immediately understood that this friend was covering for him and not exposing his ability.

Immediately, the trust in Chen Tian in his heart went to a higher level.


The police did not embarrass the two more, but simply made a brief record for them.

"'Okay, there's nothing else, you can go back first.''

Chen Tian The policeman in front of them closed the transcript that had just been signed by the two and immediately laughed.

"Okay, then it's going to trouble the officer after that.

Chen Tian smiled in return.

In the end, it didn't take much time from the time the police arrived at the scene to the time they finished taking notes.

He and Clark. When Kent left, the ambulance arrived at the scene.

The two walked all the way to the apartment where they were staying.

Clarke. Kent didn't show any more ability.


He seemed to remember something, and his face was worried, "However, Chen, I think that if that driver wakes up in the future, I am afraid that there will still be trouble to find the door." 35

"No, don't worry, I can guarantee that the driver recalled the scene at that time, not to mention other people, it is estimated that even when he thinks about it, he will wonder if he is crazy."

When Chen Tian heard his doubts, he did not reveal his ability, but just laughed.


Get such an answer, Clark. Kent raised an eyebrow and sighed with a strange expression, "I think you have a point." 359

"Don't be too nervous." Chen Tian laughed.

And then.

He noticed Clark. The eyes behind Kent's glasses suddenly narrowed, and his body was a little stiff.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Tian noticed the change in the other party, paused, and followed his gaze.

I saw that downstairs in the apartment, several cars were parked outside, and the people in the cars looked a little familiar.

Wait for the two to get closer.


Several cars opened their doors at the same time, and several strong people got out one after another.

"Whitney...? 35

Clarke. Kent looked at the other group of people standing at the front, and his expression began to gradually condense.

I saw that person, it was Whitney!

Just seen during the day, with Clark. Kent had a holiday and robbed his childhood sweetheart!

Clarke. Kent's gaze paused on the iron chain hand held by the other party, and his brows wrinkled deeper and deeper (Li Dezhao).


The comer is not good...

In addition to him, the rest of the people who came with him, also carrying baseball bats, surrounded Chen Tian and the two directly.

Chen Tian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

School bullying??

The University of America still does this?

But when he thought about it, it seemed to be true.

Spider-man encountered in college...

Da Chao also encountered in the comics...


For the current situation, whether it is Chen Tian or Clark. Kent doesn't feel any panic.

After all, these guys in front of him look fierce and evil, but they are just young people.

Chen Tian and Clark. Kent can solve them with a random shot and effortlessly.

Come to think of it.

Chen Tian couldn't help but look at Clark, whose face was already visibly gloomy to the extreme. Kent.

In fact, Whitney, as his high school classmate, must have known the latter's specialness.

But since the other party is in such a situation, he still dares to bully.

That means that the previous Clark. Kent didn't make a move at all for fear of hurting others.

"Will you make a move this time?"

Chen Tian's eyes suddenly looked forward to it.

And while he was thinking about it, the opposite Whitney also walked not far in front of the two.

"Clark, I didn't expect to see you again in the Met!35

"Every time you annoying freak touches you, I feel sick from the bottom of my heart.

Whitney gently shook the chain in her hand and looked up at Clark. Kent, with a gloomy expression on his face, "Even if the ghost doesn't disperse, I didn't expect you to be Lana's old acquaintance..."

"Your dirty hands touched her feather today."

"I'm on fire... I always feel like I have to teach you a lesson and let you know that you, a freak, should stay away from her.

Whitney was talking and kept asking Clark. Kent closer.

However, he didn't notice.

Clarke. Kent's hand tightens in constantly!

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