American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

68: Nick Fury's Mind! Use nuclear weapons against Chen Tian!?

"Roar! 35

The abomination mixed with the roar of extreme pain reverberated back and forth in the night sky of New York City after nightfall.

Even if you just listen to the sound, you can feel the pain he is experiencing now!

"Damn it!!"

Gritting his teeth in disgust, he raised his eyes and looked at Chen Tian in front of him, he originally wanted to explode, but the moment he met the other party's eyes, his entire behemoth body trembled unconsciously.

What kind of eyes are they?

Indifferent, overlook, high above!

Rao no longer has much reason, all thoughts are occupied by war intent and anger and hatred, when facing this pair of eyes, there is a great fear in his heart, rushing up, instantly occupying all thoughts.

"You damn it..."

He recalled what Chen Tian had just said.

Once again, the previous hatred only felt that the other party was just provoking himself.

Looking back now, I don't feel that there are any emotional fluctuations in it.

It sounds like it's just a calm statement of a fact.

"Spare me..."

Hate to open the mouth, in the hideous mouthparts covered with dense fangs, this time actually spat out words begging for mercy.


"It's a pity.

Chen Tian shook his head lightly when he heard this.

A few simple words fell into the ears of abomination, but like a few sharp spikes, they were inserted into the heart!


More than Chen Tian's words!

After he said those words, the young man with indifferent eyes had already stretched out his hands and easily inserted them into the chest that hated the abomination that could not even be penetrated by bullets!


The hatred body shook, felt a huge amount of pain spread throughout his body instantly, and wanted to continue to beg for mercy.


The words are not finished...

Tear Pull——

Chen Tian's hands inserted into the opponent's chest suddenly split to the sides!

Hate the body covered with spikes, which was deeply torn in half!

All the membranes, muscles, and bones that should have been extremely tough could not resist Chen Tian's movements!

Sticky and fishy blood, mixed with countless strangely shaped internal organs, rushed out and splashed to the ground!

Chen Tian casually threw the two halves of the behemoth body in his hand to the ground, his expression was still calm and did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if he had just torn open an insignificant piece of white paper.

He was standing there.

Because of his biological position, all the blood and slime did not contaminate him.

On both sides of the body were the hateful corpses that had been torn in half.

Blood soaked the internal organs all over the ground, mixed with other colorful unknown liquids, emitting a strong stench into the air.

Now at this time, it has completely fallen into a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes looking at Chen Tian were full of shock and disbelief!

"Sir, it has been detected that the living form 'abomination' has died. 35

Tony. Stark stood stunned in place, listening to the sound of J.A.R.V.I.S in his ears, and his expression under the mask had long since fallen into sluggishness.

Although I have not experienced it myself, I can draw at least one conclusion from all the manifestations of the surrounding environment.

The power that Chen Tian just erupted is unpredictable!

Far from the power that Superman can withstand!

Even before, none of the known life forms on Earth could possess such power!

"This guy is simply a walking nuclear weapon.

Tony. Stark's thoughts progressed here, and he couldn't help but be startled and muttered.

Stopped in a car on the side of the road in the distance.

"Chen this freak!

Logan was in the driver's seat, watching this scene from afar, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Others may not know.

But as the person who is most familiar with Chen Tian, Logan knows how long it took for the former to reach this point!

"Chen: It's scary..."

Pete of the latter was so frightened that he curled up with his head in his hands, shivering.

Wanda and Laura, on the other hand, both huddled in front of the car window, looking at Chen Tian with bright eyes, feeling safe.

"Chen's variant ability is the strongest I have ever seen."

Charles on the side also looked a little surprised, and couldn't help but sigh.

After two days away, has the variant Ability been strengthened to this point?

Except for them.

General Ross in a helicopter, and Nick in S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury was even more shocked when he saw Chen Tian's performance!

As government personnel, they naturally know how terrifying the abomination of body density is!

That's an existence that can't even be penetrated by armor-piercing shells!

Actually torn by hand just like that?

How terrifying is Chen Tian's power?

Moreover, just now he obviously has not reached his limit, and the whole process seems relaxed.

And what is his limit?

"It's just certain that ordinary thermal weapons are far from threatening him."

"How exactly is this monster made?"

General Ross was in the sky, looking at Chen Tian from a distance, his eyes were full of frenzy.

Although the Mutant in the world today has been reduced to experimental subjects, for General Ross, those Mutant experimental subjects are too weak!

After seeing the Hulk's terrifying power, he wants to get stronger!

And at the moment, a stronger presence than the Hulk is just around the corner!

The other side.

Nick in the office of the Director within S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury, already couldn't help but stand up.

Eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.

His mood was very different from Ross's.

Nick Fury has listed Chen Tian as a danger that must be dealt with!

It's just that after seeing the strength of Chen Tian's true strength at the moment, he suddenly realized that if he wanted to deal with the other party, he had to think long-term!

With the strength that Chen Tian is showing now, conventional means will definitely not work for him.

Come to think of it.

Nick. Fury couldn't help but clench his fists.


In footage captured from other cameras, he accidentally saw Charles in the car.

Look at this mutant, which is listed as the same threat as nuclear weapons.

A dark light flashed under Nick. Fury's eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.



The Hulk's angry roar suddenly came from the screen, drawing his attention back to the main screen.

I saw Hulk Hulk stand up from the ruins again, shaking dust, and his hands pounding his chest with great momentum!

"Roar! 99

He yelled and wanted to keep fighting!

But when his gaze swept over the shredded abomination, he was directly stunned in place.

Before hating, it was inseparable from him, how did it become such a ghost in the blink of an eye?

Just as Hulk's movements gradually slowed down, he noticed Chen Tian, who was standing on the abomination of flesh and blood, and slowly raised his head.

A calm and indifferent gaze was projected towards himself.

In those deep black eyes, there is clearly no extreme emotion, but it is extremely intimidating!

Being targeted by it completely gives people a sense of crushing from the dimension of life!

Just looking at it made the Hulk feel creepy.

The Hulk's roar stopped abruptly...

The raised hands softened...

The ferocity in his eyes also gradually collapsed:

He felt a certain fear deep in his marrow, as if a weak little animal saw the fear of an invincible predator and engulfed him in an instant.



After the Hulk actually let out a low roar, he turned around and ran without hesitation, fast as the wind!

A pair of big feet trembled when they stepped on the ground at a very fast frequency.

The behemoth body disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Is that instigated?"

Chen Tian looked at the direction in which the other party disappeared and shook his head speechlessly.

I didn't expect to be convinced by Hulk so easily?

But now that the ability that should be copied has almost been copied, he didn't bother to chase, and suddenly raised his footsteps and walked towards Logan's parking spot.

On a gunship.

General Ross was stunned when he saw this scene, and his eyes widened in shock.

This is running?

Invincible, the extremely violent Hulk, when facing the enemy, he didn't even have the courage to continue to shoot, turn around and run?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a strange expression on his face.

Before, they captured Hulk, but they don't know how many men they paid and sacrificed a lot of soldiers.

However, the other party has always maintained an invincible posture and does not pay attention to the army led by Ross at all.

And now, such a Hulk is actually directly scared away:

"General, do you want to chase?"

The subordinates on the side also came back to their senses after a brief sluggishness.

General Ross looked at the pleading in the eyes of his daughter Betty next to him, sighed and waved his hand, signaling that there was no need to chase.

"Let's land first, I have something to say to the young man."

He said immediately.

The voice is over.

The helicopter gunship he was riding in immediately leaned over to Logan's parking position and landed slowly.

And Tony. Stark also controlled the steel battle suit at this time and flew towards Chen Tian.


Chen Tian looked down at the helicopter, General Ross, who came with a smile, and asked in a deep voice.

Although I don't know what the other party really wants, he has the confidence to face everything that may happen in front of him at this moment.

"Can I know who you really are? This friend. ”

Although Ross wanted Chen Tian to come straight to his research, thinking of the other party's terrible strength, he had to try to make him seem friendly.

Next to Tony. Stark was also curious about it.

After just now, he had understood that Chen Tian was not just Mr. Wilson's partner.

"Rose, I know what you're thinking.

"But I warn you, this guy is Chen Tian, an extremely dangerous mutant, and hostile to officials.

At this time, Nick. Fury's voice suddenly sounded from Ross's headphones.

The latter's face instantly changed when he heard these words, and his gaze looking at Chen Tian suddenly became a little shocked.

Standing on the opposite side, Chen Tian, his five senses naturally heard Nick. Fury's voice.

So he smiled and said, "He's right, I'm Mutant."

"Your military had better not provoke me at will, otherwise there is no guarantee that something will happen." 5

Next to Tony. When Stark heard this, his brows raised slightly, "I didn't expect to meet Mutant again." ""

The tone of his voice was not the slightest repulsion, just a little surprised.

After all, for so many years, the government has been saying that Mutant has gradually disappeared from the world, and today it can actually meet one.

"Tony, stay away from him.

General Ross looked solemn, unconsciously took a step back, and at the same time glanced at Tony, who was still approaching. Stark。

Remind out loud.

"I'm not an expert in sociology, and I don't think Chen is hostile."

Tony. Stark spread out his hands, and the battle suit mask opened at the same time, revealing a handsome face with a beard.

He looked at Chen Tian and said with a smile on his face: "To be honest, Chen, I am very interested in having an in-depth exchange with you.

"I always thought you would be a funny friend."

Tony of this period. Stark hasn't experienced much yet, and Ren is a playful playboy in the face of a lot of things.

Chen Tian smiled when he heard this.

As the person who knows the other person best, he knows that he is telling the truth, and if conditions permit, Chen Tian is also willing to make friends with Iron Man.

But right now, it's obviously not a good time.

"We can talk when we have time, but for now, I'm going back to rest."

With that, Chen Tian nodded in greeting, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Chen Tian, you stand for me....!"

Seeing this, General Ross looked anxious and took two steps forward to stop someone.

Whether the other party is Mutant or something else, the terrifying power of his body is real...

It's also something he's after.

Obviously being so close to him, but letting the other party leave directly did make General Ross a little difficult to accept.

"Ross, I warn you that it's best not to do anything with Chen Tian."

But before he finished speaking, Nick came from the headphones again. Fury's somber voice.

Hearing this reminder, Ross woke up like a dream and remembered the scene where Chen Tian had just shown his strength.

"Damn, what did I almost do?"

Ross came to his senses, looked at his daughter and other comrades on the gunship behind him, and suddenly felt that his body was a little stiff, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Chen Tian is a capable and abhorrent existence!

If they really provoke him, the other party wants to destroy all the military people present, but it is only a matter of raising their hands.

Luckily Nick. Fury pulled himself in time as he walked to the edge of the cliff.

Come to think of it.

A trace of bitterness and helplessness suddenly appeared on Ross's face, and he could only stand in place, watching Chen Tian, who made his heart move, and gradually moved away after getting in the car.

A long time later.


General Ross blew the night breeze and couldn't help but let out a long sigh, "Nick. Fury, you just said that this Chen Tian is hostile to the official people. 35

"Then you S.H.I.E.L.D are not going to leave him alone?"

He opened his mouth to Nick on the other end of the headphones. Fury asked.

S.H.I.E.L.D, as a special unit specializing in dealing with various strange events, as Mutant's Chen Tian, is naturally within their scope of handling.

But before Nick. Fury replied.

General Ross shook his head to himself, "But I think it is also, according to the strength that this Chen Tian has just shown, I am afraid that if he does not use heavy weapons, he will not be able to deal with him at all." ""

"Even if (Li's) heavy weapons are dispatched, they are not necessarily his opponents." "

"It should be tricky for you S.H.I.E.L.D, right?

The voice is over.

Nick over there in the headphones. Fury was silent for a while before replying, "We had already been in contact with him before."

"And it also paid a heavy price..."

"But I won't let him go!"

When General Ross heard this, he said in a heavy tone: "Apart from nuclear weapons, can there really be something to deal with him?"

"The price to pay for the use of nuclear weapons is too great, and it is clearly not worth dealing with a mutant..."

Finish talking.

He waited a long time, and he didn't wait for Nick. Fury's answer.

General Ross cares about everything.

After all, he himself knows this question and it is difficult to answer.

After forgetting the direction in which Chen Tian had left, he returned to the gunship.

"Let someone come and collect the abomination corpse, and then let's go back." General Ross said to his subordinates.


The gunship started again and lifted off to leave.

The other side.

S.H.I.E.L.D Triboloid Wing Building.

Inside the Director's Office.

Nick. Fury looked at the file and an old photo in his hand and fell into a long silence.

The photo is an old Xavier Academy photo.

It was also Charles, who bought a photo with the first X-Men.

His gaze was on Charles' smiling face, and he paused for a moment.

Nick. Fury opened the back of the photo, which had the words "brainwave strengthening" written on it, and the photo was found in the archive room last night.

S.H.I.E.L.D., as the Bureau of Homeland Strategic Defense and Logistics, has been in contact with Mutant X-Men, Xavier Academy.

And to control their every move is to better control this race.

Therefore, he also knows the secrets that Charles hides in the basement of the college.

"Can only nuclear weapons be used against Chen Tian?"

Nick Fury touched the handwriting and muttered, "Other methods, don't try how to know if it works..."

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