American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

71: Chen Tian lifts Mjolnir! Rage's God King Odin!

"Last night, New Mexico suffered an extraterrestrial meteorite fall, and thousands of meters around it were affected and destroyed..."

"The authorities have organized an expert mission to conduct research and investigation..."

On the TV.

The female broadcaster broadcasts the news in a well-rounded broadcast cavity.

At the same time, a photo taken at the scene emerged.

"Thor is coming."

Chen Tian looked at the photo on the TV news, stared at the hammer in the center of the photo, and suddenly thought of this day.

At the same time, he was also interested in Thor, the Asgard bloodline.

Now he already has two bloodlines, and he has experienced the great benefits brought by bloodlines around him.

Moreover, after Chen Tian obtains the bloodline, all the bloodlines will interact with each other and bless each other.

So, he quickly set his sights on Thorto's bloodline.

In addition to his bloodline, Thor also has his ability, which is also a side goal of Chen Tian.

No one will dislike their own ability.


A rush of footsteps came from outside the door.

"What just happened? Is there another guy who can't open his eyes?"

Logan's face was solemn, and he was the first to come to Chen Tian.

Then others came one after another.

It turned out that they had just heard Chen Tian's voice bursting into the room.

I thought something had happened again.

"It's okay, it's just that I exercised a little bit."

Seeing this, Chen Tian scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Chen just rushed over and scared my old man a lot."

Charles silently complained.

"It's okay.

Logan was relieved when he heard this.

The tension on the faces of the others disappeared.


Chen Tian nodded, thought for a while, and continued: "By the way, Logan, I'm going to go to New Mexico, and I'm going to trouble you to take care of it again."

"Well, with your deterrence, those "five-two-three" guys probably won't make any more random moves.

Logan nodded when he heard this, each more than asking something.

After all, there must be a reason for what Chen Tian is going to do.

However, Logan still couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether he would wait for Chen Tian to return this time, and his ability would continue to rise to another level.

Wanda on the side, after hearing Chen Tian's words, blinked and noticed the news on the TV.

"Chen, are you going to see that extraterrestrial meteorite? I would like to check it out too. 35

She pursed her lips and said immediately.

"Do you want to be together? No problem, what about the others. ”

After nodding, Chen Tian set his eyes on the others.

Charles shook his head: "I can't withstand too many long-distance twists and turns with an old bone." 99

"I'm going to meet friends.

After some struggle, Laura decided to meet the new Mutant friends who had been separated for a long time.

As for Pete, the moment he felt Chen Tian's gaze, his head shook like a rattle.

His impression of Chen Tian is now becoming more and more frightened.

If you let Pete go far away alone with the other party, it is better to kill him directly!

It's really the kind of fear from the bottom of his heart when he gets close together, which tortures him too much!

"Since you are not going, then only me and Chen will go out together?"

Wanda saw that no one else was ready to go, and secretly glanced at Chen Tian, and suddenly felt a little happy.

I actually have the opportunity to be alone with Chen Tian.

"Well, it's just the two of us who set off."

Chen Tian shrugged.

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to it." Wanda flashed a playful smile.

Logan and Charles smiled at each other.

Laura's small face frowned.

As for Pete, he didn't care about his sister's interaction with Chen Tian, but he was relieved and glad that Chen Tian didn't have to take him.


Chen Tian took Wanda out with him.

"Wanda, come here."

As he walked to the garage door, he suddenly called out to the other party.

"What's wrong?"

Wanda obediently stopped and looked back.

"I don't think we have to drive, there is a way to better enjoy the scenery on the road. 99

Chen Tian began.


Wanda tilted her head in confusion.

"You don't mind if I hold you, do you?39 Chen Tian walked over to her.

"Nope... Don't mind. ”

Wanda was stunned when she heard this, her cheeks quickly reddened, and she couldn't control her heartbeat.

Next second.

She felt Chen Tian's hand wrap around her.

Immediately afterwards, the two actually lifted their feet off the ground and flew directly towards the sky.


Wanda looked at the ground farther and farther away, first nervous, and then felt Chen Tian behind him, but quieted down again.

"You can fly!

Her eyes widened in surprise.

In fact, Wanda will also fly after becoming proficient in Ability, but now she is not skilled enough.

For the matter of Chen Tian flying, she was first surprised, and then her heart was full of surprises -

Chen is flying with me.

"Well, I originally thought that driving could better enjoy the scenery on the road."

But in hindsight, it seems that Flight is more of a spectator. 35

Chen Tian said with a smile as he led Wanda toward New Mexico Flight.


Wanda nodded heavily, leaning back unconsciously.


Chen Tian released her biological stance and wrapped Wanda in it so that she would not be affected by the air flow when telling Flight.

Next second.


Chen Tian suddenly accelerated, and the two quickly flew out of the confines of New York City.

The other side.

Shortly after Chen Tian left with Wanda.

S.H.I.E.L.D Scattered Wing Building.

Inside the Director's Office.

Nick. Fury sat in his seat with a gloomy face, his hands folded in front of him, and his eyes lowered to look at the report that had just arrived in front of him.

"Chen Tian, that guy, left New York?"

He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "Look at the direction, the destination he is going to is New Mexico, which seems to be related to that falling extraterrestrial meteorite." "5

As SHIELD Director, Nick. Fury controls the nation's and even the world's largest and smaller intelligence.

Coupled with his many years of experience in handling affairs, he immediately analyzed the purpose of Chen Tian's actions.

He had seen pictures of the scene.

That fallen thing is completely the shape of a hammer created by civilized creatures, and there must be a not simple origin after it.

I'm afraid it's about extraterrestrial races.

Chen Tian probably also thought of this, so he became interested in that extraterrestrial meteorite.

Nick. Fury thought slowly: "I don't know if that hammer, the things involved, will endanger the earth."


He unconsciously raised his hand and touched the blind eye, and the other eye narrowed slightly.

"Hill, Barton, stop what you're doing."

Followed by.

Nick. Fury connected Hill and Barton's communications.

"Boss, is there anything else?" Hill's voice came from the other side of the communication device.

"You guys go deal with New Mexico first, and Chen Tian goes over there." 99

Nick. Fury stated the main points of the task succinctly.

"Is it about the outer meteorite that day?" Okay, I see. ”

"Well, be careful.

After getting a reply from there, Nick. Fury cut off the communication and leaned back.


Time passes slowly.

At this moment, only two hours have passed since Chen Tian and the two set off.

The blazing sun in the sky also came to the right place to hang in the air.

New Mexico.

The field where a meteorite falls.

You can see that on this wasteland, there is a deep pit with a diameter of more than a kilometer.

The center is exactly that day outer meteorite, or... Where Mjolnir fell.

At the moment。

Many people have come to the vicinity of Mjollnir to see the strange alien objects.

Many people walked up curiously and reached out to try to lift Mjolnir.


The hammer that looked clearly small seemed to have infinite weight.

No matter how strong the person goes up.

With both hands clenched with all their strength, they couldn't shake the hammer for half a minute.

Chen Tian and Wanda also stood in the crowd at this time.

Behind, parked after they entered the New Mexico area, rented car.

"Is this the extraterrestrial meteorite that fell last night?" What's going on with the look of the hammer?"

Wanda leaned forward, her hands behind her back, her big eyes fluttering and her face full of curiosity.


Seeing that all the people around him who could be called strong had already failed to try to shake the hammer, an old man suddenly stepped forward from the crowd.

Chained the hammer to his pickup truck.

"I'll see if I can pull this thing away."

The old man wears sunglasses, his hair is gray, and he has a lot of energy between words and deeds.

Between talks.

He was already in the driver's seat and started the car.

Everyone focused their eyes on the final result.

BOOM one by one!!

The engine of the pickup truck roared, suddenly accelerated, and the chains attached to the hammer were pulled straight at once!


But the wheels began to rotate in place, rubbing against the ground and emitting white smoke, and finally the chains were directly broken, and the car continued to jump forward violently.

And the hammer remained in place, unmoving!

I can't even pull a car!

"Oh! My God, can't even pull this hammer in a car?"

"What exactly is its origin?"

"What kind of existence will it be, what kind of existence will it be built!

"Old man, are you alright?"


Everyone onlookers were shocked by Roar, and after making sure that the old man was okay, they all turned their heads and were amazed, wondering what material this hammer fell from the sky was.

It can achieve such quality!

'How can a hammer weigh so much?35'

Wanda watched from the sidelines for a long time, and finally couldn't help but walk to the hammer curiously.

A pair of big blue eyes kept looking at them.

"You might give it a try. 99

Chen Tian on the side laughed.

However, he estimated that Wanda would not be able to pick up the hammer that had placed the spell on the 0...

This Mjolnir appeared here only because the god-king Odin tried his son Thor Thor.

The latter, who wants the mortal world to settle through war, understands that as a king, he should not take the initiative to start a war.

Only when Thor understands everything can he pick up the hammer.


Wanda nodded, eager to try, and directly reached out her tender white hand to grab Mjolnir and exert force.

Even the whole delicate little face turned red, but still failed to shake the hammer.

"Not really.

Wanda let go of her hand and took two steps back, her face full of loneliness and some grievance.

"I'll try it too. year

Seeing this, Chen Tian smiled, touched the girl's head, also came interested, and held the hammer handle with one hand.

He began to improve the strength in his hands!


"Even now, with all my strength, can't I shake it?

Chen Tian looked at Mjolnir, who was still motionless on the ground, and raised his eyebrows.

However, he was mentally prepared, but he did not feel much surprise.

It seems that his strength is still a little worse than Odin, who put a divine spell on Mjolnir.

But after thinking about it, the other party can the King of God, and now he can't compare with him for the time being, and there is no shame.


Chen Tian wanted to try again, if he could use the ability of the mind to touch the magic spell that sealed the hammer.


Invisible's mental fluctuations suddenly spread out, enveloping the hammer.

"Huh? Can it actually work?"

Chen Tian unexpectedly found that the moment the mind ability touched the hammer, the latter actually loosened slightly.

It turns out that it can be cracked by another way of thinking.

However, this has to do with the ability of his mind being too strong, after all, he is now a super brain.

Plus Professor X's super brain, plus a strong mind ability to do it.

This also proves that problems do not have to be solved by brute force.

But at this time.

Above the firmament.

It was as if a pair of eyes suddenly appeared, and then endless coercion swept down, enveloping him.

For a time, the whole person seemed to be under the hazy sky.

Chen Tian knew Odin was watching.

This guy fears he's ruining his son, Thortore.

"Forget it, for Thor's sake and bloodline, I won't compete with you first."

He squinted his eyes and calculated in his heart, and immediately let go of his hand.

"Chen, did the hammer move just now? How did you let go?"

Wanda next to him saw Chen Tian let go and asked out loud.

"You read it wrong, I can't do anything with this hammer."

Chen Tian said casually: "Let's get out of here first and find a hotel to rest."

Wanda heard this, her eyes flashed, "Let's stay in a hotel?"

"yes, I can't throw you away." Chen Tian replied.

Do two people live together?

Wanda looked at Chen Tian, from head to foot, and from foot to head, and some movies that he had accidentally seen on the tape before and only two actors starred in his mind.

For a while, the expression on the little face was both nervous and expectant.

"It's two 3.0 rooms, one for one person."

Chen Tian saw that the girl was cranky again, and smiled helplessly to interrupt Wanda's thoughts.

With that, he turned and got into the car.


When Wanda heard this, his divergent thoughts converged and he followed the car with some loss.


Chen Tian drove the car towards the nearest town.

Shortly after the two left.

S.H.I.E.L.D's cars arrived at the scene one after another.

The staff who came down from above immediately dispersed the onlookers and blocked the scene.

At the same time, many people are busy and start to set up temporary research institutes.

And on one of the parked black cars.

Hill agent looked at the information and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The boss, Chen Tian, has left here for a nearby town.

Then, she turned on the communicator and reported: "He is probably just curious, came over to take a look, and did not do anything else."

The voice is over.

Nick. Fury's voice sounded in the communicator: "Hill, I remind you, Chen Tian is an extremely cruel guy, and I hate him.

"But I have to admit that he is also very witty and cunning, you must be careful." "

Speaking of which.

Nick Fury paused and added, "He must have come here for some purpose." 5

"It's quite possible for someone's ability."

"You should also pay more attention to this. 99

[PS: Who said that many bloodlines are hybrids, and those who can return to the sect with ten thousand swords are invincible! ] There are also ideas such as raising Dachao, the protagonist must be strong enough...]

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