It's like under a night sky dyed with thick ink.

In the gloomy cemetery, weak moonlight spilled into the garden, covering everything with a shallow silver veil.

The air around you is extremely humid.

The wind blowing and the cold is blowing, and everything is silent.

Harvey. In front of Dent's grave.

Bruce. Wayne's heavy gasps became more pronounced.

His pupils shook, and he suddenly reacted as he looked at the empty coffin in front of him, "Harvey. Dante didn't die?! 35

The corpse that should have been buried has disappeared!

"Not true.


Catwoman's pretty face suddenly became serious.

Although I also feel that the scene in front of me is extremely strange, I have naturally had the courage and heart beyond ordinary people to be able to blend in the shadows of Gotham for so many years.

She squinted her eyes and leaned down and reached out to grab a little of the cover by Chen Tian and Bruce. Wayne shoveled dirt.

The slender white fingers twisted and rubbed them delicately, and then put them on the tip of the nose to sniff lightly.

"This dirt has not been excavated for a long time, at least for a month."

Catwoman raised her eyes that were usually full of charm, but now looked serious and serious, "That is to say, when burying the coffin, Harvey . Dante was no longer lying in the coffin.

"He wasn't buried.

As soon as she said it, she was immediately met with Bruce. Wayne's objection.


He twisted his brows and mused, "I saw Harvey with my own eyes. Dante's death, he lost it right before my eyes Roar stopped beating, how can he still be alive?"

Bruce. When Wayne said this, his tone was very determined.

For a person who has watched the loss of vital signs with his own eyes, it is naturally difficult for him to believe that the other party is actually alive.

Catwoman Selena heard the other party's rebuttal and didn't say more.

Glanced at the empty coffin, narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked to the inside of the coffin "five two seven" and leaned over to check it.

"All the silk cloth inside is very neat, and there is no trace of heavy weight. 35

She slowly closed the distance, her eyes carefully observed, and she opened her mouth to recount the information she had gathered.

Speaking, the tall nose also sniffed lightly.

"And there wasn't any smell, not even a smell that no one else had touched."

At this point, Catwoman straightened up and looked at Bruce. Wayne, "At least it's certain that this coffin never had any bodies placed." ""

"Even before the burial, whether it was opened or not is a question.

Then, she turned her gaze to Chen Tian, "Chen, I want to hear what you think about this matter.

Although Catwoman and Chen Tian have had several unpleasant troubles with each other.

But it is undeniable that when dealing with the Riddler before, this guy showed a super high detection ability.

For this, Catwoman Selena is convinced.

Bruce, who has the same understanding of Chen Tian. Wayne looked at him with the same expectant expression.

Yet the next second.

Chen Tian's brows furrowed, and then he slowly spoke, and his answer was unexpected, "Harvey. Dante was already dead, but the body was not buried in a coffin.

This statement came out.

Be it Bruce. Wayne and Catwoman Selena both had puzzled and surprised expressions on their faces.

"Who could be the body that should have appeared in the coffin, but is now gone, and all the Harvey Dent in Jessica's mouth?

Bruce. Wayne immediately questioned with strong doubts.

In fact, he had already accepted Catwoman's statement a little.

After all, a body was not brought for burial, did not appear in the coffin that should have appeared.

Exclude the very few people who have a special fetish for corpses.

There is only one possibility left...

That is, he is not dead at all!

Otherwise take Jessica and Harvey. How could Dante's feelings not give him a funeral after his brother died?

So, Bruce . Wayne questioned Chen Tian as he spoke his analysis.

"Harvey in Jessica's mouth. Who is Dent?"

"The answer is simple, it's herself."

Chen Tian's expression was calm, and his tone did not fluctuate, because he was just telling the truth.

"As for the bodies that disappeared inside the coffin?"

"I should be clear, Harvey. Dante was not buried at all.

"His body was never put in a coffin."

He continued to speak slowly.

Bruce. After hearing Chen Tian say this, the expression on Wayne's face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes flickered.

He definitely understood what Chen Tian was trying to say.

If the other party's statement is correct, it means Harvey in Jessica's mouth. Dante simply doesn't exist.

And in the same way, she's been saying lately, Harvey. Dante will create panic and chaos throughout Gotham, most likely Jessica herself-planned!

For this case, Bruce. Wayne wouldn't believe it.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that Jessica, who had always been kind by nature, a woman he had loved deeply, would do such a thing.

As the thoughts progress.

Bruce. Wayne's gaze became more and more gloomy, and a pair of eyes seemed to turn into a deep swamp.

"Bruce, the truth of the matter is like this, believe it or not."

Chen Tian to Bruce. Wayne's questioning did not take it to heart at all.

He can feel the emotions in the other party's heart, and such a situation can only be said to be concerned and chaotic.

After all, at this time, the young Batman still suffered too little damage.

It is also normal to be unable to accept the woman you have loved for a while, and to degenerate into an evil riot initiator.

"And, you didn't mean tonight, Harvey. Is Dante going to start a riot in Gotham?"

Chen Tian then added: "Just look at the past.

Hear this.

Bruce. Wayne turned and left, "Well, like you said, what you see with your own eyes is more real than anything." ”

He was ready to head to Harvey tonight. Where Dante will appear.

This is where Jessica told him.

After taking a look at Catwoman, Chen Tian immediately raised his feet and followed.

He is with Bruce. Wayne's deal was to solve Jessica's illness.

And if there is a riot tonight, it will naturally have nothing to do with Jessica, so naturally I have to go.

And it's too late to find The Flash even if you go to Central City, so why not go see Bruce Wayne and his crazy Gotham.

As for Catwoman, after seeing Chen Tian and the others leave in a hurry, she thought about it for a while and followed.

After all, she was with Bruce. Wayne, but an ally.

You can't just sit idly by.



In the city of Gotham shrouded in night.

Harvey. The riot that Dante spoke of has begun!

In the city, there are shocking explosions everywhere, and the ground trembles, and it can even be said that the roar is not heard at all.


There are countless people who go to the streets with guns and riot, and what is even more terrifying is that these people, simply aimless, running around.

When I see something, I rush in and smash it.

Seeing ordinary residents in panic, they brutally injured and caused death and injury.

Men and women, the elderly, the sick, the sick, and the disabled, do not let go!

If a beautiful woman is unfortunately caught by them, there will be countless people scrambling and flocking to it.

Such a scene can be said to be seen on dozens of streets in Gotham.

It was a riot that spread across nearly half of Gotham.

Although the police station was prepared, as soon as the riot began, countless police cars sounded their alarms, flashing police lights and speeding through the streets and alleys, rushing to the location where there was a riot.

But there are too many people who are helplessly involved in the riot!

The scope is too wide.

Even if all the police officers of the Gotham Police Department are sent to participate in the crackdown, they still feel difficult in the face of the rioting crowd.


Three figures landed on the eaves of the tall buildings overlooking the street in Gotham.

They are naturally Chen Tian, and Catwoman and Batman Bruce, who have changed into their battle uniforms. Wayne.

"Crazy Gotham, it's terrifying.

Chen Tian looked at the riotous crowd all over the street and shook his head.

In such a depressing environment, there are many people who will not miss any opportunity to release stress.

They took the opportunity to take to the streets with the team, venting the anger that had been squeezed for a long time.

"I don't believe that such a riot could have been planned by Jessica.....

Bruce. Wayne looked at the scene in front of him like hell on earth, still muttering incredulously.

Subsequently, he did not forget his identity as a vigilante and took out the hook claw, "No matter what the truth is, these guys in front of you should be solved as soon as possible."

However, as soon as his voice fell...


A terrifying explosion, ten times louder than all previous explosions, suddenly came from the city center and resounded throughout the Gotham night sky.

You can even see the fire of the explosion, soaring into the sky, and even the ground trembles.

"That's the direction of my old house!

Bruce. When Wayne heard this movement, he turned his head and looked at the change in his face.

Even from a distance of dozens of streets, you can see the blazing fire!

That place is the old home of the Wayne family!


Or Arkham...

It was his mother's old home, the Akham family's turf.

However, the old house was uninhabited many years ago because of a murder.

But Bruce . Wayne does not tolerate others destroying Akham, a place that is part of the Wayne family.

Even if few people in family history choose to recognize.

Thinking, he hurriedly jumped downstairs.

In the process of falling, the cloak made of special memory molecular materials behind him instantly energized and turned into the shape of a paraglider0...

At night, Batman is like a bat with its wings gliding, easily gliding from dozens of high-rise buildings to the road.

Batman of this period had not yet built a batmobile.

So he could only borrow a car at random on the side of the road and sped in the direction of his old home.

Chen Tian and Catwoman glanced at each other.

Then they followed.

The other side.

Batman Bruce of the Motorist Sedan. Wayne, all the way to the throttle, rushed to the scene in a short time.

A flick to stop.

Then he kicked the car door directly and quickly jumped down.

The old house in front of him is covered in raging fire, emitting endless firelight, shrouding everything hundreds of meters around in a hot and heat wave, while dyeing everything with a layer of orange.

"Damn! Who did it?! 35

Bruce. Wayne's eyes reflected the sky, and he was furious.


"Brother, I think you are so wrong! This is a complete point of no return!"

"Nope! The city is rotten and there is no cure! Only after all are knocked down can you be reborn!" 5

Bruce. Wayne suddenly heard a loud argument between male and female voices.

Looking for prestige, he easily caught a car parked right in front of the burning house of the Fire.

Inside the car were sitting two figures, a man and a woman.

They are entangled with each other, constantly angry and arguing.

Bruce. As soon as Wayne saw them, his face changed dramatically.

He recognized the identity of the other party!

It was Jessica and her brother, Harvey. Dent!

"Harvey. Dante really didn't die!"

"And he also planned tonight's riot!

Bruce. As Wayne's thoughts progressed, the expression on his face became more gloomy, and his eyes were Rage and complex.

He was angry because the other party started a riot.

Angry after blowing up his old house!

Also because I don't understand why Harvey who is clearly in great difficulty does not die. Dent, it will suddenly become what it is.

He was about to succeed to the mayor before, but he was a man who enforced the law impartially and was jealous as a hater, and regarded Gotham as his home.

It can be called the opposite of the dark knight Batman, the light knight who walks in the sun.

It is also because of this that he will win the majority of supporters in the mayoral election.


"Because after experiencing a life and death, did you change your temperament greatly?35

Bruce. Mumbling and sighing, he had already taken a step and approached the car in which the brother and sister were riding.

And opposite.

The arguing in the car became more and more intense.

"No, no! Brother, if we really go this way, we can't turn back!99

Jessica's voice was filled with crying.

"Damn! What do you understand? What do you understand?! 35

"There is no hope for the city anymore! My previous insistence didn't make any sense at all!


Harvey. Dante seemed indignant, hissing and going crazy with a 3.0 tone.

In the end, he didn't even seem to be able to bear Jessica's bitter pleading anymore, and actually raised his gun!

"Harvey! Stop!!"

Bruce. When Wayne saw this picture, his heart immediately tightened, for fear that the other party would hurt Jessica, and suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

Directly pulled the door open and pulled Harvey off the main driver's seat. Dent!


However, when he pulled the man, he found that the other party's limbs were weak and fell directly to the ground.

"Damn! 35

Bruce. Wayne looked at the figure that fell at his feet, his pupils shrank sharply, and his heart shook.

That's not a living person at all!

It's the dead Harvey. Dent!

He had long since turned into a cold corpse, and his burned face was crawling with maggots!

An unconcealable rancid smell came from the surface, and the thick juice splashed on the ground as it had just fallen!

Harvey. Is Dante really dead?!

Bruce. Wayne looked at the corpse at his feet, and for a moment, it was difficult to come back to his senses, immersed in the accident.

Since this guy is really dead .....

So who caused the chaos in Gotham City tonight?

Just as he was stunned

Inside the car.

Jessica in the sub-seat. Dante raised his gun towards Bruce.

Under the blazing light of the burning fire of the old house on the side.

Her eyes were red and the tears on her face were crystal clear, and the scar on her left cheek from the burn was unusually hideous.

"The Dark Knight Bruce Wayne, good night....

Jessica. Dante had a strange smile on his lips, and his brother Harvey's deep voice sounded in his throat.

Words fall.

She pulled the trigger sharply.

The muzzle sprays sparks, and the bullet spins and shoots out rapidly.


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