American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

93: Build a super soldier and copy Super strength infinitely!

Inside the Walt Corporation Building.

In a closed, dimly lit monitoring room.

Dozens of solemn-faced staff members are staring intently at the hundreds of screens in front of them, and the pictures on these screens are divided into dozens of small screens, projecting the large and small streets and corridors in the city.

It even includes corners that no one would notice on weekdays.

This is where the Walt Group monitors criminals and Superhero.

Even all corners of the country are being monitored.

Ashley. After Barrett explained the other superhero tasks, he stepped on the urgent steps of wind and fire, walked out of the office, and rushed to the monitoring room.


With a solemn face, she twisted open the closed door of the monitoring room.

"Oh my God! The guy holding Homelander actually rushed towards the company building!"

Ashley had just pushed the door open when she heard the head of the monitoring room stand up uncontrollably, his voice trembling and startled Roar.


When she heard this, her pupils shrank, and she raised her head to look at the screen.

I saw the figure of Chen Tian flying towards the Watt Building at high speed in the largest picture.

The figure suddenly burst out, but in an instant, it had arrived outside the Walt Company Building.

The strong wind brought by its high-speed action even caused the camera set up by the company to tremble uncontrollably, and the picture flickered.

Ashley had been mighty before, like a cat that had been biting indiscriminately, and after seeing this scene, the whole suddenly stiffened, and all the aggressive momentum was reduced by half.

Even uncontrollably began to feel flustered.

"How could this guy directly target our Watts company?"

Ashley was anxious.

This strange guy in front of him has the ability that even Homelander can't handle.

If he really plans to make a move towards the Watts Company, then I am afraid that there is no way to stop it!

Except for Ashley, all the staff members who saw this scene in the monitoring room also turned pale and their eyes shook, looking very scared.

"Damn! If he were to attack our entire company, we would all die here today. ""

"Homelander is still in this guy's hands, who else can stop him?!"

"It's over.


All kinds of panic sounds began to echo throughout the monitoring room.

"Calm down! Calm down!

Right at this moment.

Ashley, as a company executive, was the first to react, loudly suppressing the atmosphere present, "Don't worry! Although the other party is a super ability, he must still have weaknesses.

Although she is also panicked now, as a person who has seen all kinds of winds and waves, in other situations of panic, it is up to her to calm the hearts of people who have panicked.

"Aren't we going to have five other superheroes besides Homelander?"

"Things haven't reached a completely irreparable situation yet!"

Ashley shouted Roar, seemingly to calm the current panicked situation in the monitoring room.

However, her voice did not fall.


on the screen.

Chen Tian pinched the back of Homelander's neck and stared at the Walt Company Building for a few seconds.

He directly exerted his power in an instant, and directly smashed the latter into the square in front of the Watt Building!



The explosion sound that was enough to roar the heavens and earth soared into the sky, turning into a substantial sound wave and dispersing in all directions!

All the glass on the surrounding buildings was easily shattered by these shockwaves, and they fell to the ground.

The floor of the square was directly smashed and collapsed by Homelander's body carrying a strong impact.

Dense cobweb-like cracks instantly spread around the square.

Countless rubble splashes, the ground shakes!

All the staff in the Watt Building could clearly feel that the entire building was trembling violently in the deafening roar.

Ashley stood in the constantly shaking room, and the panic in her heart surged up again.

"Damn!! Connect me with the rest of the Super Six!"

"Call them over to deal with this guy! Fast! Quick!!"

She couldn't care about any leadership demeanor, and directly looked hideous, and let out a hoarse scream.


In front of the Walt Company Building, it has become the center of a deep pit.

The surrounding area attracted many onlookers.

The movement just now can be said to attract all the attention within a radius of ten kilometers, and many people are cautiously standing in the distance, hiding behind the bunkers and looking towards the center of the square.

I saw the center of the pit.

Homelander slowly stood up in embarrassment.

At the moment, his whole body was covered in dust, and he looked embarrassed.

But in the end, although Homelander is no match for Chen Tian, its physical fitness is at least able to withstand the existence of nuclear bombs.

It is easier than not to fall.

"Damn it!9

Homelander scolded secretly, noticing the probing eyes around him, and couldn't care too much.

He shook his head and found that his vision was still blurred, and there was no other way, so he had to shake his body and walk out of the pit.



The figure in the sky suddenly turned into an afterimage that ordinary people could not see clearly, wrapped in a fierce wind, breaking through the air and falling fiercely towards the square!


The ground, which had already been fragmented, collapsed several meters down again under the impact of this figure.

Thick smoke and dust swirled and spread.

The ground trembled even more fiercely.

"Ahhh!! 35

Homelander let out a low roar from the impact of the figure.

I only felt that my body was once again hit by a terrifying existence of incomparable power!

The unparalleled colossus hit his chest.

Even though Homelander was ready to dodge the moment he heard Roar roar overhead, he couldn't dodge at all.

In an instant, he was stomped on the ground by the figure that fell from the sky.

"You're still too weak."

Chen Tian looked at Homelander who was trampled on and spoke lightly.


Homelander clutched the other person's foot on his chest and tried to lift it, but found that no matter how hard he used, he couldn't do it.

Even Roar sucking became more and more unsmooth, and for a while, he couldn't say a word.

Only his face became more and more distorted, staring at Chen Tian's chin with red eyes, gritting his teeth.

The other side.

Chen Tian bowed his head and said a word to Homelander.

He slowly raised his head and looked around indifferently, "What about the other superheroes?35."

"Why don't you come out? The so-called national idols are actually soft eggs, right? 35

Chen Tian's tone was very contemptuous, "If not, then come out and fight!"

His volume is not loud, but he can easily spread out, clearly falling into everyone's ears, majestic.

Those onlookers were immediately shocked when they heard Chen Tian's words.

"This person actually dares to be so domineering.

"Dare to declare war with all superheroes? Where does the confidence come from?"

"But even Homelander is not his opponent, will other superheroes be his opponents?"

"Shet! He's here to destroy the world!

Everyone mumbled incredulously.

And inside the Walt Building.

Ashley, the head of the company, saw through the screen the scene of Chen Tian, stepping on Homelander, declaring war on all superheroes.

It's even more frightening.

"What exactly is this guy's purpose? Is he really going to ruin our Watt company?!" 5

Her voice trembled uncontrollably.


"Boss, I went to the place, but I didn't see the person and Homelander at all." 5

Went to contact other Superhero staff and answered the locomotive's phone.

"He... He had already taken Homelander to our company building.

"You hurry back to deal with him!99

Ashley urged immediately.

"What? He is already in front of the company? How fast?

The locomotive hesitated when he heard this.

He also just arrived at the place where Chen Tian and the two fought before.

So, Chen Tian's speed is not inferior to himself?

"Do you want me to deal with him..." The locomotive thought of this, and suddenly became a little entangled.

"Your speed is the fastest in the world, no one can compare to you!" Don't worry!35

Ashley heard the locomotive's reluctance and immediately reassured: "Go and bring Homelander back!" Otherwise, the entire company will be irreparably affected.

"The locomotive ... You don't want your things to be spread out!

Opposite side.

"Damn! Got it, I'll go!"

The locomotive was fierce when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth.


Both feet suddenly erupted, and the whole person turned into a high-speed afterimage, carrying a strong hurricane and rushing towards the company building.

Strong and powerful thighs, galloping on land!

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of Walt Square and saw Chen Tian standing there, and Homelander on the ground.

“ Roar——”

The locomotive looked at each other and took a deep breath.

The next moment.


The whole person burst out with all its speed and rushed towards Chen Tian!

He had also seen the picture of the other party's shot before, so he decided that if he didn't break out at full speed, he couldn't say that something would go wrong.


Nervously, he suddenly found that his speed had risen to another level.

It's a lot better than the original.

"I'm really the fastest! Didn't catch up with me!

The locomotive was pleased, and most of the tension in his heart disappeared, At the moment Chen Tian had not even made any moves.

Saving Homelander is a breeze!


He had already stretched out his dark-skinned hand to Homelander on the ground.



The locomotive only found that Chen Tian on the side was smiling, slowly turned his eyes, and aimed at him!


Next second.

Chen Tian's figure flashed, and he disappeared directly!

"Where did he go?!

When the locomotive saw this, it instantly felt like it was in an ice cellar, and it was cold all over.

Even he couldn't see Chen Tian's movement at all.

Just now, the other party seemed to have disappeared directly in front of his eyes!

He was horrified!

"Nope! I'm not the fastest, he's faster than me!"

The locomotive understood the real situation in an instant.



The only thought left in his mind.


The locomotive, which was already full of fear in his heart, immediately chose another direction and rushed out violently!

Look no further at Homelander in front of you!

Inside the building.

"Fark! Locomotive, what do you mean by this?!

Ashley saw this scene through the monitor and couldn't help but scold.

At the same time, the tracker on the side shows that the locomotive has run a distance of nearly 10,000 meters.

"Not true!


Only then did Ashley notice that Chen Tian was also missing.


The next moment.

Chen Tian reappeared in place, holding the dying locomotive in his hand.


Ashley Roar couldn't help but suck.

Turning to look at the tracker of the locomotive, the tracker that had been moved to 10,000 meters away in the hair room had returned to Walt Square in just a blink of an eye.

"Fark! Fark!! He's more powerful than Homelander!"

"And the speed is faster than the locomotive?!"

"So what else can I do? What else can we do?!"

Ashley's heart was about to jump out of her chest, and her face couldn't be whiter.

She felt that things were far beyond her control.

A sense of powerlessness called despair gripped her neck and made it difficult for her to speak, and Roar sucked.

As for all the surrounding monitoring staff, they were also shocked, unable to speak for a long time, stunned.

On Walt Square.

When Chen Tian lifted the locomotive, he flashed back into place again.

The rest of the Super Six members just hurried over.

They looked at Homelander, who was trampled on the ground and couldn't resist in embarrassment, and the locomotive that was carried in Chen Tian's hand like a rag doll.

They all froze in place.


Shen Hai's hand holding the steel fork trembled uncontrollably, and his pupils flickered.

Land was not his home turf.

Now that even Homelander and the locomotive have fallen, he is no match for this strange teenager.

"We... We..."

The transparent man's voice was full of panic, and although his figure could not be observed with the naked eye, the location of this guy could still be determined.

Because the ground on which the transparent man stands has become a wet piece.

As for the color wrapped in the black uniform from head to toe, he did not say a word.

Just keep staring at Homelander at Chen Tian's feet.

In effect, he is a replica of Homelander, specifically designed to prevent the latter from getting out of control.

Now seeing that Homelander is not Chen Tian's opponent, then there is no doubt that Xuan Se will naturally not be.

And Queen Maeve's face was both amazed, and her eyes also flashed.

But after seeing Chen Tian's indifferent gaze.

But it turned into endless fear.

Because looking at Chen Tian's posture, it is obviously aimed at the entire Watts company.

And Queen Maeve, who is part of the company, knows that no one can organize Chen Tian.


"Ahhh!! 35

Homelander, who was lying on the ground, looked at several of his teammates and saw his embarrassed appearance.

The resentment in my heart has even flowed to the extreme.

Because in the past, these people were all afraid when facing themselves.

But now he has become a pitiful worm in their eyes, he can't bear it, so he screams indiscriminately.

And then......


Stunned by Chen Tian.

Then he threw the locomotive in his hand to the ground.

In the process of capturing the locomotive, Chen Tian had already copied the other party's Super Speed.

And now, looking at the few superheroes on the opposite side, who were frozen in place, he began to feel bored.

It seems that the entire black-robed picket team is only a few people to see. 35

"As for the rest, it's not worth me to copy.

Chen Tian frowned, his thoughts slowly flowing.

Then, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a smile reappeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That's not right!

"I'm temporarily limited by my thoughts."

Chen Tian thought a little excitedly: "Doesn't the black-robed picket have compound number five?"

"I can mass-produce super soldiers and then have them fight against each other so I can't replicate them indefinitely?"

He thought of the Dachao and the Hulk farm plan he had conceived before.

Now, it can be carried out in the black-robed pickets!

"Although Wu Hao's compound production is limited and the success rate is not high, it is completely worth a try!

The more Chen Tian thought about it, the more he felt that this was feasible.

Immediately, he set his eyes on the Watt Building behind him.


All the cameras around the Watt Building, after noticing Chen Tian's movements, also focused on him.

"He... What does he want to do?!

Ashley. Barrett looked at Chen Tian's slightly excited gaze on the screen, and suddenly only felt that his body was stiff, his whole body trembled, and his scalp was numb and creepy.

[PS: Havok company changed to Walt company, the front is written wrong! ] 】.

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