American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 100 Give The Opponent A Chance!

Inside the Stark Building.

"You actually have an army?!!"

Loki held the hand of the psychic scepter, trembling violently unconsciously.

In his line of sight, he clearly saw the six-pointed star magic circle gathered in the sky, and soon saw a huge amount of bird army [like Qita Ruiyin military doctor who rides the wind and waves.

And that's just what's happening in New York City -!

In the other four light curtains, a similar - picture also appeared!

In Wudu City, the six-pointed star magic array is like a cloud composed of raging flames, and one after another fire elemental elves jumped out of the cluster...

In the neon battlefield, the water vapor in the surrounding sea area condenses crazily, and under the action of the magic circle, it turns into water elemental spirits one after another

What appeared on the Australian battlefield were earth elemental elves crawling out of the ground...

What happened in Paul Cheng was even more strange. The golden light of the magic circle shrouded the cars, and it seemed to endow the cars with life. In a short period of time, hundreds of cars turned into human forms and joined the X-Men team!

True Magic Version shapeshifting King Kong!

Six Rings Summoning System Gate of Elements!!


Where Loki still doesn't understand the root of all this, looking at Lynn's eyes again, the earth-shaking changes have already taken place.

All the contempt, fear, horror...all disappeared!

Instead, anger!

And not outraged that his plans were about to fail, but because...

Such a scene......

As the number one magician in the Nine Realms

he can't do it!

How could a Mutant magician be so powerful?!

For a moment, with Loki's pride and arrogance, he couldn't help feeling a creepy feeling, and an unbelievable thought subconsciously popped up in his mind:

Why didn't Thanos come in person?

Is it possible that the achievement is due to... fear of Mutant?!

This invasion is simply a mutual test between Mie and Mutant?!

Thinking of this, Loki couldn't help trembling. With his IQ, he could see that Chitauri was just a pawn that Thanos casually played. Naturally, he could also see that Lynn's pawn...was equally easy Comfortable, come at your fingertips!

"Only seven X-Men squads were dispatched from start to finish..."

"The strongest Mutant Professor X and Magneto have never appeared..."

"Obviously there is a magic army, but it has been unable to hide it until the five cities were hit hard and the critical moment of human life and death was finally exposed..."

"The most important thing is that the magic circle can be activated directly..."

"However, he chose a more time-consuming and labor-intensive method, distributing the weird black bracelets to ordinary humans, making those people think that the activation of the magic circle has something to do with their prayers.

"Hawkeye seems to have told me that the black wristband turned out to be a game login device?!"

"And that game was developed by Mutant?!"


Combining all these pieces of information, Loki only felt an unparalleled absurdity. The large-scale dispatch of Mutant this time may not be to deal with the invasion of the Chitauri army at all——

It's for training!

For fame!

To promote Oasis!

In the process, harvest a group of hidden Mutants by the way!

That's all!!

This is outrageous!!!

"It's really a good plan. I have worked hard to plan, Chitauri's attack without any loss, and a life-and-death war for the people on earth. In the eyes of Mutant... No... it is in this Mutant In the eyes of the magician..."

Loki's eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Lynn: "It turned out to be just a chance to strengthen Mutant's strength!"

The universe is like a chessboard.

Thanos is the chess player, and Lynn is the chess player.


Is it really just a pawn?

Thinking of this, Loki's heart was vented all of a sudden, and a sense of frustration that he had never felt before came to his heart.

The remaining trace of pride made him roar unwillingly: "What if you have five magic armies? Tesseract's energy is inexhaustible, and these five space wormholes will always exist. In this way, the Chitauri army will continue to flow , endlessly..."

"How long can your magic circle last?"

"How long can the X-Men and Mutant last in this intensity of fighting?!"

In fact, at At the moment, he had already vaguely guessed that the energy shield outside the Stark Building might not be able to stop Lynn.

But he still had a little fantasy.

After all, this is Tesseract!

Tony was in shock because of the sudden appearance of the five magic armies, and at this moment, he suddenly woke up: "Yes, Lynn, we must find a way to break the seal, otherwise this war will only be endless

He was obviously not the only one who could see the key to the outcome of this war.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a whistling sound in the distant sky.


A Pyro appeared suddenly and rushed towards the Stark Building at a super fast speed: "Get out of the way, I, Johnny Stone, am going to save the world......"

Pyro came rushing forward, and he didn't dodge at all. However, the Chitauri flight weapons he collided with all turned into fireballs and exploded in the air.

next moment.


With a loud bang, Pyro crashed directly into the Tesseract's energy shield.

The energy shield did not produce the slightest ripple, but the flames on his body were scattered on the spot, revealing a young figure in a blue uniform "Yan Pingping fell downward.

Tony bared his teeth.

Through the energy shield, he could feel the severe pain of the opponent's impact, and he couldn't help but look at Lynn: "Your man?"

Lynn shook her head.

"Stupid earthlings!!"

Loki sneered, he was beaten to pieces by Lynn just now, seeing this fire man's reckless behavior, inexplicably regained some sense of superiority.

…0 for flowers…………

"Hey, my friend, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs!"

Johnny Stone turned into a burning man and flew up the moment he fell to the ground.

He carefully looked at the situation inside and outside the energy shield, especially glanced at the sofa under Lynn, with a confused expression on his face: "Although I don't know what happened here, but the earth is now being invaded by aliens, a man named Nick Fury The guy asked us Fantastic Four to help, so...

"Who can tell me, how can I break this damn hood? Then close that damn space wormhole?!"

He pointed to the energy shield, and then to the sky.

Mingming's expression is extremely anxious [The tone of voice gives people a sense of frivolity and laxity.

"Nick Fury's back?!"

Loki's face changed again, but before he could react, thunder suddenly rolled in the sky, and another figure roared through the air, appearing in sight.

Thor came too.


Seeing that Loki was safe and sound, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said fiercely: "Close this transmission channel quickly, or the earth will be destroyed, and you will be a sinner through the ages!!"

Loki glances at him.

If it was before, he would definitely share the joy of victory with his big brother, but at the moment, after Lynn's repeated blows, he is too lazy to talk nonsense with Thor.

"The Tesseract is right there..."

He pointed to the top of his head, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "If you have the ability, go and close the passage yourself!"

The Meow Meow Hammer hit the energy shield almost immediately.

But it was just a layer of ripples.

Seeing this, Tony felt a little disappointed with Thor, a new member of the Avengers: "This energy shield is integrated with the space channel created by the Tesseract [it cannot be broken by barbaric causes alone!"

"The power of space?!"

Thor's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again: "If Bifrost is still there..."

"Reed, Susan, did you all hear that?"

Johnny Stone (Thunderbolt) saw Thor's expression and knew that he was talking nonsense, so he quickly raised his right hand and touched the earphone: "Quickly use your smart brains and think of a way!"

On the other side of the communicator, there were chaotic and noisy voices from MR.Fantastic, the invisible woman, and the stone man.

Faintly, there seems to be Nick Fury.

"It seems that neither the Avengers nor the so-called Fantastic Four can do anything for the time being..."

Loki kept staring at Lynn. Seeing this scene, he smiled more freely, as if his confidence had returned to his body: "Mr. Lynn, you are the first to come, but you have never tried to break the seal. Do you have no confidence? Or are you waiting for some opportunity?"

Lynn wasn't waiting for anything.

Only this time, he wanted to give Mutant's opponent a chance.


The Opportunist who wiped out all the X-Men!.

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