American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 60 The Iron Man Who Was Limped By Fools! (Dazhang Asks For Subscription)

Wisdom is sometimes inversely proportional to strength.

The stronger the person, the less he likes to use his brain.

For example, Wolverine, with its super self-healing factor, super fighting level (although it is poorly performed in the movie) and its extremely sharp Adamantium claws, undoubtedly form a super strength.

But he is irritable, impulsive, and often used to exchange injuries for injuries...

And apart from learning some languages ​​because of wandering around the world, he never took the initiative to learn other knowledge.

On the contrary, Tony was originally an ordinary person, without great strength, and his combat power was almost entirely dependent on armor.

This led to his almost obsessive research on steel battle suits.

The speed of updating iterations is faster each time.

His strength comes from knowledge!

Lynn popularized the classification of Mutants for Tony, and then said: "Many delta-level Mutants have a much higher level of brain development than ordinary people. If someone like you can teach them, they will be able to use knowledge to do the same as you. Arm yourself and become stronger..."

"With a mortal body, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god!"

"Tony, such a heavy responsibility is yours!"

What he said was sincere, and he did not hide his deeper plot: "Moreover, those professors who originally have a certain reserve of knowledge can also go to your class, and if they gain something, it can also greatly enhance the technology of Xavier's School strength!"

Tony was taken aback when he heard that.

"With a mortal body, can you stand shoulder to shoulder with a god?"

He carefully chewed the deep meaning of this sentence, and in a trance, he felt a sense of responsibility.

But then, he laughed: "This is your real purpose, right? Why don't you just ask me to help you develop weapons..."

He was a little surprised by Lynn's frankness, and felt that Lynn's move was really a bit whimsical.

Obviously he wants to let himself, the helm of the Stark industry, go to the new Xavier's School to be a part-time worker, but it seems that he is making a lot of money.

With thoughts surging in his mind, Tony gradually stopped joking.

A serious look appeared on his always cynical face.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

This is the second time he asked this question, and this time, he was obviously a hundred times more serious than before: "If I said before, I thought you just wanted to reverse Mutant's image and change Mutant's situation, but now... you actually want to Arm the Mutant with knowledge?"

"Mutant already has a super ability, coupled with the knowledge armed, the power is bound to advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Lynn, I feel more and more that you are ambitious!"

"And your ambition is far more than just letting Mutant stand in the sun openly!"

"Could it be that you, like that Magneto, want to rule the world?!"

After saying this, the atmosphere seemed to become a little dignified.

Lynn didn't realize it.

"Mutants rule the world, why not?"

He actually admitted it lightly!

Tony's complexion suddenly changed, and he almost summoned the steel battle suit!

But he resisted the urge, because in his sight, Lynn suddenly changed the subject and asked a completely irrelevant question: "Tony, how much do you know about this world?"


Tony was taken aback again.

Lynn continued to ask: "S.H.I.E.L.D should have contacted you, right?"

"You know S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Tony hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "They have indeed contacted me and want to invite me to join and build a special team composed of superheroes to deal with possible crises that threaten the earth and protect the safety of the world!"

Lynn nodded without asking if he had agreed to join.

Instead, he smiled and said, "So, what kind of crisis will threaten the entire earth?"

"What do you want to say?"

Tony frowned, with a vague premonition that every time Lynn was allowed to control the rhythm of the conversation, he seemed to suffer in the end.

Lynn still didn't answer directly.

Instead, he said word by word: "Tony, do you believe in the existence of God?"


Tony couldn't keep up with Lynn's rhythm again, but this time, his answer showed no hesitation: "Technology is God!"

It is said that the end of science is theology, but so far, he obviously has not encountered a scientific problem that cannot be solved.

The implication is that there has never been a god in this world!

Lynn said noncommittally: "How about the Metropolitan Superman? How about the general Zod who was defeated by him?"


Tony's brow furrowed even tighter.

"When Kryptonians come to the earth, they can absorb the energy of the sun and become a powerful existence that makes human beings desperate. As long as they are willing, they can even easily wipe out all human beings on the earth......

"For people on earth, what is the difference between this and a god?"

Lynn didn't mention the Skrulls invading the earth, nor the Asgards who had descended on the earth, but just used Superman as an example.

Then the topic changed: "The universe is vast and infinite. If there is one such existence, there may be a second or third one. If they come to the earth one after another and have malicious intentions towards the earth... what should the people on earth do?" ?”

Tony is truly one of the smartest people on earth.

He immediately understood what Lynn meant: "You mean, the earth is about to face the threat of alien civilization? That's why S.H.I.E.L.D is in a hurry to form Avengers?"

"It's not about to come, but it's always in the face."

Lynn said firmly: "In the past, most people didn't realize it, but it won't be long before all human beings on the entire earth will face... death and destruction!"

At this time, the people's daily life is not about war, death, reconstruction, and falling into war again.

But there are already signs of this.

"Tony, the world is not the same as before!"

Lynn sighed softly, sincerely, without any falsehood.

Because he, and even all Mutants, live in this world.

When I think of the distant starry sky, purple sweet potato, Dormammu, Steppenwolf, Darkseid and many other top bosses are all staring at the earth, sometimes I can't sleep well.

Could the world be any more chaotic?

Tony said nothing.

But looking at the expression on his face, it was clear that Lynn was talking alarmistly.

"The level you are in is too low now, and it is normal not to see the future."

Lynn patted him on the shoulder: "You just need to know that the crisis that threatens the earth has always existed, and S.H.I.E.L.D obviously knows a lot of secrets, so they urgently want to form Avengers..."

"As for those people in the White House and the military, they may not understand clearly enough, but there must be some smart people who have vaguely sensed the signs of great changes in the world through various cobweb signs.

"So they are also eager to improve their own strength."

"The study of Mutant's super-ability is to some extent one of the attempts.

"It's just that whether it's S.H.I.E.L.D or the high-level human beings, they deliberately avoided a question..."

At this point, Lynn deliberately paused.

When Tony didn't pay attention, he couldn't help being led to the rhythm: "What's the problem?"

"Why did Mutants start to appear on a large scale at such a time?!"

The divine light in Lynn's eyes was bright, and her tone suddenly raised.

Tony's heart trembled violently, as if a thunderbolt exploded in his ears.

"Tony, you are one of the most intelligent geniuses on earth. You must know that from primitive times to modern civilization, human beings have been evolving all the time. In order to adapt to the changes in the natural environment, there are constantly various physiological and psychological changes.. ...."

Lynn's speech slowed down, but her enunciation became more and more clear: "This is the historical torrent of the development of human civilization, just like a monstrous wave. It has never changed since ancient times...

"Then, in the face of today's turbulent waves of great changes, human genes are naturally mutated, and various super abilities are born to cope with the coming crisis of survival


"Isn't it a very normal thing?!"

God is sorry, if Darwin knew that his theory of evolution had been interpreted in this way, he wondered if he would jump out of the coffin.

And if Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D was present, seeing Lynn linking the invasion of alien civilizations with the large-scale emergence of Mutants, he didn't know what kind of expression he would have.

But I have to admit that...

These words make sense!

Tony was speechless for a moment!

Human beings have been adapting to the environment. If the cosmic environment is really undergoing unprecedented changes, then in order to survive, human beings have genetic mutations and the birth of super abilities... It seems that there is nothing wrong with it?


Tony swallowed hard, and spoke slowly after a long time: "The emergence of Mutant [is actually the self-help of human genes? Is it the inevitable result of the development of human civilization?!"

"That's right!"

Lynn said every word, "This is what happened naturally. First a small number of people, and then more and more people. As time goes by, all human beings will step into the process of genetic evolution... ..."

"Since that's the case, Mutant, who evolved one step earlier, wants to stand at the top of this world and lead the overall evolution of human civilization..."

"Isn't it a natural thing?"

"So, what's wrong with Mutant ruling the world?"

At the moment, if Professor X, who is currently studying the history of the Dragon Kingdom, is present, he will be stunned by Lynn's words, and then lose all his elegance and swear.


This guy, Lynn, started looking for theoretical support for the emergence of Mutant!

And there is no doubt that the key to this theory of genetic evolution lies in whether human civilization is real...will face unprecedented threats!

Tony thought of that all at once.

And Lynn saw his face and understood his thoughts: "You don't believe it?"


Tony subconsciously shook his head.

Lynn was not angry, and a familiar smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It's very simple, I just let you see it with your own eyes..."

Before he finished speaking, he thrust out his right hand and hit Tony between the eyebrows.

This is not Kamar-Taj's soul magic.

But.....prophecy magic!

Lynn didn't lie when she convinced Magneto and Mystique earlier!

He does know a thing or two about prophecy magic!


It was as if the brilliant colors of the Big Bang flashed fiercely in front of Tony's eyes in an instant. At this moment, he felt as if his soul had lifted off into the sky and floated into a strange and unknown place.

Bubbles suddenly appeared.

In the bubble, there are pictures one by one, each picture is different, as if it is a different branch of the timeline.

However, in almost half of the screens, there is a twisting city that is being destroyed.

In the city, the figures of superheroes are fighting with all their strength, among them is even his own figure, manipulating a steel battle suit that is clearly ahead of mark 10, fighting bloody battles.

And their opponents are ugly and powerful foreigners.

star creature.

Tony saw, on the roof of the Stark Building, a glaring ray of light pierced through the sky, opening a space channel that was getting bigger and bigger.

In the tunnel, countless alien creatures and monsters rushed into the earth!


madly slaughter!

At this moment, he believed Lynn's words for no reason, because out of the corner of his eye, he also saw a small part of the picture, the blue planet on which human beings live."

"Bang" and it exploded!

Countless familiar streets, countless familiar people disappeared in an instant!


With a roar, Tony broke away from the prophetic situation.

His expression changed violently, his whole body was in an unprecedented shock, his thinking was like a speck of dust on the edge of the universe, suddenly lifted to the level of the vast universe


Looking around, there are mouths full of blood!

He is angry, frightened, desperate, helpless...

"Invasion of Alien Civilization..."

"The self-evolution of human civilization..."

"Mutant is one step ahead...."

In my mind, what Lynn said just now echoed crazily, and at the same time, the feeling of seeing the future through time and space can't be lingered no matter what.

After a long while, Tony took a deep breath.

He stared at Lynn, his eyes were red:

"Professor Mutant, I'm done!"

As long as human beings are not destroyed, as long as human civilization does not go to extinction.

I'm Iron Man...  

Willing to make every effort!

Willing to resist the gate of the gods with the body of a mortal! .

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