American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 67 Hulk Appears! We Need X-Men!

The so-called transaction is nothing more than asking for a high price and paying back the money when it lands.

No matter how rich Wakanda is, it is impossible for him to pay a terrifying price of 250 million for a straw man.

Lynn knows all about this.

Therefore, after some haggling, the two parties finally reached a consensus that the price of the stand-in straw man was set at 10 kilograms of Vibranium, which was also traded once every three months, and the quantity of each time was set at five.

This made Lynn further sure that Wakanda's Vibranium reserves are definitely quite a lot!

The so-called price is only for outsiders. For Wakanda itself, this thing may be an alternative metal currency!

When they spend it, they don't feel bad at all!

In this way, Lynn can get 50 kilograms of Vibranium from Wakanda every three months just for the stunt man, which is the same as the transaction quota promised by Wakanda.

Which means he doesn't need a dime

If you add Wakanda's purchase of those Elementary level magic potions...

He can still make a fortune!

It is probably the only one to do this in business!

So much so that after the negotiation ended, all the Wakanda people, including King T'Chaka and Black Panther, looked at him with an inexplicable resentment...

In the past, they harvested the trading partners who wanted Vibranium.

This time, the identity was reversed.

They became cut leeks.

But there is no way, things are rare and expensive!

Don’t say they’ve seen magic props that can save lives at critical moments. They’ve never even heard of them before. Now that they’re lucky enough to come across them, is there any reason not to buy them?

Even though Lynn has made it clear that this stand-in is only valid for one year...

They should buy it or have to buy it!

To put it bluntly, for Wakanda, this small amount of money is nothing more than nine cows and one 17!

"The deal is settled, should we talk about technical exchanges?"

The trip was full of rewards, and Lynn was extremely satisfied, but he was not satisfied, and looked at King T'Chaka with a smile: "Since Mutant and Wakanda will have a long-term transaction in the future, how about sending a liaison officer each?"


King T'Chaka was taken aback.

He scoffed at this before, thinking that there was no need for Mutant and Wakanda to communicate, but now, he has changed his mind.

"Mutant's new Xavier's School is about to open its enrollment recently, and it still lacks some knowledgeable professors. Wakanda has so many scientific and technological talents, how about sending one to the academy as a visiting professor?"

Lynn obviously had a goal long ago, looking at the crowd behind Black Panther: "How about Princess Su Rui?"

There is one thing to say, when Lynn watched movies in her previous life, she didn't like Wakanda very much.

But this place does possess technology far beyond the current world.

Especially Black Panther's younger sister, Princess Su Rui, is definitely a smart person at the same level as Tony, or even better. Her nanotechnology and a lot of black technology "is the master of Canin's Vibranium technology.

At the moment, she was still a young girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

Hearing his own name suddenly, he couldn't help being stunned: "Me?"

"You don't need to stay at Xavier's School all the time, just go to attend a few classes when you have time, and take care of the transactions between the two parties by the way."

Lynn looked at the sound, smiled and said: "definitely, I will also send a liaison officer who satisfies you."

King T'Chaka clearly has some hesitation.

Princess Su Rui herself is very interested. She is just at the age of puberty, and she is extremely curious about everything in the outside world.

"I've read the news outside, and I heard that the address of Xavier's School has only one big hole. Did you transfer it to another place?"

"The academy is full of Mutants, isn't there a lot of weird super abilities?"

"Are those professors Mutants too?"

"In addition to super abilities, does the academy also provide scientific knowledge?"

A lot of questions came out of her mouth.

Black Panther quickly stopped it with his eyes.

Lynn smiled and was about to speak when the cell phone rang suddenly. Then, Alice projected a light curtain in the air, and the name of the caller displayed on it was "Mr. Lan"

"Speaking of professors, the college's new chemistry and genetics professors are on the phone..."

Lynn's eyes moved, and a familiar arc emerged from the corner of her mouth.

Mr. Lan's call means the opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time...

finally reached!

After hanging up the phone casually, he looked at Princess Su Rui: "Are you interested in going to a good show together?"

"Good show?"

Princess Su Rui was eager to try, and looked at her father.

King T'Chaka originally didn't intend to agree, but the picture projected by Alice made the pupils of his eyes shrink slightly... Wakanda's energy shield has the effect of isolating external signals, but Lynn was able to receive the call!

Does this mean that, in addition to the magical civilization, Mutant also possesses a technology least in some respects is not weaker than Wakanda?

Thinking of this, he found that Lynn and Mutant must be given the highest degree of attention.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he nodded.

Princess Su Rui was overjoyed.

"Then, leave it at that."

As Lynn said, with a light step on his feet, red flames shot up into the sky, and within a few breaths, a complex and mysterious small magic circle was burned on the ground around him.

This is a sub-array connected to the Xavier's School's target array.

The next moment, under the shocked and vigilant eyes of everyone in Wakanda, the light on the teleportation circle suddenly flashed, and the white-haired, leather-clothed Storm slowly appeared in sight.

"Please allow me to introduce, this is Mrs. Orolo, the professor of Xavier's School, and she will be in charge of the subsequent transaction with Wakanda."

As Lynn spoke, she gestured to Princess Su Rui with her eyes.

The two stepped into the teleportation array, and both disappeared.

The light from the magic circle disappeared, and Storm looked at King T'Chaka with a smile. Then, he saw Black Panther behind him, and his expression changed slightly:



Black Panther's expression also changed at the same time.

The two actually seem to know each other... and have a close relationship.

King T'Chaka was slightly taken aback.

He is very clear that Lynn sent a dark-skinned Mutant, obviously because Wakanda is a black country, and Storm is the most suitable person for this liaison

But seeing this scene, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

This should...

Just a coincidence?

The light fades Lynn appears at Xavier's School.

The teleportation circle that was originally hidden in his room has been transferred to the playground, and this will be the place where all new students will report in the future.

Both Shadowcat and Professor X are waiting here.

Wolverine was smoking a cigar leisurely, and when she saw Lynn appearing, she joked teasingly: "Our honorary principal is back? How does it feel that everyone is busy, but you are taking a leisurely vacation?"

Ever since he broke Wilhelm Stryker's base, he was in a good mood, and gradually got rid of the previous look of bitterness and hatred.

Lynn smiled and said, "Mr. Logan, you don't look like you're too busy."

"That can't be helped. The college's enrollment information has been sent out, but during this time, no one has signed up!"

Logan shrugged.

When Professor X heard the words, a rare look of sadness appeared on his calm face: "Lynn, it seems that the effect of turning public opinion is not satisfactory. It is still a bit early for us to open the enrollment...

"The timing is right, Professor."

Lynn has a different opinion on this: "The image of X-Men has been established, and the existence of Xavier's School is now almost known to everyone. Those Mutants who know the admissions information but have not signed up are nothing more than uncertain in their hearts. , Is it just to expose my identity... Exposed in front of Mutant is also exposed!

Both Professor X and Logan clearly understand this point.

To put it bluntly, it's not just ordinary people who don't believe in Mutants. Mutants hidden in every corner of the world also lack trust in Xavier's School.

After all, exposing identity means huge amounts of risk.

The most important thing is that no one knows whether Xavier's School can continue to operate. The matter of open enrollment has obviously touched the bottom line of the high-level human beings, and it will inevitably be strongly counterattacked!

"Our students are in hesitation."

"And what we have to do now is to dispel their doubts and let them know that Xavier's School has the ability to protect them.

"It takes an opportunity."

"Now, the opportunity has come."

Lynn was not in a hurry to introduce Princess Su Rui, but looked at Professor X methodically and said, "This is why I asked Katie to call you here."

Professor X and Logan looked at each other and said in unison: What opportunity?!"

Lynn turned to Shadowcat.

Shadowcat was already prepared, took out his mobile phone, and a light curtain projected out, and the evening news of Global Daily appeared on the screen.

The title is impressively:

After the green titan, another more violent green titan appeared in New York City in 230, fighting the military!

The Twisted Covenant City was devastated, and countless people were killed and injured!

"this is..…………"

The faces of Professor X and Logan changed drastically.

Before they could speak, Shadowcat had switched to another screen.

It is the Mutant channel of Daily X!

This channel has only released one X-Men documentary since it was launched, and at the moment, the original comments below the video have all been deleted, replaced by a sentence that is all about maintaining formation:

We need X-Men!

We need X-Men!

We need X-Men!

There are not only tens of thousands of dense messages, but also an increase of thousands of messages per second.

"Professor, Logan, this is the opportunity!"

Lynn's voice was as calm as ever, but in the ears of Professor X and Logan, it was thunderous and deafening!

They understood right away——

Turbulent public opinion is an opportunity!

In the past, when people encountered such a disaster, their first reaction would be to curse the Mutant, thinking that the two green titans were monsters transformed from a certain Mutant gene mutation!

But now, they thought of X-Men for the first time!

This is without a doubt huge amounts of progress!

Under Lynn's series of methods, the public opinion against Mutant has been reversed a lot, and after a period of continuous fermentation, finally stimulated by this red titan, more and more people realize...

Mutants can save the world!

Under the call of the whole people, make a strong appearance, solve the red titan, and save countless people from life and death. One can imagine how high the reputation of X-Men and Xavier's School will reach!

At that time, all doubts and hesitation in the hearts of those Mutants hiding in the corners of the world will be gone!

This is what Lynn refers to as the overwhelming momentum and the torrent!

"Logan, get Scott and Jean, we're off right now!"

Professor X took a deep breath, without any hesitation order, as if he was ten years younger all of a sudden.

"I will personally lead the team for this operation!".

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