American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 70 Monster Maker, Get Out Of The Contract!

After disconnecting, Nick Fury's eyes were slightly excited.

Hill looked at him with a strange expression: "Boss, you seem to be quite skilled at taking advantage of the fire?"

"Why is this taking advantage of the fire..."

Nick Fury didn't seem to hear Hill's ridicule, rubbed his eyebrows and said: "The Avengers formation plan is not going well, we need more superheroes, at this time, the military's super soldier plan is undoubtedly a good supplement... ..."

"But their super-soldier plans got out-of-control!"

Hill said lightly, obviously having a different view from his boss: "That Hulk is a product of accident, and he still retains a trace of kindness in his performance, but that abomination... If there is no X-Men to take action, he may Will tear down the whole twist!"

"Because of this, the Super Soldier program needs us to step in and steer it on the right track!"

Nick Fury said righteous words, every word sonorous.

"Boss, we are not gods, it is impossible for the king to control everything!

Hill shrugged his shoulders, and said noncommittally: "Looking at the abomination, the military's Super Serum is obviously flawed. What if they come up with a second abomination in the future... How will we end up? "

"So we need to form a strong Avengers, in case something like this happens, we can also..."

Nick Fury obviously thought about it a long time ago, and suddenly reacted in the middle of speaking: "Hill, do you have any other ideas?"

Hill was silent for a while.

After thinking about it, he said cautiously: "Perhaps, we can contact the X-Men?"

The implication is that S.H.I.E.L.D can win over X-Men, even Mutant, as a part of Avengers, and cooperate with each other to maintain the safety of the world.

Nick Fury's heart trembles!

But not because of the idea that Hill came up with!

It's because the idea came from Hill's mouth!

This undoubtedly means that Mutant's recent actions have been quite successful. Even the airship commander of S.H.I.E.L.D thinks that Mutant can cooperate sincerely!


Nick Fury sighed deeply.

Hill puzzled: "Why is it impossible?"

"Because the power of Mutant is uncontrolled, the World Security Council will never agree to let an uncontrolled force enter S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Nick Fury looked at his subordinates with a complicated expression: "Hill, you are still not sensitive enough to these things. Although S.H.I.E.L.D has a detached status, it is still an official organization affiliated to the governments of various countries... In other words, this Institutions must be in the hands of ordinary human beings!"

"Think of our first Avengers roster!"

Hill heard the words, thought for a while, and immediately understood.

The first list of the Avengers, Captain America Stephen Rogers is a man-made super soldier, Black Widow and Hawkeye are the agents controlled by the government, Iron Man is strong by relying on technology,...

Yes, the green titan Hulk, accidentally created by the military, was also on the first list of the Avengers.

And he is an accidental product of the super soldier plan!

In other words, the abilities of these people are all created by humans!

But Mutant is different!

Mutant's super-ability is born, which to a large extent, completely distinguishes them from ordinary people. The long-term hostility and exclusion between the two sides is not without reason!

In other words, Mutants are another race!

If they are allowed to enter S.H.I.E.L.D and have power that they have never had before, how can the officials of various countries sleep soundly?

In case one morning wakes up and finds that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D has been controlled by Mutant...

Still have to cry to death?

"So, this is not a question of whether Mutant can be trusted, or whether Mutant can protect the world as a superhero, but... Mutant must never be allowed to gain political power?"

Hill muttered to himself.

Then I couldn't help but burst into a swearing: "Damn politics!"

"It's reality, Hill."

Nick Fury shrugged: "If S.H.I.E.L.D wants to protect the world better, it must abide by the rules of the game, otherwise, as soon as the funds of various countries are withdrawn, S.H.I.E.L.D will immediately exist in name only

Before he could finish speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

He took out a look, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It's Stephen Rogers, it seems that he has finally figured it out and is willing to join us!"

He is obviously very confident about recruiting Captain America.

that's the truth.

As soon as the call was connected, Captain America on the other side said straight to the point: "Nick, I, an old guy who has been out of touch with the world for seventy years, is willing to join S.H.I.E.L.D and protect the world with you, but I have one request..."

"What request? I will definitely do it!"

Finally got the good news, Nick Fury agreed quite happily.

"You know what happened to the contract break?"

As soon as these words came out, an ominous premonition emerged in Nick Fury.

Captain America on the other end of the phone didn't notice it, and said to himself: "The Hulk and the abomination that almost ruined the entire contract and caused countless casualties were all created by the military's super soldier plan. The most ironic thing is that, The reason why the military restarted the super soldier program was because I succeeded back then..."

"It turns out that my success has created countless failures in the future..."

Captain America's voice seemed a little downcast, apparently he had just woken up and found out that such a thing had hit him to a certain extent.

But his belief is unwavering: "So, the first thing I did when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D was to stop the military's super-soldier program, lest they create more monsters."

"I can't do this alone, I must rely on the help of S.H.I.E.L.D!"

"Nick, would you like to help me?"

Nick Fury's expression froze instantly.

Hill clearly sensed the psychological changes of his boss. If it can manifest, it must be a series of non-repetitive "Fuck" and "Shit"...

He just made a deal with General Ross, and the super soldier plan will be supervised by S.H.I.E.L.D in the future...

Turn around Captain America is going to stop this plan?

Does this count as extreme joy or sorrow?

"definitely! I will definitely help you!"

Nick Fury scolded his mother in his heart, but on the surface there was no hesitation at all: "The current super soldier plan has obviously deteriorated, and the power of the Super Serum can no longer satisfy them. If this continues, I don't know how many people's lives will be lost." being threatened......"

"So I will help you, Stephen!"

"So, welcome to the Avengers, Captain!"

After hanging up the phone, Nick Fury's face immediately turned 180 degrees.

He looked at Hill, and ordered coldly: "In the future, matters related to the super soldier plan must be kept strictly confidential. Only agents above level nine are eligible to review, and Stephen

100% confidentiality!"

Hill was not at all surprised by this order.

S.H.I.E.L.D is an organization that keeps the world safe.

But the director of S.H.I.E.L.D has always been an unscrupulous person.

On the other side, Lynn has been on the rooftop, watching the battlefield below.

……ask for flowers…

"Charles is still as soft-hearted as ever..."

He curled his lips, not surprised.

In sight, under the mind control of Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, and Phoenix cooperate tacitly, plus Iron Man harassing in the air and Hao Shu's teleportation from time to time

Although the hatred is very powerful, it still has no power to fight back.

The whole battle didn't last too long, and he was completely wiped out.

But the X-Men did not kill the killer, but stayed at the scene after everything was over, looking at the Osprey fighter in the sky.

Not long after, General Ross got down from the fighter plane.

What appeared in front of his eyes were countless collapsed and damaged buildings, corpses lying motionless on the ground one by one, and the crowd watching from afar when the matter was over.

In the ears are the chaotic sounds of the wailing of the injured, the sound of police cars and ambulances, and the noisy voices of people.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, with his psychological quality, he couldn't help but feel a little pressure.

The daughter, Betty Rose, who was behind her, rushed towards Hulk regardless.

But she quickly stopped.

Because Hulk's eyes were full of vigilance, and his eyes kept wandering between her and General Ross.


"Charles, Mister Stark, thank you for assisting the military in eradicating...  

General Ross took a deep breath, bit the bullet and walked towards the center of the battlefield.

But before he could finish speaking, someone among the crowd watching suddenly shouted: "Monster maker, get out of the contract!"

This sound was like a signal, instantly igniting the anger of countless people.

Obviously, many people watched Shadowcat's live broadcast just now, but they didn't know what happened, and it was quickly popularized by others.

As a result, everyone's eyes on General Ross changed.

"Monster Maker, get out of the Twist!"

"Monster Maker, get out of the Twist!!"

"Monster Maker, get out of the Twist Potion!!!"

At this moment, no one cared about the military's deterrence. Everyone was full of hatred for this monster who created and destroyed his own homeland, and wanted to rush up and beat him up.

The waves of sound continued, and soon gathered together, resounding over the sky of Twisting City.

General Ross' face changed suddenly.

But his pace did not stop, and he was still heading towards the center of the battlefield... No matter what, the dying hatred must fall into the hands of the military

"As expected of someone who can be a general..."

On the rooftop, Shadowcat couldn't help but sneered: "Compared to him, Wilhelm Stryker is not enough!"

Lynn is noncommittal.

The live broadcast has ended, Mr. Lan Samuel Sten's face is full of curiosity: "Mr. Lynn, don't you intend to stop it? If they are taken away by the military, they will definitely study the green titan serum!"

"So what?"

Lynn didn't care: "The injection of serum you gave him has completely destroyed his brain, and now every drop of blood in his body is full of tyrannical factors, even if the military can use his blood to develop new The green titan serum can only create a bunch of monsters.

"Isn't this a good thing for us?"

Mr. Lan's eyes flickered slightly, and his awe of Lynn became stronger.

He is the only one in the whole world who knows that this matter is actually under the control of this young man in front of him from beginning to end. Poor General Ross probably thinks that the appearance of the X-Men is just a coincidence!

But in fact, as early as when he and Hulk became netizens and secretly helped research serum, this young man had already approached him.

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