American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 86 Infiltration Plan And... The Real Function Of "Oasis"!

Compared to Nick Fury, Lynn has had a much more carefree time during this time.

He is enjoying a romantic date.

In Manhattan, in a French restaurant on Fifth Avenue.

The female judge Kate Mara, who has been in the limelight recently in the Federal Court, is wearing an elegant fuchsia dress, which perfectly outlines her graceful figure.

She lightly cut a small piece of steak and chatted with Lynn while eating: "Sir, the male lead in the "Oasis" advertisement is very handsome. Recently, many people in the office are discussing him...he is a new A student at Xavier's School?"

"That's right."

Lynn smiled.

In fact, among the male students of Xavier's School, many of them are quite good-looking, but after the votes of all the female students, Warren Worthington (Angel) finally won the first prize and won the opportunity to appear in the photo.

"That video had a huge impact....."

The watery eyes always linger on Lynn's body, Kate Mara said with a smile: "Using Hulk and Mutant to shoot commercials is really your style, sir, and I have no intention to hide the relationship between the second world and Mutant at all! "

"Why hide?"

Lynn took a sip of caviar, and frowned slightly. He didn't like this kind of food at all: "There are no secrets in this world. Could it be hidden? The relationship between the second world and Mutant...wouldn't be Have you been found?"

He never underestimated the "737" power of official intelligence.

What's more, he has already made public appearances in front of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hiding it again is pure self-deception.

Kate Mara obviously understands this truth: "But in this way, the authorities will definitely not sit idly by. They dare not deal with Mutant blatantly now, and they can't find the location of Xavier's School, but they will definitely not let the second world go. Go on smoothly..."

"so what?"

Lynn didn't care, and her expression was even a little surprised: "Even if the government wants to deal with Mutant, what does it have to do with me as a game company? We are a conscientious enterprise that operates legally and pays taxes according to regulations!"

Kate Mara covered her mouth and chuckled: "The officials want to make trouble, but they still care about whether you operate legally and pay taxes according to the regulations?"

This is half true.

FBI, CIA, Taxation Bureau, Department of Homeland Security... Just find a reason for any department, obviously it can affect the normal operation of the second world company.

These are even obvious means.

"The Stark Group is a shareholder of Second World."

Lynn's expression didn't change a bit.

"But I heard that the Stark Group seems to be preparing for a transformation, gradually reducing arms sales, and turning to clean energy business. Recently, the relationship with the military has been very tense, and it has offended many people......

Kate Mara still smiled: "In this case, will the officials still be afraid of Stark Group's connections and influence?"

This matter is definitely not as simple as the Stark Group wanting to transform.

Tony became the honorary principal of the new Xavier's School......

It is also a key factor!

"Are you trying to say that the Stark Group will go downhill soon without its arms business?"

Lynn wiped her mouth, still calm.

There was a doubt in Kate's eyes: "Isn't it?"

"definitely not!"

Lynn curled her lips: "In a society of capital, profit is everything. Even if the Stark Group does not have the arms business, how many technology patents do they have ahead of the times? How much market potential does the clean energy created by Tony have? Can it be applied?" In how many fields?"

"And most importantly, Tony Stark is Iron Man!"

"Kate, this man is the core value of the Stark Group!"

He looked at Kate's face, and said word by word: "As long as Tony is here, the contacts and influence of the Stark Group will never be weakened, but will be constantly strengthened because he can bring benefits to too many people! "

Kate realized something.

"Sir, you mean..."

On the delicate and fair face, there was a look of thought: "After the Stark Group gives up the arms business, it will gain more contacts and influence in other fields, and the military...doesn't even dare to offend him ?”

"That's right."

Lynn nodded.

Tony is a man with a mortal body comparable to a god, although managing contacts has never been his strong point.

But he has small chili peppers.

It can not only develop the group business, but also maintain personal connections.

With the perfect combination of the two, the future of Stark Group is limitless.

"But even so..."

Kate still has some doubts: "I'm afraid the official will not give up targeting the Second World because of Stark Group's holding, right? After all, if Mutant is allowed to earn a huge amount of wealth through "Oasis", it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future!"

"You still don't understand..."

Lynn sighed softly: "This is a country where capital is paramount. As long as you are willing to spend money, let alone break a contract, the top law firms in the entire eagle sauce country will work around the clock to help us find countless legal provisions and sue us. Officials maliciously suppress private companies!"

This is a typical eagle sauce feature.

As long as the money is enough, there are countless lawyers in this country who dare to fight against the authorities, forming an impenetrable legal firewall around the Second World.

And Lynn has never been stingy with money for this kind of thing.

Kate's complexion suddenly became weird: "Use the rule to defeat the rule?"

This is what Lynn once said to her.

She didn't really understand the meaning until now.

"Sir, I heard that the salary of employees in the second world is much higher than that of similar positions, which has resulted in countless top talents wanting to join...

Kate hesitated for a while, and said: "If your funds are not sufficient, I can find a way..."

"Thank you for your kindness, Kate."

Lynn picked up the red wine glass, touched this full woman lightly, and then sighed softly: "But now... I really don't need money!"

In fact, he has been spending a lot of money recently.

Most of the 2 billion funds raised in the stock market were invested in the operation of the second world company. With Stark Group's factories all over the world, game equipment is produced day and night

It is conservatively estimated that at least 1.5 billion has been spent on this aspect!

Then there is Zhao Hailun's "Cradle of Life" project, the investment in the first phase is as high as 500 million!

Mr. Lan's laboratory has an initial investment of 100 million!

Dr. Banner's laboratory purchased various equipment, and it also cost three or four billion!

Although, Lynn went to Wakanda and made a business that did not lose money but made a lot of money, but the profit was not too much. A transaction once every three months can only bring tens of millions of profits.

All these things add up to make ends meet.

But Lynn isn't worried at all.

Because not long ago, he accepted the capital injection from the third shareholder——

White Queen!

These girls are really rich!

After in-depth communication, Lynn found out that the background of White Queen Emma Frost is not worse than that of Professor X. Originally, she had a huge family property. Later, she co-founded Hellfire Club with 'Black King' Sebastian Shaw. It's an astonishing amount of money!

You know, the core group of Hellfire Club is Mutant, but the peripheral members are all rich and powerful plutocrats or elites.

Tony's father, Howard Stark, is a typical example.

Such a group of people gather together and exchange what they need, and originally can create countless opportunities to make money.

The White Queen participated in it, and the wealth skyrocketed!

Although after being arrested, all her assets on the surface were dealt with by the authorities, but how could it be possible for a person like her to only have that little wealth on the surface?

After knowing Lynn's plan, perhaps because of her support for Guan Baozhi, or because she is optimistic about the future of the second world, she spent three billion dollars without any hesitation!

Like Professor X and Stark Group, each holds 10% of the shares!

So today, Lynn no longer needs to worry about money. As the time for "Oasis" to be officially launched is getting closer, he will even soon become a person... who has no concept of money!


Kate Mara was a little disappointed when she heard the words, but she immediately laughed and said, "For sir, how can there be any problems with a mere amount of money..."

When she said this, there was obvious reverence and admiration in her eyes.

Intense and almost indestructible.

At the moment, if Professor X is present, you will definitely notice that her gaze... is almost exactly the same as that of Maura Mactag!

Apparently, she's also one of Lynn's magic apprentices...!

"Kate, don't talk about these annoying things."

For this magic apprentice, Lynn valued it far more than Mora, not only because she was younger, but also because her magic talent was quite good.

Therefore, Lynn intends to focus on training.

He put away his joking look, and said seriously: "The protagonist today is you. Since what happened last time, your life in the federal court has been difficult, right?"

This is a very normal thing.

Although the current wind direction is not so malicious to Mutant.

But Kate is in the official system, and it can be said that she is on the side of Mutant openly, so she will naturally be excluded, and there will definitely be people who want to expel her.

"There are definitely troubles, but I'm not a small character who can be manipulated by others~"

Kate heard Lynn's concern, her face flushed, and she smiled slyly: "Since what happened last time, my current reputation is getting better every day!"

Lynn nodded.

For a judge, social fame is obviously a very useful 0.6 weapon.

"Don't worry, the days of fighting alone are over."

He shook his head, and his eyes flashed brightly: "During this period of time, you should know all the potential stocks in the political circle that need help, right?"

"Oasis" will be released soon, and by then, Lynn will gain unimaginable wealth.

The infiltration on the agenda too!

"Yes, sir!"

Kate smiled sweetly, flicked her slender fingers on her forehead, and her thoughts immediately connected with Lynn.

"Mr James, whose son was rescued by Wolverine at the Hammer Fair, has had a change in attitude towards Mutant since then"

"Reed Strack, the District Attorney, is in charge of Mutant cases and is quite repulsive to Mutant, but he doesn't know that his son and daughter are Mutant...

One name after another appeared in Lynn's mind, accompanied by detailed information.

Lynn nodded in satisfaction.

It had to be said that the performance of the two magic apprentices, Mora and Kate, made him quite satisfied.

Therefore, he was looking forward to the official release of "Oasis".


His research and development of "Oasis" has never been just to make money, nor is it to collect and train the Mutants of Quan Shicong!

more importantly......

Find more people with magical abilities!.

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