[Reward one of the three].

[Option 1: One chance for inheritance of otherworldly magic, one chance for strengthening the Earth Magic Protection Network, and one chance for strengthening the body of all members of the organization! ] A parallel universe pass].

[Option 2: One Immortality Card and one Resurrection Card, one body enhancement for all members of the organization, and one Parallel Universe Pass.] 】

[Option 3: (Magic side) One chance for the inheritance of the strong of the other world, one physical strengthening of the members of the entire organization, and one pass for the parallel universe].

Lying on the hospital bed, Tony with a hanging needle excitedly patted the edge of the bed, and since this gold list came down, his three views have been constantly reshaped.

[Tony: Magic? Is there really magic in this world? It’s not scientific! What is wrong with this world, and why did a group of magicians pop up inexplicably? And the Latitude Demon God. 】

Also lying on the bed, Thunderbolt also expressed his opinion excitedly.

[Thunderbolt Fire: That’s cool! There can really be magic in the world, @Guyi, master, do you think I can learn magic? 】

[Whitehall: Fart! You, a person from other worlds, have the qualifications to come to our world to learn magic? @Gu Yi, knowledge belongs to all mankind, you cannot possess magic alone, you should publish this knowledge and contribute to the progress of mankind. 】

[Coulson: That… Master Ancient One, do you think our S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can come to Kama Taj for further study? 】

After Kama Taj was exposed, almost everyone couldn’t sit still, almost all of them turned into licking dogs, and they couldn’t wait to go to Kama Taj for further study immediately in order to master the magic that looked gorgeous.

In particular, some faceless presidents have even played moral kidnapping.

[Avengers Universe, President of the Beautiful Country: Ancient Mage, knowledge belongs to all mankind, you should publish magic. ]

On behalf of Mirikan, I can give you financial support for you to open a magic academy in Mirikan, and if you refuse, you will be a sinner for all mankind! Because you hinder the development of humanity! 】

[Russian General: Magic belongs to all mankind, and he should be used in more important places, such as the army! ] On behalf of the military, I sincerely invite Master Gu Yi to come to our army as a magic advisor.

As for the issue of defending against the invasion of foreign demon gods, the warriors of our beautiful country are definitely the strongest city walls! 】

Magic! This is magic, real magic!

Compared to the earthlings who have never been on their own planet, the civilizations in the universe are not very interested in magic.

After all, magic has never been unique to Kama Taj, if you really want to talk about the level of magic, except for the ancient one, Kama Taj’s magic level is estimated to be inferior to some magical civilizations in the universe.

Those study information in the chat channel, Gu Yi directly chose to ignore, and then silently chose the reward of the gold list.

Kama Taj.

Gu Yi said expressionlessly: “I’ll choose one!” ”

After hearing his teacher’s choice, Casillas asked with an unacceptable face: “Why?” Teacher, shouldn’t you choose two? Your strength is already so strong, what you have to do is protect your life. ”

You know, the reason why he joined Kama Taj is to resurrect his family.

Casillas saw that the teacher actually rejected what he dreamed of, of course, he couldn’t understand, and even hated that iron could not be made of steel.

Immortality and resurrection! You don’t want to give it to me! Dammit!

How can it be acceptable that what you see is more important than your life, but others abandon it like grass?

Gu Yi just looked at the other party lightly when he heard this, and did not speak.

The state of thought is different, and no amount of explanation is useful.

After living for so long, she realized some truths, such as – do not argue with fools about gains and losses and right and wrong.

Looking at the ancient teacher who was not his own, Casillas was also a little embarrassed, he knew that he had just acted too anxious.

After the ancient one made a choice, the earth’s magic protection net was instantly strengthened, although it was only strengthened once, but for the huge protection net, it was definitely an epic strengthening.

If the earth’s magic protection net was a wooden shield before, now it is an unbreakable iron shield.

After a moment, after feeling the state of the earth’s magic protection net, Gu Yi smiled with satisfaction.

This old mage, who has dedicated his life to protecting the world, does not attach importance to his life and death, as long as the earth is safe, it is sunny.

After the incident, Gu Yi set his sights on this disciple who was getting closer and closer to Qi Road.

“I’ve lived long enough, and you have to remember that death is not terrible, death is just the beginning of a more wonderful adventure.”

Mordo listened and looked at his teacher adoringly.

This is the teacher he admired and respected all his life, and his teacher really paid too much to protect the world.

Ask yourself, if he had to choose, he would never have chosen the first option.

“Teacher, what about magic? The magic of other worlds must be magical, teacher, use it quickly. Wang looked at Gu Yi eagerly and said.

Gu Yi listened and shook his head with a smile: “One more magic is actually of no use to me, this is for the next Supreme Mage.” ”

Gu Yi, who held the Time Gem in his hand, knew that his time was running out, and it was simply a waste to improve his strength at this time.



Nick. Fury frowned and looked at all the descriptions of Kama Taj on the gold list, a mysterious organization that silently guarded the world, I don’t know how many years, they S.H.I.E.L.D. had never heard of it.

“It seems that I think too naturally, no wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. will be ridiculed, it turns out that I am the frog at the bottom of the well.”

Nick. Fury smiled wryly and lamented his ignorance

Before, he had always wanted to master everything, because only by mastering everything could he protect everything.

But after there were too many things beyond his control, he also looked away.

The so-called guardian humans, they S.H.I.E.L.D. are really not qualified, but humans do need more heroes!

The Avengers plan must be advanced.

With that in mind, Nick. Fury decided to test the powerful ancient mage.

【Nick. Fury: @Gu Yi, master, can you meet easily? We all share a common purpose and aspiration. 】

Of course it is impossible for the ancient one to reply to Nick. Fury, after all, in her long lifespan, and Nick. Fury is the same person, she has seen too much.

If she had to meet just because she had a common purpose and desire, she would have met with the two founders who founded S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, since the birth of mankind, there have been too many great people, Bynick. Fury’s greater people are innumerable.

As a Supreme Mage, Koichi remembered his mission and never interfered too much with the Earth’s interior.

……………… PS: Thanks 10983: The tip of the big guy, add more for the big guy!

Don’t ask the author why he doesn’t know the name of the big guy, he really can’t find it after rummaging through the author’s background, it is estimated that the big guy didn’t get the name, and then the account is not fully typed out of privacy, and the author can’t see it.

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