American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 108: The Battle of Living Hell (Part 1)

Latest Website: Early in the morning, the sun shone into the bedroom of Wayne Manor, Bruce sat up from the bed, Alfred stood outside the door, Bruce asked him: "What time is it?"

"It's nine o'clock, young master."

Bruce was a little surprised. He walked to the window, opened the curtains and took a look, and found that it was indeed bright outside. It was the first time he had woken up so late since returning to Gotham.

The housekeeper, Alfred, looked very happy. When Bruce went downstairs for breakfast, Alfred stood by with a smile.

"A'Fu, what's the matter with you? Why do you look so happy?"

"Because the young master seems to be very happy recently."

Bruce froze for a moment, is he happy? He touched his face, and then tried his best to recall his recent behavior pattern.

Because of Schiller's genius and creative Gotham University student internship program, Bruce has been really busy recently. During the day, he has to go out with other students to control traffic, and at night, he has to run from the hospital to the prison. Over there, the gang members who couldn't live there and moved here were properly arranged.

He suddenly realized that he had been Bruce for a lot longer recently than Batman.

In the past, he would not hide his true nature in Wayne Manor. He seldom smiled and was rather taciturn. Although he was very close to Ah Fu, he actually rarely had any mood swings.

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But recently, because of being Bruce for too long, his behavior pattern has become more like the **** he pretended to be, and he no longer has a straight face all day, and occasionally jokes with Alfred.

This made a warning sign in his heart. Since returning to Gotham, he has never naturally slept until nine o'clock to wake up. This is a manifestation of his spirit being relaxed.

From a psychological point of view, this is actually quite normal. A large part of who a person becomes is who he thinks he is. Bruce is only 18 years old and has just started college. When he devoted himself to playing a cheerful and sociable When he was a rich man, he could not clearly find the boundary between this disguised identity and his own personality.

After another busy day, Bruce came back in the bathroom of his bedroom. He turned on the faucet and washed his face with cold water.

The curtain next to him was gently blown by the evening wind, and the cool light was above his head, causing a dark shadow to condense under his feet.

Bruce put his hands on the washstand and looked at the mirror in front of him. The person in the mirror had a pair of blue eyes, but the light from top to bottom made his eyes shrouded in the shadow of the eyebrows.

"Who am I??" he asked.

"who I am?"

"who I am……"

His voice echoed in the empty room, hit the wall, and returned to his ears, like another he was asking him this, and he felt vaguely that he heard the answer, But it seemed like nothing was heard.

The echoes of reflections couldn't give him the answer, Bruce knew that.

He stretched out his hand to wipe away the fog condensed on the glass and see the shape of his eyes, but in the end, he still did not do that, and his entire face and eyes were covered in the fog on the surface of the mirror, and then he Stand up straight and look at yourself in the mirror as if condescending.

"I am Batman."

"I am Batman……"

The corners of his mouth began to go down a little bit, he didn't wear a visor, but when the shadow climbed over his face, the whole face seemed to be covered under a black mask again.

The shadows covering those blue eyes grew stronger, and finally, only his low voice echoed in the empty manor. He said, "I am, Batman..."

Bruce walked out of the bathroom. In the dark bedroom, he did not turn on the light. He just walked to the door and opened the door. Then he continued through the dark corridor. When he stood on the edge of the stairs, he happened to see Al, who was standing downstairs. Fred, was wiping the old telephone with a felt cloth.

Since Bruce came back, he's invented himself a new mobile communication device, the cell phone, and he's never used that phone again, that old-fashioned rotary-dial phone is so old, and, whenever it rings, When the bell rings, the manor appears even more empty.

But Alfred loves that phone so much, Bruce has never seen a speck of dust on it, it's the same today, but the difference is that Bruce hears Alfred humming, it's kind of like A jazzy tune full of the flair of the last decade, just like the happy and lively mood of immigrants when they first discovered this Gold Coast.

Bruce looked at Alfred's back, he closed his eyes in pain, he clenched his hand holding the railing, the old wooden handrail made a soft sound, Alfred turned back and saw Bruce standing on the stairs. Above, before he could ask, Bruce returned to the bedroom as if running away.

He was almost gasping for breath as he closed the bedroom door, as if the distance was more tiring than running a few kilometers.

He felt a violent emotion churning in his heart, as if something was constantly stimulating the emotional system in his brain.

Since a long time ago, Bruce has not felt such intense emotions. After the gunshots of a dark night, Bruce's emotional world lost half of his emotions. He is long gone.

But Bruce didn't know how to describe his mood when he saw Alfred so happy, a question that had been bothering him for a long time.

The uneasy Bruce tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep. An inexplicable impulsive emotion was affecting him. He had no other choice but to put on a bat suit and leave the Wayne Manor.

This was the first time Batman didn't put on this suit to get out of here, not because he wanted to fight criminals, but just to escape the emotion he didn't want to accept.

Therefore, after leaving Wayne Manor, he wandered almost aimlessly in the sky above Gotham. Bruce has never been like this, hoping that he can quickly meet a criminal, bring him to justice, and send him to prison... No, today should be the turn to be sent to the mental hospital.

Thinking of this, Batman covered his forehead a little uncomfortable, what was he thinking? Wake up! You are not Bruce now! Forget about the **** back and forth between hospitals and prisons!

But Batman still couldn't control himself, and when he thought that tomorrow the prison population would exceed 28%, and the vacancy rate of the ward was less than 15%, he felt that the pressure was more terrible than anything.

But **** it, in a city where three robberies can be encountered in just two steps, Batman has been wandering for half an hour and has yet to encounter a single criminal.

Now the streets near the turntable in the city center can be called brightly lit. There are thousands of night markets on the four avenues extending from the turntable, and the lights are brightly lit all night.

Most of the people who will come here are people who work the night shift, not only those truck drivers who also have to deliver goods at night, dock porters, warehouse guards, security guards, etc. who work the night shift, and now this group of people is the most active in Gotham citizens.

Batman is standing at the top of the high-rise building. He knows very well that he is jumping down in such a suit. Before landing, he will be shot twice, and there is no crime here. Obviously, the city center does not need to Batman, he can only get out of here and go further.

Gotham City's central roundabout and major transportation hubs are not all, there are more dark neighborhoods where the lights can't cover, Batman followed his dark instinct and came to the darkest part of Gotham. place.

This is the East Side of Gotham. The East Side has always been synonymous with chaos in Gotham. The gangs here can be described as intertwined and intricate, but the chaos in the East Side is also graded.

One of the most terrifying places, known as "living hell", is the most western block in the East End, which is the farthest place from the pier, and the most crowded, densest, darkest and poorest place.

Living Hell is often called "Gotham in Gotham" by Gotham people. All the residential buildings here are crowded together crookedly. The width of the alley between the buildings can even make an adult stretch his arms. Can't do it, in such a dark and narrow alley, there are still a lot of debris piled up, and there is almost no place for people to stay.

When Batman fell from the top of the building and walked into the first alley of the living hell, he found that when he looked up from the ground, there was only a very narrow gap in the sky above his head, and the dense wires and antennas above it even more. It obscures most of the view, like a large net over the head.

Navigating an alley like this is very difficult, even Batman is no exception, there are hardly any lights here, only a few faint lights from a few high windows, Batman almost tripped over a garbage bag several times After that, the flashlight was finally turned on.

But even so, walking here is a very difficult thing. Batman just walked two steps in an alley when he found an extremely twisted staircase spiraling into a dark corridor.

He walked up the creaking stairs. When he entered the corridor and then came out, he found that there was a flat ground in front of him. He walked forward and found that it was the top of a building, and the bottom of his feet was another Dark alley.

Batman found a ladder on the top of the building that led to the other side of the building. Even Batman's skills had to be carefully walked over this kind of ladder.

When he stood on the ladder, he looked down, and the bottom was like an endless abyss. It was all layers of windows, wires, garbage bags, all tangled and complicated, like **** spreading down to layers. .

Crossing the ladder to the other side, he saw a mountain made of garbage bags piled up at the corner of the building. Going to the other side, there was another high-rise building, with a small building on the side that needed to bend over to pass. The door, after Batman walked in, he really came to the building of living hell.

The situation here is worse than outside, there is hardly any light, the corridor is so narrow that Batman has to bend his head and tighten his arms, otherwise he will not be able to climb the stairs at all.

Batman felt that it was inaccurate to call this passage a staircase, it was more like a bowel, and it was called living **** here, which was too apt.

This narrow, dark and cramped corridor is like an intestinal organ in a living being. After Batman walked up two floors, he finally saw another small door beside him.

After going out through this door, the corridor in front of me was finally a little wider, but the door was still closed, and there were various signs hanging in the corridor, such as deli, grocery store, barber shop, and so on.

Batman was suddenly surprised to find that living **** seemed to have his own ecosystem. He walked through this corridor and found that there were six small doors leading to it. According to Batman's estimation, the structure of these six intestinal passages , should be the same as when he came, corresponding to the entrances in the six directions of the building.

This is really weird and wonderful, Batman thought.

This city is like a microcosm of Gotham, and it is worthy of the title of "Gotham in Gotham".

He was surprised to find that not only has a variety of living facilities, but also has its own system for electricity, water and communication. The thick water pipes spread infinitely forward in the dark corridor, like a thick The blood vessels, the wires hang on the top of the head in a mess, like dense nerves.

There are countless posters and advertisements on the edge of each door, and there are even letter boxes hanging in front of many doors.

This is the first time Batman has seen Gotham like this. After all, he did not have a Batmobile before. The scope of his crime-fighting is basically centered on the Wayne Building and spreads a distance around, and those robbers are basically haunted. Within this range, after all, it is the most prosperous commercial street in Gotham.

But now, in this living hell, he has seen the unknown side of Gotham City, or, in other words, the reality side of Gotham's bustling surface.

But it is very strange that this place is dark, cramped, terrifying and weird, but with a complete ecological system, it shows a different vitality and charm, and even has a fascinating beauty.

Batman thought he might be insane, and he even felt that such a real and chaotic scene was the ultimate answer to the city.

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