American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 151: Party and Umbrella (3)

"Then now, Mr. Cobblet, are you willing to cooperate with my treatment?"

In the ward of the Arkham Asylum, Schiller moved a chair and sat beside Cobot's bed. Cobot was still staring at the ceiling, but he nodded indifferently.

"Okay, first question, killing old Edward, was it your first time killing someone?"

For a moment, Cobert's splint-bound arm stiffened, his hand trembled, then clenched, he turned to look at Schiller, unable to remain silent any longer, he said, "How did you know?"

"You answer my question first."

Cobot's Adam's apple moved up and down, as if trying to spit out an answer, but in the end he didn't speak, but nodded.

"The old godfather made you do this, right?"

Cobot didn't answer, he just said, "I swear before God that I will never reveal any..."

"Okay, then you don't need to say it, I'll just say it."

"The old godfather needs an excuse to attack little Edward, so let you kill old Edward and frame it on his nephew."

"Murder at the godfather's son's coming-of-age ceremony. No matter what the godfather did to the Edward family afterwards, no one would object."

"No one would have thought that a skinny umbrella boy who was bullied by his colleagues and teased by his guests would be a murderer who was only tasked by the old godfather."

"If that's really your first murder, I can only say that you are quite talented in this regard. The bathroom is very clean, and the escape route is well designed, and you didn't run into any guests..."

Cobert turned his head to stare at Schiller. He seemed to be stunned by Schiller's comment. In any case, a normal person should not look at this matter from this angle.

"Okay, that's all in the past," Schiller said, turning a page of his medical records. "Let's explain what happened recently."

"I advise you to confess and be lenient, because I'm not a policeman, and the police may have nothing to do with you, because you are a minor and a mental patient."

"But I am different. At present, I am the only one who is willing to treat this mental illness and is sure to cure it. If you don't say anything, then I will not leave it to you. bed."

The corners of Cobot's mouth twitched downwards, looking very sinister and mature for his age.

Then he spoke, his voice was hoarse and his tone was low: "I am indeed the godfather. I don't know why he took a fancy to me at a glance, but I worked for him and killed old Edward for him."

"You should have guessed, what I want to know..." Schiller said without looking up.

"He sent me to live in hell, staring at everyone there, he didn't trust anyone there, any corner of Gotham, should be ruled by Falcone..."

"So, I went to the Mooney Gang, the biggest gang there, and became Fish Mooney's subordinate..."

"She didn't care about me, she even hated me, but she was still sober at the time, I just didn't pay attention, but that's okay, I'm used to it..."

Cobot's tone was a little numb, and it could be seen that some words he wanted to express could not be uttered smoothly, and the effects of the tranquilizers had not completely faded away, so his narration was intermittent.

"Later, I went to Kevin again, which was a betrayal for Fish, but I had to do it, and Kevin gave me what I wanted..."

Cobot's lips were trembling, and he seemed to be in a state of excitement again. He said: "I kept climbing up there, from a skilled worker to the person in charge of purchasing goods in a restaurant... …”

His tone became dreamy, as if he was sketching a dreamy picture, and Cobot continued: "That restaurant was the kind of restaurant I dreamed of, big and luxurious, with mob bosses coming and going, and they'd love the restaurateurs. You are very kind..."

"I know what I want, yes...that's it..."

"Calm down, go on." Schiller's voice broke Cobert's fantasy and stopped him from getting more excited.

Cobert swallowed, sighed dryly, and said, "There, I was appreciated and transferred to run the water system..."

"My colleagues are a bunch of idiots, but that's okay, it's just what I want, I really rose up and down, and even became a small boss..."

"It's such a wonderful taste..." The blood vessels in Cobot's neck became prominent, and he began to tremble again. He said, "It's good... I'm starting to send people, directing work, and winning..."

Soon, he stopped nervously, returned to a stiff state, and said viciously: "So... I want more power! Larger territory! No one can stop me!"

"Kevin... oh... yes, his name is Black Hand Kevin, a well-known name, he is the first person in my way..." Cobert's tone returned to a low tone.

"After I took control of the water system in the entire North End, he felt that I would threaten his position."

"It's true, that idiot doesn't understand anything, he can only starve when he follows him, but following me is different. Many people in the gang see this through, and they start to support me, and that idiot's status has been shaken..."

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"...can't go on like this, I know, I know..." Cobot said almost every word. "I have to kill him and get his status..."

"I went back to find Fish, I knelt at her feet, and wept bitterly and told her that Kevin forced me, and as long as she was willing to help me kill Kevin and help me gain status, I could use me With the knowledge and ability, help her drive all these outsiders out..."

"In order to get her to trust me, I started offering her various plans, some of which worked, some of which didn't, but in the end, Fish chose to trust me..."

Cobot swallowed and said in a trembling voice: "In a street next to Living Hell, Fish killed Kevin, and I successfully took his place..."

"But then Fish started getting more and more mad and she burst into my room while I was sleeping and beat me with the **** of a gun and a stick..."

Corbett's voice began to take on a bit of crying, and he said, tremblingly, "I know I have to endure, my position is still unstable, I can't stand up to her... So I didn't say a word, and she tortured me like crazy, Saying that I betrayed her, saying that everyone betrayed her..."

"I don't know how long it's been." Corbett trembled, he continued: "She started getting more and more crazy, and even several times I thought she wanted to kill me, I know, it can't go on like this, otherwise Crazy Fish will kill me..."

"So you killed her?" Schiller asked him.

"" Cobble shook his head tremblingly, he gritted his teeth, his teeth clucked, and he seemed to be caught in the memory again, he said: "How can I kill someone? Then I will be killed. Get caught, put in jail, I must not be put in jail, I just gained status..."

"And at this moment, someone came to me." Cobot paused, and slowly spit out the name: "Sal Maroney."

"Maroni told me that he had been eyeing living **** for a long time, he had a grudge against Falcone, and he had offended the old godfather. He couldn't let Falcone's plan to transform Gotham succeed, otherwise the Maroni family would succeed. will cease to exist..."

"He asked me to cooperate with him, and I disagreed, so he kidnapped my mother, just a few days ago..."

"So, I proposed to him that we join forces to kill Fish, then frame Evans, and destroy the prestige of the godfather's heir."

"For me, it's killing two birds with one stone, getting me out of Fish's torment and getting me back to my mother..."

"He agreed to the plan, so one day, I lured Fish out, and Maroney shot her..."

After he finished speaking, Cobot was still trembling all over, as if he was still caught in some memories. Schiller wrote and drew in the notebook. After being silent for a while, Cobot finally couldn't bear it anymore. Le,

Schiller just stared at his medical record book intently and did not make any comment on the story, Cobot said with red eyes: "Doctor, I am willing to testify against Maroney, he killed Fish, I can Testify in court, please cure me, I..."

"Stop your nonsense." Schiller looked at the medical record book and said without looking up: "The story you made up is very wonderful, but you made a very serious mistake..."

Cobblet looked at him, tears streaming from his eyes, his face was pale and pitiful, Schiller put down the medical record with a blank face, looked into his eyes and said, "It's no use pretending to cry, you know my Everyone knows that I am not a quack doctor, but very unscrupulous."

"The biggest mistake you made was not researching the resumes of the doctors you would meet before making this plan..."

"Doctor, I know, I have no evidence, but I'm the only witness..."

"Well, if you're going to insist, let's start with the most recent crime scene."

"Professor Victor and I went to the crime scene where your mother was kidnapped. According to you, Maroney sent someone to kidnap your mother."

"It was a really typical kidnapping scene, where someone sneaked into your house, gave your mother sleeping pills, and took her while she was asleep.

"On the surface, it looks like this, but Mr. Cobblet..." Schiller looked into Cobblet's eyes and said, "You obviously haven't done a real kidnapping case. The layout of this scene is full of loopholes."

Cooper didn't speak, she just stared at Schiller, Schiller continued: "First of all, in Gotham kidnappings, almost no one chooses to sneak in this way, they usually just smash the door and rush in. , shoot at all the living creatures, then remove the corpses, wipe off the blood, and then say that they kidnapped your relatives, in fact, the bodies of your relatives have been thrown into the sea."

"Of course, I assume Maroney is a civilized person, but I believe that he doesn't need to sneak in, let alone take sleeping pills. No matter how strong your mother is, she can't resist four or five gangsters. They Just rush in, knock her unconscious, and drag her away, the sleeping pills are completely superfluous."

"You're trying to restore the perfect chain of evidence in a kidnapping case, but there's too much unnecessary process involved."

"For example, the fight scene you set up is completely superfluous. Who do you think your mother is? A retired female agent? When facing the gangster intruders, you even picked up a chair and fought them?"

"You're doing too much," Schiller concluded, "trying to restore the perfect modus operandi, trying to create a realistic scene, and even devising an intruder's line of deliberately used a table and the sofa leave traces of their movements..."

"I can only say that you have watched too many detective dramas. Most of the cases in reality don't happen like this, and most murderers are not so professional. The violent intrusion methods and the process of committing crimes are full of loopholes. Most of the gang kidnappings."

"Because you were born thin, most of the murders you did were outwitted, but in fact, for the strong gang members, there was absolutely no need to do so much."

"They are not like you. It takes a lot of effort to pick a lock. There is no door in this world that submachine guns and bombs can't break. It can be done in five minutes. No one will spend two hours studying the infiltration route."

"You brought your own criminal thinking to those gangsters, it's like putting a five-thousand-three-thick Texas cowboy in a lace skirt."

"As for the scene you set up..." Schiller picked up the medical record book again and said mercilessly: "I can only give you a failure."

"Without the pressure of the godfather, your independent work is a mess. It is far worse than the modus operandi of murdering old Edward. I have to wonder if you have hired a ghostwriter..."

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