American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 164: long easter (4)

In the Gotham police station, Gordon threw off his windbreaker, pushed open the door, and walked into his office quickly. He found that Schiller and Batman were already waiting for him. Gordon said with a headache, "From my colleague. In terms of returns, the situation is not optimistic.”

He went to his desk and sat down and said, "To be honest, your trick is really effective, but the problem is, the damage is so great that Gotham's entire groundwater system has been destroyed, and the building foundation has also been damaged a lot. ."

"Of course, we had expected this." Schiller nodded. At this time, Victor walked in with a document. Gordon stood up and poured a cup of hot coffee for several people.

Several others walked to the table and sat down, drinking hot coffee and chatting, with only Batman standing alone in the corner of the room.

"The loss is indeed very large, but it does not exceed our estimates." Victor pointed to a few lines on the report and said: "The condensation process from water to ice will produce volume expansion. We thought of this, so The damage to the sewer system is within our estimates."

"Roughly how much?" Gordon asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It's all."

Gordon spat out a mouthful of water and said, "I know there's a lot of damage, but you're telling me now that Gotham's groundwater system is all broken?"

Batman's voice came from the side: "Actually, it's more serious than that. It's not just underground buildings. Many building foundations on Gotham's surface are not resistant to low temperature. Many buildings have also cracked and all need to be rebuilt."

"This loss is too heavy, didn't you consider this before making this plan?" Gordon asked in confusion: "Our logistics system has finally taken shape, and now we have to start from scratch. "

"We had expected this for a long time, but there is a saying that it is good to not break or stand."

Schiller sighed and said: "Detective Gordon, you should also know that although Gotham has improved a little because of the construction of the logistics system, it is far from enough."

"There may be some advantages here, but there is no absolute advantage. We don't have any major industries, and there is nothing that cannot be replaced by other cities."

"What we're trying to do now is artificially give Gotham an advantage that no other city in the world can imitate."

"I understand what you mean, but I don't understand. What does this have to do with the loss caused by freezing Gotham?"

Schiller gave Victor a look and motioned him to explain, Victor said to Gordon: "I think you should also know that the cryogenic generator that can freeze the entire Gotham in an instant cannot be an ordinary system. Ice machine."

"The reason why the cryogenic generator can do this is because its 'ice' is different."

"Ice? How is ice different?"

"Have you heard of 'Super Ice'?"

Gordon shook his head, and Victor said: "You don't need to know its principle. In short, I use a newly developed super ice in the cryogenic generator."

"After contacting the water body, its crystallization speed exceeds 1,000 kilometers per hour, and it can still exist at a high temperature of over 1,000 degrees. If it is further improved, I think I may be able to freeze all the earth's oceans in one day."

Hearing this, Gordon took a deep breath, and he looked at Victor again. This scholar-tempered professor always seemed to be gentle, but his words had the momentum of the ultimate villain.

"This is not the kind of small ice cubes that we usually add to drinks. It is not inferior to metal in terms of hardness and stability. You can actually understand it as a man-made diamond structure, but the hardness is slightly weaker. And it has the low temperature properties of ice cubes.”

"So..." Schiller concluded: "The rebuilding problem you are concerned about exists, but it is not a normal rebuilding problem, and it has an unexpected benefit."

"This ice is really difficult to handle, but again, once we use it, the entire Gotham underground becomes a natural giant cold storage."

Then, Schiller revealed to Gordon all the plans to rebuild Gotham afterward.

The next reconstruction of Gotham City is not to melt all these ice cubes. In fact, this is also very difficult. The ice cubes made by Victor, the freezer, are not ordinary edible ice. This kind of dense ice is extremely hard and It requires extremely high temperatures to melt, and is more like a solid material than ice cubes for cooling.

This ice replaces the rock formations under Gotham, which is equivalent to the fact that the entire city now sits on a huge block of dense ice.

Therefore, there is no need to consider melting the ice when rebuilding, but directly open a passage in the ice, transforming the entire underground of Gotham into a huge natural cold storage.

This kind of ice is difficult to handle, and the construction progress will be very slow, but fortunately, it can be used at any time, and it can be constructed step by step.

For example, if you want to build a cold storage, you need to choose a location, and after you build a house on the ground, you can start digging directly. If you dig out a room, you can throw the product in and freeze it first, and then slowly dig other rooms.

Although the process will be very slow and consume a lot of manpower and material resources, once it is completed, it will have a natural cold storage, which not only has almost no maintenance costs, but also has sufficient space, which can fully meet the storage needs of bulk commodities.

What's more, Victor's freezing technique has unparalleled preservation ability, and in the comics, he freezes Batman into an ice cube many times and then chats with him.

Batman came out of the ice intact. You can also beat up a frozen person. In addition to the reason why Batman has the aura of the protagonist, the excellent preservation ability of Victor's freezing technology is also one of the important reasons.

The technology of the Gotham villain genius is so unreasonable, but if used in business, it is simply unprecedentedly powerful.

When the cost of cold chain storage is minimized in a city, it is impossible to become a logistics operation center, and producers who want to reduce logistics costs will surely flock to it.

Gordon looked thoughtful, and then he said, "You mean, we don't repair the sewers, but directly use these ice layers as natural cold storage?"

"There are still sewers, but a sewer system can be rebuilt, and these dense ice layers that can exist at room temperature will become the killer of Gotham's development."

"This huge underground cold storage will be able to carry the storage of cold chain products from the entire East Coast, and Gotham will become an inescapable location for national cold chain transportation."

Gordon looked at Batman, Batman was silent for a while, and then said: "According to my calculations, this is indeed possible, although there are still many technical problems, and it will take a lot of time to rebuild, but once it is successful, brother Tan will become a world-class logistics distribution center."

"It's hard for other cities to replicate this success, and even if they have Victor's freezing technology, it's hard to have a court of owls so cooperative."

"Their artificial rainfall technology is really good. It has a long duration and a large amount of rainfall. It is very rare to be able to gather enough water to create a stable ice layer in a very short period of time." Schiller commented.

Gordon almost felt that the court of owls was a little pitiful, and it was really sold to help the count.

"Originally, I was a little interested in the artificial rainfall technology of the Owl Court." Schiller continued: "After all, you have seen it, and their technology works well."

"But I thought about it, even if we can get the technology, we have to spend a lot of money to realize it, and in order to build an underground natural cold storage, the federal government will not agree to flood Gotham."

"So it's better to let the Court of Owls work for us."

"Now they are doing a good job, they launched a flood, created the world's largest underground cold storage, and made outstanding contributions to the future development of Gotham City. I think they can be awarded an outstanding contribution award. of."

"But there is also a problem." Gordon said hesitantly: "I don't mean to pour cold water, but you said just now that this kind of ice is very difficult to deal with, it is a big project, I am afraid it will be expensive, and the additional drainage system will be reconstructed. , and also need money..."

Schiller put his hands on the table, he suddenly changed the subject and said to Gordon, "Detective Gordon, have you ever dealt with a kidnapping case?"

"Kidnapping? I encountered it a few times when I was in Chicago, but after I came to Gotham, there were only murders, no kidnappings."

"Even if it was a kidnapping case, the hostage was already dead before the police arrived at the scene, so of course there is no kidnapping."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to know the principle."

"Principle? What do you want to say?"

Schiller took a sip of hot coffee, and after the warmth entered his stomach, he let out a satisfied sigh, and said, "No hurry, let's analyze the current situation first."

"Gotham is in danger of flooding because of the continuous heavy rain for several days. We have carried out a series of emergency measures. Although the loss is huge, it has saved the lives and properties of countless citizens."

"Now, after our investigation, we have concluded that this flood was a man-made conspiracy. A group of terrorists used weather disaster weapons against Gotham, and now..."

Schiller dragged his tail and continued: "The culprit is being frozen in the huge ice block underground in Gotham. Detective Gordon, what do you think is the most important link in the kidnapping case?"

Ge logged on and said, "What is it? Persuading the kidnappers? Protecting the hostages?" Gu You

"That was for the police, but now, we're kidnappers."

Schiller knocked on the table and said in a serious tone, "It's asking for a ransom."

"Obviously, now that the hostages are in hand, we can start talking about money, can't we?"

Gordon opened his mouth wide. He glanced at Schiller, Batman, and Victor, and said, "So this is your ultimate goal, to use the flood caused by the Court of Owls to freeze them all underground, and then... ask for ransom????"

Schiller gestured to Victor, who said with the stack of documents: "The location of the cryogenic generator has been carefully designed to ensure that all rooms and passages connected to the ground are within the scope of Gotham's underground. , there will be no omissions, and all will be filled with hard ice cubes.”

"That said, if the trapped person wants to get out of Gotham Underground, there are only two ways."

"Or, dig down into the rock formation, make a tunnel where the cryogenic emitters don't radiate, and dig out Gotham City."

"Or, just dig up and break through the hard ice before getting out of the ground."

"But in fact, they shouldn't have this ability, right?" Gordon heard Victor's implication.

"I'm not arrogant." Victor put down the information and said, "But digging up this road will definitely not work, they can't destroy the ice layer I made, and dig down..."

Schiller continued: "With the size of Gotham City, it will take at least a year to dig it out."

"In the final analysis, these people rely on conspiracy to eat. In terms of physical strength, it is estimated that they are not as good as the gangsters who often fight on the streets."

"The claws they raised are killers, not excavators. If there are ten times the number, it is impossible to dig out by manpower."

"So, we kidnapped the Court of Owls?" Gordon said with an odd expression, "I thought they were such a tough organization to deal with, now it's good, completely trapped."

"So..." Gordon paused, as if he was still a little unsuited to his role, he said, "We are now kidnappers, and we want to ask them for ransom?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "It's just a metaphor, Detective, you don't get the essence, we're not kidnappers, just self-defense."

"This group of terrorists called Court of Owls, yes, terrorists."

"They used a massive weather disaster weapon, threatening the safety of the citizens of the city, and causing such a huge loss, we should legally and reasonably seek compensation from them, right?"

Gordon glanced at Batman, he remained silent, and did not show any surprise to this statement. Obviously, this was what they had planned for a long time, and Batman was one of the insiders.

"By the way, Detective, how's the loss to the police station?"

"Uh... The police station has nothing to lose. This is not a gang fight. We just helped to evacuate the citizens, and then adjusted the traffic route of the engineering team..."

"Really? But these terrorists are so vicious, didn't they send killers to attack you?"

Gordon looked at Schiller and asked tentatively, "Um... did they send it? Oh, they did, sent... two teams of killers?"

"No no no, at least one battalion."

Gordon covered his forehead and said, "This is too exaggerated!"

"They have been operating in Gotham for hundreds of years. If they don't even have such people, how can they be called Gotham's largest and oldest terrorist organization?"

"Okay, but..."

Schiller raised his voice and said in a cadence: "The heroic soldiers of the Gotham Police Department fought with them all night, and forged Gotham's immortal glory with blood! 3,000 policemen gave up their lives, and after a **** night, more than half were killed in action. , the remaining half were seriously injured, and their greatness is worth remembering..."

"But... the entire Gotham Police Department doesn't even have 300 people..." Gordon touched his chest and seemed to feel a little guilty in his conscience.

"It's okay, Sheriff Gordon, we're victims, we have as many as we say."

Schiller suddenly changed the conversation and asked, "How about the high-end apartment on Gamor Street?"

"Of course it's good. It's first-class on the periphery of the rich southern area. I was..."

Gordon suddenly seemed to be choked, his face flushed a little, and he looked at Schiller and said, "I'm not that kind of person, you can't buy me like this, I'm a policeman with a conscience..."

"Leave conscience to those who need it."

At this moment, Mayor Roy rushed in, with the walkie-talkie in his hand, his boots full of muddy water, apparently just walking down the street, and he said, "Guys! Good news! The loss of life is huge. light……"

Roy said in disbelief: "The emergency evacuation ability of Gotham citizens is also too strong. We issued a danger notice three hours in advance. Within three hours, almost all citizens were evacuated to a safe high-rise. This kind of mobilization ability , even the Metropolis can’t compare, right?”

Roy said with a sigh: "In such a big disaster, less than 20 people died, and most of them were drunks who were unconscious or hilarious gentlemen. Although thousands of people were injured, Most of the injuries are not serious and don't even require hospitalization, the first aid kit is enough."

"You don't even look at how many gang fights take place in Gotham a day." Gordon whispered, "If you run slowly, you will die."

Schiller knocked on the table and said dissatisfiedly: "Mayor Roy, you are here at a bad time. We are discussing the loss of Gotham City."

"What's wrong? Isn't it a good thing to lose a little?" Roy asked, staring.

"Mayor Roy..." Schiller smiled at Roy, then asked, "...Do you know about the kidnapping case?"

Gordon covered his face with his hands.

Ten minutes later, Roy picked up a tissue and blew his nose fiercely, and the table in front of him was already full of paper **** for wiping his nose and tears, and he only heard him say very sadly: "... I am deeply saddened by the disaster! Hundreds of thousands of lives have been wiped out, and the great achievements of human civilization have been destroyed!"

"These inhuman terrorists! There was a massacre in Gotham City. We killed more than 10,000 people, all Gotham hospitals are full, and there are countless people who have suffered because of lack of medical care and medicine. Without treatment, God, save us..."

Roy blew his nose again, and cried while saying, "This is the largest terrorist attack in the history of the Federation! The heroic souls of hundreds of thousands of dead people will forever nail the name of this terrorist organization to the pillar of shame. , Court of Owls!"

Gordon stared at Roy, as if he did not expect his acting skills to be so good.

"Do you think it's better for me to have a gradual sadness, or is it better to have a strong outburst at the beginning?" Roy pulled another tissue, wiped his tears and said, "I think the latter should be more impactful."

"That's it. You start tomorrow's press conference. The reporters have already contacted before. The largest newspapers and media on the east coast will be present. You have about 30 minutes to express these emotions."

Then Schiller patted the table, attracted the attention of several people and said, " Next, let's contact the victim...I mean the culprit."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Batman and said, "They should have a unique signal transmitter to communicate with the surveillance on the ground. If you can intercept this part of the signal..."

Before Schiller could finish speaking, Batman said, "Actually, I've intercepted and locked their location, and I can send each other a communication."

Batman looked at Schiller and said, "Do you have anything to say to them?"

Schiller showed a smile, which made the rest of the people shudder.

In the dark conference room in Gotham's underground, people wearing white bird-shaped masks are still around the huge long table, but they have long lost their calmness.

At this time, a radio used for communication was placed on the cabinet next to it, and suddenly there were several sizzling electric sounds. Everyone turned their heads. When their eyes fell on the radio, a slightly hoarse voice came from inside. the sound of:

"I want to play a game with you."

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