American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 312: language! (superior)

New York, Manhattan, this extremely prosperous and busy urban area, can be a little quiet only at night, until the sky is completely dark, the snow gradually stops, the air is still very cold, and the snow piles on the two sides of the street all day. On the side, the lit street lamps are dyed warm colors.

In the windows on both sides of the street, the mannequins had already put on off-white elk sweaters and red and green scarves. A series of shining light bulbs hung at the top of the windows, and there were exaggerated gift boxes in the corners. .

Although Christmas is still a long way off, these merchants occupying the best locations in New York have long been ready for the next holiday shopping spree.

The huge Christmas tree in the middle of the central roundabout has been done step by step, but the dotted light bulbs on it have not yet turned on, and the gift boxes are all covered with thick snow, which has not been cleaned in time, but the group of people taking pictures has been in an endless stream.

In the reception room on the top floor of the west side of the Arkham Sanatorium, Schiller leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window with a cup in one hand, watching the children chasing and fighting on the street downstairs. Strange was sitting on the sofa and was putting some Scattered magazines packed up.

"I don't know who told me yesterday that he wouldn't wear an elk sweater if he was killed this Christmas." Schiller didn't turn his head, but Strange could hear his mockery, With a snort, he looked down at the blue and white elk sweater on his body.

It was a very ordinary turtleneck, light blue from the collar to the shoulders, then white, then light blue, with a blue pattern of elk and snowflakes on the white part, so to speak, it was a An ordinary elk sweater that you would wear out for Christmas nine times out of ten.

Strange flipped through the magazine in his hand and said, "When I passed the window, I didn't even look at it, but I felt sorry for the teller who couldn't sell out, so I bought one by the way. You, I thought you were the kind of person who didn't like to join in the fun."

Strange looked back at Schiller, Schiller was also wearing an elk sweater, he wore a white shirt inside, a dark green elk sweater over the outside, with a white elk on his chest, this one The chance of the sweater bumping into the shirt is much smaller than the one on Strange, but it can't be said that it is completely non-existent.

"After all, everyone likes to wear it like this, and I don't want to be a maverick." Schiller said after taking a sip of water.

At this moment, there was a "squeak" sound of pushing the door, and Steve, who walked in, was also wearing an elk sweater. He was stunned when he saw Strange and Schiller's outfits, and Steve scratched his head. Said: "I thought you were the kind of people who didn't like to join in the fun."

Because the elk sweater he wore was a perfect combination of Strange and Schiller, with red and green and a white elk on his chest.

"I said Captain, this color is too old-fashioned, did you choose it yourself?" Strange looked at Steve and asked.

Steve came over, sat on the sofa, bent his arms, put his hands on his knees and said, "Nick gave it to me, he said that S.H.I.E.L.D. should have a festive atmosphere, not only me, but Natasha and Hill. When they got this gift, they just didn't wear it because they thought the color and style were too old-fashioned."

"I think it's just right, after all, old-fashioned clothes are just right for old-fashioned people." Steve smiled and said.

"I hope the next time I go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, I don't see a huge Christmas tree full of golden bells, or all kinds of small lights hanging on the eaves." Strange painted on his chest. After a cross, all three laughed.

"Nick's aesthetics make me really complimented. Although we are all from that era, he obviously doesn't understand that the aesthetics of that era are not retro for now, it can only be said to be old-fashioned." Steve Shake your head.

"Let's get down to business." Schiller came over, put the cup on the table, then walked to the other side of the dining table, took the other two cups and poured water for the two of them.

"I heard Nick wanted to throw a Christmas ball?"

Before Schiller could finish speaking, Strange raised his hands and said, "My God, spare me, doesn't he know how busy we are?"

"Yes." Steve nodded, rubbing the cup with his hand, and said, "As you know, he has been working on bringing these people with special abilities together to form a team..."

"He will not miss any opportunity to bring us together to chat, have a heart-to-heart talk, and improve cohesion. Although I have no opinion on this kind of activity, I can think of the tedious procedures of the dance, and I have a headache."

Schiller and Strange looked at each other and said, "The most troublesome part should be the dance partner, right?"

Steve sighed deeply, Strange wanted to run on him, but he also sighed when he thought about his love life.

The biggest problem with his love life is that he has no love life at all, Strange complained: "I'm really busy, I haven't left the Holy of Holies for a week, can you believe it?"

"That group of demon gods will always call when it's a big deal, ranging from territorial disputes, loan interest rates, multi-party negotiations, to lost and found, pet foster care, and insomnia chat. What do they think of this place?"

Strange sighed, but Schiller asked him, "Isn't Loki here? Doesn't he claim to know the universe?"

"Don't you know? Loki and Thor are still in Sarkar, and I don't know if they will be back before Christmas..."

"What are they doing there?" Schiller asked suspiciously. "Isn't there a savage planet there?"

"Yes, but you should know Thor's character. He wants to save the slaves there, and Loki doesn't know what to think. He also accompanied his brother to make a fool of himself there. The Ancient One Mage has been talking about it a few times." Qi took a sip of water, then frowned at the cup and said, "Why is this hot water? No tea or coffee?"

"It's 10 o'clock in the evening, are you planning to stay overnight?"

Strange curled his lips, put down the cup, and said, "It's okay if those two brothers don't come back, at least we don't have to worry about what trouble they will make on Earth, after all Thor's power has been restored, and Loki is expected to be soon. now..."

Steve also nodded and said, "That's right, it doesn't matter if they don't have divine power. If their divine power is restored and they still live among ordinary people, it will inevitably bring them danger, and Nick will have a headache again."

"It seems that the two of you have been very busy recently, and I am the only one idle." Schiller walked around the sofa, sat on the side of the sofa, leaned on the soft pillow behind him, took a sip of hot water, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You should be busy recently, because there have been a lot of strange things recently, and even Peter is so busy."

"What happened again?"

"I'm also busy investigating this recently. Maybe you've heard of the recent supernatural events in Queens?"

"Paranormal event? You mean haunted or something?" Strange asked, frowning.

"Yes, you also know that there are many residential areas in New York, and there are many cemeteries. Recently, some residents reported that they saw undead and skeletons near the cemetery, and there were many rumors about ghost fires."

"Isn't this kind of thing happening every year?" Strange said with some disdain: "The hospital where I work loves to spread this kind of gossip. Why is there a corpse in the morgue suddenly missing, and in the corridor at night? What is there to discuss when you see a ghost fire, and a patient who has died a long time ago suddenly appears in a certain window?"

"The difference is that this time the witnesses included Spider-Man Peter, as well as his aunt and uncle."

"Their family lives in Forest Hills, Queens. Forest Hills Cemetery is on the west side of Forest Hills Park. First, Peter saw what looked like a skeleton while walking his dog, and then there was a fire that scared her. Auntie, so he's been busy investigating this lately."

Strangestrange fell silent, and Schiller pondered, because they both knew Peter, and he wasn't the type to make a fuss and gossip.

Steve looked at Strange and asked him, "This should be a matter of your wizarding world, right? Can you magicians resurrect skeletons or drive ghosts?"

Strange pressed his chin with his knuckles and said while thinking, "Theoretically, it is possible. The magician's power actually comes from exchange. If the power of his exchange object has the attribute of resurrecting the undead, then He should be able to control undead and skeletons."

"But in reality, almost no magician will do this, because it's meaningless, all exchanges have to pay a price, and the power in exchange should be used in more useful places, what's the use of resurrecting corpses and undead? Scary ?"

"Um... can't they do an attack or something?"

Schiller looked at Steve and said, "Captain, you are a master fighter. You should know that skeletons and corpses are difficult to deal with?"

"Aren't they actually mutants of humans? Rather, they are weaker than humans. Without magical protection, skeletons have no muscles and can hardly withstand any sharp weapons. The corpses are not only disgusting people, but also It's no different from ordinary people..."

"To make these things capable of fighting, you need to infuse a lot of magical energy." Strange explained: "You have to use this power to protect their bones and muscles that have started to rot, and also They must be given the power of the fire of their souls, so that they have the basic intelligence to take up arms and fight the enemy..."

"If you have so much energy, you can actually create monsters that are more powerful than these things. There was once a black magician who created a dark dragon in Montana, and a necromancer who drove a group of soul eaters to attack the hospital... "

"And skeletons... At least I haven't heard of anyone doing this in Kama Taj. Even if this thing is protected by magic, it needs a very, very large number to attack a modern human city."

Steve touched his chin, he nodded and said, "Indeed, if they have this ability, or large monsters invade the city faster, what are they trying to do? Simply scary? Create panic?"

Schiller shook his head and said: "It doesn't look like it. If they want to create panic, they should go to Manhattan or Brooklyn. These two places are the center of New York. There are quite a lot of mountains and parks in Queens. Yes, but the population is not dense enough, and journalists don’t like to go there. UU Reading”

Just when they were discussing this topic, Steve's cell phone suddenly rang, he picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, and there was some voice from Peter on the opposite side.

"Captain, there are skeletons! The kind of skeletons that move! It's in the Forest Mountain Cemetery, can you come over?!"

"Listen, Peter, calm down, it's a critical situation right? I'll be right there..."

"Uh... It's not very critical. They can't beat me, but I don't know what to do with them. You say, if I go down and punch them, will they pass out? They don't even have a brain, so they shouldn't be able to pass out. ?"

Steve looked up at Strange, Strange spread his hands and said, "Okay, I should have a cup of coffee, it looks like it's going to be all night again today..."


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