American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 317: The Godly Girl Gets into a Big Disaster (Part 2)

Is Loki's gender fluid?

It doesn't matter, Hela's sexuality is also fluid.

Originally, Hela was just chasing and playing. Anyway, she was idle when she was alone in the underworld. It was also very interesting to make the little prince of Asgard dance. It was an alternative to Odin. revenge.

But with Loki's change, Hela's anger rose.

But don't forget, Hela is also of orthodox Asgardian origin. In her opinion, any Asgardian male is extremely repulsive to become a woman, and the deep-rooted machismo Hela is also A lot of lessons.

She didn't know about Loki's strange situation in Asgard and his very subtle psychology, so in Hela's view, Loki's move was simply saying: I'd rather eat **** than go to bed with you.

This is simply denying Hela's personal charm and attractiveness. No woman can be so provocative, let alone the once proud Princess Asgard, so Hela is angry.

Are you a woman? It's okay, I can be a man.

So, when the girl Luo Ji reunited with Hela, she found that the opposite was no longer a **** woman wearing a cloak, but a male Hades Hela who was wearing dark green armor, holding a spear and leading the army of skeletons...

Although he violated Hades more or less, Hela didn't care at all. Hela, who had been swept away by anger, just wanted to kill Luo Ji wholeheartedly.

"An angry lord of the underworld will bring huge trouble." Luo Ji sat on the sofa in the reception room and said helplessly: "It will no longer be the petty trouble before, if he is caught, I will It's dead..."

Strange was speechless. He said, "You really don't have the right to say that Thor is in trouble every day.

"Then how are you going to dodge the chase?" Peter asked.

Luo Ji's tone was very helpless: "I have no choice but to use the divine power in my body to leave the earth and find a place to avoid Hela's pursuit..."

"Thor's divine power of light in my body has a natural guiding effect, and will lead me to the place where the power of death in the nine kingdoms is the thinnest, and this place will not be invaded by Hela."

"And the place where the power of death is the thinnest is the place where the power of life is most concentrated. In this way, I came to the vicinity of the World Tree..."

"The World Tree is an existence that holds up the nine kingdoms. It is more like an abstract concept, not a tree, nor has a specific image, but there is indeed a place called the core of the World Tree..."

"There, there is a giant tree embodied by the concept. I sought the guidance of the power of light to go under the tree. After reaching there, I understood that this is a place that Hela can't invade anyway."

Luo Ji sighed again and said, "But you also know that I can't be trapped there forever. Even if I can hide for a while, I can't hide for a lifetime."

"When I approached the World Tree, I found that in addition to the nine kingdoms supported on its branches, there is another new branch, where unparalleled life and vitality are condensed. I know that it should help me. Resist Hela, so I broke that new branch off..."

"Wait!" Strange interrupted him, and he said, "You mean, you broke the branch of a giant tree that supports the nine kingdoms???"

"My God! Why didn't Odin kill you with a thunderbolt?! Aren't you afraid of the collapse of the Nine Kingdoms?!!!"

Luo Ji glanced at Strange and said, "I'm not an apprentice like you who just learned magic for a few days. I'm pretty sure that the new branch is independent of the nine kingdoms, even if I break it off. , and will not have any effect on the structure of the universe."

"Then why do you say you stabbed a big basket?" Steve asked with some doubts: "The only thing that can be called trouble is this, right?"

"After all, nothing really happened to you and Hela, and he didn't really invade the earth. Even if you played a chase, it wouldn't matter to the entire universe, right?"

"That's what I'm going to say next, right after I broke that new branch, things went way beyond my imagination..."

In a mysterious space surrounded by white fog, a towering giant tree rises from the ground, and the boundless canopy occupies the sky of the entire space. Countless branches are drawn out, and every leaf in it is a tiny universe, this is the world. Incarnation of a tree.

There is a green grass at the root of the giant tree, and there are springs and lakes on one side of the giant tree. The black-haired girl stretched out her hand and broke off one of the branches full of life force.

Suddenly, the branch flew out of the girl's hand, and after a burst of white light, a handsome man in a white robe appeared in front of Luo Ji.

A hazy glow shrouded his whole person, he performed an ancient Asgardian ritual to Loki, and then said: "Hello, I am Baldr, the **** of light, you woke me up, what's the matter? ?……and many more!"

The man who claimed to be Badr suddenly took two steps closer, staring at Luo Ji, his tone was a little puzzled: "...familiar power, are you the new **** of light?"

His originally indifferent and alienated expression suddenly softened, and the look in Luo Ji's eyes also brought a kind of tenderness and love that Luo Ji could not understand.

Luo Ji didn't understand who he was, just when she wanted to open her mouth to ask, Balder stared at her and sighed: "I didn't expect that the new king who recasts the power of light will be Asgard. little princess..."

"Have you heard my name? Your Highness?"

Luo Ji shook his head, and Balder let out a vague sigh. He said, "I am your brother, the true eldest son of Odin, and the former **** of light..."

"However, I am not Odin's biological son, but a new branch he broke off the world tree."

Badr's tone had the tone of ancient Asgardian, and his tone was cadenced, as if he was reciting a gorgeous epic.

"The day the great Lord of Asgard took over the throne, he made a promise to his beautiful fiancée that on the day they were married, he would break a new branch from the tallest tree in the world as a gift, Celebrating their wedding..."

"On the day of their wedding, Odin came under the World Tree and made a wish to the World Tree, hoping that it would grow a new branch as a gift to the Queen, and the World Tree satisfied him, so I was born now..."

"He broke me off the tree of the world, and made a wreath with nine kinds of beautiful flowers grown by Asgard, and put it on the head of the gods to symbolize their unswerving love, and the responsibility and honor to rule Asgard together... …”

"The Queen of God was very moved, she said to the King of God, 'This wreath condenses the wishes of the Asgardians for love, it should be our first child', so Balder was born from the new branches of the world tree and became The eldest son of the King of God..."

"I am the incarnation of the power of life and vitality in the World Tree, representing the joy of spring and new life. Therefore, I have become the **** of light in Asgard, responsible for all light and new life."

Having said this, Balder's tone gradually fell, like a cheerful music coming to the end.

"Odin once promised me that he will bring vitality to every corner of the universe, let the branches of the world tree take root in the nine kingdoms, and let all life here have spring."

"But with Asgard's more and more expeditions, what it brings is not vitality, but destruction. The vitality is less and less, but the power of destruction is more and more. That power is constantly eroding me, making me I'm getting weak..."

"The Queen is very sad about this because she foresaw that the day when Asgard was crowned in the entire universe was the day I died."

"My weakness and the tears of the goddess made Odin start to shake. He began to reflect on the meaning of this war and destruction. So, he stopped the expedition and planned to rule the nine kingdoms by peaceful means..."

"But he hasn't been able to prevent the last war from coming."

"Hella, my sister, the princess of Asgard, has lost her mind in the continuous battle, thinking that destruction is the only answer to the universe..."

"She had a fierce war with Odin, and the destructive force of this war became the last straw that broke me. I lost all my strength and became a branch of the world tree again, back to my origin."

"The King of God and the Queen of God were extremely sad. They couldn't explain to the people in Asgard where their eldest son and heir had gone, so they suppressed Hela and erased my existence."

"Only some people who are not affected by the divine power of God King Odin still remember my existence, and you... After Hela, another princess of Asgard, you control the power completely opposite to your sister, then It's a new force of light."

"On the World Tree, I was briefly affected by the breath of this power, and at the moment when this power of light really touched me, I was awakened again."

"His Royal Highness, whoever holds the power of light, must be the new king of Asgard."

"In the past, I was the owner of the power of light, so I will be the heir to the throne, but now, you have a brand new power of light, then you will be the next **** king..."

Luo Ji looked at Balder's tender and loving eyes, and at this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of fate, as if everything was an arranged coincidence.

Once, Odin came to the world tree and broke off a new branch. In the vibrant Asgard, Balder became the eldest prince and heir, bringing life to the nine kingdoms.

Hela, who was born next, became the culprit who killed her brother. She became the opposite of life and vitality, representing death and destruction.

And now, Thor, who has mastered the new power of light, has become a veritable heir to Asgard.

And she, because of a series of coincidences, became a princess, so next, will she also bring the power of destruction and death to kill her brother?

Why does everything seem like a doomed reincarnation?

Why is there a chain of coincidences that pushes the right person into the slot every time a slot is vacant in this story?

Luo Ji thought, is the constant new birth and destruction really the inevitable fate of Asgard?

When Luo Ji was thinking about this question, Schiller interrupted her aloud, and Schiller asked, "So, what happened to you?"

Luo Ji said slowly: "Badr discovered the death breath Hela left on me. He thought Hela was going to kill me, so..."

The four people sitting on the sofa looked at Luo Ji together, and Luo Ji said in a very stiff tone: "The **** of light and the **** of death, because I... started a war."

------off topic-----

Odin: o_o


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