American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 326: S: The Great Incident (6)

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"What do you think of mutants?" Nick asked Schiller, leaning against the glass window.

"My opinion is roughly the same as that of Professor X. At least one thing is the same, that is, if you force a mutant and an ordinary human together, both will be injured."

"Let's not talk about the problems left over by history that cause ordinary humans to be very hostile to mutants. Just because the mutants' ability to explode is uncontrollable, it is doomed that they cannot live in ordinary human society." Schiller said with a sigh.

After he came to this world, he discovered that the problem of mutants was much more serious than he imagined, because it could be seen in the newspapers every day that a certain mutant's ability broke out somewhere, resulting in how many losses and how many people were injured. ...

One thing the symbiotes said was right. Ordinary humans are really fragile. A small flame can burn them seriously. If there is an explosion, most people will die, but mutants have the ability to explode. At times, flames and explosions are the most common occurrences.

Can ordinary people not regard them as terrorists? Even terrorist attacks can be expected. After all, there are not too many types of guns and bombs. The ability of mutants to explode is different. A thousand people have a thousand ways to endanger public safety.

In a society with mutants, when you walk into any public place, you must first find a safe corner to avoid out-of-control mutants rushing in and killing people.

Maybe every morning you will see that the road is damaged again, and then you will know that it is a good thing done by mutants, or maybe one day, your car is parked in the parking lot, and the next day, the whole parking lot The field has collapsed, and the insurance company has not paid the claim...

The ability of mutants explodes, but it doesn't matter whether you have to go to work the next day, whether you have urgent customers to see, or whether you want to experience a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere.

Even Schiller is the same. He knows that he has spider sense and the ability to avoid danger, but his cautious personality still makes him instinctively use the gray fog to perceive the nearby situation when he goes in and out of various public places. Prevent him from having bad luck and encountering an alpha-class mutant that suddenly explodes.

Ordinary people living in a world with mutants are like living in a world where terrorists may appear at any time. Even if they do not suffer real harm, they are anxious and stressed all day long.

"I'm a psychologist, and I can understand the psychological pressure of being in a state of insecurity for a long time, and I can understand the group of people who hate mutants because of this pressure."

"But there's no way for mutants, because they're born with this gene."

"I learned from Professor X that there are many mutants who have fallen into deep guilt because of the sudden explosion of their ability to hurt innocent people, and some people have never even gotten out of this shadow in their entire lives."

"So, to force the two parties together is actually irresponsible to both parties at the same time."

"So what are you going to do? Establish a segregated society? With all due respect, it doesn't work, and Germany during World War II has fully demonstrated this." Nick sighed and said, "I know that Magneto has always been seeking Establishing a nation of mutants, but he was very hindered, for reasons that you and I know."

"Of course, if a country wants to study nuclear bombs, all major powers will not agree, not to mention, all nuclear bombs must unite to form a country of their own, and no country will sit idly by and watch this happen."

"Even if the mutants can unite, their families live in the society of ordinary people and are coerced by the state and power. The reason why Magneto can be tough is because he has no weakness, and most mutants are facing When family and friends are threatened, the only option is to bow their heads."

Nick glanced at Schiller, he lowered his voice and said, "I can tell you the Security Council's policy towards mutants, in simple terms, divide them, let them consume internally, and use their power when necessary, But they must not be brought together."

"From the point of view of politicians, this is the best solution. You see, mutants, ordinary people and politicians have completely different positions. The mutants want unity, independence, and their own homeland... "

"Ordinary people hope that mutants can stay away from their lives and give them a safe social environment. To a certain extent, the interests of the two parties are the same, because as long as mutants establish a country, they will all go to settle in that country. , and will no longer be mixed into the lives of ordinary people."

"The only obstacle here is the politicians. If you want to differentiate mutants, you have to spread them out among ordinary people, like diluting wine with water."

Nick also sighed, and said, "You and I both know that we can't change the minds of those people. In this regard, human society has never changed."

"Are mutants rare? No, it's happened countless times in history, isn't it in Africa?"

"Dividing them, internal consumption, product dumping, blocking production, and then spreading public opinion, making them feel that they are inherently lazy and inferior, picking out the best and absorbing them, and then using the barbarians to control the barbarians. This trick has been played countless times. "

"...Speaking of business." Nick looked at Schiller and asked, "What are you going to do? Can you tell me first? You know, SHIELD's quick response measures have always..."

"It's better to say that the emergency response measures that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. can run smoothly are only you, right?"

Nick smiled, and he spread his hands and said, "Thank you, I'm still there."

"I don't think it's very reliable to build a country. Let's first imagine, where will they build the country? On which continent? Anyway, no matter which continent it is on, the surrounding countries will never agree, they will go crazy. stop them."

"Well, even if they have the ability to go to the center of the Pacific Ocean to build an island, but you also know the morality of the military, they regard the Pacific Ocean as their aircraft carrier training ground, and they will not allow one more thing that gets in the way... "

"In that case, it's better to let them move farther away."

"Farther? How far?"

"2.5 million light years, what do you think?"

Nick's eyes widened and he said, "You let them move to aliens?? Let's not talk about whether it can be done at the executive level, they won't be happy, right?"

"Although mutants want an independent home, they obviously also want to enjoy the fruits of human civilization. If you let them move so far, isn't it equivalent to exile?"

"That's not necessarily. Exile means dragging one's family to an unknown and dangerous place that is wild and needs to start all over again, Nick, when the symbiote broke away from their former host, didn't you already see it? ?"

"What did you see?"

"That group of aliens, there are high elves, totem spirits and a big bug, those are living aliens."

"Well, yes, but we've seen living aliens before, like the Asgardians."

"Then do you think it is exile for us to let a few humans live in Asgard?"

"Of course not. After all, Asgard is a **** race, and their city is much bigger than ours..."

"That's it. Then look at the aliens from Andromeda. Do you think they came from a very poor place?"

Nick recalled, and he remembered the high elves among them. They looked most similar to humans. They both had two legs and two hands. The only difference was that they were about three meters tall, and their skulls were also human-like. Not quite the same.

But there is no doubt that his dress is not primitive, it can even be said to be very gorgeous. In him, Nick sees the traces of a complete alien civilization, they have their own language, writing, art and unique aesthetic.

Even the Zerg had mechanical parts that Nick couldn't understand on its back, not to mention the translucent totem spirit.

"Actually, in the interstellar society, the earth is a wild exile. What do you think the Asgardians think of us?"

"Have you forgotten Thor's attitude when he first came to Earth? If he felt from the bottom of his heart that humans and Asgard were on the same level, would he dare to yell like that?"

Nick nodded, and he said, "It makes sense. Even by imagination, I can imagine that any civilization with a spacecraft is more advanced than us, and it is difficult for us to land on Mars until now."

"So, going to a galaxy with a more developed and prosperous civilization is not an exile, but an education."

"But this kind of galaxy has an owner, right? No civilization would be happy to suddenly have a group of outsiders on its own territory."

"Indeed, even if you meet a more friendly landlord, the tenant always bows his head." Schiller nodded, and then he changed the subject: "But it doesn't matter, the interstellar society doesn't look at the law, only who has the bigger fist. If The landlord suddenly died suddenly, and the tenant took over the house, as long as he can keep it, who can come and want to go back?"

Nick's eyes widened again, he raised his eyebrows, glanced at Schiller and said, "You want to kill the landlord of the Andromeda Galaxy?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can I have that ability? Don't talk about destroying the world at every turn. Humans are a civilized race, and we need to build a good interstellar image."

"Human civilization is so weak, let alone fighting in the universe, we can't even build a spacecraft."

"In this case, the Cosmic Demon God is fighting, and we can't stop it. The Sanctuary has just started, and all we can do is to provide an escape route for our distinguished members."

Nick nodded and said, "I understand, the exchange of fire between the two armies has unfortunately spread, and I deeply regret that there is nothing I can do."

"But..." Nick hesitated and said, "Isn't the symbiote also living in that galaxy? At present, it seems that these cosmic agents are quite friendly, and I think they can be used."

"Do you think a parasitic race would care who the other civilizations in the galaxy are? Or rather, if humans don't go, can their enemies let them parasitize?"

"Besides, look, don't the mutants make a good impression on the symbiotes now?"

Nick covered his forehead and said, "I knew it was your plan..."

"Contact Professor X, inform him of the characteristics of the symbiote, and let him select suitable mutants according to the characteristics of the symbiote."

"Professor X will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in order to strengthen the capabilities of the new generation. At the same time, you make a deal with the symbiotes to let them fool the new generation of mutants in their minds and strengthen their belonging to the human race. sense……"

"Then let the symbiotes feel that the new generation of mutants are very compatible with them and have an extremely strong ability to enhance their impression of the human race..."

"It's more than You should know that the symbiotes have a gene catalog. I learned from Loki that the interstellar society is very recognized by the information recorded in their gene catalog, because no race can compare. Symbiotes have a better understanding of the basics of a race."

"Many civilizations like to think of symbiotes as cosmic libraries. When they want to know about a certain race, they will find a host with a symbiote parasitism, and then trade with them in exchange for the information in their gene catalog. , or simply get the information they want at the cost of letting the symbiote parasitize their body."

"As long as the symbiotes can write down some basic human information in their genetic catalog, I mean correct, pertinent, objective, unquestionable kind of information, it will be very good for our future development. , isn't it?"

Nick looked up at the ceiling, stretched out his hand, and applauded, but Schiller continued: "One more thing, asking Asgard to help send those former host aliens back can give Strange a reasonable Contact Asgard under the pretext."

"Contact Asgard, what happened to them?"

"We have to figure out Asgard's attitude in this war, especially Odin's attitude."

"I want to take him to make a fortune together, but I'm afraid he still hasn't turned the corner on the matter between his son and daughter..."

"How about the information that Strange sent back?"

"Let's find a safe place, to elaborate."

------off topic-----

Another small goal was opened, and it is estimated that this time it will be :/

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