American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 330: S: The Great Incident (10)

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"What did you say? The alien fleet lost a frigate... Dimensional leap? Peter, even if you have a driver's license, you can't drink so much alcohol during the day..."

"...well, but I'm an adult, you know? And I don't drink too much...Jarvis says I've been drunk all day? Jarvis! Jarvis! You traitor! Me this one I only drank one bottle every month..."

"Okay, where did the fleet come from? Of course... I know of course there are aliens, but what are the aliens doing here?"

Stark, who was talking on the phone, suddenly heard a "zilla" sound behind him. As soon as he turned his head, a portal appeared in the air of the laboratory, and Strange and Nick fell first.

Nick fell firmly to the ground, Strange smashed on him, the Director of SHIELD let out a scream, clutched his waist, stood up staggeringly, and shouted at Strange. Said: "You rotten mage! Can you open the portal on the ground next time?"

"Oh, damn, my arm..." Strange said, clutching his arm. "I've only been learning magic for a few months, you can't ask for too much!"

Immediately afterwards, the two stood up, Stark walked over, and the three stood together, looking up at the portal, waiting for the next unlucky person to fall.

Schiller stuck half of his body out of the portal, looked down at the three people below, then turned into a cloud of gray fog, floated down, and landed smoothly.

Then came Luo Ji, Stark's eyes widened, he looked left and right, before he could ask any questions, Luo Ji opened his mouth first: "Don't be surprised, I am Luo Ji, do you have any opinion? "

"I..." Stark's hand made a thinking gesture, and then said, "It's nothing, you're pretty, really."

Strange and Nicky glanced at Stark and let out a snort.

"Okay, all the people who have tested the moral bottom line have been gathered. Did Peter call you?"

"Hey, Mr. Schiller, I'm here!" Peter shouted over the phone, "Did you hear what I just said?! The Cree fleet!!!"

"Understood, your telephone communications will all pass through the Holy of Holies, and Strange has just heard the content of your conversation."

"Is there really an alien fleet?" said Stark, a little surprised. "Are the Kree and Asgardians the same?"

"I thought you wouldn't be surprised. After all, the aliens with fleets and Asgard's gang of 'gods', or should the former be more in line with your imagination of aliens?"

Indeed, Stark nodded, and he said: "My surprise is, how did the alien fleet come here? Did this group of aliens make an appointment? Either they will not come for tens of thousands of years, or they will all come together? "

"Of course it has something to do with the recent major events in the universe. Didn't you know it before? There is a war going on in the universe, and the group of aliens driving the fleet should have been affected."

With that said, Strange turned to look at Loki and said, "Tell us about the Cree? What's their origin?"

Luo Ji shook her head and said, "I don't know much about their history, I only know that it is a huge cosmic empire, and the supreme leader is called Supreme Wisdom. They are more like Asgard, a **** country, All people are soldiers.”

"The spaceships of their Sanctuary series are very famous in the universe, and they are also called star warships, because this kind of spaceship is transformed from a complete planet. Even in the economic society, this technology is very developed."

Stark touched his chin and asked a more professional question: "What race do they belong to? Technology or magic?"

Rocky sighed and said, "You still don't understand, there's never been a difference between technology and magic."

"Let's put it this way, if you travel back to prehistoric times and show the power of electricity to humans who are still using stone tools, will they also think that the electricity you use is a kind of magic?"

"Asgard is like this. In your opinion, we use magical energy, but it is not the case. There are many manifestations of energy in the origin of the universe, but at the level of human life, we cannot directly extract this kind of power. out to use."

"The power of thunder mastered by Odin, the father of the gods, is one of the origin powers of the universe. Because his life level is high enough, he can directly use this power, and the same is true for wind and fire. To use this energy, you just can't reach the source level, so it seems that you need to use all kinds of tools, which you call 'technology'."

"That is to say, it is actually more advanced to use methods that point directly to the source?" Stark looked at Luo Ji and asked.

"No, it's not that simple. Asgards also use tools. We also have space fleets, transmission devices, and even air conditioners and elevators, as well as household appliances that have similar functions to yours."

"We divide this into two parts. On the one hand, it is the improvement of our own life level, which allows us to have stronger physical fitness and control more powerful forces."

"On the other hand, we use this power to produce more efficient tools. For example, our elevators don't use 'electricity', and we don't need the kind of pulley tool sets you use, and ropes, just suspension. Magic will do, and levitation magic comes from the original power of the wind..."

"I understand, you have a higher level of life than technology, so you can use more advanced energy to feed back your technology, right?"

Luo Ji nodded, he found that talking to a smart person like Stark is really very labor-saving, so she went on to explain: "And now human beings are technological forces serving the level of life, your bodies are so weak that Need to develop medical treatment to prolong life, your strength is too weak, so you need to use all kinds of construction machinery to make buildings..."

"Wait, is there such a possibility..." Stark turned to sit behind the experimental bench and said, "It is because humans rely too much on tools that our physical strength evolves very slowly? "

"No, at least in my opinion, the evolution of your body is so slow, it may also have something to do with the environment of the earth. As far as I know, even in the boundless universe, the habitability of the earth can be ranked. in the forefront."

"So we're all flower bags in the greenhouse?" Nick shrugged.

"But aren't the Norse gods also from Earth?" Strange objected.

"Well... this involves a very complicated history of mysticism. Even I don't fully understand the truth. I'm afraid only the father of the gods knows..."

"Okay, back to the point." Nick reminded: "You haven't finished talking about the Cree."

"There is a popular saying in the universe, as long as you see blue-skinned people, you know that they must be members of a powerful empire, because in addition to the Kree, there is a race called Skrulls that is also very strong, They are also blue-skinned."

"But also, we hate the blueskins so much, we call all the blue-skinned races in the universe 'cosmic locusts' because they're really annoying."

"Wandering around in the universe, disrespecting local culture, going to war at every turn, and not clearing up after a rubble is left. When our fleet drives past, we have to open the way on the spot..." Luo Ji's tone was very impatient, obviously there was something wrong with it. Some bad memories.

"Of course, in the eyes of Asgard and several other powerful cosmic empires, it's just a little annoying, and for the more backward civilization, their annoying behavior is a disaster."

"Their history will be discussed later. We will now talk about what kind of benefits they can bring us."

"Well..." Luo Ji pondered for a while, and said, "If the earth has the strength of Asgard now, you can completely eat this single and injured fleet, but now you are too far behind, I think, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

"Aren't you Asgards interested in them?"

Rocky shook his head and said, "The same sentence, Asgard is a race whose level of life is higher than that of technology, but the Kree are the exact opposite. They are more normal, more like humans, and their level of technology is higher than that of life. higher level."

"Thus, the technologies they are best at are of little use to Asgard."

"Let me give an example. They are very good at extracting energy. In the center of their capital galaxy, there is an energy production device transformed from a super black hole. If you have to give an example, it may be more like your human wind turbine, but it is bigger. Countless times."

"This device alone can supply the energy needs of their civilization's entire galaxy."

"How about the cleanliness?"

"Completely pollution-free, completely controllable, without any danger, everything is intelligent, requires no operation, and is permanently sustainable."

"Unbelievable," Nick commented.

"Indeed, it is a bit out of reach for humans to develop to this level, but in fact, this is just a standard for a cosmic empire. Any civilization that can have the right to speak in the interstellar society, unlimited energy is the standard."

"Like the Rainbow Bridge, while the Rainbow Bridge may overheat, the energy is unlimited and will last forever no matter who owns Asgard."

Stark said, "Can we find a way to get some of their technology?"

Nick turned to look at him, and Stark said seriously: "Among the major problems in human development, in addition to energy science, materials science is very important to us."

"Oh, yes, the Kree people are also very strong in materials science. They can transform planets into battleships. There's nothing to explain too much, right?"

Nick pondered for a while, and everyone looked at him. After all, no matter he is the leader of the official force, and to a certain extent, he can represent human civilization.

He looked at Loki and asked him, "Aren't you Asgard going to intervene in this matter?"

"Do you think we have time to intervene?" Luo Ji said helplessly.

"Why don't you have time to intervene, who's to blame?" Strange glanced at Loki.

Nick ignored the two of them, but turned to look at Stark and said, "The state you were in last time..."

"Don't think about it, it's not that easy." Schiller interrupted Nick's next words.

Of course he knew that Nick wanted to make Stark a steel devil again, he explained: "Enough energy can indeed push Stark to a higher level, but if you can't fully accept this state, it will be solidified. For eternity, then it is impossible to achieve the maximum output, otherwise last time he would not be as simple as creating a mechanical army."

"Another question is, even if he really turns into a cosmic devil, do you plan to let them fight directly in the galaxy? Are you sure that it won't affect the earth?"

Nick thought for a moment and felt that Schiller had a point. Schiller continued: "If we use this method, maybe we can win, but it is actually overdrawing the possibility of future development."

"Once Stark is solidified into a demon, he must open up and build his own dimension. It is impossible to return to Earth in a short period of time. Once they start fighting in the galaxy, they may destroy many things that we may use in the future. resource."

"If the Kree army is already overwhelming, then we have no choice but to overdraw the future and keep the present, but now, there is only a fleet of Kree people wandering around the galaxy..."

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