American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 354: S: The Shining Event (34)

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After a cordial and friendly conversation with Payan, a descendant of the Cree, Payan succeeded in using his bad attitude to add a heavy touch to the debt of the Cree.

The process does not need to be repeated, anyway, by the end of the conversation, the total number of ships that the Kree owe to humans has reached more than 150, and there are clear IOUs.

Steve became the representative of human civilization, with Charles in charge of the diplomacy of the Andromeda galaxy, and Stark, Peter and Magneto in charge of mineral mining.

As soon as the agreement on Charles' side was reached, they started the work directly with the spaceship, and the mining weapons on the spaceship matched the magnetism of Magneto and Polaris. The ability to maximize mining efficiency is simply to evacuate a planet in a few days.

Oh, by the way, can't forget the most developed sulfur dwarf civilization in this galaxy, what happened to their civilization after the black hole exploded?

Because the core star region of Andromeda has a very habitable environment, when Magneto guides the explosion jet of the super black hole, he deliberately protects this part with a magnetic field.

However, the civilization of the sulfur dwarves is far from the core star area, but it is closer to the super black hole, and they are not as lucky as other civilizations.

The sulfur dwarves control more than 1,500 resource planets. In the star region they rule, most of the planets produce molten steel, and most of the planets that do not produce molten steel are also gas giant planets that provide auxiliary resources.

Because this star area is too close to the super black hole, after the black hole produced the jet, all the armed fleets of the Brimstone Dwarves were completely annihilated, and hundreds of planets on the path of the jet were all annihilated.

More deadly. The stars in their two most densely populated stellar sectors were all extinguished by this cosmic catastrophe.

Originally, the planets where most of the population of the sulfur dwarves lived, because they were too close to the stars, so the surface temperature was very high, most of which were around 500 degrees. The races that evolved in this environment had very high resistance to high temperatures , they can physically move in an environment of hundreds of degrees without feeling uncomfortable.

But also, this is a race that is heat-resistant but not cold-resistant. Since their birthplace and the planets they colonized later are high-temperature planets, they have not experienced the extreme cold after the sun goes out. Therefore, this population is very dense. Sector, in about 10 days, killed more than half of its population.

In fact, it stands to reason that the population should not decrease so rapidly, but what is more deadly is that the sulfur dwarves are a race that relies entirely on the energy of stars. Their civilization is very developed, and the technology of extracting energy from stars is also It is very perfect. Therefore, the energy connected to all the facilities on their planet is all energy extracted from the stars, and all the equipment cores, circuits and pipes are adapted stellar energy extractors.

After the sun went out, all the facilities on their planet that needed energy were shut down, including those for adjusting oxygen and rare gases.

Brimstone dwarves are called sulphur dwarves because they need to breathe a special sulphur-smelling gas, which greatly enhances their physical fitness and allows them to generate "molten energy" that increases their strength.

If you don't breathe this gas, you won't die, but you will fall into decline. Combined with the deep cold in the universe, in just a few days, the entire civilization will completely collapse.

Because the fleet was destroyed, they did not have large spaceships to exploit the resources on the gaseous planet. Their mother's own resources were still abundant, and the technology that could exploit the resources of the mother planet had long been lost in countless technological iterations. Those advanced and high-power equipment do not even have a generator that can provide the most basic electrical energy.

The disadvantages of civilization developing too fast and relying too much on special materials are undoubtedly revealed at this moment. After losing energy and armament, in just a few days, the fire of civilization has been extinguished.

Stark, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, had no sympathy, but raised his vigilance. Such a tragedy cannot be repeated in human civilization. The speed of development is as important as the breadth of development.

But vigilance returned to vigilance, the Radiance Alliance found a planet with the most abundant mineral resources in the center of the star region ruled by the sulfur dwarves, and then built an energy center that could provide heat.

The power of this center is not large, but it is very bright. It can be said that it is a bright light in the universe.

The three planets this week were not far from each other. After the stars went out, the sky above the planets was plunged into endless night. At this time, a shining star appeared in the night sky, and of course the sulfur dwarf saw it.

At this time, the disaster relief ship of human justice arrived in time.

Human civilization, as a kind and fair civilization in the universe civilization, expresses deep sympathy and regret for the experience of the sulfur dwarves. At the same time, human civilization just happened to build a nearby planet that can provide the heat and gas needed for the survival of the sulfur dwarves. energy center and is now opening for immigration.

Generally speaking, human beings only accept noble investment immigrants, but now the situation is special. In line with the principle of saving all the people after the disaster and making reasonable arrangements, human immigration ships also accept labor immigration. In short, as long as you If you can mine, you can board the ship.

At this time, the brimstone dwarves have passed the panic period of the sharp decline in the population. The quickest way to survive is to board a human thief... an immigrant ship.

The energy core built by the Radiance Alliance is also very particular. Its heat radiation range is a circle. That is to say, you must live within this circle to avoid freezing to death.

But human civilization is so backward, a large amount of molten steel can only convert a negligible amount of heat. If you don’t work hard, the range of heat radiation will become smaller and smaller, and the dwarves living in the outer circle will freeze to death. .

Of course, the closer you get to the core, the higher the heat and the more stable it will be, but in order not to shrink to your own position, the dwarves begin to exploit downwards layer by layer.

People in the inner circle exploit people in the outer circle, and people in the outer circle exploit people in the outer circle, hoping to squeeze all their labor and expand the thermal energy circle, so that they will become more and more safe.

A few people in the Shining Alliance who have tested their moral bottom line came up with this plan, so that humans don't even need to swing their own whips, and this group of brimstone dwarves will aim their butcher knives at their own kin.

But the people in the outer circle are not to be slaughtered by others. They work hard, but the people in the inner circle live better and better. They are oppressed, but the results are enjoyed by the people in the inner circle. In just a few days. , the riots bleed the entire race into rivers of blood.

At this time, human beings are very wise and generous in opening up the ascending channel. As long as your performance is good enough, you can replace the people in the inner circle and live in their place. On the contrary, if your performance is poor, you can only go to the cold. The outer circle of alternating heat and daily cut-off.

It's not that the Glorious Alliance wants such troublesome mining with human power, but molten steel is a very special metal, which requires the brimstone dwarves to use their unique molten fire energy to transfer it to the pickaxe in order to dig it down, so Only temporarily wronged the sulfur dwarves to be miners for a period of time, it is normal to revive civilization, and it is normal for contemporary people to suffer.

After the major civilizations of Andromeda were disarmed, there were almost no conditions for leaving the surface. Therefore, the initiative was completely in the hands of humans, and after several meetings of the Radiance Alliance, most of the policies were Determined, and then carried out, after a short period of time, the situation in the galaxy returned to stability.

Symbiote Lan Ling also sighed very much. In his long life, he has seen countless civilizations, but the wisdom displayed by human beings in sociology and relations is still in the forefront.

They can accurately find the key points in the intricate relationship, and can also seek maximum benefits for themselves in the chaotic situation, although this is also related to the flexible moral bottom line of several members of the Radiance Alliance, but more still, For so many years, human beings have put too many skills on the struggle.

After the events in the Andromeda galaxy came to an end, Peter, Steve and Charles, three men whose moral bottom lines had not been tested, stayed there and continued to spread the gospel of mankind.

Stark came back because the construction of the solar system is inseparable from him. After the mining is over, the next step is to speed up, and Stark must keep an eye on it.

Strange came back because the Sanctuary was too busy and he had to keep an eye on it.

Schiller came back because he still had a mess to clean up, and that was Asgard's family affairs.

In the office of the Arkham Sanatorium, Rocky was sitting opposite Schiller. After she took off her hood, the layers of halo behind her were a little dazzling. Schiller blinked and took out a medical record. He looked at the medical record and said, "I see you've been writing about it lately, what's this?"

"Here are your medical records."

"Mine? What's wrong with me? Aren't I fine?" Luo Ji asked in confusion.

"You Asgards have almost no psychological research, so none of you feel mentally ill, but it seems to me that every one of you is quite ill.

Luo Ji pursed her She wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to speak, and Schiller began to count them one by one: "Thor's previous performance may have some tendency to mania, so does Hela. , you have an emotional disorder, you should also have an anxiety disorder..."


"Let's talk about how these mental illnesses of yours came about."

"But I didn't..."

"Every mentally ill person feels that they are not sick."

Schiller turned the pen in his hand, made a calm gesture, and said, "Okay, let's assume you're sick, just assume."

"First of all, I think that the cause of your mental illness is likely to be long-term discrimination and bullying. Asgard's group environment is very exclusive to you, which has added a lot of mental pressure to you, thus making your mental development. deformed..."

As soon as Schiller finished speaking, a light circle lit up behind Luo Ji's "Zeng", and Luo Ji looked behind him in confusion and said, "I have wanted to ask for a long time, what is the matter with these auras? ?"

Seeing this, Schiller smiled, and seemed to find that his hunch had come true, he said, "You said before that the first halo appeared when you became a woman, and the second halo appeared in Hela. Knowing that you became a woman and still chasing you, the third halo appeared when Hela and Balder had a conflict over you..."

Luo Ji's expression was still a little confused, he didn't find any pattern in it at all, but Schiller said: "Just now, I diagnosed your mental illness, just doing an experiment, and now it seems that the results of the experiment are what I expected. Same……"

"So, what are these halos?"

"You may call them 'political correctness halos.'"

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