American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 357: Wakanda Rebellion (Part 1)

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After Christmas, heavy snow fell from the sky of New York, and the snow covered the city. Schiller sat on a chair in the office, blowing the heat floating on the cup, and the light of the computer screen reflected in his eyes.

Although the computer screen is now stuck on the interface of the work software, Schiller gently shook the mouse to reveal the interface of the news website under the work software, which is the newly opened science news section of the Global Times.

Originally, the Global Times did not report on the progress of scientific research, or in other words, no newspapers would report such things in detail. It's just a platform for some companies.

Things can change at any time. When the solar system construction plan is in full swing, the official also began to disclose some information to ordinary people through some news channels to give them a shot.

Otherwise, people are still in a period when it is difficult to land on the moon, and suddenly a space battleship appears on their heads, which will frighten many people.

Therefore, newspapers and media with official channels like the Global Times have begun to focus on reporting the progress of human science and technology. It seems that in just a few days, the basic science of human beings has been greatly improved.

In fact, many technologies have been researched long ago, but they are still kept secret. Now, since the technological leap is about to begin, there is no need to keep these secret technologies secret anymore. Therefore, ordinary people find that these scientific and technological advancements The reports overwhelmingly occupy the main page of all news and browsers.

Because Eddie Bullock is a front-line reporter in the universe, he mainly refers to rushing on the front line of various major events in the universe. With the completely unreasonable and powerful physical fitness of the Venom symbiote, he took the aftermath of the war and took many precious pictures of the universe. , After returning to Earth, he was the editor-in-chief of the Global Times, so the science section of the Global Times became the most popular science news reports.

At this time, on the main interface of their official website, the most conspicuous title is written in large characters: "Material technology has made another breakthrough! The molten steel alloy that is not inferior to Zhenjin has come out. Will human materials science reach a new peak?"

After clicking on this title, you can see an interview report full of various professional terms. The interviewee is a researcher of Stark Group. According to him, molten steel is a miracle of materials science in the new era. The properties of gold are comparable to each other, and more importantly, it can be synthesized in batches with great yields.

When asked about the alloy's formulation, the researcher revealed. This is still Tony Stark's masterpiece, and the recipe is only in his hands.

This result did not surprise those who read this report. In fact, in the past few days, Stark seemed to be connected to the two lines of Ren and Du. Amazing inventions come one after the other.

It's not that no one suspects that he is doing academic fraud in order to gain attention, but Stark tells them in another way that it is all true - he applied all these technologies to his steel suit, and then drove The Battle of Steel flies over New York eight times a day.

When it was revealed that Stark is Iron Man before, most people commented on it very negatively. They regarded the iron suit as a toy for a rich rich old man to have fun.

Until now, this impression has not changed much, but it has become a toy for a rich and skilled rich old man to have fun.

Most people's evaluation of Iron Man now is that Stark is a complete rotten guy, a **** playboy, God is really unfair to the extreme, not only gave him so much money, but also gave him a good one. brain.

Stark enjoyed this evaluation very much. In the interview, he answered this question directly, he said: "Yeah, but God is more unfair than you think. He not only gave me a lot of wealth and wisdom, but also gave me a lot of wealth and wisdom. That's the point!"

Regardless of those black fans being tickled by his anger, the former cover girl girlfriends have come forward to say that they have no interest in Stark's wealth and wisdom, but mainly because of his charm.

Not to mention these lace news for the time being, the news reports of the new material melting steel not only caused an uproar in the three continents of America, Asia and Europe, but also made a small country in Africa anxious like an ant on a hot pot, that is Wakanda .

I have to admit that Wakanda's international status today is inseparable from the importance of Zhenjin. Their leader, Black Panther, is indeed a knowledgeable and far-sighted leader, but without the special materials of Zhenjin. By nature, Wakanda is definitely not as developed as it is today.

Originally, Wakanda could hold the Vibranium stock in his hand, and he could rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes, and Vibranium to use the whole world, so that Wakanda would occupy an important position in the development of interstellar space.

Even Stark has to discuss with the Black Panther in a good voice, even. At this important node, each country must bid for the share of Zhenjin, and Wakanda's international status has been rising in recent times.

If the leader of the black panther T'Challa is a selfish and selfish villain, then he should have been crowned as the emperor of Africa by this time.

But T'Challa is a very wise and far-sighted leader. Although he is stuck with Zhenjin's resources, he can also devise strategies to manipulate resources in exchange for the support of the international community. The mining output of vibranium will make the human solar system construction plan more stable.

During this period of research, Stark and T'Challa's friendship took off, and so. When the news of the molten steel came out, T'Challa immediately contacted Stark.

"...Yes, I know you are in a hurry, and I also know that new materials are related to the future development of Wakanda, but the reserves of Zhenjin are too small. For the entire construction plan, it is simply a drop in the bucket."

Stark was a little anxious listening to T'Challa's voice on the other end of the phone, and he comforted T'Challa: "Of course, molten steel alloys are not omnipotent, and Zhenjin's strategic position has not declined as seriously as you think... …”

"Tony, I hope you understand that this is an important resource for the survival of all people in our country, and it is also the most important bargaining chip we can base on the international community..."

Stark shook his head and said, "T'Challa, don't you think you take Vibranium a little too much? You really intend to tie your entire country and everyone in your country to this material. above?"

Before T'Challa could say anything, Stark said, "It's precisely because we are friends that I have to remind you of this, and I thought, I'm going to tell you a story about being too dependent on special resources and going The story of a tragic civilization..."

In the Xavier School for Gifted Boys, Storm was standing at Professor X's desk. She sighed worriedly and said, "The situation in Wakanda is very bad now. Many people think that molten steel will replace Zhenjin. In that case. A lot of resources in their hands could become waste paper."

"What's more terrifying is that they feel that their leader Black Panther has not come up with strong enough means to protect Zhenjin's strategic position, and there are even people who think that T'Challa should not have controlled the output of Zhenjin before, if in that When the time comes to realize the resources of Zhenjin, then there is no need to deal with the impact of alternative materials now.”

Charles covered his forehead and said, "Isn't Wakanda the country with the highest education level in Africa? Can't they understand such a common-sense question?"

Storm sighed, stroking her silver hair behind her ears, and said, "T'Challa distributed the shares of Zhenjin to the people originally to improve everyone's welfare, but once the resources are distributed to individuals, they will It will not take into account what strategy the country has, and will only care whether the resources in its hands will depreciate."

"There are already a lot of people clamoring for the country to buy the Zhenjin resources in their hands at the previous market price, but T'Challa can't do that, which will cause Wakanda's capital chain to break."

"Didn't he talk to Stark? In fact, things haven't reached that point at all." Charles said calmly: "Although molten steel is good, there is also a limit to production capacity, and the amount of resources to be used in the construction plan of the solar system. It's an astronomical figure, and there may not be vibration gold without molten steel, why can't we have all of them?"

"Yeah, I also know that even if the characteristics of molten steel are similar to those of vibrating gold, they are not completely the same. Whether the new material is stable and controllable still needs to pass the test of time. During this time, they will still rely on Wakanda. The vibranium..." Storm concluded.

"But it's hard for Black Panther to convince people, right?" Charles asked.

Storm sat down, she showed a somewhat sad expression, and said: "I have been with T'Challa all this time, and he told me about his dream, and he hopes that Wakanda is not just a small African country, He wants him and the people here to have the opportunity to step into the universe..."

"Therefore, he did not use his king's power to sell the precious vibranium resources indiscriminately, but used these resources in exchange for more support in the international community to enhance Wakanda's international status, and at the same time He also actively participated in the construction of the solar even at a great price, just to keep up with the footsteps of the great powers..."

"However, these efforts of his are not easy to see, all people see is that T'Challa and Stark have a good relationship, and then lock himself in the laboratory to make inventions that they don't understand at all, like a A fool who doesn't care about the people at all..."

Storm closed her eyes, she tilted her head, her eyelashes flickered, like she was about to shed tears, she said, "Because I have lived in New York for so long, I can better understand how much the people of my hometown are. Fear and helplessness, the people of Wakanda have seen so many tragedies in the disintegration of so many small countries in that land, and they are terrified of that day."

"Any bit of trouble will make them feel scared like a bird, but it's not their fault, because you never know if the next accident will cause the fire of civilization that has just been ignited to go out..."

"It seems that the trip to Wakanda has brought you a lot of changes, Orolo, you rarely mentioned the situation in your hometown in the past."

"I'm a black native born in New York, you know, in black New York circles, nobody likes talking about Africa, and my mother told me she's trying to forget about Kenya."

Storm raised her head, her light-colored child hole shone with light, and she said, "But our ability to manipulate the weather comes from the Monroe family in Kenya, where we have passed it down for thousands of years..."

"The wind, rain, thunder and lightning on that land often appear in my dreams, but this time, after I returned to Africa, I found out that it is not the African paradise reported in the report..."

Storm made a sad face and said, "Neither Wakanda."

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