American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 444: First Blizzard (Part 2)

Batman didn't walk over, but threw a bat dart at the pile of things. The expected explosion didn't appear, they just "crashed" and scattered on the ground.

The chubby doll turned a few times on the ground and rolled to the wall. The bat lollipop wrapped in colored paper fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the wrapping paper shone under the light.

Even Batman can't understand this kind of scene, but Batman, who has played against the Joker several times, knows that the best defense against this lunatic is not to think too much.

Although he understands the truth, it is difficult to ask Batman to think about it. In the end, he went up and picked up a doll and looked at it.

There is no bomb hidden in it, just a very ordinary plush toy, a round bat body, plus two Q-version bat wings, the other two toys are Batman-shaped dolls, one is a normal skin version Batman, the other one is Batman with a laugh.

After watching the three dolls, Batman picked up a few more lollipops. He found that the wrapping paper on one of the lollipops had been torn off, and it seemed that someone had licked it a few times, but he didn't know why. It was thrown here before it was finished.

After checking all this stuff, Batman doesn't get any useful clues, just a new sense of how crazy the Joker is.

Checked again, that chair, Batman sat on it, at this angle, he was just able to see all the surveillance screens, Batman understood, before, the Joker sat here like this, and took the phone and told the agents that they of the location.

Batman looked at each screen, and found that the screens on the three walls correspond to the three main buildings of the manor, and the screen in front corresponds to the building in the center of the manor, which is the one with the banquet hall. building.

Just as Batman was browsing this part of the monitoring screen, suddenly, his eyes caught the picture in the frontmost screen.

This screen corresponds to the monitoring of the banquet hall. Because the banquet hall is located on the first floor, the overhead is not the ceiling, but the patio, so the monitoring is not set up on the ceiling on the first floor, but in a higher place.

At this time, it can be seen on the screen that a rope is hanging in the center of the patio of the banquet hall, and the end of the rope is tied with two people back to back.

Batman narrowed his eyes, moved his chair forward, closer to the screen, and found that the two people who were hung up were Clark and Lex.

Batman's fingers stiffened, because the scene really didn't go his way.

To be honest, Batman is not surprised that Laix was taken away by the Joker. Although Laix is ​​smart, he is young and physically weak, even worse than ordinary people. The flaw in this item is too great. , resulting in wisdom not fully functioning.

Batman knows that the lunatic with the clown makeup is not as simple as he looks, not to mention that he has an information advantage and is likely to be able to catch the single Lex, but Clark...

Batman rested his chin with his fingers. He squinted and saw a green stone tied to Clark's chest in the center of the screen. Clark's expression was very painful. , even breathing is difficult.

The green stone exuded a gleaming light, which gave Batman a bad association, the source of radiation, Clark's previous weakness, his current pain...

It seems that the so-called kryptonite will make ordinary people suffer from cancer, and it will also make people with special abilities like Clark feel weak and miserable.

Soon, Batman's speculation was infinitely close to the truth. Just when he wanted to think more deeply about the principle of kryptonite, the situation in the picture changed.

A figure came into the picture, wearing a long suit, with green hair and clown makeup on his face.

What makes Batman feel weird is that he did not use the usual limping or wobbly posture, but like a drama actor, taking the kind of comical big strides in drama performances , walk to the center of the banquet hall.

At this time, a strangely shaped gift box was placed on the ground in the center of the banquet hall. It looked like it was pieced together with all kinds of garbage. The box was made of cardboard on two sides and plastic on both sides. The ribbon on top is also wrinkled and torn from somewhere.

However, the clown walked up to the gift box very solemnly, tore off the bow on the top ribbon of the box, and after opening it, a bomb was revealed inside.

The clown ignited the lead wire, then quickly ran to the corner and squatted down, covering his ears, and with a loud "bang", a violent explosion sounded.

Batman was nervous for a moment, but when the smoke slowly dissipated, he realized that the bomb wrapped in the gift box was placed in a very low place, far away from where Clark and Lex were hoisted. , the explosion did not harm them.

This explosion did not blow up anything, no shrapnel splashed out, only loud noises and billowing smoke, so there was only one consequence, and that was all the guests on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. The doors were all open.

Many people probed their brains by the door, seeming to wonder what happened here. Those who quickly looked at the exit of the corridor found that two people were hung in the center of the patio.

Most of the people were hesitant. They stood at the door and didn't go out easily, because they didn't know if there would be another explosion.

At this moment, they heard Kang's passionate voice from the center of the banquet hall:

"Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is a terrible night of blizzards! We are here, the blizzard is cold, but our hearts are bound together..."

"Hello everyone! I'm a comedian from Gotham!"

As soon as the figure in the middle said this, everyone rushed to the room without looking back. The door closing sound of "bang bang bang" sounded one after another, and the words behind the clown were directly suppressed.

He rolled his hands and said, "Okay, I just knew you bunch of tasteless cowards, go back to your room, go..."

"You'll never understand what a great comedian Jack is! But it doesn't matter, I always have one last audience..."

Batman in the monitoring room saw that the Joker turned his head slowly, and then his eyes met him behind the screen.

At this moment, like those celebrities, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket, looked down at the handkerchief in his hand, threw it aside in disgust, and then took out another one from his pocket. Bat Lollipop.

He opened the wrapping paper, Kacha Kacha bit the sugar into pieces, swallowed it, and made a sigh, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he shook his finger and quickly ran out of the screen, He took a phone and put it on the ground.

He really looks like a clown playing a mime now, Batman thought, using those exaggerated body movements and expressions to guide people's eyes, but unfortunately, as he said, the audience now is only Batman.

After putting the phone on the ground, the clown picked up the receiver to dial, and suddenly, a harsh phone rang from every guest room.

Obviously, the phone with some special shape was removed from the monitoring room. When Batman tilted his head, he saw the dismantled phone console.

"Listen, if you don't want to be an audience, then be an actor, cowards!"

"Right now, there's a bomb hanging on the roof above the patio. It's not too powerful, but it's just enough to blow a person's head into pieces."

"As you can see, now there are two ropes hanging two people, they are the main actors in this scene, and you are the supporting roles..."

"Next, I will tell you the background stories of these two people separately. After listening to the stories, you can use the service card on the room phone to vote!"

"Click the yellow 'call service' and you're voting for Lex Luthor, and the blue 'do not disturb' means you're voting for Clark Kent!"

"Every time a guy gets a vote, I pull his rope a little higher, whoever touches the bomb first - BOOM!

! "

After he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he threw the telephone receiver on the ground, then stood up and bent down, put his head close to the receiver, and said:

"Oh, I forgot! It's a comedy show, not a wireless tea party, so please take your phones, sit down at the table, and pour yourself a glass of wine..."

"Of course, I know what you're thinking. You don't want to be an honest audience, and you feel that there is no performance fee for my performance. You just want to cover your head with a quilt and sleep soundly..."

"But I won't let you do that!"

The clown fell to the propped up the ground with his forearm, opened his mouth to the phone on the ground, and said word by word with an extremely exaggerated mouth shape: I won't!

let you guys!

! Do it!



He put his hand behind his ear, put his ear to the receiver of the phone, and said, "Let me listen, who is laughing? Do you think my threats are not deterrent?!"

The clown stood up again, ran out of the screen, and took a strange button. He pointed to the phone receiver, pointed his finger at the button, and said, "Look, what is this?"

"Yes, it's a switch, a switch that allows lethal radiation to leak out..."

"Under the ground of this old manor, there is a huge secret base. Some people may think that they have explored everything, but that is only a small part..."

"Behind that gate, there is a huge extraterrestrial meteorite. The entire mayor's manor is located on this meteorite. Once I press the button, the gate opens, and the deadly radiation will leak out!"

"Those who have been irradiated by this kind of radiation will suffer from incurable cancer, and you will struggle on the hospital bed in pain! Until the cancer cells devour your whole body!"

"And the scope of radiation is - everyone in this manor!"

In midair, Clark looked down and saw that the lunatic with clown makeup closed his eyes.

He opened his arms and slowly swirled in the empty banquet hall, like a lone dancer, dancing with the cold wind in the snow.

Soon, he stopped and stood quietly in the same place, his tone was low as if he was reciting the opening poem.

"Blizzard will never stop, there is no **** here to save you."

"Now... prepare to make your choice."

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