American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 491: Schiller's New Industry (Part 2)

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In the manor, the tassels dangling from the gorgeous tablecloth with retro patterns swayed slightly. The noon sun was just right, and the food on the table was more beautiful and delicious. Merkel reached out and placed the last plate. Schiller was walking downstairs.

He looked up at the watch on the wall, and Merkel looked down at her own and said, "The guests will be here soon."

When Schiller came down the stairs, he heard the doorbell rang. Merkel stepped forward and opened the door. Mayor Luo Yin walked in angrily with a briefcase and came to the sofa in the living room. He threw the briefcase on the sofa, put his hands on his hips, and stood there sighing.

"What's wrong?" Schiller looked at him up and down, Luo Yin was still wearing a trench coat and felt hat, with undissolved snowflakes on his shoulders, his expression was a little gloomy.

Luo Yin took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and said, "It's okay, I just had a conference call, and my emotions haven't been adjusted yet."

"Conference call, about what?"

"Do you still remember the donations from the charity gala before?" Luo Yin put one hand on his hips and held the back of the sofa with the other. donations allocated by the city.”

"However, the people from the foundation refused to conduct inspections in the name of poor security in Gotham, and only planned to give us the lowest level of donations, and that money was not even enough to build a road!"

"Also, this kind of thing is not happening once or twice. Before, when the state legislature allocated funds, some members suggested that Gotham's priority should be lowered, and part of Gotham's funds should be transferred to the Metropolis..."

Luo Yin covered his forehead and his chest kept heaving and heaving. He was obviously very angry. He said, "Among all the megacities on the east coast, Gotham has been hit the hardest. Our temperature this year has dropped dramatically. In addition to snow disasters, there are also frost disasters. , several farms and farms in the suburbs were severely damaged..."

"In addition, the logistics system we have just developed has also been severely hit, and it needs money to repair it. We can't point at the gangsters. They want to get a lot of money if they pay a cent in return. If they are coerced by them. It's too powerful, and it will cause a big mess."

"You're sober." Schiller commented, Luo Yin shook his head and said a little discouraged: "Only when I became the mayor of this **** city did I know that this city is so bad for today's sake, isn't it? There is no reason."

"The foundation, the state legislature, and even Congress, they have no intention of saving this place, and they don't even allow us to save ourselves!"

"I suggested that the funding needed could be lowered, just more snow removal machines, and some equipment to warm the sea, but they all refused. It's not that they don't have the equipment, they just don't want to borrow it."

"The feeling they gave me was that they were afraid that it would get better here." Luo Yin said very confused.

"They're not afraid of getting better here, but they're afraid that getting better here has nothing to do with them. Wouldn't that make them too incompetent?"

Saying that, Schiller walked to the table and pulled out the chair. Luo Yin stood there annoyed for a while, and came to the table. Schiller said to him, "Wait a while, we have two more guests."

Luo Yin picked it up and didn't say: "You didn't say there is someone else, who is it?"

"Oh, they're here." Schiller looked to the door, Merkel walked over again, and after opening the door, Victor and Bruce were outside.

Several people greeted each other. Bruce and Victor sat down and looked at Luo Yin and they were also a little puzzled. Schiller didn't say when he invited them that there were other people at the banquet today.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's eat first." Saying that, Schiller picked up the knife and fork and started to prepare the meal. The other people also started to eat lunch. While eating, Schiller said: "The snow disaster How about disaster relief and urban reconstruction?"

"Not so good." Luo Yin was still a little depressed, he said, "You need money everywhere, you need manpower everywhere, but you also need money to hire people."

"The gangsters are determined to build it quickly, but they are scattered and unorganized. They do their own work, and the repairs are messy."

"You didn't want to organize them?"

Precisely because the city government has no funds and Gotham is not a mandatory mayoral system, what I say is useless and almost no one listens. "

"Have you considered enriching the city government's funds?"

Luo Yin sighed deeply again. He felt that Schiller couldn't open the pot today. He cut the steak with a knife and said, "How to increase the funds? Raise the tax rate? The gangsters will go crazy. , the appropriation is unreliable, and the tax rate cannot be moved..."

"What about developing new industries?"

"Where is there any new industry to develop in Gotham? The logistics industry that was just about to develop was completely ruined by this year's snow disaster and previous explosions. Few companies dare to come here to build factories, and the natural environment is also not good enough……"

Luo Yin was almost out of food, but at this time, Schiller turned to Bruce and Victor and asked, "Has the thing I entrusted you to research come to fruition?"

Victor shook his head first, then said, "I don't know where you got that mineral from, but the existing machine can't analyze its composition at all. I used some reagents to test its properties. , but basically nothing came of it.”

Bruce also said between drinking water: "It is true, the researchers in the Wayne Group laboratory came to the same conclusion."

Bruce bites the accent on the word "researcher," and Schiller catches his insinuation that the so-called researcher is actually himself.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Yin asked in confusion.

Schiller beckoned to Merkel, and Merkel took a box from the museum shelf next to it. As soon as the box was opened, Luo Yin was shaken to his eyes, and there was a very bright gem in it.

It is translucent. There seems to be some mist in the stone, but it is very bright. It seems to have its own light source. Under different light angles, the mist inside will change. Luo Yin is involuntarily attracted. , stared at him for a long time.

"what is this?"

"I named it Wujing, but it's actually the peach pit that a glutton spit out after eating the peach. I cut it according to the diamond cut, and it became like this."

Schiller took the gem out of the box and put it in his hand. This gem is actually kryptonite without radiation. It was originally transparent, but after being spit out by the gray fog, it became a little bit more The translucent shape of the mist, but it makes it so beautiful, so bright that people can't take their eyes off it.

"It's a beautiful thing, and I'd love to give it to someone as a gift, but what does this have to do with the new industry?"

"Do you think it has any economic value as a new material?"

"Economic value? It depends on what it can do. Does it have any special properties? For example..."

Luo Yin racked his brains and couldn't think of any professional terms. He had this concept in his mind and knew that some rare metals could be used as raw materials for key components of certain equipment, or had some irreplaceable special properties. Rare, so it will be fired to a high price.

"Its special property is that no one knows what its special property is."

Speaking like a tongue twister, Schiller stretched out his hand, pointing to Bruce and Victor and said, "A world-class chemist and cryo-scientist, and the top researchers employed by the Wayne Group, have failed to Deciphering the properties of this new unknown mineral..."

"Isn't that useless?" Luo Yin said directly.

"However, this is only temporary. What if it is researched in the future?" Schiller put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said:

"Any unknown new material is a blue ocean. What's more, it has a guaranteed ornamental value. Even if it is found to have no special properties in the future, it has a certain value due to its rarity and ornamental value."

"So, you want to..."

"Find a way to raise its price, don't you have a budget for disaster relief and reconstruction?"

"Where is the mine for this thing? Is the output stable?" Luo Yin also knew something about this.

Schiller's idea is actually very easy to understand. It is nothing more than futures. When a new material appears that researchers have not been able to decipher its properties, there will definitely be people willing to invest. This new mineral, called fog crystal, looks more like The value of ornamental gems is visible to the naked eye, so there should be no shortage of investors.

The remaining problem is that investors will definitely inspect the mines, inspect the stability of mineral output, and then decide the investment amount and investment cycle.

"The problem is here. There is no mine for this thing, and there is no so-called output. All the minerals are now in my hands, which are in stock."

Bruce knew that Schiller's so-called new minerals were actually kryptonite that had been evacuated for radiation. He also put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth, and said, "It actually belongs to the art market, with ornamental value, mystery, and uniqueness. It can be used for hype.”

"But..." Bruce glanced at Schiller and said, "Are you really going to sell this thing? If you want to sell it, the Wayne Group can buy it at a high price."

"What do you want it for? There's no radiation in here."

"I'm also very interested in new materials, so you can treat it as an investment."

Schiller sighed, Bruce had discovered his true intentions, he could only say: "Well, I didn't actually plan to sell it."

"You said, if this mineral has some physiotherapy effects based on unknown principles, such as prolonging life, after some special treatments, it can be made into medicine, or health care products..."

"You want to use it to cheat money?" Luo Yin asked again sharply.

"Don't say it so bluntly, this is a brand new mineral, and even the top experts in various fields can't decipher its composition."

"But it's useless."

"How do you prove it's useless?"

"Then how do you prove it works?"

"Although I can't prove it's useful, you can't prove it's useless either..."

"Although I can't prove it's useless, but you also..."

"Stop!" Schiller stopped the meaningless tongue twister, he said, "I just want to cheat money, will you do it?"

Luo Yin put down his knife and fork, stretched out his hand, held Schiller together, and said, "I believe this will be Gotham's future pillar Two days later, in the corridor of the manor, silent Kerr held a thick stack of documents in his arms and a series of briefcases hanging from one arm.

Standing in front of the door, he knocked on the door, then walked in, put down the document, and said, "Sir, this is the 24th document today, and it was sent to the mailbox by a guy with a green light all over his body, it's... …Green Light Industrial Logistics Support Program Part 302…”

"In addition..." Merkel picked up the series of briefcases, stacked them one by one to the corner of the table, and counted while stacking: "Wujing Industrial Development Plan 102 Eucalyptus, 104 Eucalyptus, 106 Eucalyptus..."

When he put the last box on the corner of the table, he looked around the room, and the entire study was flooded with documents, whether it was on the ground, on the table, on the bookshelf, or even on the window sill, all kinds of documents were piled up. document.

More than half of them were sent by various people with green lights on their bodies, and the other half were sent by newsboys who traveled to and from the mayor's office.

In just two days, Schiller was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work he had developed with two massive plans.

Schiller, who was sitting in a chair, lowered his head and took out the abacus from the drawer, slapped it on the table with a "smack".

Then, his eyes were empty and he started to be in a daze.

DC Schiller, who had just recovered from his injuries and took over from the hospital bed, had just regained his senses when the pile of documents above his head fell down with a bang, burying him directly.

When he climbed out of the vast sea of ​​documents, Schiller lowered his head and saw an abacus and a note. The notes on the note were very familiar, and it read:

"No thanks, it's an abacus."

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